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直感Deep Learning, dockerに挑戦(1) pull 書籍通り

Last updated at Posted at 2018-09-22
$ docker pull floydhub/dl-docker:cpu

cpu: Pulling from floydhub/dl-docker
6c953ac5d795: Pull complete 
3eed5ff20a90: Pull complete 
f8419ea7c1b5: Pull complete 
51900bc9e720: Pull complete 
a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete 
46bb9e850895: Pull complete 
e07079b02cd9: Pull complete 
45bd5a47614d: Pull complete 
4ba5917b4dc5: Pull complete 
e197926eeea3: Pull complete 
376f5cc0ea36: Pull complete 
590b9a27bdc2: Pull complete 
4377eaedc7bc: Pull complete 
ed3b9bf2301a: Pull complete 
aac3c3ae382f: Pull complete 
13397679ef8c: Pull complete 
62d30df21bd1: Pull complete 
3329da8ba1ff: Pull complete 
669806fb3edd: Pull complete 
43a371cb28cc: Pull complete 
ffa9a85a3cc7: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:377e9443b323ff2346d33b096f3bd4b7ae0a707823dd8430e093cccf59e021e9
Status: Downloaded newer image for floydhub/dl-docker:cpu
$ docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -p 6006:6006 floydhub/dl-docker:cpu bash

root@01dc6ad0394a:~# ls
caffe  iTorch  run_jupyter.sh  torch
root@01dc6ad0394a:~# ls -al
total 52
drwx------  1 root root 4096 Jun 13  2016 .
drwxr-xr-x  1 root root 4096 Sep 20 06:31 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 3106 Feb 20  2014 .bashrc
drwx------  1 root root 4096 Jun 13  2016 .cache
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Jun 13  2016 .cmake
drwxr-xr-x  8 root root 4096 Jun 13  2016 .ipython
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Jun 13  2016 .jupyter
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  140 Feb 20  2014 .profile
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  178 Jun 13  2016 .theanorc
drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 Jun 13  2016 caffe
drwxr-xr-x  7 root root 4096 Jun 13  2016 iTorch
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  733 Jun 13  2016 run_jupyter.sh
drwxr-xr-x  1 root root 4096 Jun 13  2016 torch
root@01dc6ad0394a:~# sh run_jupyter.sh --allow-root
The Jupyter HTML Notebook.

This launches a Tornado based HTML Notebook Server that serves up an
HTML5/Javascript Notebook client.


Subcommands are launched as `jupyter-notebook cmd [args]`. For information on
using subcommand 'cmd', do: `jupyter-notebook cmd -h`.

    List currently running notebook servers.


Arguments that take values are actually convenience aliases to full
Configurables, whose aliases are listed on the help line. For more information
on full configurables, see '--help-all'.

    DISABLED: use %pylab or %matplotlib in the notebook to enable matplotlib.
    set log level to logging.DEBUG (maximize logging output)
    Don't open the notebook in a browser after startup.
    Answer yes to any questions instead of prompting.
    Disable MathJax
    MathJax is the javascript library Jupyter uses to render math/LaTeX. It is
    very large, so you may want to disable it if you have a slow internet
    connection, or for offline use of the notebook.
    When disabled, equations etc. will appear as their untransformed TeX source.
    generate default config file
--certfile=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.certfile)
    Default: u''
    The full path to an SSL/TLS certificate file.
--ip=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.ip)
    Default: 'localhost'
    The IP address the notebook server will listen on.
--pylab=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.pylab)
    Default: 'disabled'
    DISABLED: use %pylab or %matplotlib in the notebook to enable matplotlib.
--log-level=<Enum> (Application.log_level)
    Default: 30
    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
    Set the log level by value or name.
--port-retries=<Integer> (NotebookApp.port_retries)
    Default: 50
    The number of additional ports to try if the specified port is not
--notebook-dir=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.notebook_dir)
    Default: u''
    The directory to use for notebooks and kernels.
--keyfile=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.keyfile)
    Default: u''
    The full path to a private key file for usage with SSL/TLS.
--client-ca=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.client_ca)
    Default: u''
    The full path to a certificate authority certifificate for SSL/TLS client
--config=<Unicode> (JupyterApp.config_file)
    Default: u''
    Full path of a config file.
--port=<Integer> (NotebookApp.port)
    Default: 8888
    The port the notebook server will listen on.
--transport=<CaselessStrEnum> (KernelManager.transport)
    Default: 'tcp'
    Choices: [u'tcp', u'ipc']
--browser=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.browser)
    Default: u''
    Specify what command to use to invoke a web browser when opening the
    notebook. If not specified, the default browser will be determined by the
    `webbrowser` standard library module, which allows setting of the BROWSER
    environment variable to override it.

To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`


    jupyter notebook                       # start the notebook
    jupyter notebook --certfile=mycert.pem # use SSL/TLS certificate

[C 06:34:04.978 NotebookApp] Bad config encountered during initialization:
[C 06:34:04.978 NotebookApp] Unrecognized flag: '--allow-root'

shで実行権のないshell scriptを実行するのは少し嫌かも。

root@01dc6ad0394a:~# chmod +x run_jupyter.sh 
root@01dc6ad0394a:~# ./run_jupyter.sh 
[I 06:36:56.525 NotebookApp] Copying /root/.ipython/kernels -> /root/.local/share/jupyter/kernels
[I 06:36:56.536 NotebookApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to /root/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/notebook_cookie_secret
[W 06:36:56.549 NotebookApp] WARNING: The notebook server is listening on all IP addresses and not using encryption. This is not recommended.
[W 06:36:56.549 NotebookApp] WARNING: The notebook server is listening on all IP addresses and not using authentication. This is highly insecure and not recommended.
[I 06:36:56.558 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /root
[I 06:36:56.558 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels 
[I 06:36:56.558 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: http://[all ip addresses on your system]:8888/
[I 06:36:56.559 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).


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