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【動向調査 2024年版】秘密計算・耐量子計算機暗号の最新動向(学会編)

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この記事は EAGLYS Advent Calendar 2024 の6日目の記事です





第1回 EAGLYS暗号勉強会


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  • 中身は確認せずにタイトルから方式を判断する(30秒以内に判断できない場合は「不明」とする)
  • 対象とする学会は,国内が「SCIS」・「CSS」で,国外が「PQCrypto」・「Eurocrypt」・「Crypto」・「Asiacrypt」とする





PQC: Post-Quantum Cryptography
SC: Secret Computation
HE: Homomorphic Encryption
MPC: Multi-Party Computation
GC: Garbled-Circuit


Big Domain Small Domain Title Author
PQC Lattice The Complexity of Algebraic Algorithms for LWE M. J. Steiner
PQC Lattice Evaluating the security of CRYSTALS-Dilithium in the Quantum Random Oracle Model K. A. Jackson, C. A. Miller, D. Wang
PQC Lattice Practical Threshold Signatures from Standard Lattice Assumptions M. R. Albrecht, G. Fenzi, O. Lapiha, N. K. Nguyen
PQC Lattice A General Framework for Lattice-Based ABE using Evasive Inner Product Functional Encryption Y.-C. Hsieh, H. Lin, J. Lio
PQC Lattice SLAP: Succinct Lattice-Based Polynomial Commitments from Standard Assumptions M. R. Albrecht, G. Fenzi, O. Lapiha, N. K. Nguyen
PQC Lattice Provable Dual Attacks on Learning with Errors P. Briaud, M. Bros, R. Perlner, D. Smith-Tone
PQC Code Algorithms for Matrix Code and Alternating Trilinear Form Equivalences via New Isomorphism Invariants A. K. Narayanan, Y. Qiao, G. Tang
PQC Code Asymptotics and Improvements of Sieving for Codes L. Ducas, S. Etinski, A. Esser, E. Kirshanova
PQC Code Reduction From Sparse LPN to LPN, Dual Attack 3.0 K. Carrier, T. Debris-Alazard, C. Meyer-Hilfiger, J.-P. Tillich
PQC Code The Hardness of LPN over Any Integer Ring and Field for PCG Applications H. Liu, X. Wang, K. Yang, Y. Yu
PQC Isogeny SQIsignHD: New Dimensions in Cryptography P. Dartois, A. Leroux, D. Robert, B. Wesolowski
PQC Isogeny The Supersingular Endomorphism Ring and One Endomorphism Problems Are Equivalent A. Page, B. Wesolowski
PQC Isogeny M&M'S: Mix and Match Attacks on Schnorr-type Blind Signatures with Repetition K. Do, L. Hanzlik, E. Paracucchi
PQC Isogeny Isogeny Problems with Level Structure L. D. Feo, T. B. Fouotsa. L. Panny
PQC Symmetric Post-Quantum security of Tweakable Even-Mansour, and Applications G. Alagic, C. Bai, J. Katz, C. Majenz, P. Struck
PQC Other Universal Composable Password Authenticated Key Exchange for the Post-Quantum World Y. Liu, S. Liu, S. Han
SC HE Anamorphic Encryption: New Constructions and Homomorphic Realizations D. Catalano. E. Giunta, F. Migliaro
SC HE Crypto Dark Matter on the Torus: Oblivious PRFs From Shallow PRFs and TFHE M. R. Albrecht, A. Davidson, A. Deo, D. Gardham
SC HE Accelerating BGV Bootstrapping for Large $p$ Using Null Polynomials over $\mathbb{Z}_{p^e}$ S. Ma, T. Huang, A. Wang, X. Wang
SC HE Bootstrapping Bits with CKKS Y. Bae, J. H. Cheon, J. Kim, D. Stehlé
SC HE Circuit Bootstrapping: Faster and Smaller R. Wang, Y. Wen, Z. Li, X. Lu, B. Wei, K. Liu, K. Wang
SC MPC Can Alice and Bob Guarantee Output to Carol? B. Alon, E. Omri, M. Vfenkitasubramaniam
SC MPC Constant-Round Simulation-Secure Coin Tossing Extension with Guaranteed Output D. Abram, J. Doerner, Y. Ishai, V. Narayanan
SC MPC Two-Round Maliciously-Secure Oblivious Transfer with Optimal Rate P. Branco, N. Döttling, A. Srinivasan
SC MPC Perfect Asynchronous MPC with Linear Communication Overhead I. Abraham, G. Asharov, S. Patil, A. Patra
SC MPC Fuzzy Private Set Intersection with Large Hyperballs A. v. Baarsem. S. Pu
SC MPC Fast Public-Key Silent OT and More from Constrained Naor-Reingold D. Bui, G. Couteau, P. Meyer, A. Passelègue, M. Riahinia
SC GC Toward Malicious Constant-Rate 2PC via Arithmetic Garbling C. Hazay, Y. Yang
SC GC How to Garble Mixed Circuits that Combine Boolean and Arithmetic Computations H. Li, T. Liu
SC GC Garbled Circuit Lookup Tables with Logarithmic Number of Ciphertexts D. Heath, V. Kolesnikov, L. K. L Ng
SC GC Arithmetic Garbled Circuits from Free XOR D. Heath


Big Domain Small Domain count
PQC Lattice 6
PQC Code 4
PQC Isogeny 4
PQC Symmetric 1
PQC Other 1


Big Domain Small Domain Title Author
PQC Lattice Memory-Sample Lower Bounds for LWE J. Yang, M. Lu
PQC Lattice Polynomial Commitments from Lattices: Post-Quantum Security, Fast Verification and Transparent Setup V. Cini, G. Malavolta, N. K. Nguyen, H. Wee
PQC Lattice Greyhound: Fast Polynomial Commitments from Lattices N. K. Nguyen, G. Seiler
PQC Lattice Concretely Efficient Lattice-based Polynomial Commitment from Standard Assumptions I. Hwang, J. Seo, Y. Song
PQC Lattice Attribute Based Encryption for Turing Machines from Lattices S. Agrawal, S. Kumari, S. Yamada
PQC Lattice A Systematic Study of Sparse LWE A. Jain, H. Lin, S. Saha
PQC Lattice Two-Round Threshold Signature from Algebraic One-More Learning with Errors S. Katsumata, K. Takemure, T. Espitau
PQC Lattice Adaptively Secure 5 Round Threshold Signatures from MLWE/MSIS and DL with Rewinding S. Katsumata, M. Reichle, K. Takemure
PQC Lattice Cryptanalysis of Lattice-Based Sequentiality Assumptions and Proofs of Sequential Work C. Peikert, Y. Tang
PQC Lattice Laconic Function Evaluation and ABE for RAMs from (Ring-)LWE F. Dong, Z. Hao, E. Mook, H. Wee, D. Wichs
PQC Lattice Circuit ABE with poly(depth, λ)-sized Ciphertexts and Keys from Lattices H. Wee
PQC Lattice Provable security against decryption failure attacks from LWE C. Majenz, F. Sisinni
PQC Code Pseudorandom Error-Correcting Codes M. Christ, S. Gunn
PQC Code Lossy Cryptography from Code-Based Assumptions Q. Dao, A. Jain
PQC Multi-variate Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge from LPN and MQ Q. Dao, A. Jain. Z. Jin
PQC Isogeny QFESTA: Efficient Algorithms and Parameters for FESTA using Quaternion Algebras K. Nakagawa, H. Onuki
PQC Isogeny Radical Vélu Isogeny Formulae T. Decru
PQC Isogeny On cycles of pairing-friendly abelian varieties M. C.-R. Santos, C. Costello, M, Naehrig
PQC Isogeny Improved algorithms for finding fixed-degree isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves B. Benčina, P. Kutas, S.-P. Merz, C. Petit, M. Stopar, C. Weitkämper
PQC Other Improved Alternating-Moduli PRFs and Post-Quantum Signatures N. Alamati, G.-V. Policharla, S. Raghuraman, P. Rindal
SC HE Fully-Succinct Multi-Key Homomorphic Signatures from Standard Assumptions G. Anthoine, D. Balbas, D. Fiore
SC HE Exploring the Advantages and Challenges of Fermat NTT in FHE Acceleration A. Kim, A. C. Mert, A. Mukherjee, A. Aikata, M. Deryabin, S. Kwon, H. Kang, S. S. Roy
SC HE On the practical CPAD security of "exact" and threshold FHE schemes and libraries M. Checri, R. Sirdey, A. Boudguiga, J.-P. Bultel
SC HE How to Construct Quantum FHE, Generically A. Gupte, V. Vaikuntanathan
SC HE Plaintext-Ciphertext Matrix Multiplication and FHE Bootstrapping: Fast and Fused Y. Bae, J. H. Cheon, G. Hanrot, J. H. Park, D. Stehlé
SC MPC MPC for Tech Giants (GMPC): Enabling Gulliver and the Lilliputians to Cooperate Amicably B. Alon, M, Naor, E. Omri, U. Stemmer
SC MPC Fully Secure MPC and zk-FLIOP Over Rings: New Constructions, Improvements and Extensions A. Dalskov, D. Escudero, A. Nof
SC MPC Computation Efficient Structure-Aware PSI From Incremental Function Secret Sharing G. Garimella, B. Goff, P. Miao
SC MPC Compressing Unit-Vector Correlations via Sparse Pseudorandom Generators A. Agarwal, E. Boyle, N. Gilboa, Y. Ishai, M. Kelkar, Y. Ma
SC MPC Doubly Efficient Cryptography: Commitments, Arguments and RAM MPC W.-K. Lin, E. Mook, D. Wichs
SC MPC Towards Achieving Asynchronous MPC with Linear Communication and Optimal Resilience V. Goyal, C.-D. Liu-Zhang, Y. Song


Big Domain Small Domain count
PQC Lattice 12
PQC Code 2
PQC Multi-variate 1
PQC Isogeny 4
PQC MPC-in-the-head 1
PQC Other 1


Big Domain Small Domain Title Author
PQC Lattice Unbounded ABE for Circuits from LWE, Revisited V. Cini, H. Wee
PQC Lattice Adaptive Hardcore Bit and Quantum Key Leasing over Classical Channel from LWE with Polynomial Modulus D. H. Phan, W. Wen, X. Yan, J. Zheng
PQC Lattice Partially Non-Interactive Two-Round Lattice-Based Threshold Signatures R. Chairattana-Apirom, S. Tessaro, C. Zhu
PQC Lattice Verifiable Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions from Lattices: Practical-ish and Thresholdisable K. D. Gur, M. R. Albrecht
PQC Lattice Evasive LWE Assumptions: Definitions, Classes, and Counterexamples C. Brzuska, A. Ünal, I. K. Y. Woo
PQC Lattice Dense and smooth lattices in any genus W. van Woerden
PQC Lattice Cryptanalysis of Rank-2 Module-LIP with Symplectic Automorphisms H. Luo, K. Jiang, Y. Pan. A. Wang
PQC Lattice On the Spinor Genus and the Distinguishing Lattice Isomorphism Problem C. Ling, J. Liu, A. Mendelsohn
PQC Code Dual Support Decomposition in the Head: Shorter Signatures from Rank SD and MinRank L. BIDOUX, T. FENEUIL, P. GABORIT, R. NEVEU, M. RIVAIN
PQC Code Reducing the Number of Qubits in Quantum Information Set Decoding C. Chevignard, P.-A. Fouque, A. Schrottenloher
PQC Code Code-Based Zero-Knowledge from VOLE-in-the-Head and Their Applications: Simpler, Faster, and Smaller Y. Ouyang, D. Tang, Y. Xu
PQC Code MinRank Gabidulin encryption scheme on matrix codes N. Aragon, A. Couvreur, V. Dyseryn, P. Gaborit, A. Vinçotte
PQC Isogeny SQIsign2D-West: The Fast, the Small, and the Safer A. Basso, P. Dartois, L. D. Feo, A. Leroux, L. Maino, G. Pope, D. Robert, B. Wesolowski
PQC Isogeny SQIPrime: A dimension 2 variant of SQISignHD with non-smooth challenge isogenies M. Duparc, T. B. Fouotsa
PQC Isogeny SQIsign2D-East: A New Signature Scheme Using 2-dimensional Isogenies K. Nakagawa, H. Onuki, W. Castryck, M. Chen, R. Invernizzi, G. Lorenzon, F. Vercauteren
PQC Isogeny Ideal-to-isogeny algorithm using 2-dimensional isogenies and its application to SQIsign H. Onuki, K. Nakagawa
PQC Isogeny An Algorithmic Approach to $(2,2)$-isogenies in the Theta Model and Applications to Isogeny-based Cryptography P. Dartois, L. Maino, G. Pope, D. Robert
PQC Isogeny Extending class group action attacks via sesquilinear pairings J. Macula, K. E. Stange
PQC MPC-in-the-head Faster Signatures from MPC-in-the-Head D. Bui, E. Carozza, G. Couteau, D. Goudarzi, A. Joux
PQC other One Tree to Rule Them All: Optimizing GGM Trees and OWFs for Post-Quantum Signatures C. Baum, W. Beullens, S. Mukherjee, E. Orsini, S. Ramacher, C. Rechberger, L. Roy, P. Scholl
SC HE Revisiting Key Decomposition Techniques for FHE: Simpler, Faster and More Generic M. G. Belorgey, S. Carpov, N. Gama, S. Guasch, D. Jetchev
SC HE Faster BGV Bootstrapping for Power-of-two Cyclotomics through Homomorphic NTT S. Ma, T. Huang, A. Wang, X. Wang
SC HE Relaxed Functional Bootstrapping: A New Perspective on BGV/BFV Bootstrapping Z. Liu, Y. Wang
SC HE NTRU-based Bootstrapping for MK-FHEs without using Overstretched Parameters B. Xiang, J. Zhang, K. Wang, Y. Deng, D. Feng
SC HE Homomorphic sign evaluation with a RNS representation of integers P. Chartier, M. Koskas, M. Lemou, F. Méhats
SC HE Low Communication Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption A. Passelègue, D. Stehlé
SC HE Bootstrapping Small Integers With CKKS Y. Bae, J. Kim, D. Stehlé, E. Suvanto
SC MPC FOLEAGE: F4-OLE-Based Multi-Party Computation for Boolean Circuits M. Bombar, D. Bui, G. Couteau, A. Couvreur, C. Ducros, S. Servan-Schreiber
SC MPC Actively Secure Polynomial Evaluation from Shared Polynomial Encodings P. Reisert, M. Rivinius, T. Krips, S. Hasler, R. Küsters
SC MPC Dishonest Majority Multiparty Computation over Matrix Rings H. Liu, C. Xing, C. Yuan, T. Zou
SC MPC The Concrete Security of Two-Party Computation: Simple Definitions, and Tight Proofs for PSI and OPRFs M. Bellare, R. Ranjan, D. Riepel, A. Aldakheel
SC MPC Honest Majority GOD MPC with O(depth(C)) Rounds and Low Online Communication A. Agarwal, A. Bienstock, I. Damgård Daniel Escudero
SC MPC Perfectly-Secure Multiparty Computation with Linear Communication Complexity over Any Modulus D. Escudero, Y. Song, W. Wang
SC MPC Dishonest Majority Constant-Round MPC with Linear Communication from DDH V. Goyal, J. Li, A. K. Misra, R. Ostrovsky, Y. Song, C. Weng


Big Domain Small Domain count
PQC Lattice 8
PQC Code 4
PQC Isogeny 6
PQC MPC-in-the-head 1
PQC Other 1




他にも量子関連の発表もいくつかあり、例えば、Crypto では、

``Quantum Advantage from One-Way Functions'', T. Morimae, T. Yamakawa

``Space-Efficient and Noise-Robust Quantum Factoring'', S. Ragavan, V. Vaikuntanathan



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