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ISO 27145-2:2012 Road vehicles - Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) communication requirements - Part 2: Common data dictionary

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ISO 27145-2:2012 Road vehicles — Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) communication requirements — Part 2: Common data dictionary

2 Normative references

ISO 14229-1:—1), Road vehicles — Unified diagnostic services (UDS) — Part 1: Specification and requirements
ISO 14229-2, Road vehicles — Unified diagnostic services (UDS) — Part 2: Session layer interfaces
ISO 27145-1, Road vehicles — Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) communication requirements — Part 1: General information and use case definition
ISO 27145-3, Road vehicles — Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) communication requirements — Part 3: Common message dictionary
ISO 27145-4, Road vehicles — Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) communication requirements — Part 4: Connection between vehicle and test equipment
SAE J1939, Companion Spreadsheet
SAE J1939-73:2010, Application layer — Diagnostics
SAE J1979-DA, Digital Annex of E/E Diagnostic Test Modes
SAE J2012-DA, Digital Annex of Diagnostic Trouble Code Definitions and Failure Type Byte Definitions

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions given in ISO 27145-1 and ISO 14229-1 apply.

3.1.1 calibration identifier: CALID

identification code for the software installed in the electronic control unit

3.1.2 calibration verification number: CVN

server/ECU calculated verification number used to verify the integrity of the software in the electronic control unit

3.1.3 central gateway: CGW

electronic control unit that connects in-vehicle communication networks

3.1.4 data identifier: DID

indicator making reference to a data item in the server

3.1.5 diagnostic trouble code: DTC

value making reference to a specific fault in a system implemented in the server
Note 1 to entry: It is defined in SAE J2012-DA or as SPN and FMI as defined in SAE J1939 Companion Spreadsheet and SAE J1939-73:2010, Appendix A.

3.1.6 info type identifier: ITID

indicator making reference to identification information
EXAMPLE:Calibration identifier in the server.
Note 1 to entry: The ITIDs are defined in SAE J1979-DA.

3.1.7 malfunction indicator: MI

display or gauge that clearly informs the driver of the vehicle in the event of a malfunction/failure
Note 1 to entry: Additional details are included in the WWH-OBD GTR.

3.1.8 monitor identifier: MID

indicator making reference to an OBD monitor function
Note 1 to entry: An example of an OBD monitor function is a misfire monitor in the server. The MID is defined in SAE J1979-DA.

3.1.9 standard/manufacturer monitor test identifier: SMTID

OBD identifier which is defined in SAE J1979-DA or by the vehicle manufacturer

3.1.10 parameter identifier: PID

unique identifier used to refer to a specific data value within a server

3.1.11 routine identifier: RID

identifier making reference to a routine function
Note 1 to entry: An example of a routine function is an evaporation monitor routine in the server.
Note 2 to entry: Routine identifiers are defined in SAE J1979-DA.

3.1.12 suspect parameter number: SPN

numeral that identifies a particular element, a fault associated with a component, such as a sensor, or a parameter associated with an ECU

3.1.13 uniform resource locator: URL

uniform resource identifier which, in addition to identifying a resource, provides a means of locating the resource by describing its primary access mechanism
Note 1 to entry: An example of primary access mechanism is its network location.

3.2 Abbreviated terms

CALID calibration identification
CAN controller area network
CGW central gateway
CM conversion method
CVN calibration verification number
DID data identifier
DoCAN diagnostics communication over controller area network
DoIP diagnostics communication over internet protocol
DP data parameter
DP_DB data parameter data byte
DTC diagnostic trouble code
ECM engine control module
ECU electronic control unit
ECUNAME electronic control unit name
EVAP evaporative system
FMI failure mode indicator
FTB failure type byte
GTR global technical regulation
ITID info type identifier
IUPT in-use performance tracking
ITP info type parameter
ITP_DB info type parameter data byte
MI malfunction indicator
MID monitor identifier
Mod module
MP monitor parameter
MP_DB monitor parameter data byte
N/A not applicable
OC occurrence count
Param parameter
PID parameter identifier
req requirement
RID routine identifier
RP_DB routine parameter data byte
SF sub-function
SID service identifier
SMTID standard/manufacturer monitor test identifier
SPN suspect parameter number
URL uniform resource locator
VIN vehicle identification number
VOBD vehicle on-board diagnostics
WWH-OBD world-wide harmonized on-board diagnostics


[1] ISO/IEC 7498-1, Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model
[2] ISO/IEC 10731, Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference Model — Conventions for the definition of OSI services
[3] ISO 11898-1, Road vehicles — Controller area network (CAN) — Part 1: Data link layer and physical signalling
[4] ISO 11898-2, Road vehicles — Controller area network (CAN) — Part 2: High-speed medium access unit
[5] ISO 13400 (all parts), Road vehicles — Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP)
[6] ISO 15031 (all parts), Road vehicles — Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics
[7] ISO 15765-2, Road vehicles — Diagnostic communication over Controller Area Networks (DoCAN) — Part 2: Transport protocol and network layer services
[8] ISO 15765-4, Road vehicles — Diagnostic communication over Controller Area Network (DoCAN) — Part 4: Requirements for emissions-related systems
[9] SAE J1930-DA, Electrical/Electronic Systems Diagnostic Terms, Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms Web Tool Spreadsheet
[10] SAE J1939-03, On-Board Diagnostics Implementation Guide
[11] IEEE 802.3, IEEE Standard for Information technology — Specific requirements — Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specifications
[12] CCR 1968.2 Title 13, California Code Regulations, Section 1968.2, Malfunction and Diagnostic System Requirements for 2004 and Subsequent Model-Year Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks, and Medium-Duty Vehicles and Engines (OBD II), available at: http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/obdprog/obdregs.htm
[13] CCR 1971.1 Title 13, California Code Regulations, Section 1971.1, On-Board Diagnostic System Requirements for 2010 and Subsequent Model-Year Heavy-Duty Engines (HD OBD), available at: http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/obdprog/hdobdreg.htm
[14] Global Technical Regulation No. 5, Technical Requirements for On-Board Diagnostic Systems (OBD) for Road Vehicles. (established in the Global Registry on 15 November 2006); document: ECE/TRANS/180/Add.5 dated 23 January 2007, available at: http://live.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29gen/wp29registry/gtr5.html


@kazuo_reve 自動車の故障診断に関連するプログラマーになりたての方が参照するとよさそうな情報

@kazuo_reve AUTOSARのClassic PlatformとAdaptive PlatformにおけるDiagnosticsの違いを整理


ISO Diag規格類 調査中


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@kazuo_reve「AUTOSARのClassic PlatformとAdaptive PlatformにおけるDiagnosticsの違いを整理」で慌てて


ver. 0.01 初稿 20220205


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