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More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-05-10




$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle


$ rails g model sample name:text    #name=カラム名(text型)



$ docker-compose run web bundle exec rails new . --force --skip-bundle


$ docker-compose build --no-cache   


$ docker-compose run web rails new . --force --database=mysql


$ docker-compose exec web bundle exec rake db:drop     #削除
$ docker-compose exec web bundle exec rake db:create  #作成
$ docker-compose exec web bundle exec rake db:migrate #マイグレーション
$ docker-compose exec web bundle exec rake db:seed   #データ投入


$ docker-compose up -d


$ rm tmp/pids/server.pid



$ bundle exec unicorn_rails -E XXXXXXX -c config/unicorn/XXXXXX.rb -D


$ ps -ef | grep unicorn | grep -v grep



$ sudo systemctl start nginx.service


$ ps aux | grep nginx



$ bundle exec cap XXXXXXX deploy:upload      #環境名(ex: development)


$ bundle exec cap XXXXXXX deploy:check   #環境名(ex: development)


$ bundle exec cap XXXXXXX deploy        #環境名(ex: development)



$ ssh-keygen -t rsa


$ ssh -i XXXXX.pem ec2-user@XX.XX.XXX.XXX


$ ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/XXXX_key_rsa


$ scp XXXXXX.txt ユーザ名@サーバホスト名:/var/www/XXXXX/XXXX

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