KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(http://bit.ly/kubeweekly )この記事は 2018/10/10に発行された Kube Weekly #152 を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。
The Headlines
Annual “CNCF Community Awards” Nominations Kick Off – Winners to be Recognized at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Seattle - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Annual “CNCF Community Awards” Nominations Kick Off – Winners to be Recognized at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Seattle - Cloud Native Computing Foundation | |
Nominations open today for the third-annual CNCF Community Awards – sponsored by VMware – honoring those who have made the greatest impact over the last year in the cloud native... |
CNCF Community Awardsのノミネートが開始されました。
Top Ambassador, Top Commiter,Chop Wood/Carry Water Awardがあるようです。
Chop Wood/Carry Water
Introducing the Non-Code Contributor’s Guide
Introducing the Non-Code Contributor’s Guide | |
Author: Noah Abrahams (InfoSiftr), Jonas Rosland (VMware), Ihor Dvoretskyi (CNCF) It was May 2018 in Copenhagen, and the Kubernetes community was enjoying the contributor summit at KubeCon/CloudNativeCon, complete with the first run of the New Contributor Workshop. As a time of tremendous collaboration between contributors, the topics covered ranged from signing the CLA to deep technical conversations. Along with the vast exchange of information and ideas, however, came continued scrutiny of the topics at hand to ensure that the community was being as inclusive and accommodating as possible. |
community/non-code-contributions.md at master · kubernetes/community · GitHub
Deploy Your First Deep Learning Model On Kubernetes With Python, Keras, Flask, and Docker
Deploy Your First Deep Learning Model On Kubernetes With Python, Keras, Flask, and Docker | |
So Easy Even Your Boss Can Do It! |
Building a simple Keras + deep learning REST API をKubernetes上で動かしている
Pythonのライブラリであるkeras, tensorflowなどを使い、モデルはResnet50を使って、与えられた画像に何が写っているかを推定するというWebアプリケーションを作る。ソースコードはたった85行
The Technical
How to use Envoy as a Load Balancer in Kubernetes
How to use Envoy as a Load Balancer in Kubernetes | |
An introduction to using Envoy as a load balancer in Kubernetes, and configuring various load balancing algorithms. |
EnvoyのSTRICT_DNS service discovery modeを使うとDNSから引けるAレコードにロードバランスしてくれる。これはKubernetesのheadless Serviceと相性が良い。
Support for Azure VMSS, Cluster-Autoscaler and User Assigned Identity
Support for Azure VMSS, Cluster-Autoscaler and User Assigned Identity | |
Author: Krishnakumar R (KK) (Microsoft), Pengfei Ni (Microsoft) Introduction With Kubernetes v1.12, Azure virtual machine scale sets (VMSS) and cluster-autoscaler have reached their General Availability (GA) and User Assigned Identity is available as a preview feature. Azure VMSS allow you to create and manage identical, load balanced VMs that automatically increase or decrease based on demand or a set schedule. This enables you to easily manage and scale multiple VMs to provide high availability and application resiliency, ideal for large-scale applications like container workloads [1]. |
Azure virtual machine scale sets (VMSS) と cluster-autoscalerがGAになったので、紹介する。
加えて Azureでのuser assigned identity features についても紹介している。
Introducing Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes
Introducing Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes | |
Author: Jing Xu (Google) Xing Yang (Huawei), Saad Ali (Google) Kubernetes v1.12 introduces alpha support for volume snapshotting. This feature allows creating/deleting volume snapshots, and the ability to create new volumes from a snapshot natively using the Kubernetes API. What is a Snapshot? Many storage systems (like Google Cloud Persistent Disks, Amazon Elastic Block Storage, and many on-premise storage systems) provide the ability to create a “snapshot” of a persistent volume. |
Kubernetes | Deploying Prometheus Operator
Kubernetes | Deploying Prometheus Operator | |
In this long episode I give a high level overview about Prometheus Operator. I talk through a getting started concept along with how to configure it for your... |
How to generate certificates for Kubeadm with Vault - My personal blog - Björn Wenzel
How to generate certificates for Kubeadm with Vault - My personal blog - Björn Wenzel | |
Tutorial on how to use Hashicorp Vault to generate certificates to access Kube-API |
Kubernetes Resource Statistics – ITNEXT
Kubernetes Resource Statistics – ITNEXT | |
Gathering resource statistics (e.g., how many pods are running in a certain namespace) can be a useful to sometime necessary activity… |
GitHub - mhausenblas/krs: A command line tool for capturing and serializing Kubernetes resource statistics in OpenMetrics format
内部的にはkubectl getを実行して、Open Metricsの形式で出力しているだけらしい。
大掛かりなものとしては、GitHub - kubernetes/kube-state-metrics: Add-on agent to generate and expose cluster-level metrics. やGitHub - kubernetes-incubator/spartakus: Anonymous Usage Collector を紹介している。
Autoscaling Applications on Kubernetes - A Primer
Autoscaling Applications on Kubernetes - A Primer | |
Kubernetes provides different capabilities in terms of scalability. This primer is the first part of a series that introduces you to concepts and how to scale your cluster & applications. |
Deploy machine learning models with GKE and Dataiku
Deploy machine learning models with GKE and Dataiku | |
Introduction In a previous post I described how easy it is to create and deploy machine learning models (exposing them as REST APIs) with Dataiku. In particular, it was an XGboost model predicting … |
Manipulating Istio and other Custom Kubernetes Resources in Golang
Manipulating Istio and other Custom Kubernetes Resources in Golang | |
In this article I'll demonstrate how to use Golang to manipulate Kubernetes Custom Resources, with Istio as an example. No knowledge of Istio is needed, I'll just use it to demonstrate the concepts! Istio is a highly popular Service Mesh platform which allows engineers to quickly add telemetry, advanced traffic |
Tooling Spotlight
opencredo/kubefuse | |
Kubernetes as a FUSE Filesystem. Contribute to opencredo/kubefuse development by creating an account on GitHub. |
GoogleContainerTools/kubehost | |
Expose web services directly on GKE nodes during development. - GoogleContainerTools/kubehost |
zegl/kube-score | |
Kubernetes object static code analysis. Contribute to zegl/kube-score development by creating an account on GitHub. |
mhausenblas/krs | |
A command line tool for capturing and serializing Kubernetes resource statistics in OpenMetrics format - mhausenblas/krs |
The Editorial
Kubernetes v1.12: Introducing RuntimeClass
Kubernetes v1.12: Introducing RuntimeClass | |
Author: Tim Allclair (Google) Kubernetes originally launched with support for Docker containers running native applications on a Linux host. Starting with rkt in Kubernetes 1.3 more runtimes were coming, which lead to the development of the Container Runtime Interface (CRI). Since then, the set of alternative runtimes has only expanded: projects like Kata Containers and gVisor were announced for stronger workload isolation, and Kubernetes’ Windows support has been steadily progressing. |
Kubernetes Is a Prime Catalyst in AI and Big Data’s Evolution
Kubernetes Is a Prime Catalyst in AI and Big Data’s Evolution | |
Kubernetes is becoming synonymous with cloud-native computing. As an open-source platform, it enables development, deployment, orchestration and |
Cloud Foundry expands its support for Kubernetes
Cloud Foundry expands its support for Kubernetes | |
Not too long ago, the Cloud Foundry Foundation was all about Cloud Foundry, the open source platform as a service (PaaS) project that’s now in use by most of the Fortune 500 enterprises. This project is the Cloud Foundry Application Runtime. A year ago, the Foundation also announced the Cloud… |
Project Eirini | Cloud Foundry
- CloudFoundlyとKubernetesをうまいこと使い分けてスケジューリングするツール(少し自信がない・・)
CF Containerization | Cloud Foundry
- CloudFoundlyのランタイムをVM上ではなくコンテナとして実行できるようにするプロジェクト
Kubernetes Podcast from Google
Kubernetes Podcast from Google | |
Kubernetes Pod Castの紹介
Making the Bet on Open Source - DZone Open Source
Making the Bet on Open Source - DZone Open Source | |
A developer on the Talend team discusses the company's choice to use Docker and Kubernetes before they were enterprise-ready and how to engage untested tools. |
Kubernetes 1.12 Brings Volume Snapshots, TLS Improvements, and More
Kubernetes 1.12 Brings Volume Snapshots, TLS Improvements, and More | |
The Cloud Native Community Foundation has announced Kubernetes 1.12. This version brings Snapshot and restore volumes, improvements on TLS, Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), topology-aware dynamic provisioning, Advanced Auditing, topology support for Container Storage Interface (CSI) plugin, and more. |
Kubernetes v1.12の新機能の紹介。
Imperative vs Declarative – Dominik Tornow – Medium
Imperative vs Declarative – Dominik Tornow – Medium | |
By Andrew Chen and Dominik Tornow |
命令的、宣言的 についての解説。
Container security starts with Kubernetes - JAXenter
Container security starts with Kubernetes - JAXenter | |
Todd Moreau explains several essential Kubernetes security considerations for any develop looking to adopt this useful technology. |
Docker And Kubernetes: Furthering The Goals Of DevOps Automation
Docker And Kubernetes: Furthering The Goals Of DevOps Automation | |
As the buzz around Docker and Kubernetes continues to grow, large enterprises are starting to build container strategies for both development and operations. |
- KubeWeekly #151 https://qiita.com/inajob/items/5b3bb83dcb68818020c0
- KubeWeekly #150 https://qiita.com/inajob/items/bebd4fcca440ec695d34
- KubeWeekly #149 https://qiita.com/inajob/items/d007ba0114dfb5eb77e2
- KubeWeekly #148 https://qiita.com/inajob/items/4f153cb214fd622bdb89
- KubeWeekly #147 https://qiita.com/inajob/items/8148914d7e6b8afc186c
- KubeWeekly #143 https://qiita.com/inajob/items/b93257781552c61da173
- KubeWeekly #142 https://qiita.com/inajob/items/6eac1a856e95f18cd2ca
- KubeWeekly #141 https://qiita.com/inajob/items/7771e5a5a4409f433042