Glossary AUTOSAR 55, R23-11 FO
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AUTOSAR(AUTomotive Open System Architecture)、ARA(AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Application)、OBD(On-Board Diagnostic)はそのまま英語表記とする。
英語をカタカナ語に変換すると、一つのカタカナ語に対して、複数の英語が対応することになることがある。意味が直感的に捉えにくいか、誤解をすることがある。例えば、ライトはright, light, liteなど。そこで、意味を考えてもらえるように日本語に置き換える。必要であれば、英単語を併記するか、英単語に戻せるように単語帳を用意する。文字数がなるべく多くならないように、日常使っていない単語を選んだ場合もある。文字数が多くならないお勧めの単語があればcomment欄にお書きくださると幸いです。
English | 日本語 | 註 |
Abstract | 抽象 | |
Classic | 古典 | |
Adaptive | 適用 | |
communication | 通信 | |
platform | 土台 | |
test | 試験 | |
acceptance | 受入れ | |
case | 事例 | |
description | 記述 | |
bookean | 真偽 | |
access | 接続 | |
control | 制御 | |
decision | 決定 | |
polycy | 方針 | |
system | 系 | |
interface | 界面 | |
value | 値 | |
caller | 呼出元 | |
identity | 識別 | |
environment | 環境 | |
circumstance | 状況 | |
specification | 仕様 | |
deploy | 展開 | |
model | 模型 | |
design | 設計 | |
data | 与件 | |
meta | 超 | |
executable | 実行可能体 | |
entity | 実体 | |
template | 雛型 | |
infrastructure | 基盤 | |
callback | 呼戻し | |
callout | 呼出し | |
runtime | 実行(時) | |
driver | 駆動 | |
organization | 組織 | |
embody | 統合 | |
実行可能体(executable) 実行体でいいかも。
最終利用者(end user) 利用者でいいかも。endは無理に訳さなくても。end userじゃないuserは,
4 Definitions
No. | Term | Japanese | Original | O.Japanse | Proposed | P.Japanese | comment |
4.1 | Abstract Platform | 抽象土台 | A Software Platform defined by AUTOSAR for the definition of functional level communications independent of Classic / Adaptive / Offboard deployments. | 古典/適用/OBD展開に依存しない機能通信を定義するAUTOSAR ソフトウェア土台 | A Software Platform defined by AUTOSAR for common definition of Classic and Adaptive Platform. | AUTOSARによる古典土台(CP)、適応土台(AP)の共通のソフトウェア土台。 | |
4.2 | Acceptance Test Suite | 受入試験集 | A test case description used in the context of Acceptance Testing | 受け入れ試験で使う試験事例記述 | |||
4.3 | Access Control Decision | 接続制御決定 | The Access Control Decision is a Boolean value indicating if the requested operation is permitted or not. It is based on the identity of the caller and the “Access Control Policy”(4.4) | 接続制御決定は必要な操作を許可するどうかを示す真偽値です。 呼出元の識別と「接続制御方針」(4.4) に基く。 | |||
4.4 | Access Control Policy | 接続制御方針 | Access Control Policies are bound to the targets of calls (i.e. Service interfaces) and are used to express what “Identity Information” is necessary to access those interfaces. | 接続制御方針は、呼び出し対象 (例えば、サービス界面) を束縛し、それらの界面接続に必要な「識別情報」(4.159)を表現するために用いる。 | |||
4.5 | Adaptability | 適応性 | Adaptability is the ability of a system to adjust itself to changed circumstances in its environment in order to continue to provide the intended functionality. | 適応性は、意図した機能を提供し続けるために、系が環境内の変化した状況に適応する能力。 | |||
4.6 | Adaptive Application | 適応応用 | Software that follows the Adaptive AUTOSAR specifications and therefore can be deployed onto an Adaptive Platform instance. It consists of its implementation, operational data (e.g. map data) and its meta-data given by the Application Design Model. An Adaptive Application contains at least one executable. In order to be deployable on different Adaptive Platforms, it only uses ARA programming interfaces. | AUTOSAR 適応仕様に基づいているソフトウェアは、適おう土台に展開できる。応用設計模型は、実装、運用与件 (地図与件など)、超与件で構成する。一つの適合応用は、一つの実行可能体を含む。異なる適合土台に展開できるように、ARA算譜界面のみを使用する。 | |||
4.7 | Adaptive Platform Foundation | 適応土台基礎 | Part of an Adaptive Platform implementation, which provides standardized platform functionality to Applications via software interfaces (APIs). | ソフトウェア界面(APIs)を通じて応用に標準土台機能を提供する適合土台実装の一部 | Adaptive Platform Function Clusterに用語統合を提案 | ||
4.8 | Adaptive Platform Services | 適応土台サービス | Standard platform services that is provided by an application which is part of AUTOSAR platform implementation. | AUTOSAR土台実装の一部として応用に提供する標準土台サービス | Adaptive Platform Function Clusterに用語統合を提案 | ||
4.9 | Application | 応用 | A software (or program) that is specified to the solution of a problem of an end user requiring information processing for its solution.The “Software Configuration” of a software entity. | 最終利用者の問題解決のソフトウェア(または算譜)で、解を処理するのに必要な情報。ソフトウェア実体の「ソフトウェア構成」(4.295) | A software that solve a problem for an end user. | 最終利用者の問題を解くソフトウェア | |
4.10 | Application Interface | 応用界面 | A “Port Interface” used by a “Software Component” as specified in the software component template. | 「ソフトウェア要素」(4.293)で用いる「港界面」(4.226) | まぎらわしく廃止提案 | ||
4.11 | Application Programming Interface | 応用算譜界面 | An Application Programming Interface (API) is the prescribed method of a specific software part by which a programmer writing a program can make requests to that software part. | ||||
4.12 | Application Software Component | 応用ソフトウェア要素 | An Application Software Component is a specific “Software Component” which realizes a defined functionality on application level and runs on the AUTOSAR infrastructure. It communicates only through the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment | 応用ソフトウェア要素は、応用水準で定義した機能を実現し、AUTOSAR基盤上で実行する特定の「ソフトウェア要素」です。 AUTOSAR 実行環境を介してのみ通信します。 | An Application Software Component is a “Software Component” which runs on the AUTOSAR Classic Platform. It communicates through the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment, Complex driver, callback/callout or an Interrupt Service Routine. | 応用ソフトウェア要素は、AUTOSAR古典土台(CP)上で実行する「ソフトウェア要素」です。 AUTOSAR 実行環境(RTE)、複合駆動、呼戻し/呼出し、または割込みサービス 処理で通信します。 | |
4.13 | Architecture | 構造 | The fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, their static and dynamic relationships to each other, and to the environment, and the principles guiding its design and evolution. | いくつかの要素を統合した系の基本組織は、要素間の静的および動的な関係、環境との関係、およびその設計と進化を導く原則である。 | The fundamental design of a system embodied in its components, their static and/or dynamic behavior like state transitions, time series, and timing synchronization to each other and/or to their environments. The design principles will guide system evolution. | 系の基本設計は、要素間または環境との間の状態遷移、時系列、時刻同期のような静的または動的な振る舞いを統合する | |
4.14 | Artifact | This is a Work Product Definition that provides a description and definition for tangible work product types. Artifacts may be composed of other artifacts. At a high level, an artifact is represented as a single conceptual file. | |||||
4.15 | ASIL Decomposition | See ISO-DIS-26262-Part-1 ([7]) ID 1.7 | |||||
4.16 | Asserted Property | A property or quality of a design entity (e.g. SW component or system) is asserted, if the design entity guarantees that this property or quality is fulfilled. | |||||
4.17 | Assessment | See ISO-DIS-26262-Part-1 ([7]), ID 1.4 | |||||
4.18 | Asset | An item that has been designed for use in multiple contexts. | |||||
4.19 | Asynchronous Communication | 非同期通信 | Asynchronous communication does not block the sending software entity.The sending software entity continues its operation without getting a response from the communication partner(s). | ||||
4.20 | Asynchronous Function | A “Function” is called asynchronous if the described functionality is not guaranteed to be completed the moment the function returns to the caller. | |||||
4.21 | Atomic Software Component | Non-composed Software-Component. | |||||
4.22 | Audit | See ISO-DIS-26262-Part-1 ([7]), ID 1.5 | |||||
4.23 | Authenticity | The property that data originated from its purported source. | |||||
4.24 | Automotive Safety Integrity Levels | See ISO-DIS-26262-Part-1 ([7]), ID 1.7 | change the term to Automotive Function asfety integrity levels | ||||
4.25 | AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform | An adaptive computing platform standardized by AUTOSAR. In a narrow term, it refers to its specification. In a broad term, it may refer to an instance of Adaptive Platform implementation. | |||||
4.26 | AUTOSAR Application Interface | A set of Blueprints (“Blueprint”) which are standardized by AUTOSAR and which can be used for creating AUTOSAR Interfaces (“AUTOSAR Interface”) of an “Application”. AUTOSAR interfaces that are derived from Standardized Blueprints (“Standardized AUTOSAR Blueprint”) are Standardized AUTOSAR Interfaces (“Standardized AUTOSAR Interface”). | |||||
4.27 | AUTOSAR Authoring Tool | An AUTOSAR Tool used to create and modify AUTOSAR XML descriptions (“AUTOSAR XML description”). | |||||
4.28 | AUTOSAR Blueprint | An AUTOSAR Blueprint is a “Blueprint” for an AUTOSAR element. It also includes that it is specified within the AUTOSAR project which attributes are mandatory to be specified for the blueprint of a specific class of AUTOSAR element types as well as how to derive an AUTOSAR object from that blueprint. | |||||
4.29 | AUTOSAR Converter Tool | An AUTOSAR Tool used to create AUTOSAR XML files by converting information from other AUTOSAR XML files. | |||||
4.30 | AUTOSAR Definition | This is the definition of parameters which can have values. One could say that the parameter values are instances of the definitions. But in the meta-model hierarchy of AUTOSAR, definitions are also instances of the meta-model and therefore considered as a description. | |||||
4.31 | AUTOSAR Interface | ||||||
4,32 | AUTOSAR Meta-model | ||||||
4.33 | AUTOSAR Model | ||||||
4.34 | AUTOSAR Partial Model | ||||||
4.35 | AUTOSAR Processor Tool | ||||||
4.36 | AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications(ARA) | ||||||
4.37 | AUTOSAR Run-Time Interface | ||||||
4.38 | AUTOSAR Service | ||||||
4.39 | AUTOSAR Software | ||||||
4.40 | AUTOSAR Tool | ||||||
4.41 | AUTOSAR XML description | ||||||
4.42 | AUTOSAR XML Schema | ||||||
4.43 | Availability | ||||||
4.44 | Basic Software(BSW) | ||||||
4.45 | Basic Software Module | ||||||
4.46 | Bit Position | ||||||
4.47 | Blueprint | ||||||
4.48 | Bulk Data | ||||||
4.49 | Bus Mirroring | ||||||
4.50 | Bus Wake-Up | ||||||
4/51 | Bypassing | change term to Functionality Pypassinc | |||||
4.52 | Calibration | ||||||
4.53 | Call Point | ||||||
4.54 | Callback | ||||||
4.55 | Callout | ||||||
4.56 | Can XL | ||||||
4.57 | Cascaded Switch | ||||||
4.58 | Cascading Failure | ||||||
4.59 | Category 1 Interrupt | change term to Interrupt without OS | |||||
4.60 | Category 2 Interrupt | change term to Interrupt with OS | |||||
4.61 | Causality of Transmission | ||||||
4.62 | Classic Platform | ||||||
4.63 | Client | ||||||
4.64 | Client-Server Communication | ||||||
4.65 | Client-Server Interface | ||||||
4.66 | Cluster Signal | ||||||
4.67 | Code Generator | ||||||
4.68 | Code Variant Coding | ||||||
4.69 | Common Cause Failure | ||||||
Communication Attribute | |||||||
Complex Driver | |||||||
Composition | |||||||
Compositionality | |||||||
Conditioned Signal | |||||||
Confidentiality | |||||||
Configuration | |||||||
Confirmation | |||||||
Connector | |||||||
Control Flow | |||||||
Coordinate | |||||||
Data | |||||||
Data Element | |||||||
Data Flow | |||||||
Data Variant Coding | |||||||
Deadline | |||||||
Debugging | |||||||
Dependability | |||||||
Dependent Failure | |||||||
Diagnostic Coverage | |||||||
Diagnostic Event | |||||||
Diversity | |||||||
Dynamic PDU | |||||||
Dynamic Routing |
Communication Management
Diagnostic Communication
4.2 Acceptance Test Suite[1]
[1] ISO 9646 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Conformance testing methodology and framework Part 1: General concepts
Nomative Reference
ISO 7498: 1984, Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model.
(See also CCITT Recommendation X. 200 (1984))
ISO/TR 8509: 1987, Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Service conventions.
(See also CCITT Recommendation X. 210 (1988))
ISO/IEC 8825:1990, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection -
Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1).
(See also CCITT Recommendation X. 210 (1988))
ISO/IEC 9646-2: 1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 2: Abstract Test Suite specification.
(See also CCITT Recommendation X .209 (1988))
ISO/IEC 9646-3: 1992, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 3: The Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN).
(See also ITU-T Recommendation X. 292 (1993))
ISO/IEC 9646-3 Amd 1:-1), Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 3: The Tree and Tabular Combined Notation - Amendment 1: TTCN extensions.
ISO/IEC 9646-4: 1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 4: Test realization.
(See also ITU-T Recommendation X. 293 -1))
ISO/IEC 9646-5: 1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 5: Requirements on test laboratories and clients for the conformance assessment process.
ISO/IEC 9646-6: 1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 6: Protocol profile test specification.
(See also ITU-T Recommendation X. 295 -1)).
ISO/IEC 9646-7: -l), Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 7: Implementation Conformance Statements.(See also ITU-T Recommendation X .296 -1)).
ISO/IEC TR 10000-1: 1990, Information technology - Framework and taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles, Part 1 - Framework.
4.9 Application [2]
[2] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 20 Information technology – Vocabulary – System Develop- ment, First Edition
ISO/IEC 2382:2015 Information technology Vocabulary
Normative Reference, Bibliographyはない。古い2382のどのPartから持ってきたかを示している。
4.11 Application Programming Interface[3]
[3] ISO 17356-3:Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applica- tions – Part 3:OSEK/VDX Operating System (OS)
Normative Reference [4]
[4] ISO 17356-1, Road vehicles — Open interface for embedded automotive applications — Part 1: General structure and terms, definitions and abbreviations terms
ISO 17356-2, Road vehicles — Open interface for embedded automotive applications — Part 2: OSEK/VDX specifications for binding OS, COM and NM
ISO 17356-6, Road vehicles — Open interface for embedded electronic equipment — Part 6: OSEK/VDX Implementation Language (OIL)
4.13 Architecture
[5] ITEA Project 00009 EAST-EEA Embedded Electronic Architecture - Glossary Version 6.1
[6] IEEE 1471-2000:IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description for Software-Intensive Systems
IEEE Std 610.12−1990, IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology.1
IEEE/EIA Std 12207.0−1996, IEEE/EIA Standard—Industry Implementation of ISO/IEC 12207: 1995,
Information Technology—Software life cycle processes.
ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2022 Software, systems and enterprise Architecture description
3.2 architecture
fundamental concepts or properties of an entity in its environment (3.13) and governing principles for the realization and evolution of this entity and its related life cycle processes [SOURCE:ISO/IEC/IEEE 42020:2019, 3.3, modified — The notes to entry have been removed.]
[1] IEEE 1471:2000, IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description for Software-Intensive Systems
[2] ISO/IEC 10746-1, Information technology — Open Distributed Processing — Reference model: Overview — Part 1:
[3] ISO/IEC 10746-2, Information technology — Open distributed processing — Reference model: Foundations — Part 2:
[4] ISO/IEC 10746-3, Information technology — Open distributed processing — Reference model: Architecture — Part 3:
[5] ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017, Systems and software engineering — Software life cycle processes
[6] ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015, Systems and software engineering — System life cycle processes
[7] ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2019, Systems and software engineering — Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)
[8] ISO/IEC 15414, Information technology — Open distributed processing — Reference model — Enterprise language
[9] ISO 15704:2019, Enterprise modelling and architecture — Requirements for enterprise-referencing architectures and methodologies
[10] ISO 19439:2006, Enterprise integration — Framework for enterprise modelling
[11] ISO 19440:2020, Enterprise modelling and architecture — Constructs for enterprise modelling
[12] ISO/PAS 19450:2015, Automation systems and integration — Object-Process Methodology
[13] ISO/IEC 19793:2015, Information technology — Open Distributed Processing — Use of UML for ODP system specifications
[14] ISO/IEC 20246:2017, Software and systems engineering — Work product reviews
[15] ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748-1:2018, Systems and software engineering — Life cycle management — Part 1: Guidelines for life cycle management
[16] ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2017, Systems and software engineering — Vocabulary
[17] ISO/IEC 25010:2011, Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — System and software quality models
[18] ISO/IEC 25012:2008, Software engineering — Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Data quality model
[19] ISO/IEC 25024:2015, Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Measurement of data quality
[20] ISO/IEC 33001:2015, Information technology — Process assessment — Concepts and terminology
[21] ISO/IEC TS 33060:2020, Information technology — Process assessment — Process assessment model for system life cycle processes
[22] ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011, Systems and software engineering — Architecture description
[23] ISO/IEC/IEEE 42020:2019, Software, systems and enterprise — Architecture processes
[24] ISO/IEC/IEEE 42030:2019, Software, systems and enterprise — Architecture evaluation framework
[25] Atkinson C., Gerbig R., Tunjic C., “A multi-level modelling environment for SUM-based software engineering”, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on View-Based, Aspect-Oriented and Orthographic Software Modelling (VAO '13), ACM Press, 2013
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[27] Callo-Arias T.B., America P., Avgeriou P., “Defining execution viewpoints for a large and complex software-intensive system”, Proceedings of WICSA/ECSA 2009
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[30] Dijkstra E.W., On the role of scientific thought. 1974.
[31] DoD Architecture Framework, version 2.02,
[32] Eeles P., Cripps P., The Process of Software Architecting. Addison Wesley, 2010
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[34] Heidel R., The Reference Architecture Model RAMI 4.0 and the Industrie 4.0 component, 2019
[35] Hilliard R., “Viewpoint modelling”, First ICSE Workshop on Describing Software Architecture with UML, May 2001
[36] Industrial Internet Architecture Framework,
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[44] NATO. Architecture Framework version 4,
[45] OASIS, Reference Architecture Foundation for Service Oriented Architecture Version 1.0
[46] OMG Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN™),
[47] Systems Modelling Language Object Management Group ,
[48] Unified Architecture Framework Object Management Group,
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[50] OMG UML Profile for DoDAF/MODAF,
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[61] The Open Group, ArchiMate Specification,
[62] The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF),
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[7] ISO/IEC 26262 Part 1 Road vehicles – Functional safety:Vocabulary
[8] IEEE 1517-1999:IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Software Life Cycle Processes – Reuse Processes
[11] Unified Modeling Language:Superstructure, Version 2.0, OMG Available Specifi- cation, ptc/05-07-04
[13] CiA 610-1 version 1.0.0 (DSP) - CAN XL specifications and test plans - Part 1: Data link layer and physical coding sub-layer requirements
[14] CiA 611-1 version 1.0.0 (DSP) - CAN XL higher layer functions - Part 1:Definition of service data unit types
[16] ISO/IEC 61511 Part 1 Information technology – Software life cycle process, First Edition
[17] Information processing systems – Open Systems Interconnection – Basic Reference Model ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994
[19] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 1 Information technology – Vocabulary – Fundamental Terms, Third Edition
[22] ISO 26262-6:2018 – Road vehicles – Functional Safety – Part 6:Product develop- ment at the software level
[26] Road vehicles – Diagnostics on Controller Area Networks (CAN) – Part2:Network layer services
[27] Unified diagnostic services (UDS) – Part 1:Specification and requirements (Re- lease 2006-12)
[29] ISO 17458-1:2013, Road vehicles - FlexRay communication system
[33] ISO 17356-1:Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applica- tions – Part 1:General structure and terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
[37] NIST:Secure Hash Standard (SHS)
[38] IEEE 1588-2019:IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems
[39] ISO 17356-4:Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applica- tions – Part 4:OSEK/VDX Communication (COM)
[40] ISO 17987:2016 (all parts), Road vehicles – Local Interconnect Network (LIN)
[41] DIN 40041 Ausgabe:1990-12 Zuverlässigkeit; Begriffe
[42] IEEE Standard for a High-Performance Serial Bus
[43] Specification of Network Management Interface AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_NetworkManagementInterface
[44] ISO/IEC 27000:2018 Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems - Overview and vocabulary
[45] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 15 Information technology – Vocabulary – Programming Lan- guages, First Edition
[46] ISO/IEC 2382 Part 1 Information technology – Vocabulary – Security, Second Edition
[49] XML Specification of Application Interfaces AUTOSAR_CP_MOD_AISpecification
[50] IEEE Standard for System, Software, and Hardware Verification and Validation
Service Oriented Vehicle Diagnostics
Explanation of Service-Oriented Vehicle Diagnostics
Requirements on Diagnostics
Communication Management
Requirements on E2E
Requirements on MACsec
Deterministic Communication with TSN
Time Synchronization Protocol Specification
Requirements on Time Synchronization
Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
Specification of Time Synchronization over Ethernet
Specification of IEEE1722 Transport Protocol Module
Main Requirements
Requirements on IEEE1722
Firewall in Classic AUTOSAR
Standardized M1 Models used for the Definition of AUTOSAR
Requirements on Firewall
Tracing for Adaptive Platform
Requirements on Debugging, Tracing and Profiling support of AUTOSAR Components
Requirements on Log and Trace
Specification of Secure Hardware Extensions
Requirements on Intrusion Detection System
List of known Issues of Secure Hardware Extensions
System Services
Timing Analysis and Design
Safety Requirements for AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform and AUTOSAR Classic Platform
Health Monitoring
Explanation of System Health Monitoring
Requirements on Health Monitoring Specification of Health Monitoring
Methodology and Templates
' @kazuo_reve 私が効果を確認した「小川メソッド」
' @kazuo_reve 新人の方によく展開している有益な情報
' @kazuo_reve Vモデルについて勘違いしていたと思ったこと
物理記事 上位100
量子(0) 計算機, 量子力学
図(0) state, sequence and timing. UML and お絵描き
言語・文学記事 100
自動車 記事 100
英語(0) 一覧
音楽 一覧(0)
「@kazuo_reve 新人の方によく展開している有益な情報」確認一覧
安全(0)安全工学シンポジウムに向けて: 21
一覧の一覧( The directory of directories of mine.) Qiita(100)
Ethernet 記事一覧 Ethernet(0)
Wireshark 一覧 wireshark(0)、Ethernet(48)
線網(Wi-Fi)空中線(antenna)(0) 記事一覧(118/300目標)
OSEK OS設計の基礎 OSEK(100)
Error一覧 error(0)
++ Support(0)
Coding(0) Rules, C, Secure, MISRA and so on
coding (101) 一覧を作成し始めた。omake:最近のQiitaで表示しない5つの事象
なぜdockerで機械学習するか 書籍・ソース一覧作成中 (目標100)
「はじめての」シリーズ ベクタージャパン
AUTOSAR(0)Qiita記事一覧, OSEK(75)
LaTeX(0) 一覧
Rust(0) 一覧
小川清最終講義、最終講義(再)計画, Ethernet(100) 英語(100) 安全(100)
This article is an individual impression based on the individual's experience. It has nothing to do with the organization or business to which I currently belong.
文書履歴(document history)
ver. 0.01 初稿 20240406
ver. 0.02 add urls 20240408
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