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Elixirでフィボナッチ数列をいろいろ書いてみた Part. 3

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@mod_poppoさんのHaskellでフィボナッチ数列 〜Haskellで非実用的なコードを書いて悦に入るのはやめろ〜にインスピレーションを得て,Elixirでフィボナッチ数列をいろいろ書いてみるシリーズ記事の第3弾です.




defmodule Fibonacci.Reduce do
  def of(n) do
    |> Enum.reduce([], fn
      _, [] -> [0]
      _, [0] -> [1, 0]
      _, [m, n] -> [m + n, m]
    |> hd()

defmodule Fibonacci.Stream do
  def of(n) do
    Stream.unfold([], fn
      [] -> {0, [0]}
      [0] -> {1, [1, 0]}
      [m, n] -> {m + n, [m + n, m]}
    |> Enum.at(n)

defmodule Fibonacci do
  def of(n)
  def of(0), do: 0
  def of(1), do: 1
  def of(n), do: of(n - 2) + of(n - 1)

    "Very Slow Fibonacci" => fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.of(input) end) end,
    "Fibonacci by Stream" => fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.Stream.of(input) end) end,
    "Fibonacci by Enum.reduce" => fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.Reduce.of(input) end) end,
  inputs: %{
    "1" => 1,
    "2" => 2,
    "3" => 3,
    "4" => 4,
    "5" => 5,
    "6" => 6,
    "7" => 7,
    "8" => 8,
    "9" => 9
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M3 Max
Number of Available Cores: 16
Available memory: 128 GB
Elixir 1.18.1
Erlang 27.2
JIT enabled: true

Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 5 s
memory time: 0 ns
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Estimated total run time: 3 min 9 s

Benchmarking Fibonacci by Enum.reduce with input 1 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Enum.reduce with input 2 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Enum.reduce with input 3 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Enum.reduce with input 4 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Enum.reduce with input 5 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Enum.reduce with input 6 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Enum.reduce with input 7 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Enum.reduce with input 8 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Enum.reduce with input 9 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 1 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 2 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 3 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 4 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 5 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 6 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 7 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 8 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 9 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 1 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 2 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 3 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 4 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 5 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 6 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 7 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 8 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 9 ...
Calculating statistics...
Formatting results...

##### With input 1 #####
Name                               ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci          1386.06 K        0.72 μs  ±2380.01%        0.67 μs        0.88 μs
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      492.71 K        2.03 μs   ±557.39%        1.92 μs        2.63 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           235.55 K        4.25 μs   ±141.24%        4.13 μs        7.58 μs

Very Slow Fibonacci          1386.06 K
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      492.71 K - 2.81x slower +1.31 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           235.55 K - 5.88x slower +3.52 μs

##### With input 2 #####
Name                               ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci           918.11 K        1.09 μs  ±1267.69%        1.04 μs        1.38 μs
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      407.27 K        2.46 μs   ±363.49%        2.33 μs        3.33 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           208.38 K        4.80 μs   ±107.27%        4.50 μs       13.08 μs

Very Slow Fibonacci           918.11 K
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      407.27 K - 2.25x slower +1.37 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           208.38 K - 4.41x slower +3.71 μs

##### With input 3 #####
Name                               ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci           680.16 K        1.47 μs   ±763.90%        1.42 μs        1.96 μs
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      349.79 K        2.86 μs   ±308.37%        2.71 μs        3.83 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           186.29 K        5.37 μs    ±93.36%        5.17 μs       13.50 μs

Very Slow Fibonacci           680.16 K
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      349.79 K - 1.94x slower +1.39 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           186.29 K - 3.65x slower +3.90 μs

##### With input 4 #####
Name                               ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci           455.84 K        2.19 μs   ±462.00%        2.13 μs        2.96 μs
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      314.96 K        3.18 μs   ±311.34%           3 μs        4.33 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           168.81 K        5.92 μs    ±75.71%        5.75 μs       14.25 μs

Very Slow Fibonacci           455.84 K
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      314.96 K - 1.45x slower +0.98 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           168.81 K - 2.70x slower +3.73 μs

##### With input 5 #####
Name                               ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci           302.37 K        3.31 μs   ±278.34%        3.17 μs        4.33 μs
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      283.51 K        3.53 μs   ±253.30%        3.33 μs        4.71 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           152.71 K        6.55 μs    ±91.59%        6.25 μs       15.33 μs

Very Slow Fibonacci           302.37 K
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      283.51 K - 1.07x slower +0.22 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           152.71 K - 1.98x slower +3.24 μs

##### With input 6 #####
Name                               ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      257.42 K        3.88 μs   ±231.97%        3.67 μs        5.75 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci           191.31 K        5.23 μs   ±152.13%        5.08 μs        7.04 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           136.93 K        7.30 μs    ±52.36%        6.96 μs       15.75 μs

Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      257.42 K
Very Slow Fibonacci           191.31 K - 1.35x slower +1.34 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           136.93 K - 1.88x slower +3.42 μs

##### With input 7 #####
Name                               ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      235.40 K        4.25 μs   ±154.71%           4 μs        9.88 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           125.12 K        7.99 μs    ±51.91%        7.67 μs       16.71 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci           125.12 K        7.99 μs    ±58.07%        7.79 μs       10.46 μs

Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      235.40 K
Fibonacci by Stream           125.12 K - 1.88x slower +3.74 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci           125.12 K - 1.88x slower +3.74 μs

##### With input 8 #####
Name                               ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      218.50 K        4.58 μs   ±167.51%        4.25 μs       11.96 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           113.32 K        8.82 μs    ±46.63%        8.46 μs       17.71 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci            76.90 K       13.00 μs    ±15.62%       12.63 μs       16.13 μs

Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      218.50 K
Fibonacci by Stream           113.32 K - 1.93x slower +4.25 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci            76.90 K - 2.84x slower +8.43 μs

##### With input 9 #####
Name                               ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      202.06 K        4.95 μs   ±106.27%        4.63 μs       13.08 μs
Fibonacci by Stream           101.28 K        9.87 μs    ±42.37%        9.29 μs       16.92 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci            47.15 K       21.21 μs     ±7.93%       20.67 μs       27.63 μs

Fibonacci by Enum.reduce      202.06 K
Fibonacci by Stream           101.28 K - 2.00x slower +4.92 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci            47.15 K - 4.29x slower +16.26 μs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Very Slow Fibonacci 720 1090 1470 2190 3260 3880 7990 13000 21210
Fibonacci by Stream 4250 4800 5370 6550 6530 7300 7990 8820 9870
Fibonacci by Enum.reduce 2030 2460 2860 3180 3530 3880 4250 4580 4950

Fibonacci by Enum.reduce

5以上でFibonacci by Enum.reduceがVery Slow Fibonacciより高速になりました.一貫して,Fibonacci by Enum.reduceはFibonacci by Streamより高速です.
$y = 358.67x + 1731.1$ ですので,219以上でMemoizationを用いた方が高速になる可能性がありますが,まあ,このくらい大きいのであれば,Memoizationを用いる必然性は薄いですね.


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