AUTOSAR Advent Calendar 2021


AUTOSARが、12/7 今年の版、R21-11を公開しました。


AUTOSAR R21-11(0)公開 Specificationをダウンロード


Document Title Glossary
Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 055
Document Status published
Part of AUTOSAR Standard Foundation
Part of Standard Release R21-11



glossary に現れる用語で定義のない用語。なにしてくれちゃうの。

ucm: Update and Configuration Management(短縮形)

Autosar 単語検索 短縮名(short name):英語(41)

on the front

Document Title


Document Owner


Document Responsibility


Document Identification No


Document Status


Part of AUTOSAR Standard

自動運転を視野に入れてPOSIX/Ethernet/TCP/IPによるAdaptive Platformと
CAN, OSEKによるClassic Platformの共通部分を示すのがFoundation(基礎)

Part of Standard Release

2019年から、Foundation, Adaptive, ClassicともRelease Year - Release month

Term Description
AA Adaptive Application
ABC Abstract Base Class
ABI Application Binary Interface
ADC Analog Digital Converter
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AMM Application Mode Management
AP AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform
API Application Programming Interface
ARA AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ARTI AUTOSAR Run-Time Interface
ASAM Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring systems
ASD Abstract System Description
ASIL Automotive Safety Integrity Levels
ASW Application SoftWare
ATP AUTOSAR Template Profile
ATS Acceptance Test Suite
AUTOSAR AUTomotive Open System Architecture
BFx Bitfield functions for fixed point
BSW Basic Software
BSWM Basic SoftWare Mode manager
BSWMD Basic SoftWare Module Description
CAN Controller Area Network
CCF Common Cause Failure
CDD Complex Driver
CP Classic Platform
COM COmmunication Management
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DDS Data Distribution Service
DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
DES Data Encryption Standard
DET Development Error Tracer
DEXT Diagnostic EXTract
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIO Digital Input/Output
DLC Data Length Code
DM Diagnostic Manager
DoIP Diagnostics over Internet Protocol
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
DTD Document Type Definition
E2E End to End
ECU Electronic Control Unit
ECB Electronic Code Book
ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography
ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
ECIES Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme
EDDSA Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
EEC Executable Entity Cluster
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EOC Execution Order Constraint
EOCEERG Execution Order Constraint Executable Entity Reference Group
FC Functional Cluster
FIFO First In First Out
FIBEX Field Bus Exchange Format
FO (AUTOSAR) FOundation
FOTA Firmware Over The Air
FPU Floating Point Unit
FQDN Fully-Qualified Domain Name
FW Fire Wire
GCM Galios/Counter Mode
GENIVI GENeva In-Vehicle Infotainment
GPT General Purpose Timer
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code
HTTP Hypertext Transport Protocol
HW Hardware
I-PDU Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit
ICC Implementation Conformance Class
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
ICOM Intelligent COMmunication controller
ICU Input Capture Unit
ID IDentifier
IDL Interface Description Language
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IFI Interpolation Floating point
IFx Interpolation Fixed point
IO Input/ Output
IP Internet Protocol
ISO International Standardization Organization
ISR Interrupt Service Routine
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
LAN Local Area Network
L-PDU Protocol Data Unit of the data Link layer
L-SDU SDU of the data Link layer
LET Logical Execution Time
LIFO Last In First Out
LIN Local Interconnected Network
LT Log and Trace
LSB Least Significant Bit
MAC Media Access Control
MAC Message Authentication Code
mC MicroController
MCAL Microcontroller Abstraction Layer
MCU Micro Controller Unit
MD Message Digest
ME Mappable Element
MFI Mathematical Floating point
MFx Math - Fixed Point
MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
MMU Memory Management Unit
MMI Man Machine Interface
MOST Media Oriented Systems Transport
mP MicroProcessor
MPU Memory Protection Unit
MSB Most Significant Bit
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
NM Network Management
N-PDU Protocol Data Unit of the Network layer (transport protocols)
N-SDU SDU of the Network layer (transport protocols)
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
OBD On-Board Diagnostic
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OIL ISO 17356-6 (OSEK/VDX Implementation Language)
OS Operating System
OSEK Open Systems and the Corresponding Interfaces for Automotive Electronics
PCI Protocol Control Information
PDEP Profile of Data Exchange Point
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PHM Platform Health Management
PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface
PS Product Supplier
PSK Pre-Shared Key
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
RAM Random Access Memory
RDG Runnable Dependency Graph
REST Representational State Transfer
RfC Request for Change
ROM Read-Only Memory
RP Rapid Prototyping
RPC Remote Procedure Call
RSA Cryptographic approach according to Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman
RTE Runtime Environment
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SD Service Discovery
SDG Special Data Group
SDU Service Data Unit
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SHM System Health Monitoring
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
SOME/IP Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP
SP Synchronization Point
SPEM Software & Systems Process Engineering Meta-model
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SST Signal-Service Translation
SW Software
SW-C Software Component
SWCT / SWC-T Software Component Template
SWS Software Specification
SYST / SYS-T System Template
TC Timed Communication
TC Test Case
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TIMEX TIMing EXTensions
TLS Transport Layer Security
TLV Tag Length Value
TP Transport Protocol
TTCAN Time Triggered CAN
TTL Time To Live
TTP Time Triggered Protocol
UDP User (Universal) Datagram Protocol
UDS Unified Diagnostic Services
UDPNM UDP Network Management
UML Unified Modeling Language
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTF Universal coded character set Transformation Format
UUID Universally Unique Identifier
VFB Virtual Functional Bus
V2X Vehicle-To-Everything
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VSA Variable Size Array
VSM Vehicle State Manager
VISS Vehicle Information Service Specification
VMM Vehicle Mode Management
WCET Worst Case Execution Time
WCRT Worst Case Response time
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
XCP Universal Calibration Protocol
XML Extensible Markup Language
XP Abstract Platform
XSD XML Schema Definition
Definition term to be defined
Initiator functional cluster which responsible for the term
Further Explanations further explanation of the definition
Comment comment or hints
Example example of the term
Reference reference of definition

ISOがInternational Standardization Organizationとなっているのは誤植。 International Organization for Standardization

AUTOSARの他の文書では、 International Organization for Standardizationとなっているものが多数ある。



no. count word 日本語
1 1230 the その
2 870 of
3 751 a 一つの
4 520 and
5 485 to
6 436 is です
7 397 autosar AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名)
8 396 software ソフトウェア
9 365 definition 意味
10 356 example
11 341 reference 参照
12 339 further さらに遠く
13 329 comment 注釈
14 329 explanations 説明
15 328 initiator 初期化子
16 292 in の中に
17 214 id identifier, 識別子(短縮名)
18 213 or または
19 211 an 一つの
20 209 for にとって
21 197 communication 通信
22 195 be です
23 176 by
24 157 data 与件
25 156 that それ
26 150 time 時間
27 148 architecture 建築
28 144 document 文書
29 144 system
30 142 can できる
31 142 interface 界面
32 140 r r
33 133 glossary 用語集
34 131 are それは
35 130 fo foundation(短縮名)
36 129 autosar_tr_glossary autosar_tr_glossary
37 126 service 奉仕
38 123 e e
39 120 which どの
40 111 as なので
41 106 on の上
42 105 ecu Electronic Control Unit(短縮名)
43 96 safety 安全性
44 95 port
45 94 see 見る
46 84 from から
47 84 this これ
48 83 sw software(短縮名)
49 82 it それ
50 80 not いいえ
51 78 used 使った
52 77 application 応用
53 77 g g
54 75 configuration 構成
55 75 with
56 73 information 情報
57 73 iso International Organization for Standardization(短縮名)
58 72 part
59 72 signal 信号
60 70 component 成分
61 70 network 通信網
62 67 code 符号
63 67 platform 土台
64 66 unit 単位
65 63 execution 実行
66 60 adaptive 適応
67 60 state 状態
68 59 icc Implementation Conformance Class(短縮名)
69 58 functional 機能的
70 58 functionality 機能性
71 58 hardware ハードウェア
72 58 one 1
73 58 specific 明確
74 56 interrupt 割り込み
75 56 pdu Protocol Data Unit(短縮名)
76 55 entity 実在物
77 55 has もっている
78 54 layer
79 53 between の間に
80 53 bus 乗合自動車
81 53 management 管理
82 52 defined 定義済み
83 51 model 模型
84 50 basic 基本
85 50 case 場合
86 50 standardized 標準化
87 49 cluster 集まる
88 49 pnc partial network cluster(短縮名)
89 48 at
90 48 c c
91 48 event 行事
92 47 its これは
93 46 point
94 46 specification 仕様
95 45 access 接続
96 45 may かもしれない
97 44 control 制御
98 44 level 水準
99 44 module 部品
100 44 protocol 規約


[1] ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994 - Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection -
Conformance testing methodology and framework http://www.iso.org
[2] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 20 Information technology – Vocabulary – System Development, First Edition
[3] Software Component Template AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate
[4] ISO 17356-3: Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applications – Part 3: OSEK/VDX Operating System (OS)
[5] ITEA Project 00009 EAST-EEA Embedded Electronic Architecture - Glossary Version 6.1
[6] IEEE 1471-2000: IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description for
Software- Intensive Systems
[7] ISO/IEC 26262 Part 1 Road vehicles – Functional safety: Vocabulary
[8] IEEE 1517-1999: IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Software Life Cycle
Processes – Reuse Processes
[9] Standardization Template AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate
[10] Virtual Functional Bus AUTOSAR_EXP_VFB
[11] Unified Modeling Language: Superstructure, Version 2.0, OMG Available Specification, ptc/05-07-04 http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/apps/doc?formal/05-07-04
[12] Specification of AUTOSAR Run-Time Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_ClassicPlatformARTI
[13] Lehrbuch Grundlagen der Informatik
[14] Hyper Dictionary www.HyperDictionary.com
[15] Explanation of Interrupt Handling within AUTOSAR
[16] ISO/IEC 61511 Part 1 Information technology – Software life cycle process, First Edition
[17] Information processing systems – Open Systems Interconnection – Basic Reference Model
[18] Binding Specification Version 1.4.1
[19] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 1 Information technology – Vocabulary – Fundamental Terms,
Third Edition
[20] Specification of Operating System AUTOSAR_SWS_OS
[21] Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_DiagnosticEventManager
[22] ISO 26262-6:2018 – Road vehicles – Functional Safety – Part 6: Product development at the software level http://www.iso.org
[23] Layered Software Architecture AUTOSAR_EXP_LayeredSoftwareArchitecture
[24] Specification of ECU Configuration AUTOSAR_TPS_ECUConfiguration
[25] Specification of Timing Extensions AUTOSAR_TPS_TimingExtensions
[26] Road vehicles – Diagnostics on Controller Area Networks (CAN) – Part2: Network layer services
[27] Unified diagnostic services (UDS) – Part 1: Specification and requirements (Release 2006-12) http://www.iso.org
[28] AUTOSAR Feature Model Exchange Format AUTOSAR_TPS_FeatureModelExchangeFormat
[29] ISO 17458-1:2013, Road vehicles - FlexRay communication system http://www.iso.org
[30] Specification of FlexRay Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayDriver
[31] Specification of FlexRay Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayInterface
[32] System Template AUTOSAR_TPS_SystemTemplate
[33] ISO 17356-1: Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applications – Part 1: General structure and terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
[34] Specification of ECU Resource Template AUTOSAR_TPS_ECUResourceTemplate
[35] Translation/Adaptation from VDI Lexikon Informatik und Kommunikationstechnik
[36] Specification of Health Monitoring AUTOSAR_ASWS_HealthMonitoring
[37] ISO 17356-4: Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applications – Part 4: OSEK/VDX Communication (COM)
[38] ISO 17987:2016 (all parts), Road vehicles – Local Interconnect Network (LIN) http://www.iso.org
[39] DIN 40041 Ausgabe:1990-12 Zuverlässigkeit; Begriffe
[40] IEEE Standard for a High-Performance Serial Bus http://www.1394ta.org/Technology/Specifications/specifications.htm
[41] Specification of Network Management Interface
[42] ISO/IEC 27000:2018 Information technology - Security techniques - Information
security management systems - Overview and vocabulary http://www.iso.org
[43] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 15 Information technology – Vocabulary – Programming Languages, First Edition
[44] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 8 Information technology – Vocabulary – Security, Second Edition
[45] XML Specification of Application Interfaces AUTOSAR_MOD_AISpecification
[46] Specification of Manifest AUTOSAR_TPS_ManifestSpecification
[47] IEEE Standard for System, Software, and Hardware Verification and Validation
[48] Specification of Update and Configuration Management AUTOSAR_SWS_UpdateAndConfigurationManagement

[7] ISO/IEC 26262 Part 1 Road vehicles – Functional safety: Vocabulary
[17] Information processing systems – Open Systems Interconnection – Basic Reference Model

[7] ISO 26262 Part 1 Road vehicles – Functional safety: Vocabulary
[17] ISO 7498 1984: Information processing systems – Open Systems Interconnection – Basic Refer- ence Model



Document Change R21 - 11

• Added terms for Intermediate PNC coordinator, PN shutdown message, Top-level PNC coordinator, PNC leaf node
• Added terms for Logging, Tracing, Profiling
• Improved definition of System term


[1] ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994 - Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework


標題の一部を省略している。標題のままであれば、ISO/IEC 9646とする。
ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994 とするなら、
ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Conformance testing methodology and framework — Part 1: General concepts

[2] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 20 Information technology – Vocabulary – System Develop- ment, First Edition


表記方法が、[1]と整合性がない。発行年を記載していない。Part 20は標題の一部。

ISO/IEC 2382-20:1990
Information technology — Vocabulary — Part 20: System development

[3] Software Component Template


Document Identification No 62
Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform


Classic Platformであることがわかる標題にするか、Adaptive Platformとの共通部分を整理して分類をFoundationにするか。

[4] ISO 17356-3: Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applica- tions – Part 3: OSEK/VDX Operating System (OS)

ISO 17356-3:2005
Road vehicles — Open interface for embedded automotive applications — Part 3: OSEK/VDX Operating System (OS)



AUTOSAR OSに基づいて、国際規格への追加をするとよいかも。

[5] ITEA Project 00009 EAST-EEA Embedded Electronic Architecture - Glossary Version 6.1




[6] IEEE 1471-2000:

IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description for Software- Intensive Systems


また、IEEEは、ISO/IEC JTC1 とA Liaisonを結び、共同で文書を発行している。

IEEE/ISO/IEC 42010-2011 Systems and software engineering - Architecture description

ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 Systems and software engineering — Architecture description

[7] ISO/IEC 26262 Part 1 Road vehicles – Functional safety: Vocabulary



ISO 26262-1:2018 Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 1: Vocabulary

[8] IEEE 1517-1999:

IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Software Life Cycle Processes – Reuse Processes



IEEE 1517-2010 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology--System and Software Life Cycle Processes--Reuse Processes

[9] Standardization Template AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate

[10] Virtual Functional Bus AUTOSAR_EXP_VFB
[11] Unified Modeling Language: Superstructure, Version 2.0, OMG Available Specifi- cation, ptc/05-07-04
[12] Specification of AUTOSAR Run-Time Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_ClassicPlatformARTI
[13] Lehrbuch Grundlagen der Informatik
[14] Hyper Dictionary www.HyperDictionary.com
[15] Explanation of Interrupt Handling within AUTOSAR AUTOSAR_EXP_InterruptHandlingExplanation
[16] ISO/IEC 61511 Part 1 Information technology – Software life cycle process, First Edition
[17] ISO Information processing systems – Open Systems Interconnection – Basic Refer- ence Model
[18] Binding Specification Version 1.4.1
[19] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 1 Information technology – Vocabulary – Fundamental Terms, Third Edition
[20] Specification of Operating System AUTOSAR_SWS_OS
[21] Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager AUTOSAR_SWS_DiagnosticEventManager
[22] ISO 26262-6:2018 – Road vehicles – Functional Safety – Part 6: Product devel- opment at the software level
[23] Layered Software Architecture AUTOSAR_EXP_LayeredSoftwareArchitecture
[24] Specification of ECU Configuration AUTOSAR_TPS_ECUConfiguration
[25] Specification of Timing Extensions AUTOSAR_TPS_TimingExtensions
[26] Road vehicles – Diagnostics on Controller Area Networks (CAN) – Part2: Network layer services
[27] Unified diagnostic services (UDS) – Part 1: Specification and requirements (Re- lease 2006-12)
[28] AUTOSAR Feature Model Exchange Format AUTOSAR_TPS_FeatureModelExchangeFormat
[29] ISO 17458-1:2013, Road vehicles - FlexRay communication system http://www.iso.org
[30] Specification of FlexRay Driver AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayDriver
[31] Specification of FlexRay Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayInterface
[32] System Template AUTOSAR_TPS_SystemTemplate
[33] ISO 17356-1: Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applica- tions – Part 1: General structure and terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
[34] Specification of ECU Resource Template AUTOSAR_TPS_ECUResourceTemplate
[35] Translation/Adaptation from VDI Lexikon Informatik und Kommunikationstechnik
[36] Specification of Health Monitoring AUTOSAR_ASWS_HealthMonitoring
[37] ISO 17356-4: Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applica- tions – Part 4: OSEK/VDX Communication (COM)
[38] ISO 17987:2016 (all parts), Road vehicles – Local Interconnect Network (LIN) http://www.iso.org
[39] DIN 40041 Ausgabe:1990-12 Zuverlässigkeit; Begriffe
[40] IEEE Standard for a High-Performance Serial Bus http://www.1394ta.org/Technology/Specifications/specifications.htm
[41] Specification of Network Management Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_NetworkManagementInterface
[42] ISO/IEC 27000:2018 Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems - Overview and vocabulary
[43] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 15 Information technology – Vocabulary – Programming Lan- guages, First Edition
[44] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 1 Information technology – Vocabulary – Security, Second Edition
[45] XML Specification of Application Interfaces AUTOSAR_MOD_AISpecification
[46] Specification of Manifest AUTOSAR_TPS_ManifestSpecification
[47] IEEE Standard for System, Software, and Hardware Verification and Validation
[48] Specification of Update and Configuration Management AUTOSAR_SWS_UpdateAndConfigurationManagement


AUTOSARではShort Nameという用語を使っている。ここでもShortNameと呼んだ方がいい。
Acronyms でも abbreviationsでもない用語があるかもしれない。
たとえば、ISO はInternational Standardization Organizationではない。

We, the International Organization for Standardization, own the registered trademarks for our short name, "ISO".



AbstractPlatform 25
AcceptanceTestSuite 26
AccessControlDecision 26
AccessControlPolicy 26
Adaptability 26
AdaptiveApplication . 27
AdaptivePlatformFoundation 27
AdaptivePlatformServices 27
Application. 28
ApplicationInterface . 28
ApplicationProgrammingInterface 28
ApplicationSoftwareComponent 29
Architecture 29
Artifact 29
ASILDecomposition . 29
AssertedProperty 30
Assessment 30
Asset. 30
AsynchronousCommunication . 31
AsynchronousFunction 31
AtomicSoftwareComponent 31
Audit. 31
AutomotiveSafetyIntegrityLevels 32
AUTOSARAdaptivePlatform 32
AUTOSARApplicationInterface. 32
AUTOSARAuthoringTool . 32
AUTOSARBlueprint . 33
AUTOSARConverterTool . 33
AUTOSARDefinition . 33
AUTOSARInterface . 34
AUTOSARMetamodel 34
AUTOSARPartialModel 34
AUTOSARProcessorTool. 35
AUTOSARRuntimeforAdaptiveApplications . 35
AUTOSARRun-TimeInterface . 35
AUTOSARService 36
AUTOSARTool . 36
AUTOSARXMLdescription 36
Availability. 37
BasicSoftware . 38
BasicSoftwareModule 39
BitPosition 39
Blueprint 39
BulkData . 39
BusMirroring 40
BusWake-Up 40
Bypassing. 40
Calibration. 41
CallPoint . 41
Callback 41
Callout 42
CascadedSwitch 42
CascadingFailure 42
Category1Interrupt . 43
Category2Interrupt . 43
CausalityofTransmission . 43
ClassicPlatform. 44
Client. 44
Client-ServerCommunication 44
Client-ServerInterface 45
ClusterSignal 45
CodeGenerator. 45
CodeVariantCoding . 46
CommonCauseFailure 46
CommunicationAttribute 46
ComplexDriver . 46
Composition 47
Compositionality 47
ConditionedSignal 47
Configuration 48
Confirmation 48
Connector. 48
ControlFlow 49
Coordinate. 49
Data. 49
DataElement 49
DataFlow . 50
DataVariantCoding . 50
Deadline 50
4.82 Debugging. 51
4.83 Dependability 51
4.84 DependentFailure 51
4.85 DiagnosticCoverage . 51
4.86 DiagnosticEvent 52
4.87 Diversity 52
4.88 DynamicPDU 52
4.89 DynamicRouting 52
4.90 E2EProfile 53
4.91 E2Eprotectionalivecounter 53
4.92 E2Eprotectionsequencecounter 53
4.93 ECUAbstractionLayer 54
4.94 ECUConfiguration 54
4.95 ECUConfigurationDescription . 54
4.96 ElectricalSignal. 55
4.97 ElectronicControlUnit 55
4.98 EmptyFunction. 55
4.99 EntryPoint. 56
4.100Error. 56
4.101ErrorDetectionRate . 56
4.102EthernetSwitchPortGroups 56
4.103Event. 57
4.104EventMessage(SOME/IP) 57
4.105Executable. 57
4.106ExecutableEntityCluster 57
4.107ExecutionOrderConstraint 58
4.108ExecutionTime . 59
4.109ExitPoint . 59
4.110ExternalPort 59
4.111Fail-operational . 59
4.112Fail-safe 60
4.113Fail-silent . 60
4.114FailureMode 60
4.115Failure 61
4.116FailureRate 61
4.117Fault. 61
4.118FaultDetection . 61
4.119FaultReaction 62
4.120FaultReactionTime . 62
4.121FaultTolerance . 62
4.122FaultTolerantTimeInterval 63
4.123Feature 63
4.124Flag . 63
4.125FlexRay 63
4.126Foundation 64
4.127Frame 64
4.128FramePDU 64
4.129FreedomfromInterference. 65
4.130Function 65
4.131FunctionalCluster 65
4.132FunctionalNetwork 66
4.133FunctionalSafetyConcept. 66
4.134FunctionalSafetyRequirement . 66
4.135FunctionalUnit . 66
4.136Functionality 67
4.137Gateway 67
4.138GatewayECU 67
4.139GracefulDegradation. 67
4.140HardwareConnection 68
4.141HardwareElement 68
4.142HardwareInterrupt 68
4.143HardwarePort 69
4.144HealthIndicator. 69
4.145Hook. 69
4.146HostECU . 70
4.147HostPort . 70
4.148Hypervisor. 70
4.149IdentityandAccessManagement(IAM) . 70
4.150IdentityInformation 71
4.151 ImplementationConformanceClass1(ICC1) . 71
4.152 ImplementationConformanceClass2(ICC2) . 72
4.153 ImplementationConformanceClass3(ICC3) . 73
4.154Independence 73
4.155IndependentFailures. 73
4.156Indication . 73
4.157Integration. 74
4.158IntegrationCode 74
4.159Interface 74
4.160IntermediatePNCcoordinator 75
4.161InternalPort 75
4.162InterruptFrames 75
4.163InterruptHandler 76
4.164InterruptServiceRoutine 76
4.165InterruptVectorTable. 76
4.166Interrupt 76
4.167IntrusionDetectionSystem 77
4.168InvalidFlag 77
4.169InvalidValueofSignal 77
4.170I-PDU 78
4.171LifeCycle . 78
4.172LINBusIdle 78
4.173LinkStateAccumulation 78
4.174LinkTimeConfiguration 79
4.175LogicalExecutionTime 79
4.176LogandTrace 80
4.177Logging 80
4.178Machine 81
4.179Manifest 81
4.180MappableElement 81
4.181Mapping 82
4.182MasterSwitch 82
4.183MCALSignal 82
4.184Metadata . 82
4.185MetaDataItem 83
4.186Microcontroller . 83
4.187MicrocontrollerAbstractionLayer 83
4.188Mistake 84
4.189Mode. 84
4.190MultimediaStream 85
4.191MultiplexedPDU 85
4.192NetworkInterface 85
4.193NMCoordinationCluster 86
4.194NMCoordinator. 86
4.195Notification 87
4.196OnboardSecurityEvent 87
4.197OSApplication . 87
4.198OSEvent . 88
4.199Partitioning 88
4.200ProtocolControlInformation 88
4.201ProtocolDataUnit 89
4.202PDUMetaData . 89
4.203PDUTimeout 90
4.204Performance 90
4.205PeripheralHardware . 90
4.206Personalization . 91
4.207Plausibility. 91
4.208PNCleafnode . 91
4.209PNshutdownmessage 92
4.210PolicyDecisionPoint(PDP) 92
4.211PolicyEnforcementPoint(PEP). 92
4.212Port . 92
4.213PortInterface 93
4.214Post-buildTimeConfiguration 93
4.215Post-buildHooking 93
4.216Pre-buildHooking 94
4.217Pre-CompileTimeConfiguration. 94
4.218Predictabiliy 94
4.219PretendedNetworking 94
4.220PrivateInterface 95
4.221ProbabilityofFailure . 95
4.222ProcedureCall . 95
4.223Process 96
4.224ProcessedManifest 96
4.225Profiling 96
4.226ProvenInUseArgument 97
4.227ProvidePort 97
4.228RapidPrototyping 97
4.229RapidPrototypingMemoryInterface . 97
4.230RapidPrototypingTool 98
4.231RateConversion 98
4.232RawDataStream 98
4.233Recovery . 98
4.234Redundancy 99
4.235Reentrancy 99
4.236Reliability . 100
4.237Relocatability 100
4.238RequirePort 100
4.239Requiredproperty 101
4.240ResidualErrorRate 101
4.241Resource . 101
4.242Resource-Management 101
4.243ResponseTime. 102
4.244Risk . 102
4.245Robustness 102
4.246RTEEvent. 103
4.247RunnableEntity. 103
4.248SAEJ1939 103
4.249SafeState. 104
4.250Safety 104
4.251SafetyCase 104
4.252SafetyGoal 105
4.253SafetyMeasure. 105
4.254SafetyMechanism 105
4.255SafetyProtocol . 105
4.256SampleApplication 106
4.257Scalability . 106
4.258Scheduler . 106
4.259ServiceDataUnit 106
4.260Security 107
4.261SecureChannel. 107
4.262SecurityEvent 107
4.263Sender-ReceiverCommunication 108
4.264Sender-ReceiverInterface. 108
4.265Sensor/ActuatorSW-Component 108
4.266Server 108
4.267Service 109
4.268ServiceDiscovery 109
4.269ServiceInstance 109
4.270ServiceInterface 110
4.271ServiceOrientedCommunication 110
4.272ServicePort 110
4.273ServiceProxy 111
4.274ServiceSkeleton 111
4.275ServicesLayer . 111
4.276SignalServiceTranslation . 112
4.277SlaveSwitch 112
4.278SoftwareCluster 112
4.279SoftwareComponent. 113
4.280SoftwareComponentInterface . 113
4.281SoftwareConfiguration 114
4.282SoftwareInterrupt 114
4.283SoftwarePackage 114
4.284SoftwareSignal. 114
4.285SoftwareUnit 115
4.286SpecialPeripheryAccess . 115
4.287StandardPeripheryAccess 115
4.288StandardSoftware 115
4.289StandardizedAUTOSARBlueprint 116
4.290StandardizedAUTOSARInterface 116
4.291StandardizedBlueprint 116
4.292StandardizedInterface 117
4.293StaticConfiguration 117
4.294SynchronizationPoints 117
4.295Synchronize 118
4.296SynchronousCommunication 119
4.297SynchronousFunction 119
4.298System 119
4.299SystemConstraint 119
4.300SystemHealthMonitor 120
4.301SystemSignal 120
4.302SystematicFault 120
4.303Task . 121
4.304TechnicalSignal. 121
4.305TimedCommunication 121
4.306Timeout 122
4.307Top-levelPNCcoordinator. 122
4.308Tracing 123
4.309UplinkPort. 123
4.310UseCase . 123
4.311Validation . 124
4.312Variability . 124
4.313Variant 124
4.314VariantCoding . 124
4.315VariationBinding 125
4.316VariationBindingTime 125
4.317VariationPoint 125
4.318VehicleStateManager 126
4.319VendorID . 126
4.320Verification. 126
4.321VFBView . 127
4.322VirtualFunctionalBus 127
4.323VirtualIntegration 127
4.324Virtualization 128
4.325Wake-upandsleepondataline . 128
4.326WorstCaseExecutionTime 128
4.327WorstCaseResponseTime 129


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