
  • Satya Kishore@BSatyaKishore

    IoT Architect, Uhuru, Tokyo, Japan. Indian by birth, but doesn't care about human created borders.

  • Dr. Kiyoshi Ogawa@kaizen_nagoya

    I'm a network designer.I work on TOPPERS SmallestSetProfile Kernel,MISRA-C/C++, STARC RTL Design StyleGuide (Verilog-HDL), and HAZOP.I was an editor of ISO/IEC 15504.

  • @satour


  • Yuji Ueki@unhappychoice

    Languages: Ruby, Swift, Kotlin, Scala, TypeScript, etc... Full stack developer

  • 気が向いたら 書くかも@selious


  • @ayihis@github

    超絶見習い情報系学生. 僕みたいなLinuxと出会ったばっかりのような初心者がつまずく内容を備忘録的な感じで情報共有したいです

  • keisuke ohashi@soundTricker

    Google API、GSuite、GCP、Angular(1&2)、Google Apps Scriptらへんの人 一応Google Developer Expert(Apps Script)です。

  • @shin1ogawa

    Google Cloud Platform, Google App Engine, Google Apps API, Google Data API