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Last updated at Posted at 2022-02-26


  • 今回はKerasでLSTMを用いた多クラス分類を実装してみます。livedoorニュースコーパスの多クラス分類を行ってみました。


# Livedoorニュースのファイルをダウンロード&解凍
! wget "https://www.rondhuit.com/download/ldcc-20140209.tar.gz"
!tar -zxvf ldcc-20140209.tar.gz

# tsvファイルの作成
!echo -e "filename\tarticle"$(for category in $(basename -a `find ./text -type d` | grep -v text | sort); do echo -n "\t"; echo -n $category; done) > ./text/livedoor.tsv
!for filename in `basename -a ./text/dokujo-tsushin/dokujo-tsushin-*`; do echo -n "$filename"; echo -ne "\t"; echo -n `sed -e '1,3d' ./text/dokujo-tsushin/$filename`; echo -e "\t1\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"; done >> ./text/livedoor.tsv
!for filename in `basename -a ./text/it-life-hack/it-life-hack-*`; do echo -n "$filename"; echo -ne "\t"; echo -n `sed -e '1,3d' ./text/it-life-hack/$filename`; echo -e "\t0\t1\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"; done >> ./text/livedoor.tsv
!for filename in `basename -a ./text/kaden-channel/kaden-channel-*`; do echo -n "$filename"; echo -ne "\t"; echo -n `sed -e '1,3d' ./text/kaden-channel/$filename`; echo -e "\t0\t0\t1\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"; done >> ./text/livedoor.tsv
!for filename in `basename -a ./text/livedoor-homme/livedoor-homme-*`; do echo -n "$filename"; echo -ne "\t"; echo -n `sed -e '1,3d' ./text/livedoor-homme/$filename`; echo -e "\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"; done >> ./text/livedoor.tsv
!for filename in `basename -a ./text/movie-enter/movie-enter-*`; do echo -n "$filename"; echo -ne "\t"; echo -n `sed -e '1,3d' ./text/movie-enter/$filename`; echo -e "\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0\t0\t0\t0"; done >> ./text/livedoor.tsv
!for filename in `basename -a ./text/peachy/peachy-*`; do echo -n "$filename"; echo -ne "\t"; echo -n `sed -e '1,3d' ./text/peachy/$filename`; echo -e "\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0\t0\t0"; done >> ./text/livedoor.tsv
!for filename in `basename -a ./text/smax/smax-*`; do echo -n "$filename"; echo -ne "\t"; echo -n `sed -e '1,3d' ./text/smax/$filename`; echo -e "\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0\t0"; done >> ./text/livedoor.tsv
!for filename in `basename -a ./text/sports-watch/sports-watch-*`; do echo -n "$filename"; echo -ne "\t"; echo -n `sed -e '1,3d' ./text/sports-watch/$filename`; echo -e "\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0"; done >> ./text/livedoor.tsv
!for filename in `basename -a ./text/topic-news/topic-news-*`; do echo -n "$filename"; echo -ne "\t"; echo -n `sed -e '1,3d' ./text/topic-news/$filename`; echo -e "\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1"; done >> ./text/livedoor.tsv
  • 作成したtsvファイルをpandasで読み込みます。下記画像のように、クリーニングした記事の内容とニュースカテゴリのone-hot表現を持ったDataFrameが作成できます。
import pandas as pd 
df = pd.read_csv('text/livedoor.tsv', sep='\t')


  • 正解ラベルのone-hotベクトルの作成
# 正解ラベルのone-hotベクトルの作成
df2 = df.copy()
df2 = df2[['dokujo-tsushin', 'it-life-hack',
       'kaden-channel', 'livedoor-homme', 'movie-enter', 'peachy', 'smax',
       'sports-watch', 'topic-news']]

df['one-hot'] = ''
for index, rows in df2.iterrows():
    df['one-hot'].iloc[index] = list(rows)


import re, unicodedata

class CleaningData:
    def __init__(self, df, target_column):
        self.df = df
        self.target_column = target_column

    def cleaning(self):
        self.df[self.target_column] = self.df[self.target_column].map(self.remove_extra_spaces)
        self.df[self.target_column] = self.df[self.target_column].map(self.normalize_neologd)

        # クリーニングの過程でtextが空になった行を削除
        self.df = self.df[self.df[self.target_column] != '']
        self.df = self.df[self.df[self.target_column] != '']
        self.df = self.df.reset_index()
        return self.df

    def unicode_normalize(self, cls, s):
        pt = re.compile('([{}]+)'.format(cls))

        def norm(c):
            return unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', c) if pt.match(c) else c

        s = ''.join(norm(x) for x in re.split(pt, s))
        s = re.sub('', '-', s)
        return s

    def remove_extra_spaces(self, s):
        s = re.sub('[  ]+', ' ', s)
        blocks = ''.join(('\u4E00-\u9FFF',  # CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPHS
                          '\u3040-\u309F',  # HIRAGANA
                          '\u30A0-\u30FF',  # KATAKANA
                          '\u3000-\u303F',  # CJK SYMBOLS AND PUNCTUATION
                          '\uFF00-\uFFEF'   # HALFWIDTH AND FULLWIDTH FORMS
        basic_latin = '\u0000-\u007F'

        def remove_space_between(cls1, cls2, s):
            p = re.compile('([{}]) ([{}])'.format(cls1, cls2))
            while p.search(s):
                s = p.sub(r'\1\2', s)
            return s

        s = remove_space_between(blocks, blocks, s)
        s = remove_space_between(blocks, basic_latin, s)
        s = remove_space_between(basic_latin, blocks, s)
        return s

    def normalize_neologd(self, s):
        s = s.strip()
        s = self.unicode_normalize('0-9A-Za-z。-゚', s)

        def maketrans(f, t):
            return {ord(x): ord(y) for x, y in zip(f, t)}

        s = re.sub('[˗֊‐‑‒–⁃⁻₋−]+', '-', s)  # normalize hyphens
        s = re.sub('[﹣-ー—―─━ー]+', '', s)  # normalize choonpus
        s = re.sub('[~∼∾〜〰~]', '', s)  # remove tildes
        s = s.translate(

        s = self.remove_extra_spaces(s)
        s = self.unicode_normalize('!”#$%&’()*+,-./:;<>?@[¥]^_`{|}〜', s)  # keep =,・,「,」
        s = re.sub('[’]', '\'', s)
        s = re.sub('[”]', '"', s)
        return s

    def remove_symbols(self, text):
        text = re.sub(r'[◎, 〇, △, ▲, ×, ◇, □]', '', text)
        return text
  • クリーニングの実行
cd = CleaningData(df, 'article')
df = cd.cleaning()


  • 形態素分析ライブラリーMeCab と 辞書(mecab-ipadic-NEologd)のインストール
!apt-get -q -y install sudo file mecab libmecab-dev mecab-ipadic-utf8 git curl python-mecab
!git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/neologd/mecab-ipadic-neologd.git
!echo yes | mecab-ipadic-neologd/bin/install-mecab-ipadic-neologd -n
!pip install mecab-python3
!ln -s /etc/mecabrc /usr/local/etc/mecabrc
  • 形態素解析クラスの定義
import MeCab

class Wakati:
    """ 形態素解析クラス """
    # クラス変数
    MECAB_PATH = "-d /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mecab/dic/mecab-ipadic-neologd"

    def __init__(self, df, target_column):
        self.df = df
        self.target_column = target_column

    def wakati_document(self):
        self.df[self.target_column] = self.df[self.target_column].map(self.wakati_sentence)
        return self.df

    def wakati_sentence(self, text):
        tagger = MeCab.Tagger(Wakati.MECAB_PATH)
        words = []
        for c in tagger.parse(text).splitlines()[:-1]:
                surface, feature = c.split('\t')
            pos = feature.split(',')[0]
        return ' '.join(words)
  • 形態素解析の実行
w = Wakati(df, 'article')
df = w.wakati_document()


  • 日本語のままでは学習できないので、KerasのTokenizerクラスを用いて単語をベクトル化します。
  • 入力する文書の長さを揃える為、各文書の単語数がmax_lenに及ばないものはpad_sequencesにて0埋めしています。
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from tensorflow import keras

class TensorFlowTokenizer:
    """ 単語にIDを振り、文章をベクトル化するクラス """
    def __init__(self, df, maxlen):
        self.df = df
        self.maxlen = maxlen

    def tokenizer(self):
        self.X_train, self.word_to_index, self.index_to_word = self.tokenize_column(list(self.df['article']))
        return self.X_train, self.word_to_index, self.index_to_word
    def tokenize_column(self, text_list):
        ''' 単語を数値に変換し、データ長を合わせるメソッド '''
        keras_tokenizer = Tokenizer()

        word_to_index = keras_tokenizer.word_index
        index_to_word = {}
        for word, index in word_to_index.items():
            index_to_word[index] = word

        # 文章を数値に変換
        text_vector = keras_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(text_list)
        X_train = keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(text_vector, maxlen=self.maxlen)

        return X_train, word_to_index, index_to_word
  • 分かち書きした文書のベクトル化
    • 今回は各文書の長さを500に固定しました。
tft = TensorFlowTokenizer(df, 500)
X, word_to_index, index_to_word = tft.tokenizer()


  • scikit-learnのtrain_test_splitを用いて訓練データ、テストデータ、検証データに分割します。
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

y = np.array(list(df['one-hot']))
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=100, stratify=y)
X_test, X_valid, y_test, y_valid = train_test_split(X_test, y_test, test_size=0.5, random_state=100, stratify=y_test)


from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import LSTM, Dense, Embedding, Dropout

vocabulary_size = len(word_to_index) + 1 

model = Sequential()

model.add(Embedding(input_dim=vocabulary_size, output_dim=256, input_length=500))
model.add(LSTM(128, return_sequences=False))
model.add(Dense(9, activation='softmax'))

model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])


Model: "sequential_24"
 Layer (type)                Output Shape              Param #   
 embedding_24 (Embedding)    (None, 500, 256)          25054464  
 lstm_24 (LSTM)              (None, 128)               197120    
 dropout_11 (Dropout)        (None, 128)               0         
 dense_20 (Dense)            (None, 9)                 1161      
Total params: 25,252,745
Trainable params: 25,252,745
Non-trainable params: 0


from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
callbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss',
                           patience=5, # ここで指定したエポック数の間改善がないと停止

history = model.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=30, batch_size=32, validation_data=(X_valid, y_valid), callbacks=callbacks)


  • 各ラベルに対する評価値は以下の通り。accuracyは92%でした。
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

y_pred =  model.predict(X_test)
print(classification_report(np.argmax(y_test, axis=1), np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)))

      precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.99      0.80      0.89        87
           1       0.96      0.99      0.97        87
           2       0.97      0.95      0.96        87
           3       0.79      0.80      0.80        51
           4       0.88      0.97      0.92        87
           5       0.84      0.88      0.86        84
           6       1.00      0.99      0.99        87
           7       0.89      0.98      0.93        90
           8       0.99      0.88      0.93        77

    accuracy                           0.92       737
   macro avg       0.92      0.92      0.92       737
weighted avg       0.93      0.92      0.92       737
  • 混同行列はこんな感じでした、少しラベル3のデータが少なかったかも。学習データの偏りをなくせばもう少しよくなりそうですね。
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

sns.heatmap(confusion_matrix(np.argmax(y_test, axis=1), np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)), annot=True)




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