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27.10 Generalized numeric operations [numeric.ops] C++N4910:2022 (664) p1252.cpp

Last updated at Posted at 2022-08-16


N4910 Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++

n4910は、ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21の作業原案(Working Draft)です。
公式のISO/IEC 14882原本ではありません。
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C++N4910:2022 Standard Working Draft on ISO/IEC 14882(0) sample code compile list

C++N4741, 2018 Standard Working Draft on ISO/IEC 14882 sample code compile list

C++N4606, 2016符号断片編纂一覧(example code compile list)

C++N4606, 2016 Working Draft 2016, ISO/IEC 14882, C++ standard(1) Example code compile list

C++N3242, 2011 sample code compile list on clang++ and g++


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27.10 Generalized numeric operations [numeric.ops] C++N4910:2022 (664) p1252.cpp

算譜(source code)

p1252.cpp// C++N4910 Committee Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++
// http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2022/n4910.pdf
const char * n4910 = "27.10 Generalized numeric operations [numeric.ops] C++N4910:2022 (664) p1252.cpp";
// Debian clang version 14.0.5-++20220610033153+c12386ae247c-
// g++ (GCC) 12.1.0 Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// Edited by Dr. OGAWA Kiyoshi. Compile procedure and results record.
// C++N4910:2022 Standard Working Draft on ISO/IEC 14882(0) sample code compile list
// https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/fc957ddddd402004bb91

#include "N4910.h"

using namespace std;

// 27.10.1 General [numeric.ops.general]
// [Note 1: The use of closed ranges as well as semi-open ranges to specify requirements throughout 27.10 is intentional.
// 27.10.2 Definitions [numerics.defns]
// Define GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(op, a1, ..., aN) as follows:
// — a1 when N is 1, otherwise
// — op(GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(op, a1, ..., aK), GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(op, aM, ..., aN)) for any K where 1 < K + 1 = M ≤ N. Define GENERALIZED_SUM(op, a1, ..., aN) as GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(op, b1, ..., bN), where b1, ..., bN may be any permutation of a1, ..., aN.
// 27.10.3 Accumulate [accumulate]
template<class InputIterator, class T>
constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
template<class InputIterator, class T, class BinaryOperation>
constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
                       BinaryOperation binary_op);
// Preconditions: T meets the Cpp17CopyConstructible (Table 31) and Cpp17CopyAssignable (Table 33) requirements. In the range [first, last], binary_op neither modifies elements nor invalidates iterators or subranges.225
// Effects: Computes its result by initializing the accumulator acc with the initial value init and then modifies it with acc = std::move(acc) + *i or acc = binary_op(std::move(acc), *i) for every iterator i in the range [first, last) in order.226
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator>
typename iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type
// 27.10.4 Reduce [reduce]
template<class InputIterator>
constexpr typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type
reduce(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
// Effects: Equivalent to:
return reduce(first, last,
              typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type{});
reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
       ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);
// Effects: Equivalent to:
return reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), first, last,
              typename iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type{});
template<class InputIterator, class T>
constexpr T reduce(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
// Effects: Equivalent to:
return reduce(first, last, init, plus<>());
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator, class T>
T reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
         ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, T init);
// Effects: Equivalent to:
return reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), first, last, init, plus<>());
template<class InputIterator, class T, class BinaryOperation>
constexpr T reduce(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
                   BinaryOperation binary_op);
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator, class T, class BinaryOperation>
T reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
         ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, T init,
         BinaryOperation binary_op);
// Mandates: All of
// — binary_op(init, *first), — binary_op(*first, init), — binary_op(init, init), and — binary_op(*first, *first) are convertible to T.
// Preconditions: -  T meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible (Table 30) requirements.
// — binary_op neither invalidates iterators or subranges, nor modifies elements in the range [first, last].
// Returns: GENERALIZED_SUM(binary_op, init, *i, ...) for every i in [first, last). Complexity: O(last - first) applications of binary_op.
// [Note 1: The difference between reduce and accumulate is that reduce applies binary_op in an unspecified order, which yields a nondeterministic result for non-associative or non-commutative binary_op such as floating-point addition. —end note]
// 27.10.5 Inner product [inner.product]
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class T>
constexpr T inner_product(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
                          InputIterator2 first2, T init);
T transform_reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                   ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1,
                   ForwardIterator2 first2,
                   T init,
                   BinaryOperation1 binary_op1,
                   BinaryOperation2 binary_op2);
// Mandates: All of
// — binary_op1(init, init),
// — binary_op1(init, binary_op2(*first1, *first2)),
// — binary_op1(binary_op2(*first1, *first2), init), and
// — binary_op1(binary_op2(*first1, *first2), binary_op2(*first1, *first2))
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class T,
         class BinaryOperation1, class BinaryOperation2>
constexpr T inner_product(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
                          InputIterator2 first2, T init,
                          BinaryOperation1 binary_op1,
                          BinaryOperation2 binary_op2);
// Preconditions: T meets the Cpp17CopyConstructible (Table 31) and Cpp17CopyAssignable (Table 33) requirements. In the ranges [first1, last1] and [first2, first2 + (last1 - first1)] binary_op1 and binary_op2 neither modifies elements nor invalidates iterators or subranges.227
// Effects: Computes its result by initializing the accumulator acc with the initial value init and then modifying it with acc = std::move(acc) + (*i1) * (*i2) or acc = binary_op1(std::move(acc), binary_op2(*i1, *i2)) for every iterator i1 in the range [first1, last1) and iterator //  in the range [first2, first2 + (last1 - first1)) in order.
// 27.10.6 Transform reduce [transform.reduce]
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class T>
constexpr T transform_reduce(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
                             InputIterator2 first2, T init);
// Effects: Equivalent to:
return transform_reduce(first1, last1, first2, init, plus<>(), multiplies<>());
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class T>
T transform_reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                   ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1,
                   ForwardIterator2 first2,
                   T init);
// Effects: Equivalent to:
return transform_reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec),
                        first1, last1, first2, init, plus<>(), multiplies<>());
template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class T,
         class BinaryOperation1, class BinaryOperation2>
constexpr T transform_reduce(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
                             InputIterator2 first2,
                             T init,
                             BinaryOperation1 binary_op1,
                             BinaryOperation2 binary_op2);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class T,
         class BinaryOperation1, class BinaryOperation2>
// are convertible to T. Preconditions:
// — T meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible (Table 30) requirements.
// — Neither binary_op1 nor binary_op2 invalidates subranges, nor modifies elements in the ranges
// [first1, last1] and [first2, first2 + (last1 - first1)].
// Returns:
GENERALIZED_SUM(binary_op1, init, binary_op2(*i, *(first2 + (i - first1))), ...) for every iterator i in [first1, last1).
// Complexity: O(last1 - first1) applications each of binary_op1 and binary_op2.
            class BinaryOperation, class UnaryOperation>
                    T transform_reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                                       ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
                                       T init, BinaryOperation binary_op, UnaryOperation unary_op);
// Mandates: All of
// — binary_op(init, init),
// — binary_op(init, unary_op(*first)),
// — binary_op(unary_op(*first), init), and
// — binary_op(unary_op(*first), unary_op(*first)) are convertible to T. Preconditions:
// — T meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible (Table 30) requirements.
// — Neither unary_op nor binary_op invalidates subranges, nor modifies elements in the range
// Mandates: InputIterator’s value type is constructible from *first. The result of the expression std::move(acc) + *i or binary_op(std::move(acc), *i) is implicitly convertible to InputItera- tor’s value type. acc is writable (25.3.1) to result.
// Preconditions: In the ranges [first, last] and [result, result + (last // - first)] binary_op neither modifies elements nor invalidates iterators or subranges.228
        template<class InputIterator, class T,
                 class BinaryOperation, class UnaryOperation>
        constexpr T transform_reduce(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
                                     BinaryOperation binary_op, UnaryOperation unary_op);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class ForwardIterator, class T, [first, last].
// Returns:
         GENERALIZED_SUM(binary_op, init, unary_op(*i), ...)
// for every iterator i in [first, last).
// Complexity: O(last - first) applications each of unary_op and binary_op.
//  [Note 1: transform_reduce does not apply unary_op to init.
// 27.10.7 Partial sum [partial.sum]
         template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
         constexpr OutputIterator
         partial_sum(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                     OutputIterator result);
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation>
constexpr OutputIterator
partial_sum(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
            OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op);
exclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
               ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last,
               ForwardIterator2 result, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op);
// Mandates: All of
// — binary_op(init, init),
// — binary_op(init, *first), and — binary_op(*first, *first) are convertible to T. Preconditions:
// — T meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible (Table 30) requirements.
// — binary_op neither invalidates iterators or subranges, nor modifies elements in the ranges [first, last] or [result, result + (last - first)].
// Effects: For each integer K in [0, last - first) assigns through result + K the value of:
GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM( binary_op, init, *(first + 0), *(first + 1), ..., *(first + K - 1))
// Returns: The end of the resulting range beginning at result.
// Complexity: O(last - first) applications of binary_op. Remarks: result may be equal to first.
// [Note 1: The difference between exclusive_scan and inclusive_scan is that exclusive_scan excludes the ith input element from the ith sum. If binary_op is not mathematically associative, the behavior of exclusive_scan can be nondeterministic.
// Effects: For a non-empty range, the function creates an accumulator acc whose type is InputIterator’s value type, initializes it with *first, and assigns the result to *result. For every iterator i in [first + 1, last) in order, acc is then modified by acc = std::move(acc) + *i or acc = binary_- op(std::move(acc), *i) and the result is assigned to *(result + (i - first)).
// Returns: result + (last - first).
// Complexity: Exactly (last - first) - 1 applications of the binary operation. Remarks: result may be equal to first.
// 27.10.8 Exclusive scan [exclusive.scan]
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T>
constexpr OutputIterator
exclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
               OutputIterator result, T init);
// Effects: Equivalent to:
return exclusive_scan(first, last, result, init, plus<>());
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class T>
exclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
               ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last,
               ForwardIterator2 result, T init);
// Effects: Equivalent to:
return exclusive_scan(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec),
                      first, last, result, init, plus<>());
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T, class BinaryOperation>
constexpr OutputIterator
exclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
               OutputIterator result, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class T, class BinaryOperation>
inclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
               ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last,
               ForwardIterator2 result, BinaryOperation binary_op, T init);
// Let U be the value type of decltype(first). Mandates: If init is provided, all of
// — binary_op(init, init),
// — binary_op(init, *first), and — binary_op(*first, *first) are convertible to T; otherwise, binary_op(*first, *first) is convertible to U. Preconditions:
// — If init is provided, T meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible (Table 30) requirements; otherwise, U meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible requirements.
// — binary_op neither invalidates iterators or subranges, nor modifies elements in the ranges [first, last] or [result, result + (last - first)].
// Effects: For each integer K in [0, last - first) assigns through result + K the value of
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
// 27.10.9 Inclusive scan [inclusive.scan]
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
constexpr OutputIterator
inclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
               OutputIterator result);
// Effects: Equivalent to:
return inclusive_scan(first, last, result, plus<>());
inclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
               ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last,
               ForwardIterator2 result);
// Effects: Equivalent to:
return inclusive_scan(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), first, last, result, plus<>());
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation>
constexpr OutputIterator
inclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
               OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op);
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
         class BinaryOperation>
inclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
               ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last,
               ForwardIterator2 result, BinaryOperation binary_op);
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation, class T>
constexpr OutputIterator
inclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
               OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op, T init);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class BinaryOperation, class T>
    binary_op, init, *(first + 0), *(first + 1), ..., *(first + K))
// if init is provided, or
    binary_op, *(first + 0), *(first + 1), ..., *(first + K))
class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class T,
class BinaryOperation, class UnaryOperation>
transform_exclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                         ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last,
                         ForwardIterator2 result, T init,
                         BinaryOperation binary_op, UnaryOperation unary_op);
// Mandates: All of
// — binary_op(init, init),
// — binary_op(init, unary_op(*first)), and
// — binary_op(unary_op(*first), unary_op(*first)) are convertible to T. Preconditions:
// — T meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible (Table 30) requirements.
// — Neither unary_op nor binary_op invalidates iterators or subranges, nor modifies elements in the ranges [first, last] or [result, result + (last - first)].
// Effects: For each integer K in [0, last - first) assigns through result + K the value of: GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM( binary_op, init, unary_op(*(first + 0)), unary_op(*(first + 1)), ..., unary_op(*(first + K - 1)))
// Returns: The end of the resulting range beginning at result.
// Complexity: O(last - first) applications each of unary_op and binary_op. Remarks: result may be equal to first.
// [Note 1: The difference between transform_exclusive_scan and transform_inclusive_scan is that trans- form_exclusive_scan excludes the ith input element from the ith sum. If binary_op is not mathematically associative, the behavior of transform_exclusive_scan can be nondeterministic. transform_exclusive_scan does not apply unary_op to init.
// Returns: The end of the resulting range beginning at result. // Complexity: O(last - first) applications of binary_op. Remarks: result may be equal to first.
// [Note 1: The difference between exclusive_scan and inclusive_scan is that inclusive_scan includes the ith input element in the ith sum. If binary_op is not mathematically associative, the behavior of inclusive_scan can be nondeterministic.
// 27.10.10 Transform exclusive scan [transform.exclusive.scan]
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T,
         class BinaryOperation, class UnaryOperation>
constexpr OutputIterator
transform_exclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                         OutputIterator result, T init,
                         BinaryOperation binary_op, UnaryOperation unary_op);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
// 27.10.11 Transform inclusive scan [transform.inclusive.scan]
         template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator,
                  class BinaryOperation, class UnaryOperation>
         constexpr OutputIterator
         transform_inclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                                  OutputIterator result,
                                  BinaryOperation binary_op, UnaryOperation unary_op);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
         class BinaryOperation, class UnaryOperation>
transform_inclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                         ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last,
                         ForwardIterator2 result,
                         BinaryOperation binary_op, UnaryOperation unary_op);
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator,
         class BinaryOperation, class UnaryOperation, class T>
constexpr OutputIterator
transform_inclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                         OutputIterator result,
                         BinaryOperation binary_op, UnaryOperation unary_op,
                         T init);
template<class ExecutionPolicy,
         class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
         class BinaryOperation, class UnaryOperation, class T>
transform_inclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                         ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last,
                         ForwardIterator2 result,
                         BinaryOperation binary_op, UnaryOperation unary_op,
                         T init);
// Let U be the value type of decltype(first). Mandates: If init is provided, all of
// — binary_op(init, init),
// — binary_op(init, unary_op(*first)), and
// — binary_op(unary_op(*first), unary_op(*first)) are convertible to T; otherwise, binary_op(unary_op(*first), unary_op(*first)) is convertible to U.
// Preconditions: — If init is provided, T meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible (Table 30) requirements; otherwise, U meets the Cpp17MoveConstructible requirements.
// — Neither unary_op nor binary_op invalidates iterators or subranges, nor modifies elements in the ranges [first, last] or [result, result + (last - first)].
// Effects: For each integer K in [0, last - first) assigns through result + K the value of
// — GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM( binary_op, init, unary_op(*(first + 0)), unary_op(*(first + 1)), ..., unary_op(*(first + K))) if init is provided, or
unary_op(*(first + 0)), unary_op(*(first + 1)), ..., unary_op(*(first + K)))
// otherwise.
// Returns: The end of the resulting range beginning at result.
// Complexity: O(last - first) applications each of unary_op and binary_op. Remarks: result may be equal to first.
// [Note 1: The difference between transform_exclusive_scan and transform_inclusive_scan is that trans- form_inclusive_scan includes the ith input element in the ith sum. If binary_op is not mathematically associative, the behavior of transform_inclusive_scan can be nondeterministic. transform_inclusive_scan does not apply unary_op to init.
// 27.10.12 Adjacent difference [adjacent.difference]
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
constexpr OutputIterator
adjacent_difference(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                    OutputIterator result);
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
adjacent_difference(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                    ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last, ForwardIterator2 result);
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation>
constexpr OutputIterator
adjacent_difference(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                    OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op);
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
         class BinaryOperation>
adjacent_difference(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
                    ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last,
                    ForwardIterator2 result, BinaryOperation binary_op);
// Let T be the value type of decltype(first). For the overloads that do not take an argument binary_op, let binary_op be an lvalue that denotes an object of type minus<>.
// Mandates: — For the overloads with no ExecutionPolicy, T is constructible from *first. acc (defined below) is writable (25.3.1) to the result output iterator. The result of the expression binary_op(val, std::move(acc)) is writable to result.
//  — For the overloads with an ExecutionPolicy, the result of the expressions binary_op(*first, *first) and *first are writable to result.
// Preconditions: — For the overloads with no ExecutionPolicy, T meets the Cpp17MoveAssignable (Table 32) requirements.
// — For all overloads, in the ranges [first, last] and [result, result + (last - first)], binary_-op neither modifies elements nor invalidate iterators or subranges.
// Effects: For the overloads with no ExecutionPolicy and a non-empty range, the function creates an accumulator acc of type T, initializes it with *first, and assigns the result to *result. For every iterator i in [first + 1, last) in order, creates an object val whose type is T, initializes it with *i, computes binary_op(val, std::move(acc)), assigns the result to *(result + (i - first)), and move assigns from val to acc.
// For the overloads with an ExecutionPolicy and a non-empty range, performs *result = *first. Then, for every d in [1, last - first - 1], performs *(result + d) = binary_op(*(first + d), *(first + (d - 1))).
// Returns: result + (last - first).
// Complexity: Exactly (last - first) - 1 applications of the binary operation.
// Remarks: For the overloads with no ExecutionPolicy, result may be equal to first. For the overloads with an ExecutionPolicy, the ranges [first, last) and [result, result + (last - first)) shall not overlap.
//  [numeric.iota]
template<class ForwardIterator, class T>
constexpr void iota(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, T value);
// Mandates: T is convertible to ForwardIterator’s value type. The expression ++val, where val has type T, is well-formed.
// Effects: For each element referred to by the iterator i in the range [first, last), assigns *i = value and increments value as if by ++value.
// Complexity: Exactly last - first increments and assignments.
template<input_or_output_iterator O, sentinel_for<O> S, weakly_incrementable T>
requires indirectly_writable<O, const T&>
constexpr ranges::iota_result<O, T> ranges::iota(O first, S last, T value);
template<weakly_incrementable T, output_range<const T&> R>
constexpr ranges::iota_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, T> ranges::iota(R&& r, T value);
// Effects: Equivalent to:
while (first != last) {
*first = as_const(value);
return {std::move(first), std::move(value)};
// Mandates: M and N both are integer types other than cv bool.
// Preconditions: |m| and |n| are representable as a value of common_type_t<M, N>.
// [Note 1 : These requirements ensure, for example, that gcd(m, m) = |m| is representable as a value of type M.
// Returns: Zero when m and n are both zero. Otherwise, returns the greatest common divisor of |m| and |n|.
// 27.10.14 Greatest common divisor [numeric.ops.gcd]
template<class M, class N>
constexpr common_type_t<M, N> gcd(M m, N n);
// Throws: Nothing.
// 27.10.15 Least common multiple [numeric.ops.lcm]
template<class M, class N>
constexpr common_type_t<M, N> lcm(M m, N n);
// Mandates: M and N both are integer types other than cv bool.
// Preconditions: |m| and |n| are representable as a value of common_type_t<M, N>. The least common multiple of |m| and |n| is representable as a value of type common_type_t<M, N>.
// Returns: Zero when either m or n is zero. Otherwise, returns the least common multiple of |m| and |n|. Throws: Nothing.
// 27.10.16 Midpoint [numeric.ops.midpoint]
template<class T>
constexpr T midpoint(T a, T b) noexcept;
// Constraints: T is an arithmetic type other than bool.
// Returns: Half the sum of a and b. If T is an integer type and the sum is odd, the result is roundedtowards a.
// Remarks: No overflow occurs. If T is a floating-point type, at most one inexact operation occurs.
template<class T>
constexpr T* midpoint(T* a, T* b);
// Constraints: T is an object type.
// Mandates: T is a complete type.
// Preconditions: a and b point to, respectively, elements i and j of the same array object x.
// [Note 1: As specified in 6.8.3, an object that is not an array element is considered to belong to a single-element array for this purpose and a pointer past the last element of an array of n elements is considered to be equivalent to a pointer to a hypothetical array element n for this purpose.
// Returns: A pointer to array element i + j−i of x, where the result of the division is truncated towards 2 zero.
int main() {
    cout  <<  n4910 << endl;
           return EXIT_SUCCESS;

編纂・実行結果(compile and go)

$ clang++ p1252.cpp -std=03 -o p1252l -I. -Wall
In file included from p1252.cpp:11:
In file included from ./N4910.h:11:
In file included from /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10/atomic:38:
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10/bits/c++0x_warning.h:32:2: error: This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard. This support must be enabled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options.
#error This file requires compiler and library support \
p1252.cpp:23:3: error: unknown type name 'constexpr'
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
p1252.cpp:23:13: warning: variable templates are a C++14 extension [-Wc++14-extensions]
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
p1252.cpp:23:14: error: expected ';' at end of declaration
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
p1252.cpp:23:26: error: unknown type name 'InputIterator'
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
p1252.cpp:23:47: error: unknown type name 'InputIterator'
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
p1252.cpp:23:67: error: unknown type name 'T'
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
p1252.cpp:23:15: error: C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
p1252.cpp:25:3: error: unknown type name 'constexpr'
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
p1252.cpp:25:13: warning: variable templates are a C++14 extension [-Wc++14-extensions]
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
p1252.cpp:25:14: error: expected ';' at end of declaration
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
p1252.cpp:25:26: error: unknown type name 'InputIterator'
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
p1252.cpp:25:47: error: unknown type name 'InputIterator'
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
p1252.cpp:25:67: error: unknown type name 'T'
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
p1252.cpp:26:1: error: unknown type name 'BinaryOperation'
BinaryOperation binary_op);
p1252.cpp:25:15: error: C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations
  constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
p1252.cpp:32:1: error: expected unqualified-id
template<class InputIterator>
p1252.cpp:36:1: error: expected unqualified-id
return reduce(first, last,
p1252.cpp:38:8: error: unknown type name 'ExecutionPolicy'
reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
p1252.cpp:38:23: warning: rvalue references are a C++11 extension [-Wc++11-extensions]
reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
p1252.cpp:39:8: error: unknown type name 'ForwardIterator'
       ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);
p1252.cpp:39:31: error: unknown type name 'ForwardIterator'
       ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);
fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
3 warnings and 20 errors generated.
$ clang++ p1252.cpp -std=2b -o p1252l -I. -Wall
p1252.cpp:32:1: error: expected unqualified-id
template<class InputIterator>
p1252.cpp:36:1: error: expected unqualified-id
return reduce(first, last,
p1252.cpp:38:8: error: unknown type name 'ExecutionPolicy'
reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
p1252.cpp:39:8: error: unknown type name 'ForwardIterator'
       ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);
p1252.cpp:39:31: error: unknown type name 'ForwardIterator'
       ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);
p1252.cpp:38:1: error: C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations
reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
p1252.cpp:41:1: error: expected unqualified-id
return reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), first, last,
p1252.cpp:46:1: error: expected unqualified-id
return reduce(first, last, init, plus<>());
p1252.cpp:51:1: error: expected unqualified-id
return reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), first, last, init, plus<>());
p1252.cpp:69:1: error: unknown type name 'T'
T transform_reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
p1252.cpp:69:20: error: unknown type name 'ExecutionPolicy'
T transform_reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
p1252.cpp:70:20: error: unknown type name 'ForwardIterator1'
                   ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1,
p1252.cpp:70:45: error: unknown type name 'ForwardIterator1'
                   ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1,
p1252.cpp:71:20: error: unknown type name 'ForwardIterator2'
                   ForwardIterator2 first2,
p1252.cpp:72:20: error: unknown type name 'T'
                   T init,
p1252.cpp:73:20: error: unknown type name 'BinaryOperation1'
                   BinaryOperation1 binary_op1,
p1252.cpp:74:20: error: unknown type name 'BinaryOperation2'
                   BinaryOperation2 binary_op2);
p1252.cpp:93:1: error: expected unqualified-id
return transform_reduce(first1, last1, first2, init, plus<>(), multiplies<>());
p1252.cpp:101:1: error: expected unqualified-id
return transform_reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec),
fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
20 errors generated.

$ g++ p1252.cpp -std=03 -o p1252g -I. -Wall
In file included from /usr/local/include/c++/12.1.0/atomic:38,
                 from N4910.h:11,
                 from p1252.cpp:11:
/usr/local/include/c++/12.1.0/bits/c++0x_warning.h:32:2: error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard. This support must be enabled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options.
   32 | #error This file requires compiler and library support \
      |  ^~~~~
p1252.cpp:23:3: warning: identifier 'constexpr' is a keyword in C++11 [-Wc++11-compat]
   23 |   constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:372:34: warning: identifier 'noexcept' is a keyword in C++11 [-Wc++11-compat]
  372 |   constexpr T midpoint(T a, T b) noexcept;
      |                                  ^~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:23:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
   23 |   constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:23:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:25:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
   25 |   constexpr T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:25:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:32:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'template'
   32 | template<class InputIterator>
      | ^~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:36:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
   36 | return reduce(first, last,
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:37:75: error: expected unqualified-id before ')' token
   37 |                      typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type{});
      |                                                                           ^
p1252.cpp:38:7: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
   38 | reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |       ^
p1252.cpp:41:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
   41 | return reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), first, last,
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:42:73: error: expected unqualified-id before ')' token
   42 |                  typename iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type{});
      |                                                                         ^
p1252.cpp:44:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
   44 |   constexpr T reduce(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init);
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:44:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:46:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
   46 | return reduce(first, last, init, plus<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:48:27: error: expected ',' or '...' before '&&' token
   48 |   T reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |                           ^~
p1252.cpp:51:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
   51 | return reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), first, last, init, plus<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:53:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
   53 |   constexpr T reduce(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:53:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:56:25: error: expected ',' or '...' before '&&' token
   56 | T reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |                         ^~
p1252.cpp:67:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
   67 |   constexpr T inner_product(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:67:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:69:1: error: 'T' does not name a type
   69 | T transform_reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      | ^
p1252.cpp:82:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
   82 |   constexpr T inner_product(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:82:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:90:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
   90 |   constexpr T transform_reduce(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:90:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:93:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
   93 | return transform_reduce(first1, last1, first2, init, plus<>(), multiplies<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:96:35: error: expected ',' or '...' before '&&' token
   96 | T transform_reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |                                   ^~
p1252.cpp:101:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  101 | return transform_reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec),
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:105:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  105 |   constexpr T transform_reduce(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:105:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:118:16: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
  118 | GENERALIZED_SUM(binary_op1, init, binary_op2(*i, *(first2 + (i - first1))), ...) for every iterator i in [first1, last1).
      |                ^
p1252.cpp:135:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  135 |   constexpr T transform_reduce(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:135:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:138:42: error: expected identifier before '[' token
  138 |          class ForwardIterator, class T, [first, last].
      |                                          ^
p1252.cpp:138:43: error: 'first' was not declared in this scope
  138 |          class ForwardIterator, class T, [first, last].
      |                                           ^~~~~
p1252.cpp:138:48: error: expected ']' before ',' token
  138 |          class ForwardIterator, class T, [first, last].
      |                                                ^
      |                                                ]
p1252.cpp:138:50: error: 'last' has not been declared
  138 |          class ForwardIterator, class T, [first, last].
      |                                                  ^~~~
p1252.cpp:138:54: error: expected '>' before ']' token
  138 |          class ForwardIterator, class T, [first, last].
      |                                                      ^
p1252.cpp:138:54: error: expected unqualified-id before ']' token
p1252.cpp:150:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  150 |   constexpr OutputIterator
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:150:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:153:1: error: 'ForwardIterator2' does not name a type
  153 | ForwardIterator2
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:163:31: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
  163 | GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM( binary_op, init, *(first + 0), *(first + 1), ..., *(first + K - 1))
      |                               ^
p1252.cpp:176:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  176 | return exclusive_scan(first, last, result, init, plus<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:179:31: error: expected ',' or '...' before '&&' token
  179 | exclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |                               ^~
p1252.cpp:183:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  183 | return exclusive_scan(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec),
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:186:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  186 |   constexpr OutputIterator
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:186:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:192:33: error: expected ',' or '...' before '&&' token
  192 |   inclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |                                 ^~
p1252.cpp:204:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'template'
  204 | template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
      | ^~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:209:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  209 | return inclusive_scan(first, last, result, plus<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:210:15: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
  210 | inclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |               ^
p1252.cpp:214:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  214 | return inclusive_scan(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), first, last, result, plus<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:216:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  216 |   constexpr OutputIterator
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:216:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:222:35: error: expected ',' or '...' before '&&' token
  222 |     inclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |                                   ^~
p1252.cpp:226:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  226 |   constexpr OutputIterator
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:226:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:231:31: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
      |                               ^
p1252.cpp:259:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  259 |   constexpr OutputIterator
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:259:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:267:3: error: expected 'class' or 'typename' before 'constexpr'
  267 |   constexpr OutputIterator
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:267:13: error: expected '>' before 'OutputIterator'
  267 |   constexpr OutputIterator
      |             ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:270:81: error: expected unqualified-id before ';' token
  270 |                              BinaryOperation binary_op, UnaryOperation unary_op);
      |                                                                                 ^
p1252.cpp:275:45: error: expected ',' or '...' before '&&' token
  275 |     transform_inclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |                                             ^~
p1252.cpp:281:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  281 |   constexpr OutputIterator
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:281:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:290:45: error: expected ',' or '...' before '&&' token
  290 |     transform_inclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |                                             ^~
p1252.cpp:304:22: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
  304 |              unary_op(*(first + 0)), unary_op(*(first + 1)), ..., unary_op(*(first + K)))
      |                      ^
p1252.cpp:316:40: error: expected ',' or '...' before '&&' token
  316 |     adjacent_difference(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |                                        ^~
p1252.cpp:319:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  319 |   constexpr OutputIterator
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:319:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:325:40: error: expected ',' or '...' before '&&' token
  325 |     adjacent_difference(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |                                        ^~
p1252.cpp:340:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  340 |   constexpr void iota(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, T value);
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:340:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:344:10: error: 'input_or_output_iterator' has not been declared
  344 | template<input_or_output_iterator O, sentinel_for<O> S, weakly_incrementable T>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:344:38: error: 'sentinel_for' has not been declared
  344 | template<input_or_output_iterator O, sentinel_for<O> S, weakly_incrementable T>
      |                                      ^~~~~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:344:50: error: expected '>' before '<' token
  344 | template<input_or_output_iterator O, sentinel_for<O> S, weakly_incrementable T>
      |                                                  ^
p1252.cpp:345:3: error: 'requires' does not name a type
  345 |   requires indirectly_writable<O, const T&>
      |   ^~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:345:3: note: 'requires' only available with '-std=c++20' or '-fconcepts'
p1252.cpp:347:10: error: 'weakly_incrementable' has not been declared
  347 | template<weakly_incrementable T, output_range<const T&> R>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:347:34: error: 'output_range' has not been declared
  347 | template<weakly_incrementable T, output_range<const T&> R>
      |                                  ^~~~~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:347:46: error: expected '>' before '<' token
  347 | template<weakly_incrementable T, output_range<const T&> R>
      |                                              ^
p1252.cpp:348:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  348 |   constexpr ranges::iota_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, T> ranges::iota(R&& r, T value);
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:348:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:350:8: error: expected unqualified-id before 'while'
  350 |        while (first != last) {
      |        ^~~~~
p1252.cpp:355:8: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  355 |        return {std::move(first), std::move(value)};
      |        ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:362:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  362 |   constexpr common_type_t<M, N> gcd(M m, N n);
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:362:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:366:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  366 |   constexpr common_type_t<M, N> lcm(M m, N n);
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:366:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:372:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  372 |   constexpr T midpoint(T a, T b) noexcept;
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:372:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'
p1252.cpp:377:3: error: 'constexpr' does not name a type
  377 |   constexpr T* midpoint(T* a, T* b);
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:377:3: note: C++11 'constexpr' only available with '-std=c++11' or '-std=gnu++11'

$ g++ p1252.cpp -std=2b -o p1252g -I. -Wall
p1252.cpp:32:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'template'
   32 | template<class InputIterator>
      | ^~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:36:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
   36 | return reduce(first, last,
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:37:75: error: expected unqualified-id before ')' token
   37 |                      typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type{});
      |                                                                           ^
p1252.cpp:38:7: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
   38 | reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |       ^
p1252.cpp:41:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
   41 | return reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), first, last,
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:42:73: error: expected unqualified-id before ')' token
   42 |                  typename iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type{});
      |                                                                         ^
p1252.cpp:46:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
   46 | return reduce(first, last, init, plus<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:51:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
   51 | return reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), first, last, init, plus<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:69:1: error: 'T' does not name a type
   69 | T transform_reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      | ^
p1252.cpp:93:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
   93 | return transform_reduce(first1, last1, first2, init, plus<>(), multiplies<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:101:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  101 | return transform_reduce(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec),
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:118:16: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
  118 | GENERALIZED_SUM(binary_op1, init, binary_op2(*i, *(first2 + (i - first1))), ...) for every iterator i in [first1, last1).
      |                ^
p1252.cpp:138:42: error: expected identifier before '[' token
  138 |          class ForwardIterator, class T, [first, last].
      |                                          ^
p1252.cpp:138:43: error: 'first' was not declared in this scope
  138 |          class ForwardIterator, class T, [first, last].
      |                                           ^~~~~
p1252.cpp:138:48: error: expected ']' before ',' token
  138 |          class ForwardIterator, class T, [first, last].
      |                                                ^
      |                                                ]
p1252.cpp:138:50: error: 'last' has not been declared
  138 |          class ForwardIterator, class T, [first, last].
      |                                                  ^~~~
p1252.cpp:138:54: error: expected '>' before ']' token
  138 |          class ForwardIterator, class T, [first, last].
      |                                                      ^
p1252.cpp:138:54: error: expected unqualified-id before ']' token
p1252.cpp:153:1: error: 'ForwardIterator2' does not name a type
  153 | ForwardIterator2
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:163:31: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
  163 | GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM( binary_op, init, *(first + 0), *(first + 1), ..., *(first + K - 1))
      |                               ^
p1252.cpp:176:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  176 | return exclusive_scan(first, last, result, init, plus<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:183:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  183 | return exclusive_scan(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec),
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:204:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'template'
  204 | template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
      | ^~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:209:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  209 | return inclusive_scan(first, last, result, plus<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:210:15: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
  210 | inclusive_scan(ExecutionPolicy&& exec,
      |               ^
p1252.cpp:214:1: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  214 | return inclusive_scan(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), first, last, result, plus<>());
      | ^~~~~~
p1252.cpp:231:31: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
      |                               ^
p1252.cpp:267:3: error: expected 'class' or 'typename' before 'constexpr'
  267 |   constexpr OutputIterator
      |   ^~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:267:3: error: expected identifier before 'constexpr'
p1252.cpp:267:3: error: expected '>' before 'constexpr'
p1252.cpp:270:81: error: expected unqualified-id before ';' token
  270 |                              BinaryOperation binary_op, UnaryOperation unary_op);
      |                                                                                 ^
p1252.cpp:304:22: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
  304 |              unary_op(*(first + 0)), unary_op(*(first + 1)), ..., unary_op(*(first + K)))
      |                      ^
p1252.cpp:346:21: error: 'iota_result' in namespace 'std::ranges' does not name a template type; did you mean 'move_result'?
  346 |   constexpr ranges::iota_result<O, T> ranges::iota(O first, S last, T value);
      |                     ^~~~~~~~~~~
      |                     move_result
p1252.cpp:347:34: error: 'output_range' has not been declared
  347 | template<weakly_incrementable T, output_range<const T&> R>
      |                                  ^~~~~~~~~~~~
p1252.cpp:347:46: error: expected '>' before '<' token
  347 | template<weakly_incrementable T, output_range<const T&> R>
      |                                              ^
p1252.cpp:348:21: error: 'iota_result' in namespace 'std::ranges' does not name a template type; did you mean 'move_result'?
  348 |   constexpr ranges::iota_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, T> ranges::iota(R&& r, T value);
      |                     ^~~~~~~~~~~
      |                     move_result
p1252.cpp:350:8: error: expected unqualified-id before 'while'
  350 |        while (first != last) {
      |        ^~~~~
p1252.cpp:355:8: error: expected unqualified-id before 'return'
  355 |        return {std::move(first), std::move(value)};
      |        ^~~~~~



応用例1 AUTOSAR C++


Autosar Guidelines C++14 example code compile list

応用例2 MISRA C++


MISRA C++ 5-0-16

応用例3 CERT C++

MISRA C/C++, AUTOSAR C++, CERT C/C++とC/C++工業標準をコンパイルする

応用例4 箱庭 







エンジニア夏休み企画 個人開発

自己参考資料(self reference)



#include "N4910.h"



docker gnu(gcc/g++) and llvm(clang/clang++)

コンパイル用shell script C版(clangとgcc)とC++版(clang++とg++)

C++N4910:2022 tag follower 300人超えました。ありがとうございます。

astyle 使ってみた

【個人開発】 効率的な背景 <エンジニア夏休み企画>


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