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2023年十一月投稿記事 規格類

Last updated at Posted at 2023-11-05
Title date views goods stocks
SOTIF: Safety of the intended functionality, ISO 21448:2022 https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/32bb913edd0101f71af3 11/4 40 0 0
Cybersecurity engineering, Road Vehicle, ISO/SAE 21434:2021 https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/688cb06c92bd5f0da1c2 11/4 40 0 0
OSEK/VDX ISO and 2.23 https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/4d6bcec01e0132f9c41c 11/5 6 0 0
十一月投稿 https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/9e7d9ee38c3e8fb706bf 11/5 4 0 0

This article is an individual impression based on the individual's experience. It has nothing to do with the organization or business to which I currently belong.

文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿  20231105


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