

SESが中心ですが、AIの受託開発など幅広く手がけています。 今後もっとITと社会を近づけるためにエンジニアとしての使命を果たすことが我が社のミッションです。

For those interested in this Organization

  • Pario@pario

    高校生プログラマー🧑🏻‍💻 将来の夢は、BMI(Brain Machine Interface)研究者🧑🏻‍🏫

  • Yen Haller@yeggibrainsp

    Traveler, blogger, and entrepreneur. Also, I am engaged in the promotion of personal brands with my team. Interested in meeting people making business and investments.

  • J COTAN@J_Cotan


  • 壮大 伊藤@tak_ito


  • Cách tăng cân nhanh@cachtangcan

    Làm cách nào để tăng cân nhanh tại nhà? Hướng dẫn dẫn cách tăng cân nhanh cho người gầy lâu năm, khó hấp thụ nhanh thành công 100%

  • Conversions Qatar@conversionsqa

    Conversions Qatar is a digital marketing service offering you excellent work in SEO, web development, Content promotion, Google Ads, and various other things.

  • 木原 崇宏@kihara-takahiro

    都内で働くアプリケーションエンジニアです。 メインの言語はJavaですが、最近ではPythonで遊んだりしています。 未熟者ではありますが、失敗を恐れずに投稿していければと思います!

  • Dr. Kiyoshi Ogawa@kaizen_nagoya

    I'm a network designer.I work on TOPPERS SmallestSetProfile Kernel,MISRA-C/C++, STARC RTL Design StyleGuide (Verilog-HDL), and HAZOP.I was an editor of ISO/IEC 15504.

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