OpenChain Japan Advent Calendar 2020

OpenChain JapanWGによるアドベントカレンダーです。今年は、OSSコンプライアンスに関する初のISO標準になったOpenChain仕様の解説を中心に、OSSコンプライアンスに関する様々な情報を投稿していきますのでお楽しみに!
・OpenChain JapanWGのGitリポジトリはこちら
This advent calendar is hosted by OpenChain Japan WG. We will share a lot of special contents about OSS compliance. This year, we will focus on the OpenChain Specification which is the first ISO standard from our community. Please enjoy this special year with us!
・Please visit OpenChain's Web page here.
・Please visit OpenChain Japan WG's GitHub repository here
・You can find the OpenChain Specification here.
(the current draft version is here).
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
29 | 30 | |||||
26 |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
29 | 30 | |||||
26 |