using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;
//Adds a BoxCollider2D component automatically to the game object
public class DialogStarter : MonoBehaviour {
public int numberOfItemsHeld;
public int numberOfEquipItemsHeld;
[Header("Dialog Lines")]
//The lines the npcs say when the player talks to them
[Tooltip("The lines the npcs say when the player talks to them. One line can fill an entire message box with appropriate line breaks")]
public string[] lines;
[Tooltip ("Inn and shop keepers will say these lines after closing their menus") ]
public string[] sayGoodBye;
//Check wheather the player is in range to talk to npc
private bool canActivate;
//For different activation methods
[Tooltip("Activates the dialog as soon as this script is activated. Keep in mind that the player character still has to be in the trigger zone")]
public bool activateOnAwake;
[Tooltip("Activates the dialog when the player presses the confirm button")]
public bool activateOnButtonPress;
[Tooltip("Activates the dialog when the player enters the trigger zone")]
public bool activateOnEnter;
[Tooltip("Activate a delay before showing the dialog")]
public bool waitBeforeActivatingDialog;
[Tooltip("Enter the duration of the delay in seconds")]
public float waitTime;
[Header("NPC Settings")]
//Check if the player talks to a person for displaying a name tag
[Tooltip("Display a name tag")]
public bool displayName = true;
//If npc should join your party
[Tooltip("Let the NPC join the players party at the 2nd slot")]
public bool addToPartyCharacter2 = false;
[Tooltip("Let the NPC join the players party at the 3rd slot")]
public bool addToPartyCharacter3 = false;
[Header("Inn Settings")]
//If npc should be an inn keeper
[Tooltip("Activates the inn menu")]
public bool isInn;
[Tooltip("Set the price for one night")]
public int innPrice;
[Header("Shop Settings")]
//If npc should be a shop keeper
[Tooltip("Activates the shop menu")]
public bool isShop;
[Tooltip("Enter all items that should be on sale in this shop")]
public string[] ItemsForSale = new string[40];
[Header("Receive Settings")]
[Tooltip("Receive an item after conversation")]
public bool receiveItem;
[Tooltip("Drag and drop an item prefab")]
public Item item;
[Tooltip("Receive gold after conversation")]
public bool receiveGold;
[Tooltip("The amount of gold received")]
public int goldAmount;
[Header("Quest Settings")]
//For completing quests after dialog
[Tooltip("Enter the quest that should be completed. This quest has to be registered in the Quest Manager")]
public string questToMark;
[Tooltip("Mark a quest as complete after the dialog")]
public bool markComplete;
[Header("Event Settings")]
//For completing quests after dialog
//public bool shouldActivateQuest;
[Tooltip("Enter the event that should be completed. This quest has to be registered in the Quest Manager")]
public string eventToMark;
[Tooltip("Mark an event as complete after the dialog")]
public bool markEventComplete;
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
//Check if dialog should be activated on awake or enter
if (activateOnAwake || activateOnEnter)
//Check if player is in reach and if no other dialog is currently active
if (canActivate && !DialogManager.instance.dialogBox.activeInHierarchy && !Inn.instance.innMenu.activeInHierarchy && !GameMenu.instance.menu.activeInHierarchy)
PlayerController.instance.canMove = false;
//Set this to false to prevent activating dialog endlessly
activateOnEnter = false;
if (!DialogManager.instance.dontOpenDialogAgain)
if (waitBeforeActivatingDialog)
//Disable player movement
PlayerController.instance.canMove = false;
activateOnAwake = false;
//Hide mobile controller during dialogs
//Add item after conversation
if (receiveItem)
//Take the reference for isItem/isWeapon/isArmour from shop instance
Shop.instance.selectedItem = item;
//Calculate the amount of items / equipment held in inventory to prevent adding more items if inventory is full
numberOfItemsHeld = 0;
numberOfEquipItemsHeld = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < GameManager.instance.itemsHeld.Length; i++)
if (GameManager.instance.itemsHeld[i] != "")
for (int i = 0; i < GameManager.instance.equipItemsHeld.Length; i++)
if (GameManager.instance.equipItemsHeld[i] != "")
if (item)
if (Shop.instance.selectedItem.item)
if (numberOfItemsHeld < GameManager.instance.itemsHeld.Length)
GameMenu.instance.gotItemMessageText.text = "You found a " + item.itemName + "!";
receiveItem = false;
Shop.instance.promptText.text = "You found a " + Shop.instance.selectedItem.name + "." + "\n" + "But your item bag is full!";
if (Shop.instance.selectedItem.defense || Shop.instance.selectedItem.offense)
if (numberOfEquipItemsHeld < GameManager.instance.equipItemsHeld.Length)
GameMenu.instance.gotItemMessageText.text = "You found a " + item.itemName + "!";
Shop.instance.promptText.text = "You found a " + Shop.instance.selectedItem.name + "." + "\n" + "But your equipment bag is full!";
//Add gold after conversation
if (receiveGold)
GameMenu.instance.gotItemMessageText.text = "You found " + receiveGold + " Gold!";
GameManager.instance.currentGold += goldAmount;
receiveGold = false;
//Add new member to party
if (addToPartyCharacter2)
DialogManager.instance.addToPartyCharacter2 = addToPartyCharacter2;
addToPartyCharacter2 = false; //prevents from adding multiple times to party by talking to npc again
//Add new member to party
if (addToPartyCharacter3)
DialogManager.instance.addToPartyCharacter3 = addToPartyCharacter3;
addToPartyCharacter3 = false; //prevents from adding multiple times to party by talking to npc again
//Show inn menu
if (isInn)
DialogManager.instance.isInn = isInn;
DialogManager.instance.innPrice = innPrice;
Inn.instance.sayGoodBye = sayGoodBye;
//Show shop menu
if (isShop)
DialogManager.instance.isShop = isShop;
Shop.instance.itemsForSale = ItemsForSale;
Shop.instance.sayGoodBye = sayGoodBye;
DialogManager.instance.ShowDialogAuto(lines, displayName);
DialogManager.instance.ShouldActivateQuestAtEnd(questToMark, markComplete);
if (markEventComplete)
DialogManager.instance.ActivateEventAtEnd(eventToMark, markEventComplete);
//Check for button input
if (Input.GetButtonDown("RPGConfirmPC") || Input.GetButtonDown("RPGConfirmJoy") || CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("RPGConfirmTouch") && !DialogManager.instance.dialogBox.activeInHierarchy)
if (canActivate && !DialogManager.instance.dialogBox.activeInHierarchy && !Inn.instance.innMenu.activeInHierarchy && !GameMenu.instance.menu.activeInHierarchy && !GameManager.instance.battleActive)
PlayerController.instance.canMove = false;
//activateOnEnterConfirm = false;
if (!DialogManager.instance.dontOpenDialogAgain)
if (waitBeforeActivatingDialog)
//Disable player movement
PlayerController.instance.canMove = false;
activateOnAwake = false;
//Add item after conversation
if (receiveItem)
//Take the reference for isItem/isWeapon/isArmour from shop instance
Shop.instance.selectedItem = item;
//Calculate the amount of items / equipment held in inventory to prevent adding more items if inventory is full
numberOfItemsHeld = 0;
numberOfEquipItemsHeld = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < GameManager.instance.itemsHeld.Length; i++)
if (GameManager.instance.itemsHeld[i] != "")
for (int i = 0; i < GameManager.instance.equipItemsHeld.Length; i++)
if (GameManager.instance.equipItemsHeld[i] != "")
if (item)
if (Shop.instance.selectedItem.item)
if (numberOfItemsHeld < GameManager.instance.itemsHeld.Length)
GameMenu.instance.gotItemMessageText.text = "You found a " + item.itemName + "!";
receiveItem = false;
Shop.instance.promptText.text = "You found a " + Shop.instance.selectedItem.name + "." + "\n" + "But your item bag is full!";
if (Shop.instance.selectedItem.defense || Shop.instance.selectedItem.offense)
if (numberOfEquipItemsHeld < GameManager.instance.equipItemsHeld.Length)
GameMenu.instance.gotItemMessageText.text = "You found a " + item.itemName + "!";
Shop.instance.promptText.text = "You found a " + Shop.instance.selectedItem.name + "." + "\n" + "But your equipment bag is full!";
//Add gold after conversation
if (receiveGold)
GameMenu.instance.gotItemMessageText.text = "You found " + receiveGold + " Gold!";
GameManager.instance.currentGold += goldAmount;
receiveGold = false;
//Add new member to party
if (addToPartyCharacter2)
DialogManager.instance.addToPartyCharacter2 = addToPartyCharacter2;
addToPartyCharacter2 = false; //prevents from adding multiple times to party by talking to npc again
//Add new member to party
if (addToPartyCharacter3)
DialogManager.instance.addToPartyCharacter3 = addToPartyCharacter3;
addToPartyCharacter3 = false; //prevents from adding multiple times to party by talking to npc again
if (isInn)
DialogManager.instance.isInn = isInn;
DialogManager.instance.innPrice = innPrice;
Inn.instance.sayGoodBye = sayGoodBye;
DialogManager.instance.isShop = isShop;
Shop.instance.itemsForSale = ItemsForSale;
Shop.instance.sayGoodBye = sayGoodBye;
DialogManager.instance.ShowDialog(lines, displayName);
//DialogManager.instance.SayGoodBye(sayGoodBye, isPerson);
DialogManager.instance.ShouldActivateQuestAtEnd(questToMark, markComplete);
if (markEventComplete)
DialogManager.instance.ActivateEventAtEnd(eventToMark, markEventComplete);
//Check if player enters trigger zone
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
if(other.tag == "Player")
canActivate = true;
//DialogManager.instance.dontOpenDialogAgain = false;
//Check if player exits trigger zone
private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other)
if (other.tag == "Player")
canActivate = false;
if (!activateOnButtonPress)
activateOnEnter = true;
//Put in a slight delay between activating the dialog and showing the dialog
IEnumerator waitCo()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
waitBeforeActivatingDialog = false;