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kaggle tutorial Reinforcement Learning part 2

Last updated at Posted at 2024-12-23



# Calculates score if agent drops piece in selected column
def score_move(grid, col, mark, config):
    next_grid = drop_piece(grid, col, mark, config)
    score = get_heuristic(next_grid, mark, config)
    return score

# Helper function for score_move: gets board at next step if agent drops piece in selected column
def drop_piece(grid, col, mark, config):
    next_grid = grid.copy()
    for row in range(config.rows-1, -1, -1):
        if next_grid[row][col] == 0:
    next_grid[row][col] = mark
    return next_grid

# Helper function for score_move: calculates value of heuristic for grid
def get_heuristic(grid, mark, config):
    num_threes = count_windows(grid, 3, mark, config)
    num_fours = count_windows(grid, 4, mark, config)
    num_threes_opp = count_windows(grid, 3, mark%2+1, config)
    score = num_threes - 1e2*num_threes_opp + 1e6*num_fours
    return score

# Helper function for get_heuristic: checks if window satisfies heuristic conditions
def check_window(window, num_discs, piece, config):
    return (window.count(piece) == num_discs and window.count(0) == config.inarow-num_discs)
# Helper function for get_heuristic: counts number of windows satisfying specified heuristic conditions
def count_windows(grid, num_discs, piece, config):
    num_windows = 0
    # horizontal
    for row in range(config.rows):
        for col in range(config.columns-(config.inarow-1)):
            window = list(grid[row, col:col+config.inarow])
            if check_window(window, num_discs, piece, config):
                num_windows += 1
    # vertical
    for row in range(config.rows-(config.inarow-1)):
        for col in range(config.columns):
            window = list(grid[row:row+config.inarow, col])
            if check_window(window, num_discs, piece, config):
                num_windows += 1
    # positive diagonal
    for row in range(config.rows-(config.inarow-1)):
        for col in range(config.columns-(config.inarow-1)):
            window = list(grid[range(row, row+config.inarow), range(col, col+config.inarow)])
            if check_window(window, num_discs, piece, config):
                num_windows += 1
    # negative diagonal
    for row in range(config.inarow-1, config.rows):
        for col in range(config.columns-(config.inarow-1)):
            window = list(grid[range(row, row-config.inarow, -1), range(col, col+config.inarow)])
            if check_window(window, num_discs, piece, config):
                num_windows += 1
    return num_windows


  • score_move(grid, col, mark, config):
  • drop_piece(grid, col, mark, config):
  • get_heuristic(grid, mark, config):
  • check_window(window, num_discs, piece, config):
  • count_windows(grid, num_discs, piece, config):


def agent(obs, config):
    # 有効な手のリストを取得
    valid_moves = [c for c in range(config.columns) if obs.board[c] == 0]
    # ボードを2Dグリッドに変換
    grid = np.asarray(obs.board).reshape(config.rows, config.columns)
    # 次のターンの各可能なボードにスコアを割り当てるためにヒューリスティックを使用
    scores = dict(zip(valid_moves, [score_move(grid, col, obs.mark, config) for col in valid_moves]))
    # ヒューリスティックを最大化する列(手)のリストを取得
    max_cols = [key for key in scores.keys() if scores[key] == max(scores.values())]
    # 最大化する列からランダムに選択
    return random.choice(max_cols)



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