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Requirements on Communication, AUTOSAR 22-11, CP, No.2

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-01

Requirements on Communication, No.2, 2022-11

AUTOSAR R22-11記事一覧はこちら。

目的と成果(Purpose and Outcome)

item description
who CAN user
what there are few differences with ISO
importance high
comment Please read v.2 or v.3, there are initiaters.


Term Description
I-PDU Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit (assembled and disassembled in AUTOSAR COM), consists of one or more signals (see below and [DOC_LAYER]).
I-PDU group An I-PDU Group is an arbitrary collection of I-PDUs of the same direction (i.e. send or receive) in COM
LOM Listen Only Mode
L-PDU Data Link Layer Protocol Data Unit (assembled and disassembled in AUTOSAR Hardware Abstraction layer, see [DOC_LAYER]).
signal A signal in the AUTOSAR COM context is equal to a message in [DOC_ISO_COM]. An AUTOSAR signal is carried by one or more signals in COM. The transformation from an AUTOSAR signal to a signal in COM is carried out by the RTE. Typically the transformation preserves the syntax of the data. However, in the case of complex data types the transformation may change the syntax of the signal. Therefore a signal in AUTOSAR COM is not always the same as an AUTOSAR signal.
signal group A signal group refers to a set of signals that must always be kept together in a common I-PDU. A Signal group is used to guarantee the consistent transfer of AUTOSAR composite data types. A signal group has the following properties: - A signal can belong to at most one signal group - A signal group can not belong to more than exactly one I-PDU - Signal groups do not overlap each other within an I-PDU - Signal groups are a contiguous set of signals which belong to this group, however it is possible to have unused bits (“holes”) within a group. - Signal groups may contain no signals (“may be empty”). The grouping of signals to signal groups is assumed to be provided as an input for the COM generation process.





[DOC_LAYER] Layered Sofware Architecture
[DOC_COM_TYPES] Specification of Communication Stack Types
[DOC_VFB] Specification of the Virtual Functional Bus
[DOC_ECUC] Specification of ECU Configuration
[DOC_SWS_RTE] Specification of RTE Software
[DOC_SWS_SwCluC] Specification of RTE Software
[DOC_SWS_COM] Specification of Software Cluster Connection
[DOC_SWS_LDCOM] Specification of Large Data COM
[DOC_TR_GLOS] Glossary
[DOC_TPS_SWC] Software Component Template
[DOC_RS_Features] Requirements on AUTOSAR Features
[TPS_STDT] Standardization Template

[DOC_ISO_GLOS] ISO 17356-1:2005

Road vehicles -- Open interface for embedded automotive applications -- Part 1: General structure and terms, definitions and abbreviated terms


[1] ISO 7498 (all parts), Information processing systems — Open Systems Interconnection

[DOC_ISO_COM] ISO 17356-4:2005

Road vehicles -- Open interface for embedded automotive applications -- Part 4: OSEK/VDX Communication (COM)

2 Normative references

ISO 17356-2, Road vehicles — Open interface for embedded automotive applications — Part 2 OSEK/VDX specifications for binding OS, COM and NM
ISO 17356-3, Road vehicles — Open interface for embedded automotive applications — Part 3 OSEK/VDX Operating System (OS)
ISO 17356-5, Road vehicles — Open interface for embedded automotive applications — Part 5 OSEK/VDX Network Management (NM)
ISO 17356-6, Road vehicles — Open interface for embedded automotive applications — Part 6 OSEK/VDX Implementation Language (OIL)

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文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20221202
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20221229


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