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Data preparation for deep learning: images to a .npy file

Last updated at Posted at 2019-02-05

You will need a lot of images (possibly >10,000) to perform deep learning, and loading those images can take a long time (possibly >1 min). Particularly when you want to make changes to your model over and over, image loading time cannot be negligible. Here, I will introduce how to convert images to a .npy file which will not only reduce the loading time but also memory space and data transfer time when you want to copy the image data to somewhere else.


It doesn't have to be PIL as long as you can load image files.

import os
import time  # only if you want to track the processing time
import numpy as np  # for matrix manipulation
from PIL import Image  # for loading image files
from multiprocessing import Pool  # if you want to leverage multi-core cpu(s)
import glob # this is for listing all the files in a folder

File location

By setting up a "base path" in the beginning, it gets easier to find/make (new) folders under the same directory because you can always start with base_path + "new_location".

base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
base_path = 'G:\Image data' + base_path[13:]
files = os.scandir(base_path) # scan files in the directory

Defining new functions

Defining following functions makes your code shorter and easy to understand.

Function for loading image file

Here you can include codes for image preprocessing and image augmentation. Following example shows how to make sure all the image are in the same size, which is important in convolutional neural network.

def imload(filename):
    im = Image.open(filename)  # load an image file
    imarray = np.array(im)  # convert it to a matrix
    # image augmentation / preprocessing from here
    # Following example shows how to make all the image into the same size.
    W = min(imarray.shape)  # find the smallest dimension of the image
    if W<190:  # I want to make them 190 x 190
        edgeL = imarray[:,0:190-W]
        edgeR = imarray[:,2*W-190-1:-1]
        if np.std(edgeL) < np.std(edgeR):
            imarray = np.concatenate((np.flip(edgeL,axis=1),imarray),axis=1)
            imarray = np.concatenate((imarray, np.flip(edgeR,axis=1)),axis=1)
    # If the image is larger than 190 x 190, it will be trimmed here.
    imarray = imarray[0:190, 0:190] 
    return imarray

Function for multi processing

def multi_process(sampleList):
    # number of processors
    p = Pool(24)  # indicate how many threads you are going to use
    # use starmap if you need more than 2 input variables for imload like:
    # output = p.starmap(imload, sampleList, var) 
    output = p.map(imload, sampleList)
    return output

Convert image to npy

Please note that the multiprocessing part cannot be processed in ipython, meaning that you have to run everything as one script instead of line by line.

start = time.time()  # start measuring time
if __name__ == '__main__':
    __spec__ = None
    # list up file names end with ".tif"
    fnamelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, '*.tif'))

    # input file name list to multiprocessing function
    blob = multi_process(fnamelist)
    # You will get a matrix with 190 x 190 x number_of_images dimensions

    # determine a new name for an npy file
    img_conv_name = 'imgarray_' + cellname + '_' + concnames + '.npy'
    img_conv_name = os.path.join(newloc[fldrlayer],img_conv_name)

    # stretching each image into a 1D array, and adding index and label at the end of the array
    ind = np.reshape(np.arange(1, len(blob)+1), (-1, 1))
    blob_nparray = np.reshape(np.asarray(blob), (len(blob), blob[1].size))
    blob_nparray = np.hstack((blob_nparray, ind, conc * np.ones((len(blob), 1))))

    # change data type from float64 to float32
    blob_nparray = np.asarray(blob_nparray, dtype=np.float32)

    # save this as .npy file
    np.save(img_conv_name, blob_nparray)

    elapsed = time.time() - start  # stop the stopwatch
    print('Time elapsed: {:10.1f} \nFile saved: '.format(elapsed) + img_conv_name)

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