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ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック version 11, 2022

Automotive Handbook May 2, 2022


Thermodynamics, p.86

Table 1: Symbols and units

Basic principles


Isolated system

Closed system

Open system

State and process variables

State variables

Process and process variables

intensive and extensive state variables

Forms of energy

Work and heat

Figure 1: Volume-change work as integral in the pV diagram

Laws of thermodynamics

Zeroth law

First law

Second law

Third law

Equation of state

ideal gas

Table 2: Specific heat capacity cp at constant pressure for some gasses

Real gas

Changes of state

Table 3: The most important changes of state of ideal gases and their properties

Cycles and technical e¥applications

Basic principles

Figure 2: Clockwise cycle

Carnot cycle

Figure 3: Changes of state of the carnot cycle

comparison cycles of technical applications

Selliger cycle

Figure 4: Changes of state of the Selliger cycle
Figure 5: Efficiencies of the comparison cycles as a function of comparison ratio

Ouo cycle

Figure 6 Changns of state of the Ouo cycle

Diesel cycle

figure 7 Changes of state of the Diesel cycle

Joule cycle

Figure 8 Changes of state of the Joule cycle

Clausius Rankine cycle

Figure 9 Changes of state of the Clausius Rankine cycle

Heat transfer

Concept formation

Thermal Conduction

Figure 10 Stationary one dimentional thermalconduction through a flat wall

Convective heat transfer

Termal radiation

Thermal conduction

Stationary one dimention thermal conduction in a simple flat wall

Table 4 Thermal conductivity of some materials at 293.15 K

Stationary one dimention thermal conduction in a layered flat wall

Figure 11 Stationary one dimention thermal conduction in a layered flat wall

Stationary one dimention thermal conduction in a tube wall

Figure 12 Stationary one dimention thermal conduction through a cylindrical tube wall

Stationary heat transmission

Convective heat transfer


[1] H.D. Baehk, K.Stephan, Warme und Stoffbertragung, Springer, 9th Edition Verlag , 2016

[2] H.D. Baehr, S. Kabelac, Thermo dynamik, Grundlagen und technische Anwendurngen, 16th Edition, Verlag Springer Vieweg, 2016

[3] E.Hahne, Technische Thermodynamik, Einfuhrung und Anwendung, 5th Edition Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsvelag, 2010

[4] B. Weigand, J. Kohler, J. von Wolfersdorf, Thermodynamik kompakt, 4th Edition, Springer Vieweg, 2016




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自己参考資料(self reference)


ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック 日本語【第3版】

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Thermodynamics, p.86 ボッシュ自動車handbook 11版(8)


文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20220906
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20230217


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