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OpenChain Japan WG - FAQサブグループの紹介

Last updated at Posted at 2020-12-10


本日は、OpenChain Japan WGのFAQサブグループについてご紹介します。






QAの作り方は、まずSlack上でQuestionとAnswerのたたき台を作成、意見出しをします。その後、会合(以前は実際に集まっていましたが 最近は昨今の事情を鑑みオンラインです)で再度揉みなおしてFIXします。(←喧々諤々議論をかわすので実はここが一番楽しい)そして仕上げに弁護士の先生にご確認いただいたものを公開するという流れで行っています。




詳しくは japan-sg-faq@lists.openchainproject.org まで。

Introduction of FAQ subgroup

Today, I would like to introduce the FAQ subgroup of the OpenChain Japan WG.

FAQ Subgroup Activities

The FAQ subgroup creates and publishes "common misunderstanding FAQs related to OSS licenses", which is mainly targeted at beginners of OSS licenses.

The members of the FAQ subgroup are consist of those who are in charge of OSS license consultation and license compliance support at each company / organization, those who are not in charge but are volunteer-based, and those who are about to start studying OSS licenses or those who are just starting (<-this is important).

There are various QA candidates, such as those that the members actually consulted, those that the members wondered, and those that are generally misunderstood.

How to make QA

To create a QA, first create a base for Questions and Answers using Slack and give your opinion. After that, the QA will be finalized by making corrections at a meeting (which used to be actually gathered, but recently it is online in view of recent circumstances). (<- This is actually the most fun because we have a lot of opinions and discussions.) Then, after confirming with the attorney attorney, we will publish it.

In this way, each QA is verified and nurtured from the perspectives of various companies, organizations, and roles, so I think that the QA collection is relatively homogeneous and has few mistakes.

It's been about 10 years since I was involved in OSS licensing, but I'm still studying through this FAQ subgroup every time. In particular, I often get noticed from the perspectives and opinions of companies whose business types are different from those of my company.
People who participated for the purpose of studying also commented, "I am studying because I am trying to convey it in an easy-to-understand manner." and "I will be able to understand by listening to the discussion." and so on.


It's been about 10 years since I was engaged in OSS license compliance, but I still study through this FAQ subgroup every time. In particular, I often get noticed from the perspectives and opinions of companies whose business types are different from those of my company.
People who participated for the purpose of studying also commented, "I am studying because I am trying to convey it in an easy-to-understand manner." and "I will be able to understand by listening to the discussion." and so on.

If you are interested in the activities of the FAQ subgroup, please join us at any time. Those who want to participate by trial rather than immediately, and those who can not contribute much to the creation of FAQ but want to participate for study purposes are also welcome.
For details, please contact japan-sg-faq@lists.openchainproject.org.


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