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Perelman, Grisha (17 July 2003). "Finite extinction time for the solutions to the Ricci flow on certain three-manifolds". arXiv:math.DG/0307245。https://arxiv.org/abs/math.DG/0307245
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Finite extinction time for the solutions to the
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The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications
Ricci flow equation
positive Ricci curvature
Richard Hamilton
Riemannian metric
arbitrary (smooth) metric
curvature tensor
closed manifold.
evolution equation
metric tensor implies
quadratic expression of the curvatures.
scalar curvature
maximum principle
Ricci flow with surgery on three-manifolds
Finite extinction time for the solutions to the
Ricci flow on certain three-manifolds
count | word | 日本語 | 備考 |
1775 | the | その | |
1337 | t | t | |
803 | a | 一つの | |
775 | of | の | |
654 | r | r | |
638 | x | x | |
582 | is | です | |
565 | and | そして | |
490 | in | に | |
459 | to | に | |
437 | that | それ | |
424 | we | 私達 | |
397 | for | にとって | |
320 | on | 上に | |
264 | with | と | |
242 | at | で | |
241 | m | m | |
212 | can | できる | |
212 | y | y | |
210 | by | 沿って | |
195 | curvature | 曲率 | |
192 | f | f | |
189 | then | その後 | |
184 | h | h | |
177 | b | b | |
171 | this | この | |
169 | solution | 解決 | |
168 | be | あります | |
167 | flow | 流れ | |
164 | c | c | |
155 | n | n | |
154 | time | 時間 | |
153 | ricci | ricci | 人名 |
151 | l | l | |
148 | gij | gij | |
144 | if | もし | |
142 | as | なので | |
135 | i | 私 | |
135 | it | それ | |
131 | d | d | |
130 | such | そのような | |
129 | from | から | |
124 | an | 一つの | |
122 | k | k | |
119 | q | q | |
119 | s | s | |
118 | g | g | |
116 | not | ない | |
110 | metric | 測定基準 | |
109 | where | どこ | |
105 | have | 持ってる | |
104 | p | p | |
100 | one | 一つ | |
100 | w | w | |
94 | are | です | |
94 | which | これ | |
93 | proof | 証明 | |
92 | v | v | |
87 | let | しましょう | |
87 | some | いくつか | |
82 | any | どれか | |
81 | point | 点 | |
80 | manifold | 多様な | |
80 | z | z | |
79 | limit | 制限 | |
77 | now | 今 | |
75 | bounded | 跳ねる | |
74 | each | 各 | |
72 | has | 持っている | |
72 | our | 私たちの | |
71 | there | そこ | |
71 | volume | 量 | |
69 | or | または | |
68 | case | 場合 | |
67 | theorem | 定理 | |
66 | ball | 玉 | |
65 | all | すべて | |
65 | ric | ric | |
63 | solutions | 解 | |
61 | claim | 請求 | |
61 | hamilton | ハミルトン | 人名 |
61 | scalar | 変量 | |
59 | estimate | 見積もり | |
55 | function | 関数 | |
52 | get | 取得する | |
52 | j | j | |
51 | e | e | |
51 | satisfies | 満たす | |
51 | thus | したがって、 | |
51 | zero | ゼロ | |
50 | smooth | 滑らかな | |
48 | assume | 仮定する | |
48 | equation | 方程式 | |
48 | rm | rm | |
47 | also | また | |
47 | defined | 定義済み | |
47 | finite | 有限の | |
47 | so | そう | |
47 | surgery | 手術 | |
46 | ct | ct | |
46 | small | 小さい | |
46 | u | u | |
45 | least | 少なくとも | |
45 | lemma | 補題 | |
45 | radius | 半径 | |
44 | dt | dt | |
43 | rij | rij | |
42 | consider | 検討する | |
42 | large | 大 | |
42 | positive | 肯定 | |
41 | follows | 続く | |
41 | neck | 首 | |
41 | neighborhood | ご近所 | |
41 | other | その他 | |
41 | satisfying | 満足 | |
41 | suppose | 仮定します | |
41 | tk | tk | |
40 | nonnegative | 非負 | |
39 | interval | 間隔 | |
39 | points | 点 | |
39 | therefore | したがって、 | |
39 | using | を使用して | |
38 | assumptions | 仮定 | |
38 | every | すべて | |
38 | exists | 存在する | |
38 | following | 以下 | |
38 | three | 三 | |
38 | whenever | いつでも | |
37 | argument | 引数 | |
37 | first | 最初 | |
37 | its | その | |
37 | manifolds | 多様な | |
37 | round | 円形 | |
36 | closed | 閉まっている | |
36 | may | 五月 | |
36 | take | 取る | |
35 | ancient | 古代 | |
35 | close | 閉じる | |
35 | find | 見つける | |
35 | only | のみ | |
35 | since | 以来 | |
34 | bound | 雪の | |
34 | curve | 曲線 | |
34 | distt | 宛先t | |
33 | when | いつ | |
32 | assumption | 仮定 | |
32 | constant | 絶え間ない | |
32 | gradient | 勾配 | |
32 | soliton | 孤立波 | |
32 | than | より | |
31 | above | 上記 | |
31 | sequence | 列 | |
31 | was | だった | |
30 | does | しますか | |
30 | hand | 手 | |
30 | implies | 意味する | |
30 | indeed | 確かに | |
30 | inequality | 不平等 | |
30 | metrics | 測定基準 | |
30 | would | だろう | |
29 | curvatures | 曲率 | |
29 | same | 同じ | |
29 | sectional | 断面 | |
28 | clearly | 明らかに | |
28 | const | 定数 | |
28 | corollary | 当然の結果 | |
28 | formula | 式 | |
28 | see | 見る | |
27 | canonical | 正準 | |
27 | either | どちらか | |
27 | enough | 足りる | |
27 | infinity | 無限 | |
27 | scale | 規模 | |
26 | apply | 適用する | |
26 | given | 与えられた | |
26 | math | 数学 | |
26 | moreover | さらに | |
26 | proposition | 命題 | |
26 | section | 節 | |
25 | but | だが | |
25 | initial | 初期 | |
25 | monotonicity | 単調性 | |
25 | non | 非 | |
25 | particular | 特に | |
25 | riemannian | リーマン多様体 | 人名 |
25 | times | 時間 | |
24 | almost | ほとんど | |
24 | complete | 完全な | |
24 | distance | 距離 | |
24 | property | 特性 | |
24 | standard | 標準 | |
24 | xk | xk | |
23 | along | に沿って | |
23 | contradiction | 矛盾 | |
23 | dimension | 寸法 | |
23 | factor | 因子 | |
23 | ij | ij | |
23 | no | 否定 | |
23 | rk | rk | |
22 | more | もっと |
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