@mod_poppoさんのHaskellでフィボナッチ数列 〜Haskellで非実用的なコードを書いて悦に入るのはやめろ〜にインスピレーションを得て,Elixirでフィボナッチ数列をいろいろ書いてみるシリーズ記事の第2弾です.
defmodule Fibonacci.Stream do
def of(n) do
Stream.unfold([], fn
[] -> {0, [0]}
[0] -> {1, [1, 0]}
[m, n] -> {m + n, [m + n, m]}
|> Enum.at(n)
defmodule Fibonacci.Memoization do
use Agent
def start_link(initial_value) when is_map(initial_value) do
Agent.start_link(fn -> initial_value end, name: __MODULE__)
def of(n) do
case Agent.get(__MODULE__, & &1) do
map when is_map_key(map, n) ->
Map.get(map, n)
_ ->
result =
case n do
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
n -> of(n - 2) + of(n - 1)
Agent.update(__MODULE__, &(Map.put(&1, n, result)))
defmodule Fibonacci do
def of(n)
def of(0), do: 0
def of(1), do: 1
def of(n), do: of(n - 2) + of(n - 1)
"Very Slow Fibonacci" => fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.of(input) end) end,
"Fibonacci with Memoization" =>
fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.Memoization.of(input) end) end,
before_scenario: fn input ->
"Fibonacci by Stream" => fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.Stream.of(input) end) end
inputs: %{
"1" => 1,
"2" => 2,
"3" => 3,
"4" => 4,
"5" => 5,
"6" => 6,
"7" => 7,
"8" => 8,
"9" => 9
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M3 Max
Number of Available Cores: 16
Available memory: 128 GB
Elixir 1.18.1
Erlang 27.2
JIT enabled: true
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 5 s
memory time: 0 ns
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Estimated total run time: 3 min 9 s
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 1 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 2 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 3 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 4 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 5 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 6 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 7 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 8 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 9 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 1 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 2 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 3 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 4 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 5 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 6 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 7 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 8 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 9 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 1 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 2 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 3 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 4 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 5 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 6 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 7 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 8 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 9 ...
Calculating statistics...
Formatting results...
##### With input 1 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 1404.29 K 0.71 μs ±1952.22% 0.67 μs 0.92 μs
Fibonacci by Stream 240.19 K 4.16 μs ±171.21% 3.92 μs 11.92 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.24 K 81.71 μs ±4.21% 81.04 μs 95.97 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 1404.29 K
Fibonacci by Stream 240.19 K - 5.85x slower +3.45 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.24 K - 114.74x slower +81.00 μs
##### With input 2 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 931.64 K 1.07 μs ±1275.82% 1 μs 1.42 μs
Fibonacci by Stream 208.66 K 4.79 μs ±101.32% 4.46 μs 12.92 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.11 K 82.55 μs ±5.75% 81.96 μs 98.36 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 931.64 K
Fibonacci by Stream 208.66 K - 4.46x slower +3.72 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.11 K - 76.91x slower +81.48 μs
##### With input 3 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 690.37 K 1.45 μs ±702.67% 1.38 μs 1.92 μs
Fibonacci by Stream 186.12 K 5.37 μs ±99.65% 5.04 μs 13.75 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.96 K 83.60 μs ±3.94% 82.75 μs 98.42 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 690.37 K
Fibonacci by Stream 186.12 K - 3.71x slower +3.92 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.96 K - 57.72x slower +82.15 μs
##### With input 4 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 459.56 K 2.18 μs ±484.04% 2.08 μs 2.88 μs
Fibonacci by Stream 168.18 K 5.95 μs ±77.67% 5.75 μs 12.50 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.12 K 82.49 μs ±4.87% 82.21 μs 98.42 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 459.56 K
Fibonacci by Stream 168.18 K - 2.73x slower +3.77 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.12 K - 37.91x slower +80.31 μs
##### With input 5 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 306.73 K 3.26 μs ±252.74% 3.13 μs 4.38 μs
Fibonacci by Stream 153.15 K 6.53 μs ±96.25% 6.21 μs 15.08 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.96 K 83.61 μs ±5.60% 82.75 μs 99.54 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 306.73 K
Fibonacci by Stream 153.15 K - 2.00x slower +3.27 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.96 K - 25.65x slower +80.35 μs
##### With input 6 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 194.14 K 5.15 μs ±120.03% 5 μs 6.92 μs
Fibonacci by Stream 139.24 K 7.18 μs ±54.31% 6.83 μs 15.79 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.01 K 83.26 μs ±4.48% 82.33 μs 98.75 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 194.14 K
Fibonacci by Stream 139.24 K - 1.39x slower +2.03 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.01 K - 16.16x slower +78.10 μs
##### With input 7 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci by Stream 128.01 K 7.81 μs ±56.62% 7.50 μs 16.42 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 123.90 K 8.07 μs ±52.85% 7.88 μs 10.92 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.06 K 82.91 μs ±4.31% 82.08 μs 98 μs
Fibonacci by Stream 128.01 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 123.90 K - 1.03x slower +0.26 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.06 K - 10.61x slower +75.10 μs
##### With input 8 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci by Stream 115.56 K 8.65 μs ±54.84% 8.33 μs 17.33 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 77.14 K 12.96 μs ±15.92% 12.63 μs 17.54 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.09 K 82.71 μs ±5.32% 81.71 μs 99.13 μs
Fibonacci by Stream 115.56 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 77.14 K - 1.50x slower +4.31 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.09 K - 9.56x slower +74.06 μs
##### With input 9 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci by Stream 107.45 K 9.31 μs ±34.49% 9.13 μs 15.25 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 47.55 K 21.03 μs ±9.72% 20.63 μs 28.33 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.05 K 83.00 μs ±5.11% 82.13 μs 99.08 μs
Fibonacci by Stream 107.45 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 47.55 K - 2.26x slower +11.72 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.05 K - 8.92x slower +73.70 μs
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |
Very Slow Fibonacci | 710 | 1070 | 1450 | 2180 | 3260 | 5150 | 8070 | 12960 | 21030 |
Fibonacci by Stream | 4160 | 4790 | 5370 | 5950 | 6530 | 7180 | 7810 | 8650 | 9310 |
Fibonacci with Memoization | 81710 | 82550 | 83600 | 82490 | 83610 | 83260 | 82910 | 82710 | 83000 |
7以上でFibonacci by Streamが高速になります.Fibonacci with Memoization でStream用いても良さそうですね.トレンドラインを見ると, $y = 638.17x + 3448.1$ なので,120以上だとFibonacci with MemoizationがFibonacci by Streamより高速になる可能性があります.
defmodule Fibonacci.Stream do
def of(n) do
Stream.unfold([], fn
[] -> {0, [0]}
[0] -> {1, [1, 0]}
[m, n] -> {m + n, [m + n, m]}
|> Enum.at(n)
defmodule Fibonacci.Memoization.Stream do
use Agent
def start_link(initial_value) when is_map(initial_value) do
Agent.start_link(fn -> initial_value end, name: __MODULE__)
def of(n) do
case Agent.get(__MODULE__, & &1) do
map when is_map_key(map, n) ->
Map.get(map, n)
_ ->
result =
Stream.unfold([], fn
[] -> {0, [0]}
[0] -> {1, [1, 0]}
[m, n] -> {m + n, [m + n, m]}
|> Enum.at(n)
Agent.update(__MODULE__, &(Map.put(&1, n, result)))
defmodule Fibonacci.Memoization do
use Agent
def start_link(initial_value) when is_map(initial_value) do
Agent.start_link(fn -> initial_value end, name: __MODULE__)
def of(n) do
case Agent.get(__MODULE__, & &1) do
map when is_map_key(map, n) ->
Map.get(map, n)
_ ->
result =
case n do
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
n -> of(n - 2) + of(n - 1)
Agent.update(__MODULE__, &(Map.put(&1, n, result)))
"Fibonacci with Memoization" =>
fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.Memoization.of(input) end) end,
before_scenario: fn input ->
"Fibonacci with Memoization and Stream" =>
fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.Memoization.Stream.of(input) end) end,
before_scenario: fn input ->
"Fibonacci by Stream" => fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.Stream.of(input) end) end
inputs: %{
"120" => 120
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M3 Max
Number of Available Cores: 16
Available memory: 128 GB
Elixir 1.18.1
Erlang 27.2
JIT enabled: true
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 5 s
memory time: 0 ns
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: 120
Estimated total run time: 21 s
Benchmarking Fibonacci by Stream with input 120 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 120 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization and Stream with input 120 ...
Calculating statistics...
Formatting results...
##### With input 120 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci with Memoization and Stream 12.72 K 78.60 μs ±7.37% 76.58 μs 98.04 μs
Fibonacci by Stream 8.06 K 124.04 μs ±6.33% 121.79 μs 153.08 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 5.63 K 177.74 μs ±6.33% 175.13 μs 210.29 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization and Stream 12.72 K
Fibonacci by Stream 8.06 K - 1.58x slower +45.44 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 5.63 K - 2.26x slower +99.15 μs
目論見通り,120の時に,Fibonacci with Memoization and Stream が Fibonacci by Stream よりも高速になりました.