
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

Atlas SoCのビルドがうまく行かないメモ

Last updated at Posted at 2016-03-09




  • 5Vアダプタ
  • Ethernet

Atlas SoC

Atlas SOCイメージ取得

MacでSD card書き出し


sudo dd if=atlas_sdcard_v1.1.img of=/dev/rdisk3 bs=1m


screen /dev/tty.usbserial-AK00D0RG 115200
|       |                  .-.           o o        
|   |   |-----.-----.-----.| |   .----..-----.-----.
|       |     | __  |  ---'| '--.|  .-'|     |     |
|   |   |  |  |     |---  ||  --'|  |  |  '  | | | |
'---'---'--'--'--.  |-----''----''--'  '-----'-'-'-'
                -'  |

The Angstrom Distribution atlas_sockit ttyS0

Angstrom v2014.12 - Kernel 4.0.0-altera

atlas_sockit login: 


login: root

root@atlas_sockit:~# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:07:ed:43:5b:10  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:


Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 3.33.42 PM.png


Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 3.35.29 PM.png



つづいて、Google Compute Engine上に開発環境を構築。


  • asia-east1-c
  • Debian 7 backport
  • 4 core
  • 26GB memory
  • 512GB SSD


Altera SoC EDS

  • ダウンロード遅い
  • GUIからSoCEDSSetup-をダブルクリックして起動

Screen Shot 2016-01-24 at 6.21.57 AM.png

Screen Shot 2016-01-24 at 6.32.19 AM.png
- rootでないと言われる。"b"を選択

$ sudo ~/altera/15.1/embedded/ds-5/run_post_install_for_ARM_DS-5_v5.22.0.sh

Altera Quartus Prime Lite

  • ダウンロード遅い
  • Quartus-lite-を展開
$ tar xf Quartus-lite- 
  • setup.shをダブルクリックして起動

Screen Shot 2016-01-24 at 6.38.18 AM.png

Screen Shot 2016-01-24 at 7.11.12 AM.png

Screen Shot 2016-01-24 at 7.15.20 AM.png





$ sudo apt-get install sed wget cvs subversion git-core coreutils unzip texi2html texinfo libsdl1.2-dev docbook-utils gawk python-pysqlite2 diffstat help2man make gcc build-essential g++ desktop-file-utils chrpath libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev mercurial autoconf automake groff libtool xterm

ドキュメントの通り、このままmake allする。

mkdir atlas
cd atlas
wget https://github.com/dwesterg/atlas-soc-ghrd/tarball/master -O atlas-soc-ghrd.tgz
mkdir atlas-soc-ghrd
tar -xzvf atlas-soc-ghrd.tgz --strip-components 1 -C atlas-soc-ghrd
cd atlas-soc-ghrd
make all



# for SoC EDS
export SOCEDS_DEST_ROOT=~/altera/15.1/embedded
source ~/altera/15.1/embedded/env.sh

# for Quartus
export PATH

しかし、embedded/env.shを呼ぶと、makeがNo such fileと言われるようになる。。orz

kazsato@kaz-altera0:~/atlas/atlas-soc-ghrd$ make all
bash: /home/kazsato/altera/15.1/embedded/ds-5/bin/make: No such file or directory



$ mv scripts/qsys_add_fft128_components.tcl scripts/qsys_add_fft128_components.tcl.old


$ /usr/bin/make scrub_clean
$ /usr/bin/make all


Error: Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 12 errors, 39 warnings
    Error: Peak virtual memory: 1489 megabytes
    Error: Processing ended: Sun Jan 24 23:54:28 2016
    Error: Elapsed time: 00:04:46
    Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:05:10
make: *** [stamp/ATLAS_SOC_GHRD.quartus_pin_assignments.stamp] Error 3


azsato@kaz-altera0:~/atlas/atlas-soc-ghrd$ cat logs/* | grep Error
2016.01.24.23:46:44 Error: add_instance altchip_id_0 altchip_id 15.0: No module type named altchip_id.
2016.01.24.23:46:44 Error: set_instance_parameter_value altchip_id_0 ID_VALUE 18446744073709551615: No module named altchip_id_0.
2016.01.24.23:46:44 Error: add_connection altchip_id_0.output chip_id_read_mm_0.in0: No interface named altchip_id_0.output.
2016.01.24.23:46:44 Error: add_connection clk_0.clk altchip_id_0.clkin: No interface named altchip_id_0.clkin.
2016.01.24.23:46:44 Error: add_connection clk_0.clk_reset altchip_id_0.reset: No interface named altchip_id_0.reset.
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: Error during execution of script generate_hps_sdram.tcl: seq: add_fileset_file: No such file /tmp/alt6824_827278802229984201.dir/0003_seq_gen/hps_AC_ROM.hex
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: Error during execution of script generate_hps_sdram.tcl: Generation stopped, 3 or more modules remaining
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: Execution of script generate_hps_sdram.tcl failed
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:01 Info:
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: ********************************************************************************************************************
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: Use qsys-generate for a simpler command-line interface for generating IP.
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: Run ip-generate with switch --remove-qsys-generate-warning to prevent this notice from appearing in subsequent runs.
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: ********************************************************************************************************************
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:08 Warning: Ignored parameter assignment device=5CSEMA4U23C6
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:08 Warning: Ignored parameter assignment extended_family_support=true
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:18 Warning: hps_sdram: 'Quick' simulation modes are NOT timing accurate. Some simulation memory models may issue warnings or errors
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:18 Warning: hps_sdram.seq: This module has no ports or interfaces
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:18 Warning: hps_sdram.p0: p0.scc must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit.
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:18 Warning: hps_sdram.as: as.afi_init_cal_req must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit.
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:18 Warning: hps_sdram.as: as.tracking must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit.
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:18 Warning: hps_sdram.c0: c0.status must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit.
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:18 Warning: hps_sdram.p0: p0.avl must be connected to an Avalon-MM master
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:18 Info: hps_sdram: Generating altera_mem_if_hps_emif "hps_sdram" for QUARTUS_SYNTH
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:20 Info: pll: "hps_sdram" instantiated altera_mem_if_hps_pll "pll"
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:20 Info: p0: Generating clock pair generator
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:21 Info: p0: Generating hps_sdram_p0_altdqdqs
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Info: p0:
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Info: p0: *****************************
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Info: p0:
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Info: p0: Remember to run the hps_sdram_p0_pin_assignments.tcl
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Info: p0: script after running Synthesis and before Fitting.
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Info: p0:
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Info: p0: *****************************
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Info: p0:
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Info: p0: "hps_sdram" instantiated altera_mem_if_ddr3_hard_phy_core "p0"
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: seq: add_fileset_file: No such file /tmp/alt6824_827278802229984201.dir/0003_seq_gen/hps_AC_ROM.hex
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: while executing
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: "add_fileset_file $file_name [::alt_mem_if::util::hwtcl_utils::get_file_type $file_name 0] PATH $file_pathname"
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: ("foreach" body line 4)
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: invoked from within
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: "foreach file_pathname $return_files_sw {
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border:              _dprint 1 "Preparing to add $file_pathname"
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border:              set file_name [file tail $file_pathname]
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border:              add_fileset_file $..."
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: (procedure "generate_sw" line 18)
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: invoked from within
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: "generate_sw $name $fileset"
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: ("if" then script line 4)
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: invoked from within
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: "if {[string compare -nocase $fileset QUARTUS_SYNTH] == 0} {
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border:              set top_level_file "altera_mem_if_hhp_qseq_synth_top.v"
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border:              add_fileset_file $top_level_fi..."
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: (procedure "generate_files" line 4)
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: invoked from within
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: "generate_files $name QUARTUS_SYNTH"
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: (procedure "generate_synth" line 3)
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: invoked from within
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: "generate_synth altera_mem_if_hhp_qseq_synth_top"
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Info: seq: "hps_sdram" instantiated altera_mem_if_hhp_ddr3_qseq "seq"
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: Generation stopped, 3 or more modules remaining
2016.01.24.23:49:32 Error: border: 2016.01.24.23:49:32 Info: hps_sdram: Done "hps_sdram" with 7 modules, 33 files
2016.01.24.23:49:33 Error: Generation stopped, 2 or more modules remaining
2016.01.24.23:49:34 Error: qsys-generate failed with exit code 1: 60 Errors, 10 Warnings


not foundでgrepすると、

kazsato@kaz-altera0:~/atlas/atlas-soc-ghrd$ cat logs/* | grep 'not found'
Warning (125092): Tcl Script File ../ip/fft128/fft_test.qip not found
Warning (125092): Tcl Script File ../ip/fft128/fft_test.qip not found
Warning (125092): Tcl Script File ../ip/fft128/fft_test.qip not found
Warning (125092): Tcl Script File ../ip/fft128/fft_test.qip not found
Warning (125092): Tcl Script File ../ip/fft128/fft_test.qip not found
Warning (125092): Tcl Script File soc_system/synthesis/soc_system.qip not found
Warning (125092): Tcl Script File ../ip/fft128/fft_test.qip not found
Warning (125092): Tcl Script File soc_system/synthesis/soc_system.qip not found

StratixV問題かな? miyoxさんのアドバイスどおりに入れてみよう。まずはデバイスパッケージを入手。

Alteraのダウンロードセンターからstratixv-をダウンロード。QuartusのTools > Install Devicesでインストールを試みるも、「このバージョンのQuartusには対応してない」と出てくるので、

$ cd ~/altera_lite/15.1/
$ unzip stratixv-


これで再度make allすると、、結果は同じでしたorz





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