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Specification of FlexRay ISO Transport Layer, AUTOSAR 589, R23-11, CP

Last updated at Posted at 2024-01-04







This article is not completed. I will add some words in order.

Release Overviews

AUTOSARには現在3つの分類があります。Foundation, CAN OSEK/VDXのClassic Platform, Ethernet/TCP/IP POSIXのAdaptive Platform.

Foundation Release Overview, AUTOSAR 781, R23-11, FO

Classic Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR No.0 ,R23-11, CP

Adaptive Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR 782, R23-11, AP

Qiita 記事一覧

Autosar Foundation R23-11 一覧

AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform R23-11一覧

Autosar Classic Platform R23-11 一覧

文書変更(Document Change)

 Added Extended Production Errors to indicate timeouts and errors


term Description
I- Relative to upper AUTOSAR Layer (e.g. COM, DCM etc.)
L- Relative to the FlexRay Interface module.
N- Relative to the FlexRay Transport Protocol Layer.
Fr L-SDU This is the SDU of the FlexRay Interface module. It is similar to Fr N-PDU but from the FlexRay Interface module point of view.
Fr L-SduId This is the unique identifier of a Fr-L-SDU within the FlexRay Interface. It is used for referencing L-SDU’s routing properties.
Fr N-PDU This is the PDU of the FlexRay Transport Layer. It contains address information, protocol control information and data (the whole Fr N-SDU or a part of it).
Fr N-SDU This is the SDU of the FlexRay Transport Layer. In the AUTOSAR architecture, it is a set of data coming from the PDU Router.
Fr N-SduId Unique N-SDU identifier within the FlexRay Transport Layer. It is used to reference NSDU’s routing properties.
I-PDU This is the PDU of the upper AUTOSAR Layers modules (e.g. COM, DCM etc.). If data transfer via FlexRay Transport Protocol is configured, I-PDU is similar to an FrTp N-SDU.
PDU In layered systems, it refers to a data unit that is specified in the protocol of a given layer. This contains user data of that layer (SDU) plus possible protocol control information. Furthermore, the PDU of layer X is the SDU of its lower layer X-1 (i.e. (X)-PDU = (X1)-SDU).
PduInfoType This type refers to a structure used to store basic information to process the transmission\reception of a PDU (or a SDU), namely a pointer to its payload in RAM and the corresponding length (in bytes).
Channel A channel is a resource of the FrTp module to handle communication links to other communication nodes from FrTp’s point of view (transferring Fr N-PDUs).
Connection A connection specifies a communication link between different communication nodes from FrTp’s point of view. A connection defines the sender / receiver relation of communication nodes
PCI Protocol Control Information
e.g. lat. ‘exempli gratia’ – engl. for example
i.e. lat. 'id est' – engl. that is
CanTp CAN Transport Protocol
LinTp LIN Transport Protocol
CF Consecutive Frame Fr N-PDU
COM AUTOSAR Communications module
DCM Diagnostic Communication Manager module
DET Default Error Tracer
FC Flow Control Fr N-PDU
Fr FlexRay Driver module
FrIf FlexRay Interface module
FrTp FlexRay Transport Protocol Layer
PduR PDU Router
SF Start Frame Fr N-PDU
LF Last Frame Fr N-PDU
TP Transport Protocol Layer
SDU In layered systems, this refers to a set of data that is sent by a user of the services of a given layer, and is transmitted to a peer service user, whilst remaining semantically unchanged.
AUTOSAR Automotive Open System Architecture
SWS Software Specification
MISRA Motor Industry Software Reliability Association
ISO International Standard Organisation
ID Identifier
OS Operating System
MCAL Microcontroller Abstraction Layer
CPU Central Processing Unit
ROM Read Only Memory
RAM Random Access Memory
STF Start Frame (please refer to ISO 10681-2)
AF Acknowledge Frame (please refer to ISO 10681-2)
SN Sequence Number (please refer to ISO 10681-2)
FrTp_As Timer Parameter for a sender. Time for transmission of the FlexRay frame (any N_PDU) on the sender side. (please refer to ISO 10681-2)
FrTp_Ar Timer Parameter for a receiver. Time for transmission of the FlexRay frame (any N_PDU) on the receiver side (please refer to ISO 10681-2)
FrTp_BS Timer Parameter for a sender. Time until reception of the next FlowControl N_PDU. (please refer to ISO 10681-2)
FrTp_Br Timer Parameter for a receiver. Time until transmission of the next FlowControl N_PDU. (please refer to ISO 10681-2)
FrTp_Cs Timer Parameter for a sender. Time until transmission of the next ConsecutiveFrame N_PDU/LastFrame N_PDU. (please refer to ISO 10681-2)
FrTp_Cr Timer Parameter for a receiver. Time until reception of the next ConsecutiveFrame N_PDU (please refer to ISO 10681-2)



[1] List of Basic Software Modules AUTOSAR_TR_BSWModuleList.pdf
[2] Layered Software Architecture AUTOSAR_EXP_LayeredSoftwareArchitecture.pdf.pdf
[3] General Requirements of Basic Software Modules AUTOSAR_SRS_BSWGeneral.pdf
[4] Requirements on FlexRay AUTOSAR_SRS_FlexRay.pdf
[5] Specification of FlexRay Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_FlexRayInterface.pdf
[6] Specification of PDU Router AUTOSAR_SWS_PDURouter.pdf
[7] Specification of Communication Stack Types AUTOSAR_SWS_CommunicationStackTypes.pdf
[8] Specification of Standard Types AUTOSAR_SWS_StandardTypes.pdf
[9] Specification of Platform Types AUTOSAR_SWS_PlatformTypes.pdf
[10] Basic Software Module Description Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_BSWModuleDescriptionTemplate.pdf
[11] Specification of ECU Configuration, AUTOSAR_TPS_ECUConfiguration.pdf
[12] Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager, AUTOSAR_SWS_DiagnosticEventManager.pdf
[13] Specification of Default Error Tracer, AUTOSAR_SWS_DefaultErrorTracer.pdf
[14] General Specification of Basic Software Modules AUTOSAR_SWS_BSWGeneral.pdf

3.2 Related standards and norms

[15] FlexRay Communications System Protocol Specification Version 2.1
[16] ISO10681-2, Road vehicles – Communication on FlexRay – Part 2: Communication Layer services



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AUTOSAR R23-11 記憶の記録

AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2023

AUTOSAR Abstract Platformへの道 R22-11

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Basic principles, ボッシュ自動車handbook(英語)11版まとめ<2>


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ver. 0.01 初稿  20240105


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