@mod_poppoさんのHaskellでフィボナッチ数列 〜Haskellで非実用的なコードを書いて悦に入るのはやめろ〜にインスピレーションを得て,Elixirでフィボナッチ数列をいろいろ書いてみるシリーズ記事を書くことを思い立ちました.
defmodule Fibonacci do
def of(n)
def of(0), do: 0
def of(1), do: 1
def of(n), do: of(n - 2) + of(n - 1)
"Very Slow Fibonacci" => fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.of(input) end) end
inputs: %{
"1" => 1,
"2" => 2,
"3" => 3,
"4" => 4,
"5" => 5,
"6" => 6,
"7" => 7,
"8" => 8,
"9" => 9,
"10" => 10
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M3 Max
Number of Available Cores: 16
Available memory: 128 GB
Elixir 1.18.1
Erlang 27.2
JIT enabled: true
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 5 s
memory time: 0 ns
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: 1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Estimated total run time: 1 min 10 s
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 1 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 10 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 2 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 3 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 4 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 5 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 6 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 7 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 8 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 9 ...
Calculating statistics...
Formatting results...
##### With input 1 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 1.46 M 685.64 ns ±1989.29% 625 ns 875 ns
##### With input 10 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 29.92 K 33.42 μs ±27.52% 33.21 μs 39.71 μs
##### With input 2 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 946.56 K 1.06 μs ±1299.08% 1 μs 1.33 μs
##### With input 3 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 699.19 K 1.43 μs ±844.05% 1.38 μs 1.79 μs
##### With input 4 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 468.81 K 2.13 μs ±388.35% 2.08 μs 2.67 μs
##### With input 5 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 308.24 K 3.24 μs ±268.69% 3.13 μs 4.42 μs
##### With input 6 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 197.26 K 5.07 μs ±234.96% 4.96 μs 6.92 μs
##### With input 7 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 124.23 K 8.05 μs ±52.30% 7.92 μs 11 μs
##### With input 8 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 78.44 K 12.75 μs ±16.64% 12.58 μs 17.33 μs
##### With input 9 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 48.28 K 20.71 μs ±10.17% 20.42 μs 27.50 μs
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Very Slow Fibonacci | 686 | 1060 | 1430 | 2130 | 3240 | 5070 | 8050 | 12750 | 20710 | 33420 |
defmodule Fibonacci do
def of(n)
def of(0), do: 0
def of(1), do: 1
def of(n), do: of(n - 2) + of(n - 1)
defmodule Fibonacci.Memoization do
use Agent
def start_link(initial_value) when is_map(initial_value) do
Agent.start_link(fn -> initial_value end, name: __MODULE__)
def of(n) do
case Agent.get(__MODULE__, & &1) do
map when is_map_key(map, n) ->
Map.get(map, n)
_ ->
result =
case n do
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
n -> of(n - 2) + of(n - 1)
Agent.update(__MODULE__, &(Map.put(&1, n, result)))
"Very Slow Fibonacci" => fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.of(input) end) end,
"Fibonacci with Memoization" =>
fn input -> Enum.reduce(1..100, fn _, _ -> Fibonacci.Memoization.of(input) end) end,
before_scenario: fn input ->
inputs: %{
"1" => 1,
"2" => 2,
"3" => 3,
"4" => 4,
"5" => 5,
"6" => 6,
"7" => 7,
"8" => 8,
"9" => 9,
"10" => 10,
"11" => 11,
"12" => 12,
"13" => 13,
"14" => 14,
"15" => 15,
"16" => 16,
"17" => 17,
"18" => 18,
"19" => 19,
"20" => 20
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M3 Max
Number of Available Cores: 16
Available memory: 128 GB
Elixir 1.18.1
Erlang 27.2
JIT enabled: true
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 5 s
memory time: 0 ns
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2, 20, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Estimated total run time: 4 min 40 s
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 1 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 10 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 11 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 12 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 13 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 14 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 15 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 16 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 17 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 18 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 19 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 2 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 20 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 3 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 4 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 5 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 6 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 7 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 8 ...
Benchmarking Fibonacci with Memoization with input 9 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 1 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 10 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 11 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 12 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 13 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 14 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 15 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 16 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 17 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 18 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 19 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 2 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 20 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 3 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 4 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 5 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 6 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 7 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 8 ...
Benchmarking Very Slow Fibonacci with input 9 ...
Calculating statistics...
Formatting results...
##### With input 1 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 1.39 M 0.72 μs ±2294.72% 0.67 μs 0.96 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 0.0129 M 77.31 μs ±5.92% 76.25 μs 97.25 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 1.39 M
Fibonacci with Memoization 0.0129 M - 107.23x slower +76.59 μs
##### With input 10 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 29.46 K 33.94 μs ±6.86% 33.50 μs 46 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.52 K 79.85 μs ±7.83% 78.29 μs 100.00 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 29.46 K
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.52 K - 2.35x slower +45.91 μs
##### With input 11 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 18.01 K 55.52 μs ±6.33% 54.88 μs 72.42 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.49 K 80.05 μs ±8.09% 78.50 μs 101.38 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 18.01 K
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.49 K - 1.44x slower +24.52 μs
##### With input 12 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.32 K 81.16 μs ±4.84% 82.50 μs 93.96 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 11.16 K 89.62 μs ±15.19% 88.17 μs 110.58 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.32 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 11.16 K - 1.10x slower +8.46 μs
##### With input 13 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.14 K 82.36 μs ±5.22% 83.50 μs 98.83 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 6.91 K 144.71 μs ±5.42% 142.17 μs 174.67 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.14 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 6.91 K - 1.76x slower +62.35 μs
##### With input 14 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.51 K 79.92 μs ±6.14% 79.21 μs 93.83 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 4.27 K 234.23 μs ±4.30% 230.34 μs 277.22 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.51 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 4.27 K - 2.93x slower +154.31 μs
##### With input 15 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.20 K 81.99 μs ±6.64% 82.29 μs 101.21 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 2.65 K 376.73 μs ±3.19% 372.30 μs 427.34 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 12.20 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 2.65 K - 4.59x slower +294.74 μs
##### With input 16 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.98 K 83.45 μs ±5.81% 83.38 μs 103.54 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 1.64 K 608.78 μs ±3.20% 602.09 μs 702.37 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.98 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 1.64 K - 7.29x slower +525.32 μs
##### With input 17 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.92 K 83.90 μs ±5.44% 84.04 μs 101.04 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 1.01 K 987.62 μs ±2.98% 974.99 μs 1119.12 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.92 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 1.01 K - 11.77x slower +903.72 μs
##### With input 18 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.94 K 0.0837 ms ±5.48% 0.0839 ms 0.101 ms
Very Slow Fibonacci 0.62 K 1.60 ms ±2.21% 1.60 ms 1.72 ms
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.94 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 0.62 K - 19.11x slower +1.52 ms
##### With input 19 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.70 K 0.0855 ms ±6.24% 0.0848 ms 0.102 ms
Very Slow Fibonacci 0.38 K 2.60 ms ±2.99% 2.58 ms 2.92 ms
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.70 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 0.38 K - 30.44x slower +2.52 ms
##### With input 2 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 922.46 K 1.08 μs ±1279.19% 1.04 μs 1.46 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.73 K 85.25 μs ±4.56% 84.71 μs 101 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 922.46 K
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.73 K - 78.64x slower +84.16 μs
##### With input 20 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.66 K 0.0857 ms ±4.90% 0.0848 ms 0.103 ms
Very Slow Fibonacci 0.24 K 4.23 ms ±2.61% 4.21 ms 4.60 ms
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.66 K
Very Slow Fibonacci 0.24 K - 49.33x slower +4.14 ms
##### With input 3 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 695.91 K 1.44 μs ±843.66% 1.38 μs 1.83 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.68 K 85.64 μs ±5.24% 85.29 μs 102.88 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 695.91 K
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.68 K - 59.60x slower +84.21 μs
##### With input 4 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 460.09 K 2.17 μs ±468.75% 2.08 μs 2.92 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.72 K 85.34 μs ±4.99% 84.83 μs 102.13 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 460.09 K
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.72 K - 39.27x slower +83.17 μs
##### With input 5 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 309.01 K 3.24 μs ±276.02% 3.13 μs 4.17 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.72 K 85.30 μs ±4.64% 84.63 μs 101.79 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 309.01 K
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.72 K - 26.36x slower +82.06 μs
##### With input 6 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 195.39 K 5.12 μs ±144.98% 4.96 μs 6.92 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.70 K 85.45 μs ±4.79% 84.75 μs 103.25 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 195.39 K
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.70 K - 16.70x slower +80.33 μs
##### With input 7 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 123.82 K 8.08 μs ±59.04% 7.88 μs 10.92 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.70 K 85.50 μs ±4.33% 84.75 μs 101.51 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 123.82 K
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.70 K - 10.59x slower +77.42 μs
##### With input 8 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 76.18 K 13.13 μs ±23.33% 12.75 μs 17.67 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.71 K 85.41 μs ±5.24% 84.79 μs 104.17 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 76.18 K
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.71 K - 6.51x slower +72.28 μs
##### With input 9 #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Very Slow Fibonacci 47.50 K 21.05 μs ±8.93% 20.46 μs 28.46 μs
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.69 K 85.53 μs ±11.58% 84.63 μs 101.88 μs
Very Slow Fibonacci 47.50 K
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.69 K - 4.06x slower +64.47 μs
With input 20
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
Fibonacci with Memoization 11.66 K 0.0857 ms ±4.90% 0.0848 ms 0.103 ms
Very Slow Fibonacci 0.24 K 4.23 ms ±2.61% 4.21 ms 4.60 ms
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | |
Very Slow Fibonacci | 720 | 1080 | 1440 | 2170 | 3240 | 5120 | 8080 | 13130 | 21060 | 33940 | 55520 | 89620 | 144710 | 234230 | 376730 | 608780 | 987620 | 1600000 | 2600000 | 4230000 |
Fibonacci with Memoization | 77310 | 85250 | 85640 | 85340 | 85300 | 85450 | 85500 | 85410 | 85530 | 79850 | 80050 | 81160 | 82360 | 79920 | 81990 | 83450 | 83900 | 83700 | 85500 | 85700 |
11くらいまでだとVery Slow Fibonacciの方が速く,12以降でFibonacci with Memoizationの方が速くなることがわかります.プロセスを用いたので,Memoizationのオーバーヘッドが思ったより大きいですね.