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- Dianna Howes@DiannaHowes
A dedicated Medical Interpreter, I specialize in bridging language gaps between healthcare providers and patients, ensuring clear and accurate communication in medical settings.
- Joseph Collier@JosephCollier
As a dedicated Vocational Counselor, I specialize in guiding individuals toward meaningful career paths by assessing their skills, interests, and goals.
- Hideyuki Fujihara@fujihara_hideyuki
Flutterエンジニア 小さなことでもコツコツと...
- zazen inu@zazen_inu
- @beru_33
- こなぶく@CornerBook
DXサポーター 日々アップデートされる様々なツールに対し必要な技術力はなにかを発信しています。 キャッチコピーは”Reskilling With You”