
Are you sure you want to delete the question?

If your question is resolved, you may close it.

Leaving a resolved question undeleted may help others!

We hope you find it useful!




import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests_html import HTMLSession

class user:   
    def get_followers(name):
        # aaa = input("username:")

        # HTMLの取得(GET)
        req = requests.get(f"https://scratch.mit.edu/users/{name}/followers/")
        req.encoding = req.apparent_encoding # 日本語の文字化け防止

        # HTMLの解析
        data = BeautifulSoup(req.text,"html.parser")

        items = data.find(class_ = "box-head")
        item = items.find("h2")

        aaaaa = item.text

        j = aaaaa.find("Followers") + 11
        mozi = ""
        while aaaaa[j] != ")":
            mozi = mozi+aaaaa[j]
            j += 1
        # print(f"フォロワー:{mozi}")
        return mozi
    def get_following(name):
        # aaa = input("username:")

        # HTMLの取得(GET)
        req = requests.get(f"https://scratch.mit.edu/users/{name}/following/")
        req.encoding = req.apparent_encoding # 日本語の文字化け防止

        # HTMLの解析
        data = BeautifulSoup(req.text,"html.parser")

        items = data.find(class_ = "box-head")
        item = items.find("h2")

        aaaaa = item.text

        j = aaaaa.find("Following") + 11
        mozi = ""
        while aaaaa[j] != ")":
            mozi = mozi+aaaaa[j]
            j += 1
        # print(f"フォロワー:{mozi}")
        return mozi
    def get_messages(name):
        # aaa = input("username:")

        # HTMLの取得(GET)
        req = requests.get(f"https://api.scratch.mit.edu/users/{name}/messages/count")
        req.encoding = req.apparent_encoding # 日本語の文字化け防止

        # HTMLの解析
        data = BeautifulSoup(req.text,"html.parser")

        aaaaa = data.text
        j = 9
        mozi = ""
        while aaaaa[j] != "}":
            mozi = mozi+aaaaa[j]
            j += 1
        # print(f"フォロワー:{mozi}")
        return int(mozi)

class project:
    def get_loves(id):
        # aaa = input("username:")
        # HTMLの取得(GET)
        req = requests.get(f"https://api.scratch.mit.edu/projects/{id}/")
        req.encoding = req.apparent_encoding # 日本語の文字化け防止

        # HTMLの解析
        data = BeautifulSoup(req.text,"html.parser")
        # print(data)
        items = data.text
        i = 0
        while items[i] != "l" or items[i + 1] != "o" or items[i + 2] != "v" or items[i + 3] != "e":
            i += 1
        i += 7
        mozi = ""
        while items[i] != ",":
            mozi = f"{mozi}{items[i]}"
            i += 1
        return int(mozi)
    def get_favorites(id):
        # aaa = input("username:")
        # HTMLの取得(GET)
        req = requests.get(f"https://api.scratch.mit.edu/projects/{id}/")
        req.encoding = req.apparent_encoding # 日本語の文字化け防止

        # HTMLの解析
        data = BeautifulSoup(req.text,"html.parser")
        # print(data)
        items = data.text
        i = 0
        while items[i] != "f" or items[i + 1] != "a" or items[i + 2] != "v" or items[i + 3] != "o":
            i += 1
        i += 11
        mozi = ""
        while items[i] != ",":
            mozi = f"{mozi}{items[i]}"
            i += 1
        return int(mozi)
    def get_remixes(id):
        # aaa = input("username:")
        # HTMLの取得(GET)
        req = requests.get(f"https://api.scratch.mit.edu/projects/{id}/")
        req.encoding = req.apparent_encoding # 日本語の文字化け防止

        # HTMLの解析
        data = BeautifulSoup(req.text,"html.parser")
        # print(data)
        items = data.text
        i = 0
        while items[i] != "r" or items[i + 1] != "e" or items[i + 2] != "m" or items[i + 3] != "i":
            i += 1
        i += 9
        mozi = ""
        while items[i] != "}":
            mozi = f"{mozi}{items[i]}"
            i += 1
        return int(mozi)
    def get_title(id):
        # aaa = input("username:")
        # HTMLの取得(GET)
        req = requests.get(f"https://api.scratch.mit.edu/projects/{id}/")
        req.encoding = req.apparent_encoding # 日本語の文字化け防止

        # HTMLの解析
        data = BeautifulSoup(req.text,"html.parser")
        # print(data)
        items = data.text
        i = 0
        while items[i] != "t" or items[i + 1] != "i" or items[i + 2] != "t" or items[i + 3] != "l":
            i += 1
        i += 7
        mozi = ""
        while items[i] != ",":
            mozi = f"{mozi}{items[i]}"
            i += 1
        return mozi





  • ライセンスの選定
  • マニュアルの作成





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