The browser is not adding any padding. Instead, letters (even uppercase letters) are generally considerably smaller in the vertical direction than the height of the font, not to mention the line height, which is typically by default about 1.2 times the font height (font size).
There is no general solution to this because fonts are different. Even for fixed font size, the height of a letter varies by font. And uppercase letters need not have the same height in a font.
Practical solutions can be found by experimentation, but they are unavoidably font-dependent. You will need to set the line height essentially smaller than the font size. The following seems to yield the desired result in different browsers on Windows, for the Arial font:
私が質問した例にあるNoto Sans JPは、30pxを指定した際は高さが44px、10pxの場合は15pxなので、約1.5倍の高さを占領する様子。