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OpenChain Japan Advent Calendar 2020

Day 25

OpenChainの2020年と25日間の振り返り Look back on OpenChain's 2020

Last updated at Posted at 2020-12-24

You can access the English version in the lower part of the page.

#1. はじめに

#2. CESではじまった2020

2020年のOpenChain JWGの活動はラスベガスではじまりました。
自動車向けのLinuxであるAGLのコミュニティ及びOpenChain Automotive WGとコラボレーションし、

・JWGが提案したOSS情報共有フォーマットSPDX Liteのツールを使った作成デモ
 (ちなみにSPDX Liteは本年SPDX2.2で正式に標準フォーマットの一つとして認定されました)


#3. コロナ禍での活動のオンライン化
2月に開催予定だったDeNAでの全体会合は、急遽中止になり、Linux Foundationのイベントも次々とキャンセルになりました。


OpenChain Japan Work Group Meeting #15
OpenChain Japan Work Group Meeting #16



#4. ISO化
そう、OpenChain SpecのISO化です。

例えば、ShaneがLine Developer DayでISO化についての講演をしたり

また、12月に行われたThe Linux Foundationのイベントでは下記のようにOpenChainに関連する講演やパネルディスカッションが数多く行われました。

Open Compliance Summit 2020
The Template OpenChain Policy: One Year On - Andrew Katz, Orcro Limited
Test Driven Open Source Compliance Automation: A New Initiative hosted at Open Chain - Karsten Reincke, Deutsche Telekom AG
OSS Compliance Audit - What to Expect In and From an Audit - Marcel Scholze & Julian Schauder, PwC GmbH
Regional Work Group Update: The Ultimate Panel - Moderated by SZ Lin, Moxa Inc; Masato Endo, Toyota Motor Corporation; Ayumi Watanabe, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.; Miriam Ballhausen, Two Birds; Kris Feng, OPPO & Haksung Jang, SK Telecom
Extending OpenChain: Beyond Compliance - Andrew Katz, Orcro Limited & Anthony Decicco, GTC

Open Source Summit Japan + Automotive Linux Summit 2020
Ask the Experts Session with Shane Coughlan, General Manager, OpenChain, The Linux Foundation - Topic: Open Source License Compliance
・[Panel Discussion: OSS License Simple Viewer - New Tips to Make Your Compliance Work Simple - Ayumi Watanabe & Akira Shirai, Hitachi Solutions; Miyu Tanaka & Masato Endo, Toyota Motor Corporation]
The Way Forward to Obtaining the OpenChain Certification - Tadayuki Osaki, Fujitsu; Miyu Tanaka & Masato Endo, Toyota Motor Corporation
OpenChain Panel in Japan - How to Promote OSS Community? - Moderated by Masato Endo, Toyota Motor Corporation
Keynote: OpenChain: The ISO Standard for Open Source Compliance - Shane Coughlan, OpenChain General Manager, The Linux Foundation

そしてついに12月15日から16日にかけてOpenChain Spec 2.1がISO/IEC 5230:2020が国際規格として承認されたことが、
Linux Foundationのオープン標準がISOになったのは14年の歴史ではじめてのことです。
オープンソース コンプライアンスの国際規格 ISO/IEC 5230:2020

トヨタ自動車株式会社がオープンソースコンプライアンスの世界標準であるISO/IEC 5230適合を発表した初めての企業に
NCSOFT Is The Second Company To Announce Adoption Of ISO/IEC 5230, The International Standard For Open Source Compliance
OpenChain Welcomes OSADL As An Official Partner
Cisco Announces Conformance To OpenChain 2.1 (ISO/IEC 5230)
Ericsson Joins The OpenChain Governing Board
OpenChain Welcomes Hitachi Solutions As An Official Partner

#5. 25日間を振り返って

Tooling SGの活動が活発になったり話題に事欠きません。



#1. Introduction
Merry Christmas!
This is Endo, who appeared for the fourth time following the 4th, 6th, and 13th.
Today, I would like to look back on 2020 of Open Chain and summarize the 25 days.

2.2020 started with CES


The activities of the Open Chain JWG in 2020 began in Las Vegas.
In collaboration with AGL community and OpenChain Automotive WG,
we exhibited a mini booth of OpenChain at CES2020.
The main implementation items were the following three points.

-Distribute leaflets created by JWG to inform everyone in the automobile industry of the importance of OSS license compliance.
-Introduction of OpenChain project
-Demo created using the tools of the OSS information sharing format SPDX Lite proposed by JWG
(By the way, SPDX Lite was officially certified as one of the standard formats in SPDX2.2 this year)

As a result, many visitors were interested and visited the workshop held at another venue.

3. Online activities in the COVID-19 situation.

The threat of COVID-19 also directly affected our activities.
The all members meeting at DeNA, which was scheduled to be held in February, was suddenly canceled, and the Linux Foundation events were also canceled one after another.

Therefore, we have made various efforts so that the activities of the WG can be completed online.
For example, we also hold plenary meetings on Zoom and publish recordings on YouTube.

OpenChain Japan Work Group Meeting #15
OpenChain Japan Work Group Meeting #16

As a result, this activity has been expanding nationwide.
Of course, we are fully aware of the importance of F2F, and we plan to resume it in the future.


#4. Published as an ISO
Big news jumped in when online activities became established in this way.
Yes, it is the ISO conversion of OpenChain Spec.
Along with this, various efforts are being made in Japan in addition to this Advent calendar.

For example, Shane gave a [Lecture on ISO conversion] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNWhKVZWSPg) on Line Developer Day.
Watanabe-san was doing [Explanation of standard contents] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftNlJmHP_Ak) at the all members meeting.

Also, at the event of The Linux Foundation held in December, it is related to OpenChain as follows.
Many lectures and panel discussions were held.

In addition, at the event of The Linux Foundation held in December, many lectures and panel discussions related to OpenChain were held as follows.

Open Compliance Summit 2020
The Template OpenChain Policy: One Year On - Andrew Katz, Orcro Limited
Test Driven Open Source Compliance Automation: A New Initiative hosted at Open Chain - Karsten Reincke, Deutsche Telekom AG
OSS Compliance Audit - What to Expect In and From an Audit - Marcel Scholze & Julian Schauder, PwC GmbH
Regional Work Group Update: The Ultimate Panel - Moderated by SZ Lin, Moxa Inc; Masato Endo, Toyota Motor Corporation; Ayumi Watanabe, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.; Miriam Ballhausen, Two Birds; Kris Feng, OPPO & Haksung Jang, SK Telecom
Extending OpenChain: Beyond Compliance - Andrew Katz, Orcro Limited & Anthony Decicco, GTC

Open Source Summit Japan + Automotive Linux Summit 2020
Ask the Experts Session with Shane Coughlan, General Manager, OpenChain, The Linux Foundation - Topic: Open Source License Compliance
・[Panel Discussion: OSS License Simple Viewer - New Tips to Make Your Compliance Work Simple - Ayumi Watanabe & Akira Shirai, Hitachi Solutions; Miyu Tanaka & Masato Endo, Toyota Motor Corporation]
The Way Forward to Obtaining the OpenChain Certification - Tadayuki Osaki, Fujitsu; Miyu Tanaka & Masato Endo, Toyota Motor Corporation
OpenChain Panel in Japan - How to Promote OSS Community? - Moderated by Masato Endo, Toyota Motor Corporation
Keynote: OpenChain: The ISO Standard for Open Source Compliance - Shane Coughlan, OpenChain General Manager, The Linux Foundation

And after 15th Dec, many PRs related OpenChain were released!!
In the 14-year history of the inux Foundation, it is the first time that the open standard has become ISO.
ISO/IEC 5230:2020 Is The International Standard For Open Source Compliance
Toyota Is The First Company To Announce Adoption Of ISO/IEC 5230, The International Standard For Open Source Compliance
NCSOFT Is The Second Company To Announce Adoption Of ISO/IEC 5230, The International Standard For Open Source Compliance
OpenChain Welcomes OSADL As An Official Partner
Cisco Announces Conformance To OpenChain 2.1 (ISO/IEC 5230)
Ericsson Joins The OpenChain Governing Board
OpenChain Welcomes Hitachi Solutions As An Official Partner

5. Looking back on 25 days

It was a turbulent 2020, but OpenChain's activities are almost online, making it easier to participate!
Also, as I introduced in this Advent calendar, a academic project was launched in addition to ISO conversion.
The activity of Tooling SG becomes active and there is no shortage of topics.
Next year will be a busier year as we expect more people to be interested in the ISO.

OepnChain is an OSS community, so anyone is free to join.
If you are interested in it, [please register with ML] (https://qiita.com/nobuoimada/items/4c63275232711626540f#%E3%83%A1%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AA%E3%83% B3% E3% 82% B0% E3% 83% AA% E3% 82% B9% E3% 83% 88% E3% 81% B8% E3% 81% AE% E5% 8F% 82% E5% 8A% A0% E6% 96% B9% E6% B3% 95) Please feel free to join the plenary meeting held at Zoom!

Thanks so much for reading our articles. And, a happy new year!!


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