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Release Overviews

AUTOSARには現在3つの分類があります。Foundation, CAN OSEK/VDXのClassic Platform, Ethernet/TCP/IP POSIXのAdaptive Platform.

Foundation Release Overview, AUTOSAR 781, R23-11, FO

Classic Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR No.0 ,R23-11, CP

Adaptive Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR 782, R23-11, AP

Qiita 記事一覧

Autosar Foundation R23-11 一覧

AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform R23-11一覧

Autosar Classic Platform R23-11 一覧

文書変更(Document Change)

• Added Extended Production Errors to indicate timeouts and errors
• Removed dependency of the addressing format for shared PDUs/SDUs


term Description
I- Relative to AUTOSAR COM Interaction Layer
L- Relative to the CAN Interface module which is equivalent to the Logical Link Control (the upper part of the Data Link Layer - the lower part is called Media Access Control)
N- Relative to the CAN Transport Layer which is equivalent to the OSI Network Layer.
CAN L-SDU This is the SDU of the CAN Interface module. It is similar to CAN N-PDU but from the CAN Interface module point of view.
CAN LSduId This is the unique identifier of a SDU within the CAN Interface. It is used for referencing L-SDU’s routing properties. Consequently, in order to interact with the CAN Interface through its API, an upper layer uses CAN LSduId to refer to a CAN L-SDU Info Structure.
CAN N-PDU This is the PDU of the CAN Transport Layer. It contains a unique identifier, data length and data (protocol control information plus the whole N-SDU or a part of it).
CAN N-SDU This is the SDU of the CAN Transport Layer. In the AUTOSAR architecture, it is a set of data coming from the PDU Router.
CAN N-SDU Info Structure This is a CAN Transport Layer internal constant structure that contains specific CAN Transport Layer information to process transmission, reception, segmentation and reassembly of the related CAN N-SDU.
CAN NSduId Unique SDU identifier within the CAN Transport Layer. It is used to reference N-SDU’s routing properties. Consequently, to interact with the CAN Transport Layer via its API, an upper layer uses CAN NSduId to refer to a CAN N-SDU Info Structure.
I-PDU This is the PDU of the AUTOSAR COM module.
PDU In layered systems, it refers to a data unit that is specified in the protocol of a given layer. This contains user data of that layer (SDU) plus possible protocol control information. Furthermore, the PDU of layer X is the SDU of its lower layer X-1 (i.e. (X)-PDU = (X-1)-SDU).
PduInfoType This type refers to a structure used to store basic information to process the transmission\reception of a PDU (or a SDU), namely a pointer to its payload in RAM and the corresponding length (in bytes).
SDU In layered systems, this refers to a set of data that is sent by a user of the services of a given layer, and is transmitted to a peer service user, whilst remaining semantically unchanged.
BS Block Size
Can CAN Driver module
CAN CF CAN Consecutive Frame N-PDU
CAN FC CAN Flow Control N-PDU
CAN FF CAN First Frame N-PDU
CAN SF CAN Single Frame N-PDU
CanIf CAN Interface
CanTp CAN Transport Layer
CanTrcv CAN Transceiver module
Com AUTOSAR COM module
Dcm Diagnostic Communication Manager module
DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
DET Default Error Tracer
DLC Data Length Code (part of CAN PDU that describes the SDU length)
FIM Function Inhibition Manager
Mtype Message Type (possible value: diagnostics, remote diagnostics)
N_AI Network Address Information (see ISO 15765-2).
N_Ar Time for transmission of the CAN frame (any N-PDU) on the receiver side (see ISO 15765-2 [1]).
N_As Time for transmission of the CAN frame (any N-PDU) on the sender side (see ISO 15765-2 [1]).
N_Br Time until transmission of the next flow control N-PDU (see ISO 15765-2 [1]).
N_Bs Time until reception of the next flow control N-PDU (see ISO 15765-2 [1]).
N_Cr Time until reception of the next consecutive frame N-PDU (see ISO 15765-2 [1]).
N_Cs Time until transmission of the next consecutive frame N-PDU (see ISO 15765-2 [1]).
N_Data Data information of the transport layer
N_PCI Protocol Control Information of the transport layer
N_SA Network Source Address (see ISO 15765-2 [1]).
N_TA Network Target Address (see ISO 15765-2 [1]). It might already contain the N_TAtype(physical/ function) in case of ExtendedAddressing.
N_TAtype Network Target Address type (see ISO 15765-2 [1]).
OBD On-Board Diagnostic
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PduR PDU Router
SDU Service Data Unit
FS Flow Status
CAN FD CAN flexible data rate
CAN_DL CAN frame data length
TX_DL Transmit data link layer data length
RX_DL Received data link layer data length
SF_DL SingleFrame data length in bytes
Default Error Tracer The Default Error Tracer is merely a support to SW development and integration and is not contained in the production code. The API is defined, but the functionality can be chosen and implemented by the developer according to his specific needs.
Diagnostic Event Manager The Diagnostic Event Manager is a standard AUTOSAR module which is available in the production code and whose functionality is specified in the AUTOSAR project.
Extended addressing format A unique CAN identifier is assigned to each combination of N_SA and Mtype. A unique address is filed to each combination of N_TA and N_TAtype in the first data byte of the CAN frame data field. N_PCI and N_Data are filed in the remaining bytes of the CAN frame data field.
Function Inhibition Manager The Function Inhibition Manager (FIM) stands for the evaluation and assignment of events to the required actions for Software Components (e.g. inhibition of specific “monitoring functions”). The DEM informs and updates the Function Inhibition Manager (FIM) upon changes of the event status in order to stop or release functional entities according to assigned dependencies. An interface to the functional entities is defined and supported by the Mode Manager. The FIM is not part of the DEM.
Functional addressing In the transport layer, functional addressing refers to N-SDU, of which parameter N_TAtype (which is an extension to the N_TA parameter [1] used to encode the communication model) has the value functional. This means the N-SDU is used in 1 to n communications. Thus with the CAN protocol, functional addressing will only be supported for Single Frame communication. In terms of application, functional addressing is used by the external (or internal) tester if it does not know the physical address of an ECU that should respond to a service request or if the functionality of the ECU is implemented as a distributed server over several ECUs. When functional addressing is used, the communication is a communication broadcast from the external tester to one or more ECUs (1 to n communication). Use cases are (for example) broadcasting messages, such as “ECUReset” or “Communication Control” OBD communication will always be performed as part of functional addressing.
Mixed addressing format A unique CAN identifier is assigned to each combination of N_SA, N_TA, N_TAtype. N_AE is placed in the first data byte of the CAN frame data field. N_PCI and N_Data are placed in the remaining bytes of the CAN frame data field.
Multiple connection The CAN Transport Layer should manage several transport protocol communication sessions at a time.
Normal addressing format A unique CAN identifier is assigned to each combination of N_SA, N_TA, N_TAtype and Mtype. N_PCI and N_Data are filed in the CAN frame data field.
Physical addressing In the transport layer, physical addressing refers to N-SDU, of which parameter N_TAtype (which is an extension of the N_TA parameter [1] used to encode the communication model) has the value physical. This means the N-SDU is used in 1 to 1 communication, thus physical addressing will be supported for all types of network layer messages. In terms of application, physical addressing is used by the external (or internal) tester if it knows the physical address of an ECU that should respond to a service request. When physical addressing is used, a point to point communication takes place (1 to 1 communication). Use cases are (for example) messages, such as ”ReadDataByIdentifier” or ”InputOutputControl ByIdentifier”
Single connection The CAN Transport Layer will only manage one transport protocol communication session at a time.
Connection channel The CAN Transport Layer is handling resources used by multiple connections in order to save RAM. When a connection becames active, the channel that is used by this connection will be unavailable for other connections.
Connection A transport protocol session, either is a transmission or a reception session on a N-SDU


[1] Road vehicles – Diagnostics on Controller Area Networks (CAN) – Part2:Network layer services
[2] Diagnosticsoncontrollerareanetwork(CAN)–Part4:Requirementsforemission- related systems (Release 2005 01-04)
[3] Glossary AUTOSAR_FO_TR_Glossary
[4] General Specification of Basic Software Modules AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_BSWGeneral
[5] Specification of PDU Router AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_PDURouter
[6] Specification of CAN Interface AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_CANInterface
[7] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules AUTOSAR_CP_SRS_BSWGeneral
[8] Requirements on CAN AUTOSAR_CP_SRS_CAN
[9] ISO 11898-1:2015 – Road vehicles – Controller area network (CAN)



2023 Countdown Calendar 主催・参加一覧

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AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2023

AUTOSAR Abstract Platformへの道 R22-11

自動車 記事 100

Basic principles, ボッシュ自動車handbook(英語)11版まとめ<2>

JAXA/IPA クリティカルソフトウェアワークショップ WOCS言語関連発表(改定版)

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文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿  20240104


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