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新 App Store 審査ガイドライン 翻訳&差分ガイド 2021年2月号

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これは2021年2月1日付けで変更された App Store 審査ガイドラインの翻訳&差分ガイドです。

前回からの主な変更点はトラッキング程度で、新規項目もなく各修正も軽微です。金融分野ではサードパーティによる「公開 API の利用」が取り消され、公式アプリのみ許される模様。


App Tracking Transparency 対応

猶予が設けられていた ATT (App Tracking Transparency) 対応が iOS 14.5 から必須になります。App Tracking Transparency API を利用してユーザの許可を得ない限り、IDFA (Identity for Advertisers) が取得できません。サードパーティ SDK 含めて要確認。



1.4.3 薬物・酒・タバコの助長は不可。マリファナやタバコなどの販売促進は不可。

Apps that encourage consumption of tobacco and vape products, illegal drugs, or excessive amounts of alcohol are not permitted on the App Store. Apps that encourage minors to consume any of these substances will be rejected. Facilitating the sale of controlled substances (except for licensed pharmacies), marijuana, or tobacco is not allowed.


2.3 Accurate Metadata


Customers should know what they’re getting when they download or buy your app, so make sure all your app metadata, including privacy information, your app description, screenshots, and previews accurately reflect the app’s core experience and remember to keep them up-to-date with new versions.

all your app metadata, including privacy information を追記。

2.3.7 ユニークなアプリ名と正確なキーワードを指定。アプリ名は 30 文字まで。名前以外の記述を含めることは不可。不適切なキーワードは Apple により変更。

Choose a unique app name, assign keywords that accurately describe your app, and don’t try to pack any of your metadata with trademarked terms, popular app names, pricing information, or other irrelevant phrases just to game the system. App names must be limited to 30 characters. Metadata such as app names, subtitles, screenshots, and previews should not include prices, terms, or descriptions that are not specific to the metadata type. App subtitles are a great way to provide additional context for your app; they must follow our standard metadata rules and should not include inappropriate content, reference other apps, or make unverifiable product claims. Apple may modify inappropriate keywords at any time or take other appropriate steps to prevent abuse.

Metadata such as app names, subtitles, screenshots, and previews を追記。

2.4.5(viii) 現行 OS で動作する必要有。非推奨の技術使用は不可。

Apps should run on the currently shipping OS and may not use deprecated or optionally installed technologies (e.g. Java)

Rosetta を削除。M1 Mac のため?

3.1.1 In-App Purchase:

Remember to assign the correct purchasability type or your app will be rejected. の項目を削除。

● アプリ内課金通貨によるチップが可能。

Apps may use in-app purchase currencies to enable customers to “tip” the developer or digital content providers in the app.

the developer or を追記。

● デジタル商品を対象としたギフト券はアプリ内課金でのみ販売可能。

Gift cards, certificates, vouchers, and coupons which can be redeemed for digital goods or services can only be sold in your app using in-app purchase.


3.1.2(a) Permissible uses:

● ストリーミングゲームのサブスクリプションはサードパーティアプリ間で共有可能。二重支払いは不可。各ゲームは App Store からダウンロードする必要有。

Games offered in a streaming game service subscription may offer a single subscription that is shared across third-party apps and services; however, they must be downloaded directly from the App Store, must be designed to avoid duplicate payment by a subscriber, and should not disadvantage non-subscriber customers.

may offer a single subscription that is shared across third-party apps and services; however, they を追記。

3.1.3(c) Enterprise Services: 組織向けの直販アプリではアプリ内課金以外の購入方法を追加可能。

If your app is only sold directly by you to organizations or groups for their employees or students (for example professional databases and classroom management tools), you may allow enterprise users to access previously-purchased content or subscriptions. Consumer, single user, or family sales must use in-app purchase.

use purchase methods in addition to in-app purchase to collect those payments. から allow enterprise users to access previously-purchased content or subscriptions. に変更。

3.1.3(d) Person-to-Person Services: 一対一の対人サービスではアプリ内課金以外の購入方法を追加可能。一対多は不可。

If your app enables the purchase of realtime person-to-person services between two individuals (for example tutoring students, medical consultations, real estate tours, or fitness training), you may use purchase methods other than in-app purchase to collect those payments. One-to-few and one-to-many realtime services must use in-app purchase.

experiences から services に変更。

3.2.1(viii) 金融アプリは金融機関による公式の提供が必要。

Apps used for financial trading, investing, or money management should come from the financial institution performing such services.

or must use a public API offered by the institution in compliance with its Terms & Conditions を削除。API を利用したサードパーティ製は排除?

3.2.2(ix) 個人向けローンを提供するアプリは条件を明示する必要有。手数料込みで APR 36% を超える請求は不可。60 日以内の全額返済請求は不可。

Apps offering personal loans must clearly and conspicuously disclose all loan terms, including but not limited to equivalent maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and payment due date. Apps may not charge a maximum APR higher than 36%, including costs and fees, and may not require repayment in full in 60 days or less.

旧 3.2.2(ix) が削除され、旧 3.2.2(x) が繰り上がっただけ。旧 3.2.2(ix) の削除理由は 3.2.2(vi) と重複するためで、全体の内容は変わらず。

4.2.3(iii) 追加リソースをダウンロードする場合はダウンロードサイズを事前に開示。

If your app needs to download additional resources in order to function on initial launch, disclose the size of the download and prompt users before doing so.

in order to function on initial launch を追記。

5.1.1(ix) 規制の多い分野や機密情報に関わるアプリは法人提出が必須。

Apps that provide services in highly-regulated fields (such as banking and financial services, healthcare, gambling, and air travel) or that require sensitive user information should be submitted by a legal entity that provides the services, and not by an individual developer.

gambling を追加。

5.1.2(i) 事前許可を得ない個人情報使用は不可。データの用途説明は必須。収集したデータは動作改善や広告の目的で第三者と共有が可能。トラッキングは App Tracking Transparency API による許可が必要。違反者は開発者登録を抹消。

Unless otherwise permitted by law, you may not use, transmit, or share someone’s personal data without first obtaining their permission. You must provide access to information about how and where the data will be used. Data collected from apps may only be shared with third parties to improve the app or serve advertising (in compliance with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement). You must receive explicit permission from users via the App Tracking Transparency APIs to track their activity. Learn more about tracking. Apps that share user data without user consent or otherwise complying with data privacy laws may be removed from sale and may result in your removal from the Apple Developer Program.

You must receive explicit permission from users via the App Tracking Transparency APIs to track their activity. Learn more about tracking. を追記。


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