
Specification of State Management, AUTOSAR 908, R23-11, AP

Last updated at Posted at 2024-01-02







This article is not completed. I will add some words in order.

Release Overviews

AUTOSARには現在3つの分類があります。Foundation, CAN OSEK/VDXのClassic Platform, Ethernet/TCP/IP POSIXのAdaptive Platform.

Foundation Release Overview, AUTOSAR 781, R23-11, FO

Classic Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR No.0 ,R23-11, CP

Adaptive Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR 782, R23-11, AP

Qiita 記事一覧

Autosar Foundation R23-11 一覧

AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform R23-11一覧

Autosar Classic Platform R23-11 一覧

文書変更(Document Change)

• Add Update and Configuration Management support to StateMachine approach
• Add Network Management support to StateMachine approach
• Add Controller/Agent StateMachine approach
• Add UpdateAllowed service interface
• Extend StartStartMachine feature of StateMachine approach
• Replace Network Management service Interface by C++ API


Terms Description
State Management The element defining modes of operation for AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform. It allows flexible definition of functions which are active on the platform at any given time.
Execution Management [3] The element of the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform responsible for the ordered startup and shutdown of the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform and Adaptive Applications.
Platform Health Management [4] A Functional Cluster within the Adaptive Platform Foundation
Communication Management[1] A Functional Cluster within the Adaptive Platform Foundation
Network Management [5] A Functional Cluster within the Adaptive Platform Services. Part of Communication Management.
Diagnostic Management [6] A Functional Cluster within the Adaptive Platform Services
Update And Configuration Management [7] A Functional Cluster within the Adaptive Platform Services
Network Handle Network Handles are provided by Network Management. A handle represents a set of (partial) networks.
process A process refers to the OS concept of a running process. Attention: process is not equal to Modelled Process (see below). Hence each Modelled Process has at some time a related (OS) process but a process may not always have a related Modelled Process.
Modelled Process A Modelled Process is an instance of an Executable to be executed on a Machine and has a 1:1 association with the ARXML/Meta-Model element Modelled Process. This document also uses the term process (without the “modelled” prefix) to refer to the OS concept of a running process.
Function Group A Function Group is a set of coherent Modelled Processes which need to be controlled consistently. Depending on the state of the Function Group, processes (related to the Modelled Processes) are started or terminated. Modelled Processes can belong to more than one Function Group State (but at exactly one Function Group). "MachineFG" is a Function Group with a predefined name, which is mainly used to control Machine lifecycle and processes of platform level Applications. Other Function Groups are sort of general purpose tools used (for example) to control processes of user level Applications.
Function Group State The element of State Management that characterizes the current status of a set of (functionally coherent) user-level Applications. The set of Function Groups and their Function Group States is machine specific and are configured in the Machine Manifest [8].
Machine State The state of Function Group "MachineFG" with some predefined states (Startup/Shutdown/Restart).
Execution Manifest Manifest file to configure execution of an Adaptive Application.
Machine Manifest Manifest file to configure a Machine. The Machine Manifest holds all configuration information which cannot be assigned to a specific Executable or process.
StateMachine Identifiable entity which consists of at least two StateMa- chine States.StateMachine is modeled as a ModeDecla- rationGroupPrototype
StateMachine State State of a StateMachine, which is referenced by an Action- List. StateMachine State is represented by meta-class ModeDeclaration
InitialState StateMachine State of a State Machine,which is automatically entered, when a StateMachine starts/ is instantiated.
FinalState StateMachine State o f aState Machine,which is automatically entered, when a StateMachine stops/ is destroyed.
ActionList Entity which references a StateMachine State of a StateMachine. Contains an arbitrary number of ActionLis- tItems. Entity is represented by meta-class StateManage- mentActionList
ActionListItem Item of an ActionList. Items will be executed when a StateMachine State is entered. Entity is represented by meta-class StateManagementActionItem
Transition Request Table Table which defines next StateMachine State, depending on current StateMachine State and on value passed via StateMachineService interface.
StateMachine error notification Notification towards a StateMachine triggered by Platform Health Management or Execution Management to inform StateMachine about a problem in a Function Group. Notifi- cation will lead to a change in StateMachine State.
ErrorRecoveryTable TablewhichdefinesnextStateMachine State,dependingon ErrorEvent value passed in StateMachine error notification.
SMControlApplication Project-specific Adaptive Application(s) which evaluates information from the system to request StateMachine State changes from a StateMachine via StateMachineService interface.
ErrorRecoveryOngoing StateMachine internal flag, which is set, when it receives error notification from Platform Health Management or Execu- tion Management. Flag is reset, when all Actions to recover from this situation are successfully done.
Controller StateMachine with the role Controller (also known as Master). Exists only once in an Adaptive machine (when StateMachine is configured). The Controller is the main StateMachine which is responsible for the machine life-cycle.
Agent StateMachine with the role Agent (also known as Slave). Op- tional StateMachines (beside Controller). Life-cycle of Agents is managed by Controller. Caring about set of Function Groups.


[1] Specification of Communication Management AUTOSAR_AP_SWS_CommunicationManagement
[2] Glossary AUTOSAR_FO_TR_Glossary
[3] Specification of Execution Management AUTOSAR_AP_SWS_ExecutionManagement
[4] Specification of Platform Health Management AUTOSAR_AP_SWS_PlatformHealthManagement
[5] Specification of Network Management AUTOSAR_AP_SWS_NetworkManagement
[6] Specification of Diagnostics AUTOSAR_AP_SWS_Diagnostics
[7] Specification of Update and Configuration Management AUTOSAR_AP_SWS_UpdateAndConfigurationManagement
[8] Specification of Manifest AUTOSAR_AP_TPS_ManifestSpecification
[9] Explanation of Adaptive Platform Software Architecture AUTOSAR_AP_EXP_SWArchitecture
[10] Requirements of State Management AUTOSAR_AP_RS_StateManagement



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AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2023

AUTOSAR Abstract Platformへの道 R22-11

自動車 記事 100

Basic principles, ボッシュ自動車handbook(英語)11版まとめ<2>

JAXA/IPA クリティカルソフトウェアワークショップ WOCS言語関連発表(改定版)

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文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿  20240102


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