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Using state in Jetpack Composeのcodelabで概念的な用語を拾うメモ

Last updated at Posted at 2021-11-03

Using state in Jetpack Compose



State in an application is any value that can change over time.

For example it may be a value stored in a Room database, a variable on a class, or even the current value read from an accelerometer.

例えばRoom databaseに保存される値やクラスにある変数。加速度計から読み取った今の値でさえstate。



Events notify a part of a program that something has happened.

For example, a user pressing a button will call a click event.


Unstructured state(構造化されていない状態)とは?

from: https://developer.android.com/codelabs/jetpack-compose-state#2

class HelloCodelabActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

   private lateinit var binding: ActivityHelloCodelabBinding
   var name = ""

   override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
       /* ... */
       binding.textInput.doAfterTextChanged {text ->
           name = text.toString()

   private fun updateHello() {
       binding.helloText.text = "Hello, $name"

Code like this does work, and for a small example like this it's fine. However, it tends to become hard to manage as the UI grows.


As you add more events and state to an Activity built like this several problems can arise:


Testing – since the state of the UI is interwoven with the Views it can be difficult to test this code.

テスト - このUIのStateがViewと密接に連携しているので、このコードをテストするのが困難。

Partial state updates – when the screen has many more events, it is easy to forget to update part of the state in response to an event. As a result the user may see an inconsistent or an incorrect UI.

部分的なStateの更新 - もっとたくさんのイベントをこの画面が持ったときに、イベントに対応するStateのアップデートを忘れやすい。結果的にユーザーは一貫性がないか間違ったUIを表示する。

Partial UI updates – since we're manually updating the UI after each state change, it's very easy to forget this sometimes. As a result the user may see stale data in their UI that randomly updates.

部分的なUIの更新 - 状態の変更後にUIを手動で更新するので、ときどきこれはとても忘れやすい。結果としてランダムに更新された古いデータをUIをユーザーが見ることになる可能性がある。

Code complexity – it's difficult to extract some of the logic when coding in this pattern. As a result, code has a tendency to become difficult to read and understand.

コードの複雑さ - このパターンでコーディングされた時のロジックの一部を抽出することが困難になる。そのため、コードが読みにくく理解しにくくなる傾向がある。

Unidirectional Data Flowとは

class HelloCodelabViewModel: ViewModel() {

   // LiveData holds state which is observed by the UI
   // (state flows down from ViewModel)
   private val _name = MutableLiveData("")
   val name: LiveData<String> = _name

   // onNameChanged is an event we're defining that the UI can invoke
   // (events flow up from UI)
   fun onNameChanged(newName: String) {
       _name.value = newName

class HelloCodeLabActivityWithViewModel : AppCompatActivity() {
   private val helloViewModel by viewModels<HelloCodelabViewModel>()

   override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
       /* ... */

       binding.textInput.doAfterTextChanged {

       helloViewModel.name.observe(this) { name ->
           binding.helloText.text = "Hello, $name"

https://developer.android.com/codelabs/jetpack-compose-state#2 より


Unidirectional data flow is a design where state flows down and events flow up. By structuring our code this way we gain a few advantages:

Unidirectional data flowはイベントは上に流れ、Stateが下に流れる設計。このようにコードを構成するといくつかのメリットが得られる。

Testability – by decoupling state from the UI that displays it, it's easier to test both the ViewModel and the Activity

テスト可能性 - 状態を表示するUIから、状態を引き離すことでViewModelとActivityをテストしやすくする。

State encapsulation – because state can only be updated in one place (the ViewModel), it's less likely that you'll introduce a partial state update bug as your UI grows

Stateのカプセル化 - Stateが一つの場所で更新される(今回のViewModel)ので、UIが成長しても状態更新のバグを起こしにくくなる。

UI consistency – all state updates are immediately reflected in the UI by the use of observable state holders

UIの一貫性 - 観測可能なState holderを使うことで、すべての状態は瞬時にUIに反映される。

State hoistingとはなにか?

State hoisting is a pattern of moving state up to make a component stateless.

State hostingは状態を上に動かしてcomponentをstatelessに変えるパターン。

When applied to composables, this often means introducing two parameters to the composable.
value: T – the current value to display
onValueChange: (T) -> Unit – an event that requests the value to change, where T is the proposed new value

value: T - 表示する今の値
onValueChange: (T) -> Unit - 値を変更を要求するイベント。ここではTは提案された新しい値。

Stateful composableとはなにか?

A stateful composable is a composable that owns a piece of state that it can change over time.



Recomposition is the process of running the same composables again to update the tree when their data changes


Side effectとは何か?

A side-effect is any change that's visible outside of a composable function.
Recomposing a composable should be side-effect free.
For example, updating state in a ViewModel, calling Random.nextInt(), or writing to a database are all side-effects.

Recomposeはside effectがないようにしなくてはいけない。

idempotent composableとはなにか? (idempotence = 冪等性)

An idempotent composable always produces the same result for the same inputs and has no side-effects on recomposition.

idempotent composableは常に同じinputに対して同じ結果になり、recomposition時にSide effectがない。

Composables should be idempotent to support recomposition.



Slots are parameters to a composable function that allow the caller to describe a section of the screen.


Declare a slot with a parameter of type @Composable () -> Unit.

slotは @Composable () -> Unit のパラメーターで表される。


次は A Compose state of mind を見ていくつもりです。 :eyes:


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