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Specification of Diagnostics, AUTOSAR 723, R23-11 AP

Last updated at Posted at 2024-01-02







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Release Overviews

AUTOSARには現在3つの分類があります。Foundation, CAN OSEK/VDXのClassic Platform, Ethernet/TCP/IP POSIXのAdaptive Platform.

Foundation Release Overview, AUTOSAR 781, R23-11, FO

Classic Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR No.0 ,R23-11, CP

Adaptive Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR 782, R23-11, AP

Qiita 記事一覧

Autosar Foundation R23-11 一覧

AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform R23-11一覧

Autosar Classic Platform R23-11 一覧

# 文書変更(Document Change)

• Document quality improvement and fixing bugs
• Incorporated Quality Scope Review Findings
• SOVD Concept Part 2 implemented
• Service 0x29 refinements


Term Description
AA AUTOSAR Adaptive Application
AP AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform
Channel An abstraction of a network specific communication channel. In CAN networks a Channel can be identified via CAN identifier. In Ethernet networks a Channel might be defined by the quadruple Src-IP, Src-Port, Target-IP, Target-Port.
CP AUTOSAR Classic Platform
DEXT AUTOSAR Diagnostic Extract[3], describing diagnostic configuration of an ECU
DM AUTOSAR Adaptive Diagnostic Management
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code according to ISO 14229-1[1]
DDID Dynamically Defined Data Identifier according to ISO 14229-1[1].
DID Data Identifier according to ISO 14229-1[1]. This 16 bit value uniquely defines one ore more data elements (parameters) that can are used in diagnostics to read, write or control data.
ECU Electronic control unit
EDR Extended Data Record
Execution Management Functional cluster Execution Management
FDC Fault Detection Counter according to 14229-1[1]. Has always the value range from -128 = FDCmin = "FinallyHealed" to +127 = FDCmax = "FinallyDefective"
GID Group identifier as used in DoIP
MetaInfo Meta-Information in the form of a key-value map, which is given from DM to external service processors.
NRC Negative Response Code used by UDS in the diagnostic response to indicate the tester that a certain failure has occurred and the diagnostic request was not processed.
OBD "On-Board Diagnostics"; Generally: A vehicles ability for self diagnosis and reporting to external test tools. Specifically here, the protocol is meant, as defined in SAE J1979, ISO 15031, ISO 27145 and others.
OEM "Original Equipment Manufacturer", but in this document herein, it is used for "Vehicle Manufacturer".
PDID Periodic Data Identifier according to ISO 14229-1[2].
PowerMode Vehicle basic status information retrieval of DoIP
SA SourceAddress of a UDS request
SID Service Identifier, identifying a diagnostic service according to UDS, such as 0x14 ClearDiagnosticInformation
TA TargetAddress of a UDS request
UDS Unified Diagnostic Services
VIN Vehicle Identification Number according to ISO-3779
Dcm Diagnostic Communication Manager (Module of the AUTOSAR Classic Platform)
DoIP Diagnostics over Internet Protocol (Communication protocol of automotive electronics according to ISO-13400[5])
Aging Unlearning/deleting of a no longer failed event/DTC after a defined number of operation cycles from event memory.
Diagnostic Client A Diagnostic Client is a diagnostic service requester, i.e. sends a UDS request to the Diagnostic Server. Usually the Diagnostic Client is an external tester equipment but can also be another vehicle internal ECU.
Diagnostic Communication Management Diagnostic Communication Management is the part of the Diagnostic Management which belongs to tester communication and the processing of UDS services.
Diagnostic Conversation Diagnostic Conversation represents a conversation between Diagnostic Client (Tester) and Diagnostic Server.
Diagnostic Event Management Diagnostic Event Management is the part of the Diagnostic Management which belongs to processing and storing of diagnostic events and associated data.
Diagnostic Management Diagnostic Management is a placeholder for the complete functionality of diagnostic communication and event handling.
Diagnostic Server instance Diagnostic Server (DM) is intended to support an own Diagnostic Server instance per installed SoftwareCluster, see section 7.5 for a detailed description. Each of those Server instances has and manages its own resources and is responsible for dispatching and processing of diagnostic services.
Diagnostic Service instance A diagnostic service instance implements a concrete use of a diagnostic service in a given context. It refers to a DiagnosticServiceClass and the DiagnosticAccessPermission , see for a detailed description.
Displacement In case of an Event memory overflow: Replacing the most insignificant stored event memory entry by a reported event which needs to be stored and is more significant.
DTC group Uniquely identifies a set of DTCs. A DTC group is mapped to the range of valid DTCs. By providing a group of DTCs it is expressed that a certain operation is requested on all DTCs of that group. The DTC group definition is provided by ISO 14229-1[1] and OEM/supplier-specific.
DTCStatusAvailabilityMask The DTCStatusAvailabilityMask - byte is used in UDS responses to requests for certain sub-functions of service 0x19. It express which of the UDS DTC status bits are supported by the DM for masking purposes.
Enable Conditions The criteria / conditions under which the test results from the monitors in the AA’s are valid and shall be processed by DM. Configuration is done per event.
Extended Data Records Contains statistical data for a DTC. Extended data records are assigned to DTCs and maintained and stored by the DM.
Event An event (also diagnostic event) uniquely identifies a fault path of the system. An application monitors the system and reports events to the DM.
Event memory The DM stores information about events in the event memory. There can be multiple event memories, each keeping information independently from each other. Examples of the event memory is the UDS primary event memory or the up to 256 user-defined event memories.
Event memory overflow An event memory overflow occurs, if this specific event memory is full and the next event occurs to be stored in this event memory.
Event status Bit-packed status information based on Event level. Contains the following bits: Nr. Definition: • 0 testFailed • 1 testFailedThisOperationCycle • 6 testNotCompletedThisOperationCycle Compare UDS DTC status bit
Fail-safe reaction (Sometimes also called "limp home mode"): Reaction to avoid or minimize harm or damage in case of a failure.
GroupOfAllDTCs Identifies a special DTC group that contains all DTCs. This DTC group is identified by the DTC value 0xFFFFFF in 14229-1[1] and contains by default all DTCs of a fault memory. It is present by default in the DM and requires no configuration.
Internal, External Classifies if a DiagnosticDataElement is either managed internally inside DM or by an external adaptive applications, see for the precise definition.
Internally, Externally Definition of the support type of a SID by the DM. Internally means processing is done by DM itself, Externally means an external service processor is used.
internal data element A DiagnosticDataElement which is provided by the DM itself. See also
Monitor A monitor (also diagnostic monitor) is a piece of software running within an application, monitoring the correct functionality of a certain system part. The result of such a function check is reported to the DM in form of a diagnostic event.
Operation cycle A new operation cycle is the start of a new monitoring cycle. This is reflected in a reset of the testFailedThisOperationCycle and testNotCompletedThisOperationCycle bits in the DTC status and optional notification to the monitor to restart the monitoring.
Primary event memory The primary event memory is used to store events and event related data. It is typically used by OEMs for after sales purposes, containing information to repair the vehicle.
Snapshot Record Set of measurement values stored in the fault memory at a certain point of time during fault detection. It is used to gain environmental data information for occurred faults.
SoftwareCluster A SoftwareCluster groups all AUTOSAR artifacts which are relevant to deploy software on a machine. This includes the definition of applications, i.e. their executables, application manifests, communication and diagnostics. In the context of diagnostics a SoftwareCluster can be addressed individually by its own set of diagnostic addresses.
SourceAddress A Source Address is used to encode client and server identifiers. In a UDS request the source address encodes the Diagnostic Client whereas the source address in a UDS response encodes the Diagnostic Server.
TargetAddress A Target Address is used to encode client and server identifiers. In a UDS request the target address encodes the Diagnostic Server whereas the target address in a UDS response encodes the Diagnostic Client.
Transport Protocol Handler A subcomponent of DM implementing a particular Transport Protocol (either DoIP or any other proprietary UDS Transport Layer).
Transport Protocol Manager Link between UDS Transport Layer and Application Layer.
UDS service A diagnostic service as defined in ISO 14229-1[1].
UDS DTC status bit UDS DTC status bit as defined in ISO 14229-1[1] Annex D.2; Each single bit position represents and documents a certain status information for the connected DTC. The following eight bits are defined: Nr: Definition: 0 testFailed 1 testFailedThisOperationCycle 2 pendingDTC 3 confirmedDTC 4 testNotCompletedSinceLastClear 5 testFailedSinceLastClear 6 testNotCompletedThisOperationCycle 7 warningIndicatorRequested All eight bits constitute the UDS DTC status byte. Compare Event status
UDS DTC status byte Bit-packed DTC status information byte as defined in ISO 14229- 1[1], based on DTC level. Contains the UDS DTC status bits.
User-defined event memory The user-defined event/fault memory is used by the UDS service 0x19 with subfunctions 0x17, 0x18 and 0x19. It behaves as the primary event memory but contains data independent from the primary fault memory. It is used to store information that are relevant for different purposes such as warranty or development.
Non-volatile Memory In the context of DM, Non-volatile Memory refers to the persistent information over the shutdown of the DM process. This does not depend on HW details.


1] Unified diagnostic services (UDS) – Part 1:Application layer (Release 2020-02) https://www.iso.org
[2] ASAM SOVD Service-Oriented Vehicle Diagnostics - API Specification V1.0.0 http://www.asam.net
[3] Diagnostic Extract Template AUTOSAR_CP_TPS_DiagnosticExtractTemplate
[4] Glossary AUTOSAR_FO_TR_Glossary
[5] Road vehicles – Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP) – Part 2: Network and transport layer requirements and services (Release 2019-12) https://www.iso.org
[6] Specification of Adaptive Platform Core AUTOSAR_AP_SWS_Core
[7] Explanation of Adaptive Platform Software Architecture AUTOSAR_AP_EXP_SWArchitecture
[8] Requirements on Diagnostics AUTOSAR_FO_RS_Diagnostics
[9] Road vehicles – Diagnostics on Controller Area Networks (CAN) – Part2:Network layer services
[10] Specification of Manifest AUTOSAR_AP_TPS_ManifestSpecification
[11] Specification of Intrusion Detection System Manager for Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_AP_SWS_IntrusionDetectionSystemManager
[12] Unified diagnostic services (UDS) - Part 2:Session layer services (Release 2021- 10)
[13] Unified diagnostic services (UDS) – Part 1:Application layer (Release 2013-03) https://www.iso.org



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