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Requirements for voting on IEEE 802 3 drafts

Last updated at Posted at 2022-01-15

IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group

IEEE SA(standard association)の会員だったことがある。


Requirements for voting on IEEE 802 3 drafts

Draft standards within the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group pass through a two stage balloting process, first through Working Group Ballot, then through Standards Association Ballot. For an overview of this process see subclause 7.1 of the Operating Rules of IEEE Project 802 Working Group 802.3, CSMA/CD LANs.

If you wish to vote on an IEEE 802.3 draft standard at the Working Group Ballot stage you need to be a member of the IEEE 802.3 Working Group. If you wish to vote on an IEEE 802.3 draft standard during the Standards Association Ballot stage you need to either be a member of the IEEE Standards Association, or pay an equivalent per ballot fee, and join the particular balloting group.

Note: A Frequently Asked Questions page is available covering the most commonly asked questions about the balloting process as well as some additional explanatory material.

IEEE 802.3 Requirements for Working Group voting membership

If you wish to vote on an IEEE 802.3 standard at the Working Group ballot stage you need to be a member of the IEEE 802.3 Working Group at the date of the initial Working Group ballot of that draft.

Membership is by individual, not company.

To become a member:

Attend and record attendance for at least 75% of the sessions at two of the last four IEEE 802.3 Working Group Plenary meetings.
If you attend and record attendance for at least 75% of the sessions at a two day, or longer, duly constituted IEEE 802.3 Task Force interim meeting or IEEE 802.3 Study Group meeting co-located with a Task Force meeting, this can be substituted for attendance at one plenary.
Provide complete and current contact information in the IEEE 802.3 Working Group database.
Request to become a member during an IEEE 802.3 Working Group opening or closing plenary meeting when additions to the voter list are solicited by the IEEE 802.3 Chair from the "Potential voter" list.

To remain a member you must:

Maintain current contact information in the IEEE 802.3 Working Group database.
Attend and record attendance for at least 75% of the sessions at two of the last four IEEE 802.3 Working Group Plenary meetings.
If you attend and record attendance for at least 75% of the sessions at a two day, or longer, duly constituted IEEE 802.3 Task Force interim meeting or IEEE 802.3 Study Group meeting co-located with a Task Force meeting, this can be substituted for attendance at one, and only one, plenary.
Participate in IEEE 802.3 Working Group ballots. Membership may be lost for not returning, or abstaining, other than for 'lack of expertise', in two of the last three IEEE 802.3 Working Group ballots (IEEE 802.3 member ballot return records).

Requirements for voting on IEEE 802.3 draft standards at Standards Association ballot

To receive notification of IEEE 802.3 Standards Association Ballots:

Make sure you have an IEEE Web Account.

Log on to myProject, and join the IEEE 802.3 'Ethernet Working Group' activity area.

To do this, after logging in, use the 'Manage Activity Profile' link to access your activity profile. IEEE 802.3 can be found under 'IEEE Computer Society', then 'Local and Metropolitan Area Networks'. Check the box for 'Ethernet Working Group'.
After you have completed this, whenever a balloting group is formed for a proposed IEEE 802.3 standard you will be asked if you wish to be in that particular balloting group.

To vote in a IEEE 802.3 Standards Association Ballot:

Make sure you have an IEEE Web Account.
Either [a] be a member of the IEEE Standards Association or [b] pay an equivalent per ballot fee.

N.B. - You will not be able to join, or even see, ballots on myProject until you meet the requirements of [a] or [b].
Log on to myProject and join the ballot group.

To do this, after logging in, use the 'MyBallot' link to access your MyBallot area, then use the 'Show/Join Open Ballot Invitations' link to display the ballot invitations that you have indicated interest in (see "To receive notification of IEEE 802.3 Standards Association Ballots:" above). If you haven't indicated any interest check the 'Show All Open Ballot Invitations' box to see all invitations.
Once you have joined the balloting group, you will receive notice when the ballot opens.


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