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AUTOSAR(AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture)の文書をどう読んだらいいかわからないという質問を受けた。
自動車の電子制御が、排ガス規制を達成することが大きな転換点であることを知っているとよい。エンジンの電子制御と、電動機(motor)の電子制御が、ほぼ同じような構造で実現していて、CAN(Controller Area Network)通信がその妨げにならないこと、OSEK(Open system together with interfaces for automotive electronics) OSがCAN通信を助け、電子制御の妨げにならないことが構造設計(architecture)であることを知っていればよい。自動生成の仕組みを理解していると更によい。Mathworksに、UNIXのPortable Compilerを作っていたひとが参加していることを知っているとさらに鍵がいくつか見つかるかもしれない。


AUTOSARはISO(International Organization for Standardization)と情報交換の契約を結んでおらず、ISOの文書の引用の仕方が十分でなく、ISOのCAN、OSEKを読んでいないと理解できないという課題がある。






  1. 電子制御に関する仕様がない。
  2. 国際規格に仕様がある記述について、参照、引用が少なく、関係性がわかりにくい。
  3. 多数ある解決策のうち、なぜ、いくつかの候補を選択したのかの理由がわからない。

AUTOSAR わかりにくいこと12

Version 2.0から読む

Version 2.0は、最初に公開した版。2.0から読めば、AUTOSARの構造と内容が理解しやすい。



Autosar 2.0を読む











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Autosar 20-11 を読む




c:classification(short name) description
a adaptive platform
c classic platform
f foundation(共通)
t acceptance test for classic platform(試験)
title description
f2 version 2.1配布文書に記載している初版の版
2.1 version 2.1配布文書の版の詳細
first year 最終文書に記載している初版の年
first 最終文書に記載している初版の版の詳細
la(latest) 最終文書の版の詳細
s.(state) o(Obsolate)廃棄文書
No Document Number(文書番号)
title 標題
file ファイル名








c f2 2.1 first year first la s No title file
c 2020 20-11 R20-11 0 Classic Platform Release Overview AUTOSAR_TR_ClassicPlatformReleaseOverview.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 1 Requirements on CAN AUTOSAR_SRS_CAN.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 2 Requirements on Communication AUTOSAR_SRS_COM.pdf
c 2011 4.0.3 R20-11 3 Requirements on Network Management AUTOSAR_SRS_NetworkManagement.pdf
f 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 4 Requirements on Diagnostics AUTOSAR_RS_Diagnostics.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 5 Requirements on FlexRay AUTOSAR_SRS_FlexRay.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 6 Requirements on Gateway AUTOSAR_SRS_GPTDriver.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 7 Requirements on Memory Services AUTOSAR_SRS_MemoryServices.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 8 Requirements on Operating System AUTOSAR_SRS_OS.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 9 General Requirements on SPAL AUTOSAR_SRS_SPALGeneral.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 10 Specification of ADC Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_ADCDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 11 Specification of CAN Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 12 Specification of CAN Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_CANInterface.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 13 Specification of CAN Network Management AUTOSAR_SWS_CANNetworkManagement.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 14 Specification of CAN Transport Layer AUTOSAR_SWS_CANTransportLayer.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 15 Specification of Communication AUTOSAR_SWS_COM.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 16 Specification of CRC Routines AUTOSAR_SWS_CRCLibrary.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 17 Specification of Default Error Tracer AUTOSAR_SWS_DefaultErrorTracer.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 18 Specification of Diagnostic Communication Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_DiagnosticCommunicationManager.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 19 Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_DiagnosticEventManager.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 20 Specification of DIO Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_DIODriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 21 Specification of EEPROM Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_EEPROMDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 23 Specification of ICU Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_ICUDriver.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 25 Specification of Flash Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_FlashDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 26 Specification of FlexRay Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 27 Specification of FlexRay Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayISOTransportLayer.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 28 Specification of FlexRay Network Management AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayNetworkManagement.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 30 Specification of GPT Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_GPTDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 31 Specification of MCU Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_MCUDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 33 Specification of NVRAM Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_NVRAMManager.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 34 Specification of Operating System AUTOSAR_SWS_OS.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 35 Specification of PDU Router AUTOSAR_SWS_PDURouter.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 37 Specification of PWM Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_PWMDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 38 Specification of SPI Handler / Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_SPIHandlerDriver.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 39 Specification of Watchdog Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_WatchdogDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 40 Specification of Port Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_PortDriver.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 41 Specification of Watchdog Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_WatchdogInterface.pdf
c 1.0.0 1.0.1 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 42 Requirements on LIN AUTOSAR_SRS_LIN.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 43 General Requirements on Basic Software Modules AUTOSAR_SRS_BSWGeneral.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 47 Specification of I/O Hardware Abstraction AUTOSAR_SWS_IOHardwareAbstraction.pdf
c 1.0.0 2.0.0 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 48 Specification of Platform Types AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 49 Specification of Standard Types AUTOSAR_SWS_StandardTypes.pdf
c 2006 2.1.1 R20-11 50 Specification of Communication Stack Types AUTOSAR_SWS_CommunicationStackTypes.pdf
c 1.0.0 1.0.1 2006 2.0..0 R20-11 51 Specification of Compiler Abstraction AUTOSAR_SWS_CompilerAbstraction.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 53 Layered Software Architecture AUTOSAR_EXP_LayeredSoftwareArchitecture.pdf
f 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 54 Main Requirements AUTOSAR_RS_Main.pdf
f 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 55 Glossary AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 56 Virtual Functional Bus AUTOSAR_EXP_VFB.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 60 Specification of ECU Resource Template AUTOSAR_TPS_ECUResourceTemplate.pdf
c 2013 4.1.2 R20-11 62 Software Component Template AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 63 System Template AUTOSAR_TPS_SystemTemplate.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 68 Methodology AUTOSAR_TR_Methodology.pdf
c 1.0.0 1.0.1 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 69 Requirements on Mode Management AUTOSAR_SRS_ModeManagement.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 71 Specification of CAN Trans-ceiver Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_CANTransceiverDriver.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 72 Specification of LIN Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_LINDriver.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 73 Specification of LIN Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_LINInterface.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 74 Specification of FlexRay Transceiver Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayTransceiverDriver.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 75 Requirements on I/O Hardware Abstraction AUTOSAR_SRS_IOHWAbstraction.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 76 Specification of RAM Test AUTOSAR_SWS_RAMTest.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 77 Requirements on SPI Handler/Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_SPIHandlerDriver.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 78 Specification of ECU State Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_ECUStateManager.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 79 Specification of Communication Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_COMManager.pdf
c 1.0.0 1.0.1 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 80 Specification of Watchdog Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_WatchdogManager.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 81 Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager AUTOSAR_SRS_FunctionInhibitionManager.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 82 Specification of Function Inhibition Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_FunctionInhibitionManager.pdf
c 1.0.0 1.0.1 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 83 Requirements on Runtime Environment AUTOSAR_SRS_RTE.pdf
c 1.0.0 1.0.1 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 84 Specification of RTE Software AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 85 Requirements on ECU Configuration AUTOSAR_RS_ECUConfiguration.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 86 Requirements on Basic Software Module Description Template AUTOSAR_RS_BSWModuleDescriptionTemplate.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 87 Specification of ECU Configuration AUTOSAR_TPS_ECUConfiguration.pdf
c 2017 3.0.1 R20-11 89 Basic Software Module Description Template AUTOSAR_TPS_BSWModuleDescriptionTemplate.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 111 Requirements on ADC Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_ADCDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 112 Requirements on ICU Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_ICUDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 113 Requirements on PWM Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_PWMDriver.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 114 Requirements on RAM Test AUTOSAR_SRS_RAMTest.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 116 Requirements on Memory Hardware Abstraction Layer AUTOSAR_SRS_MemoryHWAbstractionLayer.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 117 Modeling Guidelines of Basic Software EA UML Model AUTOSAR_TR_BSWUMLModelModelingGuide.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 122 AUTOSAR XML Schema Production Rules AUTOSAR_TPS_XMLSchemaProductionRules.pdf
c 1.0.0 1.0.1 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 128 Specification of Memory Mapping AUTOSAR_SWS_MemoryMapping.pdf
c 2007 2.1.15 R20-11 150 List of Basic Software Modules AUTOSAR_TR_BSWModuleList.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 181 Requirements on I-PDU Multiplexer AUTOSAR_SRS_IPDUMultiplexer.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 182 Specification of I-PDU Multiplexer AUTOSAR_SWS_IPDUMultiplexer.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 187 Requirements on GPT Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_Gateway.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 191 Requirements on DIO Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_DIODriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 192 Requirements on EEPROM Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_EEPROMDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 194 Requirements on Flash Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_FlashDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 195 Requirements on MCU Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_MCUDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 196 Requirements on Port Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_PortDriver.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 197 Requirements on Watchdog Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_WatchdogDriver.pdf
f 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 202 Generic Structure Template AUTOSAR_TPS_GenericStructureTemplate.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 207 SW-C and System Modeling Guide AUTOSAR_TR_SWCModelingGuide.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 211 Requirements on Free Running Timer AUTOSAR_SRS_FreeRunningTimer.pdf
c 1.0.0 1.0.0 2013 4.1.2 R20-11 212 Requirements on Software Component Template AUTOSAR_RS_SoftwareComponentTemplate.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 213 Requirements on System Template AUTOSAR_RS_SystemTemplate.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 228 Specification of Network Management Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_NetworkManagementInterface.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 252 Requirements on ECU Resource Template AUTOSAR_RS_ECUResourceTemplate.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 253 Specification of CAN State Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_CANStateManager.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 254 Specification of FlexRay State Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayStateManager.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 255 Specification of LIN State Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_LINStateManager.pdf
c 2011 4.0.3 R20-11 257 Specification of LIN Transceiver Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_LINTransceiverDriver.pdf
c 2010 3.1.5 R20-11 258 Requirements on Core Test AUTOSAR_SRS_CoreTest.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 259 Specification of Core Test AUTOSAR_SWS_CoreTest.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 260 Requirements on Flash Test AUTOSAR_SRS_FlashTest.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 261 Specification of Flash Test AUTOSAR_SWS_FlashTest.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 267 Requirements on SW-C and System Modeling AUTOSAR_RS_SWCModeling.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 268 Explanation of Application Inter-faces of the Body and Comfort Domain AUTOSAR_EXP_AIBodyAndComfort.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 269 Explanation of Application In-terfaces of the Powertrain En-gine Domain AUTOSAR_EXP_AIPowertrain.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 270 Explanation of Application In-terfaces of the Chassis Do-main AUTOSAR_EXP_AIChassis.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 271 Explanation of Application In-terfaces of Occupant and Pe-destrian Safety Systems Do-main AUTOSAR_EXP_AIOccupantAndPedestrianSafety.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 272 Explanation of Application Interfaces of the HMI, Multimedia and Telematics Domain AUTOSAR_EXP_AIHMIMultimediaAndTelematics.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 285 Specification of Memory Abstraction Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_MemoryAbstractionInterface.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 286 Specification of Flash EEPROM Emulation AUTOSAR_SWS_FlashEEPROMEmulation.pdf
c 2006 2.0.0 R20-11 287 Specification of EEPROM Abstraction AUTOSAR_SWS_EEPROMAbstraction.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 294 Requirements on AUTOSAR Features AUTOSAR_RS_Features.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 307 Explanation of Interrupt Handling within AUTOSAR AUTOSAR_EXP_InterruptHandlingExplanation.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 313 Specification of Basic Software Mode Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_BSWModeManager.pdf
c 2007 3.0.1 R20-11 314 Requirements on Libraries AUTOSAR_SRS_Libraries.pdf
f 2010 3.1.5 R20-11 350 Requirements on Log and Trace AUTOSAR_RS_LogAndTrace.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 351 Specification of Diagnostic Log and Trace AUTOSAR_SWS_DiagnosticLogAndTrace.pdf
c 2011 4.0.3 R20-11 362 Requirements on Methodology AUTOSAR_RS_Methodology.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 377 Description of the AUTOSAR standard errors AUTOSAR_EXP_ErrorDescription.pdf
c 2011 4.0.3 R20-11 378 Explanation of Error Handling on Application Level AUTOSAR_EXP_ApplicationLevelErrorHandling.pdf
c 2017 4.3.1 R20-11 394 Specification of Fixed Point Math Routines AUTOSAR_SWS_MFXLibrary.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 396 Specification of Fixed Point In-terpolation Routines AUTOSAR_SWS_IFXLibrary.pdf
c 2017 4.3.1 R20-11 397 Specification of Floating Point Math Routines AUTOSAR_SWS_MFLLibrary.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 398 Specification of Floating Point Interpolation Routines AUTOSAR_SWS_IFLLibrary.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 399 Specification of Bit Handling Routines AUTOSAR_SWS_BFXLibrary.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 400 Specification of Extended Fixed Point Routines AUTOSAR_SWS_EFXLibrary.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 402 Specification of Crypto Service Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_Cryptography.pdf
f 2009 4.0.1 R20-11 410 Requirements on Timing Extensions AUTOSAR_RS_TimingExtensions.pdf
c 2009 4.0.1 R20-11 411 Specification of Timing Extensions AUTOSAR_TPS_TimingExtensions.pdf
c 2010 3.1.5 R20-11 412 Specification of Module XCP AUTOSAR_SWS_XCP.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 414 Specification of UDP Network Management AUTOSAR_SWS_UDPNetworkManagement.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 415 Specification of Ethernet State Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_EthernetStateManager.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 416 Specification of Socket Adaptor AUTOSAR_SWS_SocketAdaptor.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 417 Specification of Ethernet Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_EthernetInterface.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 418 Specification of Diagnostic over IP AUTOSAR_SWS_DiagnosticOverIP.pdf
c 2010 3.1.5 R20-11 419 Requirements on Ethernet Support in AUTOSAR AUTOSAR_SRS_Ethernet.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 421 Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_SynchronizedTimeBaseManager.pdf
c 2009 4.0.1 R20-11 425 Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939 AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939TransportLayer.pdf
c 2010 3.1.5 R20-11 426 Requirements on Crypto Stack AUTOSAR_SRS_CryptoStack.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 428 Specification of SW-C End-to-End Communication Protection Library AUTOSAR_SWS_E2ELibrary.pdf
c 2010 3.1.5 R20-11 429 Requirements on Module XCP AUTOSAR_SRS_XCP.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 430 Specification of Ethernet Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_EthernetDriver.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 431 Specification of Ethernet Transceiver Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_EthernetTransceiverDriver.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 432 Specification of TTCAN Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_TTCANDriver.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 433 Specification of TTCAN Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_TTCANInterface.pdf
c 2011 4.0.3 R20-11 440 Guide to Mode Management AUTOSAR_EXP_ModeManagementGuide.pdf
c 2010 3.1.5 R20-11 441 Requirements on TTCAN AUTOSAR_SRS_TTCAN.pdf
c 2011 4.0.2 R19-11 o 442 Application Interfaces User Guide AUTOSAR_EXP_AIUserGuide.pdf
f 2011 4.0.3 R20-11 535 Standardization Template AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate.pdf
c 2011 4.0.3 R20-11 536 Requirements on Standardization Template AUTOSAR_RS_StandardizationTemplate.pdf
c 2011 4.0.3 R20-11 537 Unique Names for Documenta-tion, Measurement and Cali-bration: Modeling and Naming Aspects including Automatic Generation AUTOSAR_TR_AIMeasurementCalibrationDiagnostics.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 578 General Specification of Basic Software Modules AUTOSAR_SWS_BSWGeneral.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 589 Specification of FlexRay ISO Transport Layer AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayInterface.pdf
f 2016 1.0.0 R20-11 599 Project Objectives AUTOSAR_RS_ProjectObjectives.pdf
f 2011 4.0.3 R20-11 600 Predefined Names in AUTOSAR AUTOSAR_TR_PredefinedNames.pdf
c 2005 1.0.0 R20-11 601 Specification of FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayARTransportLayer.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 602 Utilization of Crypto Services AUTOSAR_EXP_UtilizationOfCryptoServices.pdf
f 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 605 AUTOSAR Feature Model Exchange Format Requirements AUTOSAR_RS_FeatureModelExchangeFormat.pdf
f 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 606 AUTOSAR Feature Model Exchange Format AUTOSAR_TPS_FeatureModelExchangeFormat.pdf
t 2014 1.0.0 1.2.0 607 Feature Specification of the Acceptance Tests AUTOSAR_ATR_Features.pdf
t 2014 1.0.0 1.2.0 608 Requirements on Acceptance Tests AUTOSAR_ATR_Requirements.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 610 Specification of a Diagnostic Communication Manager for SAE J1939 AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939DiagnosticCommunicationManager.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 611 Specification of a Request Manager for SAE J1939 AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939RequestManager.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 612 Specification of Network Management for SAE J1939 AUTOSAR_SWS_SAEJ1939NetworkManagement.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 613 Requirements on BSW Modules for SAE J1939 AUTOSAR_SRS_SAEJ1939.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 614 Requirements on OCU Driver AUTOSAR_SRS_OCUDriver.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 615 Specification of OCU Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_OCUDriver.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 616 Specification of Service Discovery AUTOSAR_SWS_ServiceDiscovery.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 617 Specification of TCP/IP Stack AUTOSAR_SWS_TcpIp.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 622 Complex Driver design and integration guideline AUTOSAR_EXP_CDDDesignAndIntegrationGuideline.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 623 Requirements on Time Service AUTOSAR_SRS_TimeService.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 624 Specification of Time Service AUTOSAR_SWS_TimeService.pdf
t 2014 1.0.0 1.2.0 627 Acceptance Test Specification of Diagnostic Services AUTOSAR_ATS_DiagnosticServices.pdf
t 2014 1.0.0 1.2.0 628 Acceptance Test Specification of Communication Management AUTOSAR_ATS_CommunicationManagement.pdf
c 2013 4.1.1 R20-11 631 Guide to BSW Distribution AUTOSAR_EXP_BSWDistributionGuide.pdf
t 2014 1.0.0 1.2.0 632 Acceptance Test Specification of Communication on CAN bus AUTOSAR_ATS_CommunicationCAN.pdf
t 2014 1.0.0 1.2.0 634 Acceptance Test Specification of RTE AUTOSAR_ATS_RTE.pdf
c 2015 4.2.2 R20-11 641 Safety Use Case Example AUTOSAR_EXP_SafetyUseCase.pdf
t 1.0.0 1.2.0 643 Overview of Acceptance Tests AUTOSAR_EXP_AcceptanceTestsOverview.pdf
f 2014 4.1.3 R20-11 645 Recommended Methods and Practices for Timing Analysis and Design within the AUTOSAR Development Process AUTOSAR_TR_TimingAnalysis.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 650 Specification of Module E2E Transformer AUTOSAR_SWS_E2ETransformer.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 653 Requirements on Secure Onboard Communication AUTOSAR_SRS_SecureOnboardCommunication.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 654 Specification of Secure Onboard Communication AUTOSAR_SWS_SecureOnboardCommunication.pdf
c 2010 3.1.4 R20-11 655 Specification of Large Data COM AUTOSAR_SWS_LargeDataCOM.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 656 Specification of Ethernet Switch Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_EthernetSwitchDriver.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 657 Requirements on Transformer AUTOSAR_SRS_Transformer.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 658 General Specification of Transformers AUTOSAR_ASWS_TransformerGeneral.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 660 Specification of SOME/IP Transformer AUTOSAR_SWS_SOMEIPTransformer.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 662 Specification of COM Based Transformer AUTOSAR_SWS_COMBasedTransformer.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 663 Integration of Franca IDL Software Component Descriptions AUTOSAR_TR_FrancaIntegration.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 664 Overview of Functional Safety Measures in AUTOSAR AUTOSAR_EXP_FunctionalSafetyMeasures.pdf
t 2014 1.0.0 1.2.0 665 Acceptance Test Specification of Ecu Mode Management AUTOSAR_ATS_EcuModeManagement.pdf
t 2014 1.0.0 1.2.0 666 Acceptance Test Specification of Communication via bus AUTOSAR_ATS_CommunicationViaBus.pdf
t 2014 1.0.0 1.2.0 667 Acceptance Test Specification of Communication on LIN bus AUTOSAR_ATS_CommunicationLin.pdf
t 2014 1.0.0 1.2.0 668 Acceptance Test Specification of Communication on FlexRay bus AUTOSAR_ATS_CommunicationFlexRay.pdf
t 2014 1.0.0 1.2.0 669 Acceptance Test Specification of Memory Stack AUTOSAR_ATS_MemoryStack.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 670 Requirements on Safety Extensions AUTOSAR_RS_SafetyExtensions.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 671 Specification of Safety Extensions AUTOSAR_TPS_SafetyExtensions.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 672 Application Design Patterns Catalogue AUTOSAR_TR_AIDesignPatternsCatalogue.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 673 Diagnostic Extract Template AUTOSAR_TPS_DiagnosticExtractTemplate.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 674 Specification of Time Synchronization over CAN AUTOSAR_SWS_TimeSyncOverCAN.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 675 Specification of Time Synchronization over FlexRay AUTOSAR_SWS_TimeSyncOverFlexRay.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 676 Specification of Time Synchronization over Ethernet AUTOSAR_SWS_TimeSyncOverEthernet.pdf
t 2016 1.2.0 R20-11 680 Acceptance Tests for Classic Platform Release AUTOSAR_TR_AcceptanceTestsClassicPlatformReleaseOverview.pdf
c 2014 4.2.1 R20-11 681 Requirements on Diagnostic Extract Template AUTOSAR_RS_DiagnosticExtractTemplate.pdf
c 2015 4.2.2 R20-11 682 Supplementary material of general blueprints for AUTOSAR AUTOSAR_TR_GeneralBlueprintsSupplement.pdf
t 2015 1.1.0 1.2.0 683 Acceptance Test Specification of UDP communication AUTOSAR_ATS_UDP.pdf
t 2015 1.1.0 1.2.0 684 Acceptance Test Specification of TCP communication AUTOSAR_ATS_TCP.pdf
t 2015 1.1.0 1.2.0 685 Acceptance Test Specification of IPv4 communication AUTOSAR_ATS_IPv4.pdf
f 2016 1.0.0 R20-11 696 SOME/IP Protocol Specification AUTOSAR_PRS_SOMEIPServiceDiscoveryProtocol.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 703 Specification of Hardware Test Manager on start up and shutdown AUTOSAR_SWS_HWTestManager.pdf
c 2011 4.0.3 R20-11 706 Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design AUTOSAR_EXP_PlatformDesign.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 709 Methodology for Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_TR_AdaptiveMethodology.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 712 Requirements on Manifest Specification AUTOSAR_RS_ManifestSpecification.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 713 Specification of Manifest AUTOSAR_TPS_ManifestSpecification.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 714 General Requirements specific to Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_RS_General.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 716 Requirements on Communication Management AUTOSAR_RS_CommunicationManagement.pdf
c 2017 17-03 R20-11 717 Specification of Communication Management AUTOSAR_SWS_CommunicationManagement.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 718 Requirements on Operating System Interface AUTOSAR_RS_OperatingSystemInterface.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 719 Specification of Operating System Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_OperatingSystemInterface.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 720 Requirements on Execution Management AUTOSAR_RS_ExecutionManagement.pdf
a 2017 1703 R20-11 721 Specification of Execution Management AUTOSAR_SWS_ExecutionManagement.pdf
c 2017 17-03 R20-11 723 Specification of Diagnostics AUTOSAR_SWS_Diagnostics.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 760 Requirements on Hardware Test Manager on start up and shutdown AUTOSAR_SRS_HWTestManager.pdf
t 2015 1.1.0 1.2.0 778 Testability Protocol and Service Primitives AUTOSAR_PRS_TestabilityProtocolAndServicePrimitives.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 779 ARXML Serialization Rules AUTOSAR_TPS_ARXMLSerializationRules.pdf
f 2020 20-11 R20-11 781 Foundation Release Overview AUTOSAR_TR_FoundationReleaseOverview.pdf
a 2020 initial R20-11 782 Adaptive Platform Release Overview AUTOSAR_TR_AdaptivePlatformReleaseOverview.pdf
f 2016 1.0.0 R20-11 787 Log and Trace Protocol Specification AUTOSAR_PRS_LogAndTraceProtocol.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 789 Modeling Show Cases Report AUTOSAR_TR_ModelingShowCases.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 791 Requirements on Vehicle-2-X communication AUTOSAR_SRS_V2XCommunication.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 793 Specification of Vehicle-2-X Geo Networking AUTOSAR_SWS_V2XGeoNetworking.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 794 Specification of Vehicle-2-X Basic Transport AUTOSAR_SWS_V2XBasicTransport.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 795 Specification of Vehicle-2-X Facilities AUTOSAR_SWS_V2XFacilities.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 796 Specification of Vehicle-2-X Management AUTOSAR_SWS_V2XManagement.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 798 Specification of Wireless Ethernet Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_WirelessEthernetDriver.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 799 Specification of Wireless Ethernet Transceiver Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_WirelessEthernetTransceiverDriver.pdf
f 2016 1.0.0 R20-11 800 Requirements on SOME/IP Protocol AUTOSAR_RS_SOMEIPProtocol.pdf
f 2016 1.0.0 R20-11 801 Requirements on SOME/IP Service Discovery Protocol AUTOSAR_RS_SOMEIPServiceDiscoveryProtocol.pdf
f 2016 1.0.0 R20-11 802 SOME/IP Service Discovery Protocol Specification AUTOSAR_PRS_SecOcProtocol.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 804 Specification and Integration of Hardware Test Management at start up and shutdown AUTOSAR_TR_HWTestManagementIntegrationGuide.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 806 Specification of Crypto Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_CryptoServiceManager.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 807 Specification of Crypto Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_CryptoDriver.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 808 Macro Encapsulation of Interpolation Calls AUTOSAR_EXP_MacroEncapsulationofInterpolationCalls.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 809 Specification on SOME/IP Transport Protocol AUTOSAR_SWS_SOMEIPTransportProtocol.pdf
c 2016 4.3.0 R20-11 810 NV Data Handling Guideline AUTOSAR_EXP_NVDataHandling.pdf
t 2016 initial 1.2.0 811 Acceptance Test Specification of Communication CANFD AUTOSAR_ATS_CommunicationCANFD.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 839 Guidelines for the use of the C++14 language in critical and safety-related systems AUTOSAR_RS_CPP14Guidelines.pdf
t 2016 initial 1.2.0 841 Acceptance Test Specification of Global Time Synchronization AUTOSAR_ATS_GlobalTimeSynchronization.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 842 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Communication Management AUTOSAR_EXP_FCDesignCommunicationManagement.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 843 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Execution Management AUTOSAR_EXP_FCDesignExecutionManagement.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 844 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Diagnostics AUTOSAR_EXP_FCDesignDiagnostics.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 846 Explanation of ara::com API AUTOSAR_EXP_ARAComAPI.pdf
f 2017 17-03 R20-11 847 Requirements on E2E AUTOSAR_RS_E2E.pdf
f 2017 1.2.0 R20-11 849 E2E Protocol Specification AUTOSAR_PRS_E2EProtocol.pdf
f 2018 1.4.0 R20-11 850 Specification of Health Monitoring AUTOSAR_ASWS_HealthMonitoring.pdf
a 2018 18-03 R20-11 851 Specification of Platform Health Management for Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformHealthManagement.pdf
a 2018 18-03 R20-11 852 Requirements on Platform Health Management for Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_RS_PlatformHealthManagement.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 853 Specification of Log and Trace AUTOSAR_SWS_LogAndTrace.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 857 Requirements on Persistency AUTOSAR_RS_Persistency.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 858 Specification of Persistency AUTOSAR_SWS_Persistency.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 859 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Persistency AUTOSAR_EXP_FCDesignPersistency.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 861 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Log and Trace AUTOSAR_EXP_FCDesignLogAndTrace.pdf
a 2017 17-03 R20-11 862 Functional Cluster Shortnames AUTOSAR_TR_FunctionalClusterShortnames.pdf
c 2018 4.4.0 R20-11 873 Specification of Bus Mirroring AUTOSAR_SWS_BusMirroring.pdf
c 2018 4.4.0 R20-11 874 Requirements on Bus Mirroring AUTOSAR_SRS_BusMirroring.pdf
a 2017 17-10 R20-11 875 Specification of Platform Types for Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_SWS_AdaptivePlatformTypes.pdf
a 2017 17-10 R20-11 876 Specification of RESTful communication AUTOSAR_SWS_REST.pdf
f 2017 1.2.0 R20-11 878 Requirements on Health Monitoring AUTOSAR_RS_HealthMonitoring.pdf
a 2017 17-10 R20-11 880 Specification of Time Synchronization for Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_SWS_TimeSynchronization.pdf
a 2017 17-10 R20-11 881 Requirements on Security Management for Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_RS_SecurityManagement.pdf
a 2017 17-10 R20-11 883 Specification of Cryptography for Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_SWS_CryptoInterface.pdf
a 2017 17-10 R20-11 884 Design guidelines for using parallel processing technologies on Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_EXP_ParallelProcessingGuidelines.pdf
a 2017 17-10 R20-11 887 Requirements on Update and Configuration Management AUTOSAR_RS_UpdateAndConfigManagement.pdf
a 2017 17-10 R20-11 888 Specification of Update and Configuration Management AUTOSAR_SWS_UpdateAndConfigManagement.pdf
a 2017 17-10 R20-11 889 Requirements on Cryptography AUTOSAR_RS_Cryptography.pdf
a 2017 17-10 R20-11 890 System Tests of Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_TR_AdaptivePlatformSystemTests.pdf
a 2018 18-03 R20-11 894 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Update And Configuration Management AUTOSAR_EXP_FCDesignUpdateAndConfigManagement.pdf
a 2018 18-03 R20-11 895 Explanation of Safety Overview AUTOSAR_EXP_SafetyOverview.pdf
c 2019 19-11 R20-11 896 Explanatory Document for usage of AUTOSARRunTimeInterface AUTOSAR_EXP_ClassicPlatformARTI.pdf
f 2018 1.5.0 R20-11 897 Time Synchronization Protocol Specification AUTOSAR_PRS_TimeSyncProtocol.pdf
a 2018 18-03 R20-11 898 Specification of Network Management AUTOSAR_SWS_NetworkManagement.pdf
a 2018 18-03 R20-11 899 Requirements on Identity and Access Management AUTOSAR_RS_IdentityAndAccessManagement.pdf
a 2018 18-03 R20-11 900 Specification of Identity and Access Management AUTOSAR_SWS_IdentityAndAccessManagement.pdf
a 2017 17-10 R20-11 901 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Identity and Access Management AUTOSAR_EXP_FCDesignIdentityAndAccessManagement.pdf
a 2018 18-03 R20-11 903 Specification of the Adaptive Core AUTOSAR_SWS_AdaptiveCore.pdf
a 2018 18-03 R20-11 904 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster RESTful AUTOSAR_EXP_FCDesignREST.pdf
a 2018 18-03 R20-11 905 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Time Synchronization AUTOSAR_EXP_FCDesignTimeSynchronization.pdf
f 2018 1.0.5 R20-11 906 Requirements on Time Synchronization AUTOSAR_RS_TimeSync.pdf
c 2018 4.4.0 R20-11 907 Specification of Key Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_KeyManager.pdf
c 2011 4.0.3 R20-11 908 Specification of State Management AUTOSAR_SWS_StateManagement.pdf
a 2018 18-10 R20-11 909 Requirements of State Management AUTOSAR_RS_StateManagement.pdf
a 2020 initial R20-11 911 Requirements on Automated Driving Interfaces AUTOSAR_RS_AutomatedDrivingInterfaces.pdf
a 2020 initial R20-11 912 Specification of Sensor Interfaces AUTOSAR_SWS_SensorInterfaces.pdf
a 2018 18-10 R20-11 913 Explanation of Sensor Interfaces AUTOSAR_EXP_SensorInterfaces.pdf
f 2018 1.5.0 R20-11 915 Requirements on Debugging, Tracing and Profiling support of AUTOSAR Components AUTOSAR_RS_FoundationDebugTraceProfile.pdf
c 2018 4.4.0 R20-11 916 Requirements on Debugging, Tracing and Profiling support of AUTOSAR Components AUTOSAR_RS_ClassicPlatformDebugTraceProfile.pdf
c 2018 4.4.0 R20-11 923 Specification of AUTOSAR V AUTOSAR_SWS_ClassicPlatformARTI.pdf
a 2018 18-10 R20-11 924 Demonstrator Design of Functional Cluster Platform Health Management AUTOSAR_EXP_FCDesignPlatformHealthManagement.pdf
f 2018 1.5.0 R20-11 927 Requirements on AUTOSAR Network Management AUTOSAR_RS_NetworkManagement.pdf
f 2018 1.5.0 R20-11 928 Specification of the AUTOSAR Network Management Protocol AUTOSAR_PRS_NetworkManagementProtocol.pdf
a 2018 18-10 R20-11 929 Guidelines for using Adaptive Platform interfaces AUTOSAR_EXP_AdaptivePlatformInterfacesGuidelines.pdf
a 2018 18-10 R20-11 930 Explanation of Ipsec Implementation Guidelines AUTOSAR_EXP_IPsecImplementationGuidelines.pdf
c 2019 19-11 R20-11 944 Requirements on Firmware Over-The-Air AUTOSAR_RS_FirmwareOverTheAir.pdf
c 2019 19-11 R20-11 945 Explanation of Firmware Over-The-Air AUTOSAR_EXP_FirmwareOverTheAir.pdf
c 2019 19-11 R20-11 946 Specification of Basic Software Multicore Library AUTOSAR_SWS_BSWMulticoreLibrary.pdf
c 2019 19-11 R20-11 947 Specification of Abstract Platform AUTOSAR_TPS_AbstractPlatformSpecification.pdf
f 2019 19-11 R20-11 948 Specification of Secure Hardware Extensions AUTOSAR_TR_SecureHardwareExtensions.pdf
c 2019 19-11 R20-11 949 Specification of Bulk NvData Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_BulkNvDataManager.pdf
f 2010 initial R20-11 968 Specification of Timing Extension for Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_TPS_AdaptivePlatformTimingExtensions.pdf
f 2020 initial R20-11 969 Specification of Secure Onboard Communication Protocol AUTOSAR_PRS_SOMEIPProtocol.pdf
f 2019 19-11 R20-11 970 Requirements on IPsec Protocol AUTOSAR_RS_IPsecProtocol.pdf
f 2019 19-11 R20-11 971 List of known Issues of Secure Hardware Extensions AUTOSAR_TR_ListOfKnownIssuesSecureHardwareExtensions.pdf
c 2020 initial R20-11 973 Requirements on Software Cluster Connection AUTOSAR_SRS_SoftwareClusterConnection.pdf
c 2020 initial R20-11 974 Specification of Software Cluster Connection module AUTOSAR_SWS_SoftwareClusterConnection.pdf
c 2020 initial R20-11 975 Explanation of CP Software Cluster Design And Integration Guideline AUTOSAR_EXP_CPSwClusterDesignAndIntegrationGuideline.pdf
a 2020 initial R20-11 976 Requirements on Intrusion Detection System AUTOSAR_RS_IntrusionDetectionSystem.pdf
c 2020 20-11 R20-11 977 Specification of Intrusion Detection System Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_IntrusionDetectionSystemManager.pdf
a 2020 initial R20-11 978 Specification of Intrusion Detection System Manager for Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_SWS_AdaptiveIntrusionDetectionSystemManager.pdf
f 2020 initial R20-11 979 Requirements on Security Extract Template AUTOSAR_RS_SecurityExtractTemplate.pdf
f 2020 20-11 R20-11 980 Security Extract Template AUTOSAR_TPS_SecurityExtractTemplate.pdf
f 2020 initial R20-11 981 Specification of Intrusion Detection System Protocol AUTOSAR_PRS_IntrusionDetectionSystem.pdf
a 2020 initial R20-11 982 Explanation of Adaptive Platform Software Architecture AUTOSAR_EXP_SWArchitecture.pdf
a 2020 initial R20-11 983 Explanation of Adaptive Platform Software Architectural Decisions AUTOSAR_EXP_SWArchitecturalDecisions.pdf
f 2020 initial R20-11 986 Safety Requirements for AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform and AUTOSAR Classic Platform AUTOSAR_RS_Safety.pdf
c 2020 initial R20-11 988 Explanation of Application Interface of AD/ADAS vehicle motion control AUTOSAR_EXP_AIADASAndVMC.pdf
f 2020 initial R20-11 993 Explanation of System Health Monitoring AUTOSAR_EXP_SystemHealthMonitoring.pdf



Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ 向けにリアルタイムOSを実装してみた話

[メモ] TrampolineRTOSでLチカ (OSEK/VDX & AUTOSAR APIにあわせたRTOS)

MacでLego Mindstorms NXT環境構築 in 2018

ETロボコン開発環境構築 for Mac

[メモ] ERIKA様でLチカ (Arduino)


自己参考(Self Reference)

OSEKはもう流行らないのでしょうか。AUTOSAR(64)OSEK(1) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/b87687254b11f30cc2ee
OSEKを図から理解 OSEK(2) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/f87a7ff5aeb63803a022
OSEK OS(AUTOSAR OS)をざっくり理解するには OSEK(3) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/c68c0b86b97d4a90e6e2
calloutとcallback, OSEK/VDX OS and AUTOSAR OSEK(4) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/b95b81354d07b9172a56
OSEK/VDX ISO and 2.23 OSEK(5) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/4d6bcec01e0132f9c41c
OSEK/VDX OSEK(6) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/a7720994f2178a15be81
ISO OSEK/VDX and ISO Linux OS 同梱ソースをC++またはRUSTで書く企画 OSEK(7) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/27899e936c90b415d700
OSEK 記事で views 100,000を目指して OSEK(8) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/ff45ee55566eeff5f62e
自動車用OSを網羅する OSEK(9) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/a61144daf500a3f2b4f4
Smallest Set Profile and Automotive Profile, OSEK(10) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/0c5484f6562cc259e7f0
Exclusive Area, OSEK(11) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/d87ff4e08378dbcf68a7
自動車のソフトウェア、例えばAUTOSAR の仕事を始めてする方に, OSEK(12) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/1832634788c23498e054
名古屋で自動車関係のソフトウェア設計する際にあるといいかもしれない知識, OSEK(13) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/9f01d55e4bd0bd931c96
single task os and data, OSEK(14) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/6acbd5d2cfd3ed8bca60
AUTOSARといえば O で始まる用語は? OSEK(15) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/06c969fe5c4b3e7319e0
Automotive Software Expert Examination Exercise, Examples or Extract. OSEK(16) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/1762e0612ef01e036efb
自動運転資料集(1) OSEK(17) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/42eb2129e281f25eaab8
TOPPERS of the YearとAUTOSAR, AUTOSAR(39), OSEK(18) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/f241bb4a819733110b7a
Autosar 2.0を読む, AUTOSAR(25), OSEK(19) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/b44a1047c2c517d522fe
IT関連技術でお世話になった方々, OSEK(20) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/8a5bf487594cd106e8b8
AUTOSARの4つの入力, OSEK(21) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/72cef6028b9697f7968e
AUTOSAR これだけ知っていればなんとかなる。OSEK(22) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/7a63e706bfb8f331cfe4
AUTOSAR based on ISO, OSEK(23) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/867a709cdf6f4dbdecc6
AUTOSARと国際規格。AUTOSAR(65), OSEK(24) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/4ddba03efb942969b125
AUTOSAR入門, AUTOSAR(16), OSEK(25) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/5e43b8ef0935c32ee11d
AUTOSAR 記事1000までの道, OSEK(26) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/785473512f5f7f85a6bf
Autosarの課題, OSEK(27) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/617d10b0e34143030600
AUTOSAR: The past 20 years and he next 10 years, OSEK(28) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/2dab0707c01059c152c4
Autosar文書を読む(準備), OSEK(29) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/5f547173544703d267aa
AUTOSARが手に取るように分かるようになる。AUTOSAR(29), OSEK(30) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/ae092ea6aef89cdc15df
posixとethernet, osekとTCP/IP, osek(31) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/73b79a4a56f433bd53c0
斉藤直希「組み込み向けリアルタイムOSの基礎知識を整理する」を整理する, OSEK(32) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/d305e83b37d0c57dceb3
TOPPERS活用アイデア・アプリケーション開発コンテスト受賞作品紹介 まとめ作成中, OSEK(33) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/72b882d96b2841f25faf
はじめてのAUTOSAR(classic platform) <エンジニア夏休み企画>【読書感想文】, OSEK(34) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/696ad320f76f284664d7
AUTOSARとSimulink: Adaptive Platform, Classic Platformとマルチコア・共通化, OSEK(35) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/d613b0b14bfd91989a13
AUTOSAR Abstract Platformへの道(詳細編), OSEK(36) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/cb217133884fa0a2c704
building block:AUTOSAR Abstruct Platform , OSEK(37), https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/bf7c17624f648fb9f392
系建築家(system architect)になるには, OSEK(38) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/8c341e69233cb32f6275
自己紹介 OSEK(39) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/90aa368f296613ec93b5
AUTOSAR 「完全に理解した」, OSEK(40) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/51983798ad7902b33cb1
Architecture 「toaster model」を出発点として, OSEK(41) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/9ab8b4bea3ff4e94b192
AUTOSAR Q&A。 AUTOSAR(30), OSEK(42) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/ba6c02b772e9617dc138
「人生で影響を受けた本100冊」に28冊足す計画(18冊), OSEK(43) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/3ae6633725df77261df8
Bosch Automotive Handbook and so on. OSEK(44) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/8e330ce57880f04d71d9
動車 記事 100, OSEK(45) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/f7f0b9ab36569ad409c5
何故、今、国際規格なのか。OSEK(46) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/6970577e3e94e5b51ccc
名古屋のIoTは名古屋のOSで。仮説(186)OSEK(47) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/fa6694bbec50723ea90a
AUTOSAR一覧作っていて気が付いたこと順位(ranking) osek(48) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/2c800548690dd9fb9f53
AUTOSAR教材作成3年計画, AUTOSAR(19) OSEK(49) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/84d8f1ecbbe7af7803af
AUTOSARの利点と方向性, OSEK(50) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/681902476520cccf3c3e
TOPPERS のAUTOSARへの貢献(更新中), AUTOSAR(15), OSEK(51) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/d363cf06e2176207b391
TOPPERS の AUTOSAR への貢献 II (改定中), OSEK(52) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/4614c04cfff70a241f77
A big wrapping cloth with the miniature garden, OSEK53) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/96411f20632e7f3ff73a
AUTOSAR R23-11 資料整理の計画(年越し懇親会遠隔開催時間投票含む)OSEK(54) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/6b939e2373e0e6047ae8
自動車用(車載)ソフトウェアの基本設計提案を作る。OSEK(55) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/9c218e65d98084b24dfe
自動車用(車載)ソフトウェアの基本設計提案を作る(2), OSEK(56) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/38cb4710410a0d51e7a0
マルチコアの壁, OSEK(57) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/f38e47574905c80c0706
実時間処理, OESK(58) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/1e36077736d11960bb64
CPU マルチコア マルチOS, OSEK(59) https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/6bdb6116f0aa50c5372a
AUTOSAR related Standard, OSEK(60)
「あなたがAUTOSARのEditorだったらどの文書をどう書き換えたいか」選手権(0), OSEK(61)
Call back, OSEK(62)
C言語教育はCコンパイラの写経で, OSEK(63)
Reentrant とRecursive, OESK(64) 
AUTOSARの基礎の仮説, OSEK(65)
Linuxを学ばずに使う, OSK(66) 
AUTOSAR わかりにくいこと12, AUTOSAR(27), OSEK(67)
お盆には「箱庭」記事を書きましょう「もくもく会」の題材になる(1), OSEK(68)
AUTOSAR文書の読み方(文書番号と発行年), AUTOSAR(23), OSEK(72)
計算機系事故記録(computer system trouble record), OSEK(73)
basic: プログラムジェネレータジェネレータ。構造屋(architect)としての成功事例3失敗事例6, OESK(74)
AUTOSAR 文書番号, OSEK(76)
参考文献の参考文献は参考文献だ。清水吉男「「派生開発」を成功させるプロセス改善の技術と極意」を超えて, OSEK(77)
ボッシュ自動車handbook(英語)11版(0-1) 課題と記事一覧new, OSEK(78)
プログラマの「プログラムが書ける」思い込みは強みだ。3つの理由。仮説(168)統計と確率(17) , OSEK(79)
最新規格のコンパイル, OSEK(80)

物理記事 上位100


言語・文学記事 100



自動車 記事 100

Countdown Calendar 2022

今年企画した6つのCountdown Calendarと、それぞれの記事一つをご紹介します。

AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022

AUTOSAR References to ISO, IEC, ITU, IEEE, RFC and SEA etc.

Automotive Handbook Countdown Calendar 2022

Basic principles, ボッシュ自動車handbook(英語)11版まとめ<2>

2022 いいねをいただいた記事ランキング(O.K.版) Countdown Calendar 2022

2022年1月下旬 いいねをいただいた記事 16

AdCale(O.K.) Countdown Calendar 2022


ABC language (O.K.版) Advent Calendar 2022


ABC maker(O.K版) Advent Calendar 2022

JAXA/IPA クリティカルソフトウェアワークショップ WOCS言語関連発表(改定版)

CountdownCalendar2022 報告



物理記事 上位100

量子(0) 計算機, 量子力学


言語・文学記事 100


自動車 記事 100



英語(0) 一覧





安全(0)安全工学シンポジウムに向けて: 21

一覧の一覧( The directory of directories of mine.) Qiita(100)

Ethernet 記事一覧 Ethernet(0)

Wireshark 一覧 wireshark(0)、Ethernet(48)

線網(Wi-Fi)空中線(antenna)(0) 記事一覧(118/300目標)

OSEK OS設計の基礎 OSEK(100)

Error一覧 error(0)



「はじめての」シリーズ  ベクタージャパン 

AUTOSAR(0)Qiita記事一覧, OSEK(75)


LaTeX(0) 一覧 


Rust(0) 一覧 

小川清最終講義、最終講義(再)計画, Ethernet(100) 英語(100) 安全(100)

This article is an individual impression based on the individual's experience. It has nothing to do with the organization or business to which I currently belong.

文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20221229
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20221229


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