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- Ryuma Yoshida@ryysud
Software Engineer at Z Lab Corporation (Subsidiary of Yahoo! Japan). Previously Data Engineer at LLC. Interested in Kubernetes, SPIFFE, SPIRE and OPA.
- Shuichi Tsutsumi@shu223
フリーランスiOSエンジニア 著書:『iOS×BLE Core Bluetooth プログラミング』『Metal入門』『実践ARKit』『Depth in Depth』『iOSアプリ開発 達人のレシピ100』他 GitHubの累計スター数24,000超
- @icoxfog417
All my statements are from fun fancies, not a boring story that represents a company that I belonging to.
- Tomoki Nishinaka@tomoki-n
エンジニアやってます。 よろしくお願いします m(/. .\)m