このページ / About this page
このページはMini Pupperを動かそうの3/6ページです。
This is page 3 of How to get Mini Pupper walking.
工具 / Tools
In addition to the tools included in the kit, the following items are required for assembly
- プラスドライバー / Screwdriver
- 瞬間接着剤※ / Superglue
- ハンダごて※ / Soldering iron
- マスキングテープ※ / Masking tape
- M3ボルトを回す六角レンチ / Hex wrench for M3 bolt
※ 必須ではありません。トラブル時やより強度を求める場合に使用します。
※ These are not essential. Use in case of trouble or when more strength is required.
(更新情報: Kickstarter版に合わせました)
ボルト | 本数 | 使用箇所 |
M2x8mm | 4+4=8 | 中央パーツの組み立て, 後部の組み立て |
M3x8mm | 2+2=4 | 前面パーツの組み立て, 後部の組み立て |
M2x5mm | 8+4+8=20 | 底のプレートの組み立て, トップのプレートと支柱の組み立て, トッププレートの組み立て |
ボディフレームの組み立て / Assemble the body frame
前部の組み立て / Assemble front side
中央パーツの組み立て / Assemble center parts
Use four M2x8mm screws. It is useful to put masking tape on the cables during this process to make it easier later.
前面パーツの組み立て / Assemble front parts
Tighten the two M3x8mm screws with a screwdriver. The front part is designed to hold the LCD screen. Make sure you don't mistake it for the rear part.
後部の組み立て / Assemble rear side
The same procedure as for the front part.
底のプレートの組み立て / Assemble bottom plate
Use eight M2x5mm screws. The orientation of the plate must be such that the hole is at the front. There is a shallow groove on the plate where the battery claw fits. The plate must be mounted so that this groove faces upwards.
注意 / Caution
The bottom plate has a vertical orientation. When you fit the battery, the groove should be facing upwards.
トップのプレートと支柱の組み立て / mount supports on top plate
Use four M2x5mm screws and four short supports.
トッププレートの組み立て / Assemble the top plate
Use eight M2x5mm screws. The orientation of the plate must be such that the large opening is at the front.
トラブル時 / in trouble
ボールベアリングが抜けてしまう / Ball bearing comes loose
The ball bearings could come loose, so I fitted them with instant glue. Make sure you only apply the glue to the rim. There is no need to glue the ball bearings as there is no risk of them falling out due to their structure.
インサートナットがグルグル回る / Insert nut comes loose
When I was tightening the screw, the insert nut went round and I couldn't tighten it. The glue to insert nut is not strong enough, so I had to reinsert it with a soldering iron. The soldering iron should only touch the insert nut, and after a few seconds the parts around the nut will melt, and with a light pressure it will go in. Do it carefully.
次工程 / next step
次は【Mini Pupper 4】 機能コンポーネントの組み立て方です。
Next step is on 【Mini Pupper 4】 Function Component Assembly.
分からないことがあったらここにコメントを書くか、 #minipupper
If you have any questions, write a comment here or tweet it with #minipupper
and tech friends will be happy to help.
参考 / Reference
- でべさん の 「Mini Pupper」がやってきた!(1: make 編)
- でべさんの 組み立てツイート
- たいりょーくん の サーボレイアウトの写真