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AUTOSARのClassic PlatformとAdaptive PlatformにおけるDiagnosticsの違いを整理

Last updated at Posted at 2021-12-23


AUTOSARのClassic PlatformとAdaptive Platformにおける、Diagnosticsの違いについて、参考動画や参考記事の情報をちょっと整理する。

Classic PlatformとAdaptive Platformの関係

eSOLの記事「AUTOSAR Classic PlatformとAUTOSAR Adaptive Platformの違いを解説」に、非常に大切な以下の一文があった。


Classic ECUとAdaptive ECUにおけるDiagnosticsの違い

Vectorの動画「AUTOSAR Adaptive: Diagnostics - Vector Virtual Sessions 2020」で、Classic ECUとAdaptive ECUにおけるDiagnosticsの違いが述べられている。
動画の中の表では、タイトルが”Classic Autosar”と”Adaptive ECU”の比較となっていた。意図的なのかは理解できていない。

Classic Autosar Adaptive ECU
Diagnostics Kind Actor / Sensor Apps
Fault Pass Known Partly known
DTC Repair Instruction ?

Classic PlatformとAdaptive PlatformのDiagnosticsに関する構造の違い

Classic Platform

  • Dcm(Diagnostic Communication Manager)
  • Dem(Diagnostic Event Manager)
  • FiM(Function Inhibition Manager)

Adaptive Platform

  • ara::diag
  • DM(Diagnostic Management)

Classic PlatformとAdaptive PlatformのRequirements Specificationの違い

R21-11のRequirements on Diagnosticsから、Classic PlatformとAdaptive PlatformのRequirements Specificationの違いを整理してみた。

Classic Platform Adaptive Platform
ECU OBD Master ECU (Master or Primary ECU)
OBD Slave ECU (Dependent /Secondary ECU)
参照法規・規格 ISO 14229-1 v.2013
ISO 14229-2
ISO 15031-5
ISO 15765-2
ISO 15765-3
ISO 13400-2(DoIP)
CCR section 1968.2.(OBD II)
SAE J1979-2(OBDonUDS)
SAE J1939-73(HD-OBD)
ISO 27145(WWH-OBD)
ISO 14229-1 v.2013
ISO 15031-5
ISO 13400-2(DoIP)
UDSのサポートサービス service 0x19 subfunction 0x42
service 0x19 subfunction 0x1A
service 0x19 subfunction 0x56
service 0x29
service 0x2C subfunction 0x02
service 0x29
代表的な機能 ASMIP algorithm (AlternativeStatistical MIL Illumination Protocol)
DTCs suppression
Snapshot Records data pre-storage
Lamp status(SAE J1939-73)
Expanded-FreezeFrame(SAE J1939-73)
DM-messages(SAE J1939-73)


Classic Platform

Fault Memory Management

  • The Diagnostic event (fault) management shall be establishedas Basic SW Module
  • Classification of events for series production, OBD and expertusage
  • Harmonized Driving/WarmUp cycles
  • Configurable suppression of events
  • Definition of replacement failure
  • Notify applications and BSW modules about updates of eventrelated data
  • Triggering of multiple events upon a master event is reported
  • Independent CP Software Cluster development"

DTC and event-related data

  • Parallel fault memory access
  • Independent event memories for multiple diagnostic server in-stances (virtual ECUs)

Diagnostic Communication

  • Generic connections
  • Parallel OBD and UDS processing
  • Handling of different diagnostic sessions in parallel
  • Different diagnostic addresses shall be supported by multiple(physical) channels
  • Access and handle specific data elements and data elementgroups if requested by an external scan tool
  • Provide confirmation after transmit diagnostic responses tothe application
  • Provide diagnostic state information to applications
  • Network independent design
  • Update of constant parameters through diagnostics

Adaptive Platform

Diagnostic Communication

  • Several tester conversations in parallel with assigned priorities
  • Pseudo parallel client interaction according to ISO
  • Conversation preemption/abortion
  • Adding of user-defined transport layers
  • Provide an interface for external UDS service processors
  • Provide connection specific meta information to external service processors
  • Synchronous and asynchronous interaction with external service processors
  • Different signature types, when delegating processing of UDS service to the application
  • Provide SA and TA to external service processors
  • Support for multiple Diagnostic Server Instances



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