VonageコミュニケーションAPIを使ってみた、Vonageのことなら何でも共有しよう! by Vonage Advent Calendar 2022

18 participant

10 subscriber






Vonageは、コミュニケーションAPI(CPaaS: Communication Platform as a Service)を提供しています。


Vonage APIを使ってみた感想、ナレッジなど、Vonageに関連する技術記事であれば何でも共有してください。

*Qiita Advent Calendar 特別企画 〜 全員クレジット付与キャンペーン!(PRを参照)
*記事投稿者全員に Amazonギフト券1,000円プレゼント  


  • Vonage APIを使った事があるけど、他のAPIサービスも使ってみようと考えてる人
  • 他のCPaaSを使った事があるので、今回VonageのAPIを使ってみようと考えてる人
  • 既存のシステムにSMSや音声のコミュニケーション機能を拡張してみようと考えてる人(要注意事項参照)
  • 新しいシステムやサービスにコミュニケーション機能を迅速に実装したいと考えている人(要注意事項参照)


Vonage Blog
Qiita - Vonage関連記事

Vonage APIの使い方についてはこちらをご覧ください

  • Video API デベロッパーセンター
  • Vonage デベロッパーセンター
    • Vonage Verify API:二要素認証API
    • Vonage Voice API:PSTN・SIP・Websocket対応できるプログラマブルボイスAPI
    • Vonage In-App SDK:アプリ上のメッセージ・音声(PSTN・SIP・Websocketも対応)SDK
    • Vonage SMS API:SMSの送受信API
    • Vonage Messaging API:Facebook Messenger、WhatsApp、Viber等の送受信API
    • Vonage Management API:上記APIの利用レポート・アカウント管理・電話番号管理API





  • 最優秀賞:Amazonギフト券 10万円
  • 優秀賞:Amazonギフト券 5万円
  • Vonage賞:Amazonギフト券 3万円
  • 記事投稿ありがとう賞 記事投稿者全員 Amazonギフト券1,000円

※AmazonはAmazon.com, Inc.またはその関連会社の商標です。


  • 参考文献等が豊富でこれからも読み続けられそうな記事
  • これから開発を進めるにあたって参考になり得る記事


  • Vonageに関する情報を含む記事であること
  • 記事に「vonage」タグを設定すること


コミュニケーションAPIであれば、チャネルを問わずご投稿いただけますが、Vonage APIに関する情報が含まれることがプレゼントの選出基準となります。



無料でVonage APIをお試しいただけます!

※ 記事を投稿しない方へも2022年11月1日から2022年12月31日までテストクレジットとクーポンを付与させていただきます。
※「Advent Calendar」へ記事を投稿される方で、さらに追加クレジットが必要な場合はご相談ください。jp.marketing@vonage.com までご連絡ください。

不明な点がございましたらお気軽に jp.marketing@vonage.com までご連絡ください。Vonage・サービスに関することはこちらからお問い合わせください。


皆さんのVonage APIに関する記事のご投稿お待ちしています!

How to join the calendar

You can join the calendar by selecting an available date and registering the URL of the article you wish to link to. If a slot is available, you can go back to a past date to join!

Series 1



You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 2 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 4 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 8 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Vonage APIを使ってSMSで通知 - C# ASP.NET Core


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 12 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 13 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use



You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 17 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use



You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 25 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  1. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  2. Join calendar on 2 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  3. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  4. Join calendar on 4 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  5. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  6. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  7. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  8. Join calendar on 8 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  9. Vonage APIを使ってSMSで通知 - C# ASP.NET Core


    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  10. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  11. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  12. Join calendar on 12 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  13. Join calendar on 13 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  14. Vonagetってなんやねん


    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  15. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  16. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  17. Join calendar on 17 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  18. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  19. 何か書く


    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  20. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  21. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  22. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  23. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  24. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  25. Join calendar on 25 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use



You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 2 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 4 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 8 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Vonage APIを使ってSMSで通知 - C# ASP.NET Core


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 12 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 13 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use



You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 17 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use



You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use


You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

Join calendar on 25 day

You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

About reserved posting

If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

About posting period

Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  1. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  2. Join calendar on 2 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  3. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  4. Join calendar on 4 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  5. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  6. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  7. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  8. Join calendar on 8 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  9. Vonage APIを使ってSMSで通知 - C# ASP.NET Core


    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  10. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  11. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  12. Join calendar on 12 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  13. Join calendar on 13 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  14. Vonagetってなんやねん


    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  15. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  16. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  17. Join calendar on 17 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  18. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  19. 何か書く


    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  20. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  21. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  22. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  23. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  24. Overwrite

    You can post either your article on Qiita or your blog post.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use

  25. Join calendar on 25 day

    You can also reserve a slot without registering a title or URL.

    Articles to be submitted are welcome on any website as well as on Qiita.

    About reserved posting

    If you register a secret article by the day before the same day, it will be automatically published around 7:00 on the same day.

    About posting period

    Only articles submitted after November 1 of the year can be registered. (Secret articles can be registered anytime articles are posted.)

    When you participate, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms of use