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Digital Annex of E/E Diagnostic Test Modes SAE J1979-DA 2011 Word count。docker(153) 何か失敗したかもしれない1日目。英語(51)

Last updated at Posted at 2021-11-12

SAE J1979-da Digital Annex of E/E Diagnostic Test Modes

国際規格 ISO 15031-5:2015(en)
Road vehicles — Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics — Part 5: Emissions-related diagnostic services



$ docker run -v /tmp/sae:/tmp/sae -it ubuntu /bin/bash

dockerでPDFの道具導入。poppler-utils にpdftotextが入っているらしい。

# apt update; apt -y upgrade
# apt install -y poppler-utils vim


# Print list of word frequencies
# https://researchmap.jp/jomd7nobo-45644/

    $0 = tolower($0)    # 
    gsub(/[^a-z_ \t]/, " ", $0)  #
    for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)

    for (word in freq)
        printf "%s\t%d\n", word, freq[word]


# awk -f wc.awk j1979-da.txt > wc.txt




20211112 2320追記


    gsub(/[^a-z_ \t]/, " ", $0)  
    gsub(/[^0-9a-z_ \t]/, " ", $0)  


word count
0 1716
1 1670
the 1457
a 1142
bit 874
sensor 863
of 805
and 688
shall 681
to 664
2 660
data 654
value 620
display 574
is 558
be 556
supported 546
for 544
bank 530
scaling 520
pid 504
hex 476
c 438
or 405
test 362
min 357
in 331
external 330
equipment 327
fuel 314
control 306
4 303
description 298
b 295
table 295
byte 288
kpa 286
definition 280
as 274
engine 274
s 274
100 263
xxx 263
not 260
metric 257
si 257
sae 254
max 246
with 244
if 232
monitor 232
pressure 227
position 225
at 221
3 218
this 218
id 215
egr 214
g 210
that 203
5 202
system 202
per 201
unit 198
temperature 196
x 193
reported 188
examples 187
dec 184
range 183
by 181
0 175
xx 172
vehicle 170
time 168
0 167
english 166
commanded 160
j1979 160
da 158
7 157
ffff 154
no 150
throttle 150
counts 149
40 145
air 144
revised 144
143 143
Oct-11 143
page 142
on 141
sec 138
monitoring 137
active 136
are 135
status 135
bits 133
run 133
f 132
obd 128


word count
the 1457
a 1226
bit 875
sensor 863
of 805
and 688
shall 681
to 664
data 654
value 620
b 592
display 574
is 558
be 557
supported 546
for 544
pid 536
bank 530
c 530
scaling 520
hex 476
or 405
s 383
test 362
min 357
in 331
external 330
equipment 327
fuel 314
control 306
description 298
e 298
table 295
byte 288
kpa 286
definition 280
as 274
engine 274
xxx 263
not 260
metric 257
si 257
sae 254
g 253
o 249
f 248
max 246
with 244
if 232
monitor 232
pressure 227
position 225
at 221
j 219
this 218
id 215
egr 214
that 203
system 202
per 201
d 200
unit 198
temperature 196
x 196
reported 188
examples 187
dec 184
range 183
by 181
xx 174
vehicle 170
time 168
english 166
commanded 160
da 159
ffff 154
v 152
no 150
throttle 150
counts 149
h 145
air 144
revised 144
oct 143
page 142
on 141
sec 138
monitoring 137
active 136
aecd 135
are 135
status 135
bits 133
run 133
obd 128
exhaust 120
closed 118
reserved 117
may 116
when 116
conditions 115
from 114
use 113
iso 112
ecu 109
an 107
used 105
voltage 104
gas 103
total 101
number 100
displayed 99
yes 99
percent 98
xxxxx 98
nox 94
ignition 93
unsigned 92
vehicles 92
egt 91
bytes 90
dpf 89
ei 89
xxxx 89
km 88
maximum 88
torque 86
oxygen 84
open 82
report 81
catalyst 80
lambda 79
offset 79
intake 78
ma 76
pids 76
wide 76
psi 75
using 75
loop 74
boost 72
indicate 72
n 72
than 72
systems 71
flow 70
off 70
ratio 70
any 69
example 69
can 68
input 68
support 68
all 67
only 67
pm 66
mv 65
normalized 65
counter 62
cycle 61
other 61
message 60
fff 59
note 59
output 59
concentration 58
encountered 57
one 57
been 54
response 54
will 54
fully 53
it 51
turbocharger 51
duty 50
which 50
i 49
module 49
reference 49
secondary 49
xxxxxxx 49
inlet 48
stroke 48
trim 48
conversion 47
have 47
hrs 47
l 47
pa 47
timer 47
level 46
absolute 45
completion 45
location 45
reagent 45
monitors 44
times 44
actual 43
characters 43
mg 43
specified 43
values 43
injection 42
_time 41
each 41
inducement 41
defined 40
utilized 40
complete 39
count 39
diesel 39
pedal 39
rpm 39
sensors 39
cnts 38
displays 38
full 38
indicates 38
inh 38
term 38
compression 37
current 37
cylinder 37
has 37
lbs 37
present 37
manufacturer 36
obtained 36
signed 36
spark 36
ff 35
mi 35
ms 35
where 35
compressor 34
error 34
iat 34
inferred 34
maf 34
mass 34
ppm 34
required 34
see 34
zero 34
inputs 33
manifold 33
motor 33
non 33
relative 33
up 33
valve 33
misfire 32
outlet 32
reset 32
strategy 32
idle 31
infotype 31
parameter 31
volt 31
vvt 31
continuous 30
directly 30
filter 30
gasoline 30
k 30
method 30
stepper 30
wastegate 30
determine 29
following 29
these 29
two 29
area 28
continued 28
malfunction 28
operating 28
turbo 28
while 28
linear 27
mil 27
set 27
after 26
calibration 26
proportional 26
rail 26
regen 26
service 26
should 26
vgt 26
but 25
diagnostic 25
engines 25
equivalence 25
ii 25
map 25
request 25
solenoid 25
speed 25
xxxxxx 25
calculated 24
condition 24
correction 24
fault 24
hours 24
included 24
including 24
running 24
volts 24
always 23
both 23
calculate 23
denominator 23
dtcs 23
feedback 23
figure 23
hz 23
lb 23
necessary 23
operated 23
available 22
contain 22
document 22
evap 22
greater 22
information 22
numerator 22
short 22
wg 22
activated 21
consumption 21
do 21
emission 21
heater 21
lean 21
less 21
rich 21
average 20
different 20
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uses 20
usually 20
wwh 20
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ethanol 19
kohm 19
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long 19
more 19
power 19
state 19
type 19
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ascii 18
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cact 18
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heated 18
hybrid 18
intended 18
name 18
particulate 18
performance 18
requirements 18
vacuum 18
actuation 17
appendix 17
based 17
because 17
between 17
charge 17
currently 17
decimal 17
eobd 17
erotan 17
evaporative 17
four 17
intermediate 17
methods 17
operation 17
point 17
positions 17
ready 17
temp 17
turbine 17
additional 16
banks 16
being 16
enabled 16
esn 16
gauge 16
high 16
how 16
low 16
mm 16
mph 16
ohm 16
pto 16
single 16
warning 16
adsorber 15
baro 15
bi 15
board 15
certified 15
coolant 15
cooler 15
distance 15
either 15
ids 15
inside 15
least 15
many 15
mode 15
scr 15
tank 15
timing 15
vanes 15
variable 15
was 15
actuator 14
bypassed 14
case 14
cleared 14
component 14
cycles 14
drive 14
dtc 14
ft 14
heavy 14
inch 14
increment 14
indicated 14
m 14
messagecount 14
mhz 14
millimeter 14
neutral 14
nte 14
reading 14
recommended 14
refer 14
scr_ind_dist_ 14
since 14
switch 14
tac 14
there 14
three 14
under 14
vane 14
variety 14
cvn 13
cycled 13
cyl 13
during 13
equipped 13
fuels 13
however 13
inversely 13
khz 13
length 13
minus 13
moves 13
normally 13
scaled 13
scan 13
signal 13
too 13
tool 13
utilize 13
vin 13
algorithm 12
applicable 12
apply 12
bx 12
catemp 12
clear 12
cmd 12
comprehensive 12
cont 12
data_a 12
ecus 12
emissions 12
euro 12
explanation 12
filling 12
kg 12
previous 12
raw 12
stored 12
sy 12
tracking 12
also 11
appropriate 11
brake 11
change 11
criteria 11
disabled 11
ecm 11
format 11
gear 11
listed 11
messages 11
miles 11
new 11
nmhc 11
part 11
purge 11
ram 11
rate 11
remote 11
reporting 11
specific 11
such 11
those 11
trans 11
turned 11
vapor 11
via 11
acronym 10
amount 10
angle 10
calculation 10
code 10
combustion 10
communication 10
constant 10
counters 10
divided 10
driving 10
ect 10
enable 10
etc 10
friction 10
geometry 10
includes 10
lamp 10
legislated 10
model 10
numeric 10
plate 10
quantity 10
shutoff 10
standard 10
track 10
year 10
abs 9
accelerator 9
balance 9
block 9
content 9
contribution 9
could 9
define 9
delivered 9
device 9
ffvs 9
freeze 9
identification 9
identifications 9
identifiers 9
into 9
its 9
limit 9
load 9
load_pct 9
minimum 9
mnemonic 9
mohm 9
needs 9
negative 9
obdmid 9
out 9
period 9
software 9
start 9
typically 9
units 9
us 9
volatile 9
_cl 8
_pct 8
auxiliary 8
before 8
bus 8
california 8
changes 8
clearing 8
delta 8
derived 8
determined 8
diagnostics 8
dump 8
glow 8
hd 8
iaf 8
inactive 8
indicator 8
jobd 8
leak 8
lgso 8
liters 8
load_abs 8
longft 8
means 8
meet 8
most 8
multiple 8
need 8
network 8
normal 8
once 8
outputs 8
plug 8
provide 8
pump 8
received 8
referenced 8
regens 8
represent 8
respond 8
runtm 8
shrtft 8
stoichiometric 8
switches 8
t 8
text 8
transmission 8
transmitted 8
utilizes 8
warm 8
water 8
wrap 8
aftertreatment 7
airflow 7
associated 7
atmosphere 7
bar 7
character 7
cng 7
computed 7
developed 7
electric 7
employ 7
engineering 7
fe 7
federal 7
fill 7
followed 7
generally 7
history 7
incorrect 7
individual 7
key 7
match 7
mercury 7
mmh 7
mmhg 7
must 7
net 7
normative 7
outside 7
peak 7
points 7
powertrain 7
reason 7
regulations 7
related 7
requested 7
revision 7
road 7
sending 7
standards 7
starting 7
stp 7
tc 7
technical 7
through 7
timers 7
trip 7
unique 7
unsupported 7
verification 7
wheel 7
within 7
wot 7
would 7
aat 6
accessories 6
alcohol 6
alive 6
allow 6
approval 6
carve 6
cases 6
check 6
components 6
conversions 6
days 6
deficiency 6
definitions 6
demanded 6
designation 6
disconnect 6
does 6
driver 6
dual 6
due 6
egr_a_err 6
egr_b_err 6
emd 6
even 6
field 6
form 6
fp 6
gtr 6
hence 6
hour 6
hpa 6
internal 6
keep 6
known 6
lpg 6
manual 6
manufacturers 6
measured 6
memory 6
million 6
numbering 6
numbers 6
ol 6
original 6
place 6
positive 6
pres 6
progress 6
propulsion 6
reflect 6
rounded 6
send 6
serial 6
some 6
source 6
started 6
stso 6
sxy 6
tcm 6
technician 6
tid 6
tq_dd 6
whether 6
without 6
yet 6
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ad 5
advance 5
air_stat 5
ambient 5
applies 5
auto 5
blend 5
body 5
capable 5
closest 5
configurations 5
confirmed 5
controls 5
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degrees 5
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designed 5
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dosing 5
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equivalent 5
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explained 5
future 5
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inspection 5
invalid 5
items 5
last 5
legislation 5
level_low 5
maintenance 5
nd 5
notation 5
nox_level 5
operator 5
order 5
org 5
over 5
parameters 5
percentage 5
printable 5
protocol 5
protocols 5
provided 5
reag_lvl 5
recirculation 5
reduced 5
regeneration 5
regulation 5
regulatory 5
resistance 5
second 5
seconds 5
sets 5
st 5
stage 5
stalls 5
standardized 5
store 5
strategies 5
take 5
title 5
tq_max 5
travelled 5
triggered 5
u 5
upon 5
volume 5
weight 5
y 5
your 5
_dp 4
_inp 4
_int 4
_outp 4
_outt 4
absence 4
access 4
accumulate 4
aecdx_time 4
allowed 4
america 4
app_r 4
beyond 4
calid 4
capacity 4
ccr 4
chamber 4
cl 4
command 4
completely 4
compliant 4
consump_deviation 4
controlled 4
convention 4
conventional 4
cooling 4
cumulative 4
cvns 4
cylinders 4
data_a_b 4
data_e 4
default 4
descriptions 4
detected 4
devices 4
discreet 4
displaying 4
ea 4
effectiveness 4
efficiency 4
egrtc 4
electronic 4
encoded 4
enhanced 4
ep_ 4
errors 4
european 4
event 4
every 4
ewma 4
filled 4
frequency 4
frp 4
fuel_rate 4
generic 4
hardwired 4
hdobd 4
higher 4
iaf_a_rel 4
iaf_b_rel 4
identifier 4
identify 4
inclusive 4
independently 4
indication 4
induct 4
inhg 4
initial 4
injector 4
instead 4
integer 4
ipc 4
ipt 4
lambdaxy 4
larger 4
located 4
methanol 4
minute 4
my 4
needed 4
never 4
nibble 4
nm 4
nnte 4
nominal 4
obdmids 4
occurred 4
often 4
oil 4
p 4
particular 4
pipe 4
pnte 4
preferable 4
preserve 4
primary 4
proper 4
pumps 4
pure 4
purposes 4
quality 4
r 4
ranges 4
readiness 4
registers 4
reprogramming 4
requiring 4
responses 4
rest 4
restricted 4
scale 4
scomp 4
scond 4
section 4
sends 4
show 4
sixteen 4
so 4
steps 4
still 4
substantially 4
supercharger 4
tail 4
tests 4
then 4
they 4
threshold 4
tids 4
trigger 4
unless 4
unreliable 4
unused 4
various 4
vpwr 4
were 4
wg_a_act 4
wg_a_cmd 4
wg_b_act 4
worthiness 4
xxxxxxxx 4


SAE 規格を読み始めて


' @kazuo_reve 私が効果を確認した「小川メソッド」

' @kazuo_reve 新人の方によく展開している有益な情報

' @kazuo_reve Vモデルについて勘違いしていたと思ったこと








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