この記事は EAGLYS Advent Calendar 2024 の19日目の記事です
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【話題整理 2024年版】秘密計算・耐量子計算機暗号のニュース一気見
【動向調査 2024年版】秘密計算・耐量子計算機暗号の最新動向(学会編)
本記事では、秘密計算に関する ePrint に絞って、内容を整理していきます
2024 年に投稿された 2,100 件の ePrint を対象に、秘密計算に関する内容を整理します
- 全体
- 準同型暗号一般
- BFV/BGV 方式
- CKKS 方式
- TFHE 方式
- 差分プライバシー
- Garbled Circuit
まとめかたとして、ePrint No. とタイトルのみとします(筆者とかを書いてると大変すぎる・・・)
*本記事投稿時点(2025/01/24)では、準同型暗号のみを掲載しますが、後に他の秘密計算方式(MPCとか Garbled Circuit など)に関してもまとめます
全体: 149件
準同型暗号一般: 85件
ePrint No | タイトル |
2024/019 | Benchmark Performance of Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key Cryptography for Key Encapsulation and Digital Signature Schemes |
2024/021 | Designing homomorphic encryptions with rational functions |
2024/032 | Verifiable FHE via Lattice-based SNARKs |
2024/041 | SASTA: Ambushing Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption Schemes with a Single Fault |
2024/087 | Tree-based Lookup Table on Batched Encrypted Queries using Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/118 | Data Privacy Made Easy: Enhancing Applications with Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/127 | Attacks Against the INDCPA-D Security of Exact FHE Schemes |
2024/155 | Fully Homomorphic Encryption on large integers |
2024/171 | Approximate Methods for the Computation of Step Functions in Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/181 | Functional Bootstrapping for Packed Ciphertexts via Homomorphic LUT Evaluation |
2024/202 | Fully Homomorphic Encryption beyond IND-CCA1 Security: Integrity through Verifiability |
2024/203 | Application-Aware Approximate Homomorphic Encryption: Configuring FHE for Practical Use |
2024/226 | Attribute-based Keyed (Fully) Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/273 | Information-Theoretic 2-Party Computation from Additive Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/274 | Amortized Large Look-up Table Evaluation with Multivariate Polynomials for Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/402 | Efficient Unbalanced Quorum PSI from Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/460 | Encrypted Image Classification with Low Memory Footprint using Fully Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/463 | Security Guidelines for Implementing Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/486 | Anamorphic Encryption: New Constructions and Homomorphic Realizations |
2024/529 | Fully Homomorphic Training and Inference on Binary Decision Tree and Random Forest |
2024/559 | Convolution-Friendly Image Compression in FHE |
2024/594 | Greco: Fast Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Valid FHE RLWE Ciphertexts Formation |
2024/612 | FHERMA: Building the Open-Source FHE Components Library for Practical Use |
2024/634 | NTRU-based FHE for Larger Key and Message Space |
2024/654 | Monchi: Multi-scheme Optimization For Collaborative Homomorphic Identification |
2024/655 | Implementation and Performance Analysis of Homomorphic Signature Schemes |
2024/662 | Faster Private Decision Tree Evaluation for Batched Input from Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/675 | Succinctly Verifiable Computation over Additively-Homomorphically Encrypted Data with Applications to Privacy-Preserving Blueprints |
2024/707 | Towards a Polynomial Instruction Based Compiler for Fully Homomorphic Encryption Accelerators |
2024/717 | An Improved Threshold Homomorphic Cryptosystem Based on Class Groups |
2024/753 | Summation-based Private Segmented Membership Test from Threshold-Fully Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/812 | Relations among new CCA security notions for approximate FHE |
2024/823 | Batched Distributed Point Function from Sparse LPN and Homomorphic Secret Sharing |
2024/853 | Practical q-IND-CPA-D-Secure Approximate Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/893 | How to Construct Quantum FHE, Generically |
2024/895 | Fully-Succinct Multi-Key Homomorphic Signatures from Standard Assumptions |
2024/931 | Multi-Hop Multi-Key Homomorphic Signatures with Context Hiding from Standard Assumptions |
2024/960 | Designs for practical SHE schemes based on Ring-LWR |
2024/991 | Leveled Homomorphic Encryption Schemes for Homomorphic Encryption Standard |
2024/1001 | Guidance for Efficient Selection of Secure Parameters for Fully Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/1023 | Constant-Size Unbounded Multi-Hop Fully Homomorphic Proxy Re-Encryption from Lattices |
2024/1032 | Threshold OPRF from Threshold Additive HE |
2024/1059 | HEProfiler: An In-Depth Profiler of Approximate Homomorphic Encryption Libraries |
2024/1064 | ArcEDB: An Arbitrary-Precision Encrypted Database via (Amortized) Modular Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/1090 | PolyFHEmus: Rethinking Multiplication in Fully Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/1093 | Faster Lookup Table Evaluation with Application to Secure LLM Inference |
2024/1094 | Notes on Multiplying Cyclotomic Polynomials on a GPU |
2024/1098 | Limits of Black-Box Anamorphic Encryption |
2024/1099 | FHE-MENNs: Opportunities and Pitfalls for Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Private Inference with Multi-Exit Neural Networks |
2024/1105 | A New CRT-based Fully Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/1112 | HERatio: Homomorphic Encryption of Rationals using Laurent Polynomials |
2024/1119 | Generic Anamorphic Encryption, Revisited: New Limitations and Constructions |
2024/1127 | Curl: Private LLMs through Wavelet-Encoded Look-Up Tables |
2024/1141 | Optimized Privacy-Preserving Clustering with Fully Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/1207 | What Have SNARGs Ever Done for FHE? |
2024/1231 | A Composable View of Homomorphic Encryption and Authenticator |
2024/1284 | Plaintext-Ciphertext Matrix Multiplication and FHE Bootstrapping: Fast and Fused |
2024/1307 | On Algebraic Homomorphic Encryption and its Applications to Doubly-Efficient PIR |
2024/1315 | PulpFHE: Complex Instruction Set Extensions for FHE Processors |
2024/1353 | On the overflow and p-adic theory applied to homomorphic encryption |
2024/1366 | Adaptive Successive Over-Relaxation Method for a Faster Iterative Approximation of Homomorphic Operations |
2024/1429 | Powerformer: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Transformer with Batch Rectifier-Power Max Function and Optimized Homomorphic Attention |
2024/1499 | Multi-Key Fully-Homomorphic Aggregate MAC for Arithmetic Circuits |
2024/1502 | TopGear 2.0: Accelerated Authenticated Matrix Triple Generation with Scalable Prime Fields via Optimized HE Packing |
2024/1505 | FINALLY: A Multi-Key FHE Scheme Based on NTRU and LWE |
2024/1534 | More Efficient Lattice-based OLE from Circuit-private Linear HE with Polynomial Overhead |
2024/1543 | HEonGPU: a GPU-based Fully Homomorphic Encryption Library 1.0 |
2024/1535 | Fully Composable Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/1587 | Fully Homomorphic Encryption for Cyclotomic Prime Moduli |
2024/1622 | A New Approach Towards Encrypted Data Sharing and Computation: Enhancing Efficiency Beyond MPC and Multi-Key FHE |
2024/1629 | Efficient Key-Switching for Word-Type FHE and GPU Acceleration |
2024/1673 | Proteus: A Fully Homomorphic Authenticated Transciphering Protocol |
2024/1702 | Secure and efficient transciphering for FHE-based MPC |
2024/1718 | Drifting Towards Better Error Probabilities in Fully Homomorphic Encryption Schemes |
2024/1730 | Secure and Efficient Outsourced Matrix Multiplication with Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/1740 | OpenNTT: An Automated Toolchain for Compiling High-Performance NTT Accelerators in FHE |
2024/1760 | Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption from Linear Homomorphism and Sparse LPN |
2024/1762 | Homomorphic Matrix Operations under Bicyclic Encoding |
2024/1764 | Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Efficient Public Verification |
2024/1879 | Practical Zero-Knowledge PIOP for Public Key and Ciphertext Generation in (Multi-Group) Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/1881 | THOR: Secure Transformer Inference with Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/1899 | Fast Multiplication and the PLWE-RLWE Equivalence for an Infinite Family of Cyclotomic Subextensions |
2024/1917 | Decentralized FHE Computer |
2024/1919 | PASTA on Edge: Cryptoprocessor for Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/1991 | CHLOE: Loop Transformation over Fully Homomorphic Encryption via Multi-Level Vectorization and Control-Path Reduction |
- 2024/127
- 2024/181
- 2024/226
- 2024/463
- 2024/559
- 2024/893
- 2024/1105
BFV/BGV 方式: 5件
ePrint No | タイトル |
2024/115 | Accelerating BGV Bootstrapping for Large p Using Null Polynomials Over Z_p^e |
2024/153 | Revisiting the Slot-to-Coefficient Transformation for BGV and BFV |
2024/164 | Faster BGV Bootstrapping for Power-of-Two Cyclotomics through Homomorphic NTT |
2024/172 | Relaxed Functional Bootstrapping: A New Perspective on BGV and BFV Bootstrapping |
2024/217 | Hardware Acceleration of the Prime-Factor and Rader NTT for BGV Fully Homomorphic Encryption |
- 2024/153
- 2024/164
CKKS 方式: 13件
ePrint No | タイトル |
2024/109 | Simpler and Faster BFV Bootstrapping for Arbitrary Plaintext Modulus from CKKS |
2024/156 | Homomorphic sign evaluation with a RNS representation of integers |
2024/417 | An improved exact CRR basis conversion algorithm for FHE without floating-point arithmetic |
2024/767 | Bootstrapping Bits with CKKS |
2024/849 | Fast, Large Scale Dimensionality Reduction Schemes Based on CKKS |
2024/883 | Low-Latency Linear Transformations with Small Key Transmission for Private Neural Network on Homomorphic Encryption |
2024/1379 | EvalRound+ Bootstrapping and its Rigorous Analysis for CKKS Scheme |
2024/1623 | General Functional Bootstrapping using CKKS |
2024/1637 | Bootstrapping Small Integers With CKKS |
2024/1638 | Modular Reduction in CKKS |
2024/1948 | ARK: Adaptive Rotation Key Management for Fully Homomorphic Encryption Targeting Memory Efficient Deep Learning Inference |
2024/1976 | HI-CKKS: Is High-Throughput Neglected? Reimagining CKKS Efficiency with Parallelism |
2024/1984 | Low Communication Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption |
- 2024/156
- 2024/767
- 2024/1623
- 2024/1637
- 2024/1638
*2024/767 が Eurocrypt で発表された背景があるからか、CKKS の Bootstrap に関する投稿が多いと感じました
TFHE 方式: 18件
ePrint No | タイトル |
2024/323 | Circuit Bootstrapping: Faster and Smaller |
2024/346 | A data aggregation protocol based on TFHE |
2024/451 | Towards Verifiable FHE in Practice: Proving Correct Execution of TFHE's Bootstrapping using plonky2 |
2024/744 | An NVMe-based Secure Computing Platform with FPGA-based TFHE Accelerator |
2024/755 | FRAST: TFHE-friendly Cipher Based on Random S-boxes |
2024/909 | Approximate CRT-Based Gadget Decomposition and Application to TFHE Blind Rotation |
2024/1052 | A New Fine Tuning Method for FHEW/TFHE Bootstrapping with IND-CPAD Security |
2024/1114 | Time-Memory Trade-off Algorithms for Homomorphically Evaluating Look-up Table in TFHE |
2024/1201 | Designing a General-Purpose 8-bit (T)FHE Processor Abstraction |
2024/1204 | A fast heuristic for mapping Boolean circuits to functional bootstrapping |
2024/1318 | FHEW-like Leveled Homomorphic Evaluation: Refined Workflow and Polished Building Blocks |
2024/1667 | Overlapped Bootstrapping for FHEW/TFHE and Its Application to SHA3 |
2024/1672 | New Strategies for Bootstrapping Large-Error Ciphertext in Large-Precision FHEW/TFHE Cryptosystem |
2024/1916 | Fast, Compact and Hardware-Friendly Bootstrapping in less than 3ms Using Multiple Instruction Multiple Ciphertext |
2024/1921 | Downlink (T)FHE ciphertexts compression |
2024/1935 | RevoLUT : Rust Efficient Versatile Oblivious Look-Up-Tables |
2024/1952 | Worst-Case Lattice Sampler with Truncated Gadgets and Applications |
2024/2032 | Carousel: Fully Homomorphic Encryption from Slot Blind Rotation Technique |
- 2024/323
- 2024/909
- 2024/1935
- 2024/1952
MPC: 14件
差分プライバシー: 4件
Garbled Circuit: 8件
TEE: 2件