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Successfully built virtual environment on Mac M1! 

Last updated at Posted at 2023-03-26

■ Preface

A year ago (May 2022), I wrote the following article in which I described the great difficulty I had in trying to set up a virtual environment on a Mac M1.

The story of how I lost half a day trying to set up a virtual environment on a Mac M1. →

In the above article, I tried all environments except the paid version of Parallel Desktop, but as a result, I came to the conclusion that it was completely useless except for UTM.
However, after this article, while continuing to use UTM, I discovered various glitches.
I found many problems, such as the inability to copy and paste text between the host machine and the guest OS, not to mention the often-mentioned slowdown, and finally gave up using UTM after less than two weeks.

■ The Mac M1's reputation among Engineers for its virtualized environment

It is impossible to build a virtual environment on a Mac M1!
It is whispered secretly among engineers that "You can't build a virtual environment on a Mac M1!
It is fatal to engineers that they cannot build a virtual environment.
(For ordinary users who only use the Internet, e-mail, or MS Office, Mac M1 is still enough.)
I myself thought, "If I can't build a VM instance environment, how about a Docker environment?"
I tried to build a virtual environment with Docker Desktop and Rancher Desktop, but as a conclusion, it was not possible.
(Various errors occurred, and neither Docker Desktop nor Rancher Desktop can be used in the Mac M1 environment.)
Therefore, when I built a virtual instance environment or a Docker environment, I built and operated it on cloud services such as AWS or GCP. (However, this is a hassle and costly.)

■ A virtualization framework called OrbStack

Just a few days ago (March 24, 2023), a Beta version of a framework called OrbStack was released worldwide, and since it is a Beta version, it is free to use. You can read about the background and overview in this article.

■ Verification of OrbStack 
In conclusion, it works! (Excellent!)
You can download it from the official site below.
There are frameworks for Apple Silcon and Intel, so choose the former.

The following is the proof document. In case you are wondering, I installed OpenJDK17 as a trial, and it can be installed just like normal Linux installation.
It is done properly. Impressed!

user_X@ubuntutest:/Users/user_X/OrbStack/ubuntu_test$ uname
user_X@ubuntutest:/Users/user_X/OrbStack/ubuntu_test$ ls
Applications Users boot home mnt proc sbin tmp
Library Volumes dev lib opt root srv usr
System bin etc media private run sys var
user_X@ubuntutest:/Users/user_X/OrbStack/ubuntu_test$ java -version
openjdk version "17.0.6" 2023-01-17
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.6+10-Ubuntu-0ubuntu122.10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.6+10-Ubuntu-0ubuntu122.10, mixed mode, sharing)
user_X@ubuntutest:/Users/user_X/OrbStack/ubuntu_test$ uname

■ Finally
After a little use, it looks perfect.
However, since it is a Beta version, it is expected to be paid for eventually.


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