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Quantities and units, p.32 ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック11版(2) 新

Last updated at Posted at 2023-02-16

Quantities and units p.32

SI units

Table 1 base SI units

Defnition of the base SI units




Ampere(electric current)

Kelvin(thermodynamic temperature)

Mole(amount of substance)

Candera(luminous intensity)

Decimal fractions and multiples of SI units

Table 2. preflixes for unit of measurements in acc. with DIN 1301[2]

Derived Si units

Table 3. Derived SI units with special names

Legal units

Table 4. Legal units

【誤植】3. Mass 誤 G gram 正 g gram

Further units

Table 5. Conversion of units

Natural constants

Talbe 6 Defining constants

Table 7. Selection of derived, exact constants

Table 8 Further natural constants

Mathematical signs and symbols

URL: https://oeis.org/wiki/List_of_LaTeX_mathematical_symbols

Greek alphabet

URL: https://medemanabu.net/latex/greek/


[1] ISO 80000 Quantities and units: 2013


ISO 80000に2013年版は存在しない。

URL: ISO 80000-1:2009 Quantities and units — Part 1: General https://www.iso.org/standard/30669.html
URL: ISO 80000-2:2019 Quantities and units — Part 2: Mathematics https://www.iso.org/standard/64973.html

URL: ISO 80000-3:2019 Quantities and units — Part 3: Space and time https://www.iso.org/standard/64974.html

URL: ISO 80000-4:2019 Quantities and units — Part 4: Mechanics https://www.iso.org/standard/64975.html

URL: ISO 80000-5:2019 Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics https://www.iso.org/standard/64976.html
URL: IEC 80000-6:2008 Quantities and units — Part 6: Electromagnetism https://www.iso.org/standard/31891.html
URL: ISO 80000-7:2019 Quantities and units — Part 7: Light and radiation https://www.iso.org/standard/64977.html
URL: ISO 80000-8:2020 Quantities and units — Part 8: Acoustics https://www.iso.org/standard/64978.html
URL: ISO 80000-9:2019Quantities and units — Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics https://www.iso.org/standard/64979.html
URL: ISO 80000-10:2019 Quantities and units — Part 10: Atomic and nuclear physics https://www.iso.org/standard/64980.html
URL: ISO 80000-11:2019 Quantities and units — Part 11: Characteristic numbers https://www.iso.org/standard/64982.html
URL: ISO 80000-12:2019 Quantities and units — Part 12: Condensed matter physics https://www.iso.org/standard/63480.html

[2] DIN 1301: Units - part1: Units names, unit symbols 2010

URL: https://www.din.de/en/getting-involved/standards-committees/natg/publications/wdc-beuth:din21:133080569

[3] Die gesetzlichen Einheiten in deutschland 2n edition Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt Nationales Matroiogieinstitut, 2019, Braunschwig


[4] DIN 1305, Mass, as weighed value, force, wight force, weight , load, concepts 1988

URL: https://www.din.de/en/getting-involved/standards-committees/natg/publications/wdc-beuth:din21:1374375

[5] DIN En ISO 2431 2011 Paints and varnishes — Determination of flow time by use of flow cups (SIO 2431:2011 German version EN ISO 2431:2011)

URL: ISO 2431:2019 Paints and varnishes — Determination of flow time by use of flow cups https://www.iso.org/standard/73851.html

comment by @kaizen_nagoya

Quantities and unitsで2つの規格が古い。なにしてくれちゃうの BOSCH




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自己参考資料(self reference)


ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック 日本語【第3版】

ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック11版(R0) ISO, IEC, ITU, IEEE, RFC, その他の規格(DINを除く)

ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック11版(R1) DIN

ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック11版(R2) EC, UN

ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック11版(R3) ドイツ語文献

ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック11版(R4) その他の文献

ボッシュ自動車ハンドブック version 11, 2022

Automotive Handbook May 2, 2022


ボッシュ自動車handbook(英語)11版(0-1) 課題と記事一覧new


Motor vehicle, 28
Basic principles, 32
Mathematics and methods, 204
Materials, 258
Machine parts, 354
Joining and bonding techniques, 426
Vehicle physics, 462
Operating fluids, 538
Refrigerants for air-conditioning systems, 591
Drivetrain(駆動系), 594
Internal-combustion engines(内燃機関),642
Management for spark-ignition engines,800
Gasoline-engine operation with alternative fuels, 886
Management for diesel engines, 906
Electrification of the drive, 970
Emission-control and diagnosis legislation, 1042
Chassis systems, 1108
Vehicle bodies, 1310
Comfort and convenience, 1392
Safety systems in the motor vehicle, 1410
Vehicle security systems, 1430
Automotive electrics, 1450
Vehicle electrical systems for hybrid and electric vehicles, 1560
Automotive electronics, 1620
Entertainment 1780
Drive assistance and sensors, 1804
Drive assistance systems 1872
Future of automated driving 1934
Appendics, 1940


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