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OpenChain Japan Advent Calendar 2020

Day 23

OpenChain仕様適合を宣言した企業 / OpenChain Conformant Companies

Last updated at Posted at 2020-12-23

-- English follows Japanese text --

こんにちは。富士通株式会社の大崎 雅行です。
OSS(Open Source Software)を利用する際に重要となる、OSSライセンスのコンプライアンスに携わっています。

渡邊 歩さんの1日目の記事で紹介があったように、OpenChain仕様は、組織がOSSコンプライアンスの遵守体制を構築する際の要件を規定するもので、Linux Foundation配下のOpenChainプロジェクトが取りまとめています。

OpenChain仕様は、以下のように約1年ごとに改版されており、最新版は2.1です。3日目の記事で紹介した国際標準化に向けた取組みの結果、12月15日に、国際規格 ISO/IEC 5230:2020となりました

  • Spec 1.0 2016年10月 (OpenChainプロジェクト発足時)  
  • Spec 1.1 2017年01月
  • Spec 1.2 2018年04月
  • Spec 2.0 2019年06月
  • Spec 2.1 2020年12月 (国際規格 ISO/IEC 5230:2020と同等)



さらに、OpenChain仕様に適合した企業・組織があった場合、OpenChainプロジェクトは積極的にNews Releaseで紹介をしています。

適合宣言時期・適合対象の版(Spec *)に、OpenChainプロジェクトのニュースリリース記事をリンクしています。








OpenChain仕様の適合認証にあたっては、企業の内部ルール・プロセスと整合させる必要があります。OpenChainプロジェクトでは、OpenChain Official Partner (第三者認証機関・法律事務所・サービス提供企業)、および、各国WGの活動を通じて、企業・組織の仕様適合、および、適合認証の取得を支援しています。

明日は、OpenChain Japan WGの全体方針を決めているPlanning Sub-WGについて、福地さんから紹介します。

-- English text starts here --

OpenChain Conformant Companies and Organizations

Hi, I'm Tadayuki Osaki, OSS compliance specialist working for Fujitsu Limited and involved in Open Source Software (OSS) license compliance.

In this article, I briefly introduce OpenChain conformant companies by self-certification or third-party certification.

OpenChain Specification

As introduced in Ayumi Watanabe's [Day 1 article] (https://qiita.com/AyumiWatanabe/items/3bbb47d6f14205f78acc), the OpenChain specification defines requirements for an organization to establish OSS compliance, and is coordinated by the OpenChain project under the Linux Foundation.

New versions of OpenChain specification is released approximately once a year and latest version is 2.1. As a result of the efforts toward international standardization that I introduced in Day 3 article, OpenChain specification became ISO/IEC 5230:2020, an International Standard.

  • Spec 1.0: October 2016 when the OpenChain Project was launched
  • Spec 1.1: January 2017
  • Spec 1.2: April 2018
  • Spec 2.0: June 2019
  • Spec 2.1: 2020 (Equivalent to ISO/IEC 5230: 2020)

OpenChain for self-evaluation and obtaining OpenChain conformance

OpenChain specification defines requirements for an organization to establish OSS compliance. Companies or organizations use OpenChain specification for self-evaluate their OSS compliance system.

In addition, OpenChain Project also provides an official procedure for certifying that each organization meets the all requirements described in OpenChain specification. The procedure is done by self-certification or third-party certification, and OpenChain project provides a certification website.

Furthermore, a company or an organization that becomes OpenChain conformant, OpenChain project actively suggests and actually introduces new conformant companies or organizations on News Release.

OpenChain Conformant Companies and Organizations


##Heavy Industries








When you make a company or an organization OpenChain conformant, you have to conform the company's or the organization's internal procedures rules with requirements in OpenChain specification. OpenChain Project helps those companies or organizations through by selecting OpenChain [Official Partner (Third-Party certification bodies, law firms, and service providers)] (https://www.openchainproject.org/partners) or by and working groups in various countries.

Next day's post

Fukuchi-san of SONY will introduce the Planning Sub-WG, which determines the overall policy of the OpenChain Japan WG.


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