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- Sophie Moody@SophieMoody
I am a dedicated General Office Clerk with expertise in administrative tasks, including managing records, scheduling appointments, and providing excellent customer service.
- Rubystars Giyim@Rubystars
Rubystars ile şık ve kaliteli kadın giyim modellerimizle stilinizi tamamlayın! Kumaş kalitesi ve modern tasarımlarıyla kadın ceketlerimiz, kombinlerinizi tamamlayacak. hemen sepete ekleyin.
- Corey Miller@bmhtaxes
I am Corey Miller, a Certified Enrolled Agent and the business owner of BMH Accounting located in Florida, US. We provide accounting, payroll, and tax planning services.
- @n1sp
Javaを一番勉強したのにVB.Net、C#を仕事で使っているひよっ子エンジニア。(ほぼVB.Net) 日々の学習や業務でおきた問題等をアウトプットしていきます。
- Hệ thống gọi tự động Itele@Hethonggoitudong
Itele automated calling system offers a solution to exploit potential customers 10 times faster than telesale Tradition through real need
- @fexonpounds
- Top Vouchers Code@topvoucherscode
Top Vouchers Code contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.
- @sonesuke
最近はLLM / ChatGPT系を研究中。 データ分析・活用系プラットフォーム開発チームのリーダー/プログラミング/組織論/ビジネス系/金融工学/株式投資
- 11@raveny
- 敬一 森川@gdc-cto
グランドデザイン株式会社のCTOです。グランドデザインでは、主にAI周りを担当しています。 よろしくおねがいします!
- @Motchy_1204