
docker(54) 今日のFDPS error: mpicc: Command not found

Last updated at Posted at 2019-08-13

docker(42) FDPSをdockerで



# cd ~/FDPS/samples/c/p3m
# make
../../..//scripts/gen_c_if.py user_defined.h --output ./

Python script to generate FDPS C interface 
(C) Copyright 2018  FDPS developer team. 

Log information 
   Python version   = sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=16, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
   Input files      = ['user_defined.h']
   Output directory = ./
   Dimension number = 3


[check point] reading user's C files
--- reading user_defined.h
[check point] analyzing C files ...
processing ... the file user_defined.h
identifying C structures ...
checking if the identified C structure are eligible to be an user-defined type or not ...
deleting the information about C structures which are not user-defined types ...
[warning] struct crystal_parameters is not eligible to be an user-defined type. Hence, deleted!
identify other FDPS directives and member variables from user-defined types ...
[check point] checking if each structure fulfills our requirements...
[check point] performing syntax checking of FDPS directives ...
[check point] generating FDPS C interface programs ....
A work directory ./GCwPvR2uEmz7uiaH is created!

Python script to generate FDPS Fortran interface 
(C) Copyright 2016  FDPS developer team. 

Log information 
   Python version   = sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=16, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
   Input files      = ['./GCwPvR2uEmz7uiaH/user_defined.F90']
   Output directory = ./
   Dimension number = 3


[check point] reading user's Fortran files
--- reading ./GCwPvR2uEmz7uiaH/user_defined.F90
[check point] analyzing Fortran files ...
identifying modules and structures ...
processing ... the file ./GCwPvR2uEmz7uiaH/user_defined.F90
identifying member variables in each structure ...
checking the consistency of members variables
making method_DB
... force_pp
... fp_nbody
... ep_nbody
[check point] checking consistency....
--> the file ./GCwPvR2uEmz7uiaH/user_defined.F90
-----> the module user_defined_types
--------> the structure force_pp
--------> the structure fp_nbody
--------> the structure ep_nbody
[check point] generating FDPS Fortran interface programs ....
Working directory ./GCwPvR2uEmz7uiaH is deleted!
mpicc -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -finline-functions -I../../..//src -I../../..//src/particle_mesh -I../../..//src/c_interface/headers -c user_defined.c
make: mpicc: Command not found
make: *** [Makefile:44: user_defined.o] Error 127


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