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新 App Store 審査ガイドライン 翻訳&差分ガイド 2021年6月号

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これは2021年6月7日付けで変更された App Store 審査ガイドラインの翻訳&差分ガイドです。

前回からの主な変更点は、開発者に対する行動規範の明記が目立ちます。2.3.1 で App Store 外の悪質行為を削除対象に、5.6 全般で誠実でなければ削除対象になど。これは、今年3月の Trezor に偽装した詐欺アプリ問題などが影響しているはず。

注目しておきたいのは、鬼門である「機能が少ないからリジェクト」の 4.2 に「実用性」が追記されたこと、5.6.4 にて、レビュー評価が開発者登録の抹消に影響することあたり。あと、地味に影響がありそうなのは、アカウントの作成機能と対で必須になる削除機能でしょうか。



1.2.1 Creator Content


Apps which feature content from a specific community of users called “creators” are a great opportunity if properly moderated. These apps present a singular, unified experience for customers to interact with various kinds of creator content. They offer tools and programs to help this community of non-developer creators to author, share, and monetize user-generated experiences. These experiences must not change the core features and functionality of the native app—rather, they add content to those structured experiences. These experiences are not native “apps” coded by developers—they are content within the app itself and are treated as user-generated content by App Review. Such creator content may include video, articles, audio, and even casual games. The App Store supports apps offering such user-generated content so long as they follow all Guidelines, including Guideline 1.2 for moderating user-generated content and Guideline 3.1.1 for payments and in-app purchases. Creator apps should share the age rating of the highest age-rated creator content available in the app, and communicate to users which content requires additional purchases.

1.7 Reporting Criminal Activity


Apps for reporting alleged criminal activity must involve local law enforcement, and can only be offered in countries where such involvement is active.

5.6.2 Developer Identity


Providing verifiable information to Apple and customers is critical to customer trust. Your representation of yourself, your business, and your offerings on the App Store must be accurate. The information you provide must be truthful, relevant, and up-to-date so that Apple and customers understand who they are engaging with and can contact you regarding any issues.

5.6.3 Discovery Fraud

App Store の情報操作は不可。

Participating in the App Store requires integrity and a commitment to building and maintaining customer trust. Manipulating any element of the App Store customer experience such as charts, search reviews, or referrals to your app erodes customer trust and is not permitted.

5.6.4 App Quality


Customers expect the highest quality from the App Store, and maintaining high quality content, services, and experiences promotes customer trust. Indications that this expectation is not being met include excessive customer reports about concerns with your app, such as negative customer reviews, and excessive refund requests. Inability to maintain high quality may be a factor in deciding whether a developer is abiding by the Developer Code of Conduct.


1.1.4 ポルノ表現は不可。

Overtly sexual or pornographic material, defined by Webster’s Dictionary as “explicit descriptions or displays of sexual organs or activities intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.” This includes “hookup” apps that may include pornography or be used to facilitate prostitution.

This includes “hookup” apps that may include pornography or be used to facilitate prostitution. を追記。hookup app は文脈的に性交アプリ。

1.4.3 薬物・酒・タバコの助長は不可。合法大麻やタバコなどの販売促進は不可。

Apps that encourage consumption of tobacco and vape products, illegal drugs, or excessive amounts of alcohol are not permitted on the App Store. Apps that encourage minors to consume any of these substances will be rejected. Facilitating the sale of controlled substances (except for licensed pharmacies and licensed or otherwise legal cannabis dispensaries), or tobacco is not allowed.

marijuanaand licensed or otherwise legal cannabis dispensaries に変更。このあたりは、5.1.1 (ix) で補足あり。

2.3.1 隠し機能は不可。Notes for Review で具体的に説明。機能しないコンテンツは不可。App Store 内外問わず悪質行為は開発者登録を抹消。

Don’t include any hidden, dormant, or undocumented features in your app; your app’s functionality should be clear to end users and App Review. All new features, functionality, and product changes must be described with specificity in the Notes for Review section of App Store Connect (generic descriptions will be rejected) and accessible for review. Similarly, marketing your app in a misleading way, such as by promoting content or services that it does not actually offer (e.g. iOS-based virus and malware scanners) or promoting a false price, whether within or outside of the App Store, is grounds for removal of your app from the App Store and termination of your developer account. Egregious or repeated behavior is grounds for removal from the Apple Developer Program. We work hard to make the App Store a trustworthy ecosystem and expect our app developers to follow suit; if you’re dishonest, we don’t want to do business with you.

promoting a false price, whether within or outside of the App Store, is grounds for removal of your app from the App Store and termination of your developer account を追記。App Store 外の悪質行為も対象に。

2.3.10 各環境向けに最適化。他のモバイルプラットフォームに関する言及は不可。アプリと無関係の情報は不可。

Make sure your app is focused on the iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS or watchOS experience, and don’t include names, icons, or imagery of other mobile platforms in your app or metadata, unless there is specific, approved interactive functionality. Make sure your app metadata is focused on the app itself and its experience. Don’t include irrelevant information.

iOS, Mac, Apple TV or Apple WatchiOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS or watchOS に変更。

文末から including but not limited to information about Apple or the development process を削除。

3.1.1 In-App Purchase:

● デジタル商品を対象としたギフト券はアプリ内課金でのみ販売可能。アプリ内であれば物理的なギフト券にもアプリ内課金が可能。

Digital gift cards, certificates, vouchers, and coupons which can be redeemed for digital goods or services can only be sold in your app using in-app purchase. Physical gift cards that are sold within an app and then mailed to customers may use payment methods other than in-app purchase.

Physical gift cards that are sold within an app and then mailed to customers may use payment methods other than in-app purchase. を追記。これまで禁止していた物理アイテム (ギフト券) にアプリ内課金が使えるように。

3.1.2(a) Permissible uses:

● Apple が承認済みの音楽と映像のサブスクリプションアプリは携帯電話会社のバンドルに含まれる可能性有。アプリ内課金かつ元に戻せる仕組みがあれば他のサブスクリプションアプリも含めることが可能。

Cellular carrier apps may include auto-renewing music and video subscriptions in pre-defined bundles with cellular data plans, with prior approval by Apple. Other auto-renewing subscriptions may also be included in pre-defined bundles with cellular data plans, with prior approval by Apple, if the cellular carrier apps support in-app purchase for new users and the carrier provides a mechanism for customers to revert to in-app purchase upon termination of the customer’s bundled service. Such subscriptions cannot include access to or discounts on consumable items.


3.1.3 Other Purchase Methods:


The following apps may use purchase methods other than in-app purchase. Apps in this section cannot, within the app, encourage users to use a purchasing method other than in-app purchase. Developers cannot use information obtained within the app to target individual users outside of the app to use purchasing methods other than in-app purchase (such as sending an individual user an email about other purchasing methods after that individual signs up for an account within the app). Developers can send communications outside of the app to their user base about purchasing methods other than in-app purchase.


Developers can send communications outside of the app to their user base about purchasing methods other than in-app purchase. は新情報で、アプリ外であれば他の課金手段を紹介可能に。

4.2 Minimum Functionality

有用性のないアプリは不可。継続的な価値や実用性のないアプリは不可。曲や映画は iTunes Store に提出。本は iBooks Store に提出。

Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn’t provide some sort of lasting entertainment value or adequate utility, it may not be accepted. Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to the iTunes Store. Apps that are simply a book or game guide should be submitted to the Apple Books Store.

or adequate utility を追記。実用的でないと駄目。

4.3 Spam


Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase. Also avoid piling on to a category that is already saturated; the App Store has enough fart, burp, flashlight, fortune telling, dating, drinking games, and Kama Sutra apps, etc. already. We will reject these apps unless they provide a unique, high-quality experience. Spamming the store may lead to your removal from the Apple Developer Program.

drinking games を追記。ドリンキングゲームは Wikipedia で初めて知った。

4.7 HTML5 Games, Bots, etc.

旧 4.7 を 4.7.1 と 4.7.2 に分割しただけ。

5.1.1 Data Collection and Storage

(v) Account Sign-In:

重要なアカウント機能がない場合はログイン不要で使用できる必要有。アカウントの作成機能があれば削除機能も必要。主機能や法的に必要性がない個人情報の要求は不可。主機能が対象の SNS と無関係の場合はログイン以外の仕組みが必要。プロフィールの取得や共有・招待は主機能枠外。アプリに SNS 連携を無効化する仕組みが必要。

If your app doesn’t include significant account-based features, let people use it without a login. If your app supports account creation, you must also offer account deletion within the app. Apps may not require users to enter personal information to function, except when directly relevant to the core functionality of the app or required by law. If your core app functionality is not related to a specific social network (e.g. Facebook, WeChat, Weibo, Twitter, etc.), you must provide access without a login or via another mechanism. Pulling basic profile information, sharing to the social network, or inviting friends to use the app are not considered core app functionality. The app must also include a mechanism to revoke social network credentials and disable data access between the app and social network from within the app. An app may not store credentials or tokens to social networks off of the device and may only use such credentials or tokens to directly connect to the social network from the app itself while the app is in use.

If your app supports account creation, you must also offer account deletion within the app. を追記。アカウントの削除機能も必須に。

(ix) 規制の多い分野や機密情報に関わるアプリは法人提出が必須。

Apps that provide services in highly-regulated fields (such as banking and financial services, healthcare, gambling, legal cannabis use, and air travel) or that require sensitive user information should be submitted by a legal entity that provides the services, and not by an individual developer. Apps that facilitate the legal sale of cannabis must be geo-restricted to the corresponding legal jurisdiction.

legal cannabis useApps that facilitate the legal sale of cannabis must be geo-restricted to the corresponding legal jurisdiction. を追記。

5.6 Developer Code of Conduct


Please treat everyone with respect, whether in your responses to App Store reviews, customer support requests, or when communicating with Apple, including your responses in Resolution Center. Do not engage in harassment of any kind, discriminatory practices, intimidation, bullying, and don’t encourage others to engage in any of the above. Repeated manipulative or misleading behavior or other fraudulent conduct will lead to your removal from the Apple Developer Program.

Repeated manipulative or misleading behavior or other fraudulent conduct will lead to your removal from the Apple Developer Program. を追記。


Your Developer Program account will be terminated if you engage in activities or actions that are not in accordance with the Developer Code of Conduct. To restore your account, you may provide a written statement detailing the improvements you plan to make. If your plan is approved by Apple and we confirm the changes have been made, your account may be restored.



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