Overall motor-vehicle system, p28
Definition of motor vehicle
Functional units of a motor vehicle
Figure 1. system network of a motor vehicle
Classification of motor vehiclesvehicle
Figure 2 Classification of motor vehicle
Determitation of motor vehicles
Country specific classification
Table 1 EC vehicle categories
URL: EU: VEHICLE DEFINITIONS https://www.transportpolicy.net/standard/eu-vehicle-definitions/
URL: EU classification of vehicle types https://alternative-fuels-observatory.ec.europa.eu/general-information/vehicle-types
URL: Vehicle categories https://single-market-economy.ec.europa.eu/sectors/automotive-industry/vehicle-categories_en
Table 2 CARB vehicle categories
URL: https://www.arb.ca.gov/msei/vehicle-categories.xlsx
Table 3 EPA vehicle categories
URL: https://www.transportpolicy.net/standard/us-vehicle-definitions/
URL: https://www.epa.gov/emission-standards-reference-guide/vehicle-weight-classifications-emission-standards-reference
Body types and segments of passenger cars
short name | type |
AA | Sedan/saloon |
AB | Fastback sedan/saloon |
AC | Station wagon/estate car |
AD | Coupe |
AE | Convertible sedan/saloon |
AF | Multipurpose vehicle(e.g. fire truck, ambulance) |
AG | Passenger car pick up |
SA | Recreational vehicles |
SB | Armored |
SC | Ambulances |
SD | Hearsed |
SG | Miscellaneous |
SH | Wheelchair accessible |
[1] Rechinformationsystem des Bundes(RIS) - Ubereinkommen uber StraBen-verkehrszeichen:
ENG:Federal Law Consolidated: Entire Legislation for Road Signs Conventions, Rev
[2] StraBenverkehrsgesetz(SVG) German Road Traffic Act] $ 1 Zulassung(Type Approval).
ENG: Road Traffic Act (Straßenverkehrsgesetz) (Section 7-20)]
[3] Council Directive 87/403/EEC of 25 June 1987 supplementing Annex I to Directive 70/156/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers
URL: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/eudr/1987/403/adopted
[4] Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt(Federal Motor Transport Authority)
Verzeichnis zur Systematisierung von Kraftfahrzeugen und ihren Anhangem. As at March 2020.
ENG:Directory for the systematization of motor vehicles and their appendages.
kaizen_nagoya comment
EGH: is translation by @kaizen_nagoya
URL: is added by @kaizen_nagoya
箱庭プロジェクトへの 題材提供として、C++については検討してきた。
自己参考資料(self reference)
ボッシュ自動車handbook(英語)10版 目次
自動車工学とBosch Vehicle Handbook
ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック11版(R0) ISO, IEC, ITU, IEEE, RFC, その他の規格(DINを除く)
ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック11版(R1) DIN
ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック11版(R2) EC, UN
ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック11版(R3) ドイツ語文献
ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック11版(R4) その他の文献
新人プログラマ応援 私の推薦書33冊
ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック 日本語【第3版】
ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック version 11, 2022
Automotive Handbook May 2, 2022
ボッシュ自動車handbook(英語)11版(0-1) 課題と記事一覧new
Motor vehicle, 28
Basic principles, 32
Basic principles of mechanics, 46,
Vibrations and oscillations, 60
Acoustics, 66
Optical technology, 74
Thermodynamics, 86
Mathematics and methods, 204
Materials, 258
Machine parts, 354
Joining and bonding techniques, 426
Vehicle physics, 462
Operating fluids, 538
Refrigerants for air-conditioning systems, 591
Drivetrain(駆動系), 594
Internal-combustion engines(内燃機関),642
Management for spark-ignition engines,800
Gasoline-engine operation with alternative fuels, 886
Management for diesel engines, 906
Electrification of the drive, 970
Emission-control and diagnosis legislation, 1042
Chassis systems, 1108
Vehicle bodies, 1310
Comfort and convenience, 1392
Safety systems in the motor vehicle, 1410
Vehicle security systems, 1430
Automotive electrics, 1450
Vehicle electrical systems for hybrid and electric vehicles, 1560
Automotive electronics, 1620
Entertainment 1780
Drive assistance and sensors, 1804
Drive assistance systems 1872
Future of automated driving 1934
Appendics, 1940
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