LLM(Large Language Model) Advent Calendar 2024
Small-scale proxies for large-scale Transformer training instabilities
Mitchell Wortsman, Peter J. Liu, Lechao Xiao, Katie Everett, Alex Alemi, Ben Adlam, John D. Co-Reyes, Izzeddin Gur, Abhishek Kumar, Roman Novak, Jeffrey Pennington, Jascha Sohl-dickstein, Kelvin Xu, Jaehoon Lee, Justin Gilmer, Simon Kornblith
This article is not completed. I will add some words and/or centences in order.
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[12] Tim Dettmers, Mike Lewis, Younes Belkada, and Luke Zettlemoyer. Llm. int8 (): 8-bit matrix mul- tiplication for transformers at scale. arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.07339, 2022.
[13] Emily Dinan, Sho Yaida, and Susan Zhang. Effective theory of transformers at initialization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.02034, 2023.
[14] Alexey Dosovitskiy, Lucas Beyer, Alexander Kolesnikov, Dirk Weissenborn, Xiaohua Zhai, Thomas Unterthiner, Mostafa Dehghani, Matthias Minderer, Georg Heigold, Sylvain Gelly, Jakob Uszko- reit, and Neil Houlsby. An image is worth 16x16 words: Transformers for image recognition at scale. In International Conference on Learning Representa- tions (ICLR), 2021. https://arxiv.org/abs/2010. 11929.
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[16] Justin Gilmer, Andrea Schioppa, and Jeremy Co- hen. Intriguing properties of transformer training instabilities. To appear.
[17] Justin Gilmer, Behrooz Ghorbani, Ankush Garg, Sneha Kudugunta, Behnam Neyshabur, David Car- doze, George Dahl, Zachary Nado, and Orhan Firat. A loss curvature perspective on training instability in deep learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.04369, 2021.
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[20] Jonathan Heek, Anselm Levskaya, Avital Oliver, Mar- vin Ritter, Bertrand Rondepierre, Andreas Steiner, and Marc van Zee. Flax: A neural network li- brary and ecosystem for JAX, 2023. URL http: //github.com/google/flax.
[21] Dan Hendrycks and Kevin Gimpel. Gaussian error linear units (gelus). arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.08415, 2016.
[22] Jordan Hoffmann, Sebastian Borgeaud, Arthur Men- sch, Elena Buchatskaya, Trevor Cai, Eliza Ruther- ford, Diego de Las Casas, Lisa Anne Hendricks, Jo- hannes Welbl, Aidan Clark, et al. Training compute- optimal large language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.15556, 2022.
[23] Weizhe Hua, Zihang Dai, Hanxiao Liu, and Quoc Le. Transformer quality in linear time. In International Conference on Machine Learning, pages 9099–9117. PMLR, 2022.
[24] Maor Ivgi, Oliver Hinder, and Yair Carmon. Dog is sgd’s best friend: A parameter-free dynamic step size schedule. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.12022, 2023.
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[29] Jaehoon Lee. A random walk model of transformer parameter growth, 2023.
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[31] Peter J. Liu*, Mohammad Saleh*, Etienne Pot, Ben Goodrich, Ryan Sepassi, Lukasz Kaiser, and Noam Shazeer. Generating wikipedia by summarizing long sequences. In International Conference on Learning Representations, 2018. URL https://openreview. net/forum?id=Hyg0vbWC-.
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[35] Igor Molybog, Peter Albert, Moya Chen, Zachary DeVito, David Esiobu, Naman Goyal, Punit Singh Koura, Sharan Narang, Andrew Poulton, Ruan Silva, et al. A theory on adam instability in large-scale machine learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.09871, 2023.
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[39] Colin Raffel, Noam Shazeer, Adam Roberts, Kather- ine Lee, Sharan Narang, Michael Matena, Yanqi Zhou, Wei Li, and Peter J. Liu. Exploring the limits of transfer learning with a unified text-to-text trans- former. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2020. http://jmlr.org/papers/v21/20-074.html.
[40] Colin Raffel, Noam Shazeer, Adam Roberts, Kather- ine Lee, Sharan Narang, Michael Matena, Yanqi Zhou, Wei Li, and Peter J. Liu. Exploring the limits of trans- fer learning with a unified text-to-text transformer. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 21(140):1–67, 2020. URL http://jmlr.org/papers/v21/20-074. html.
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[46] Mitchell Wortsman, Jaehoon Lee, Justin Gilmer, and Simon Kornblith. Replacing softmax with relu in vision transformers.
[47] MitchellWortsman,TimDettmers,LukeZettlemoyer, Ari Morcos, Ali Farhadi, and Ludwig Schmidt. Sta- ble and low-precision training for large-scale vision- language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.13013, 2023.
[48] Sho Yaida. Meta-principled family of hyperparameter scaling strategies. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.04909, 2022.
[49] Greg Yang and Edward J Hu. Tensor programs iv: Feature learning in infinite-width neural networks. In International Conference on Machine Learning, pages 11727–11737. PMLR, 2021.
[50] Greg Yang, Edward J Hu, Igor Babuschkin, Szymon Sidor, Xiaodong Liu, David Farhi, Nick Ryder, Jakub Pachocki, Weizhu Chen, and Jianfeng Gao. Ten- sor programs v: Tuning large neural networks via zero-shot hyperparameter transfer. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.03466, 2022.
[51] Shuangfei Zhai, Tatiana Likhomanenko, Etai Littwin, Dan Busbridge, Jason Ramapuram, Yizhe Zhang, Jiatao Gu, and Josh Susskind. Stabilizing trans- former training by preventing attention entropy col- lapse. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.06296, 2023.
[52] Xiaohua Zhai, Basil Mustafa, Alexander Kolesnikov, and Lucas Beyer. Sigmoid loss for language image pre-training. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.15343, 2023.
[53] Susan Zhang, Stephen Roller, Naman Goyal, Mikel Artetxe, Moya Chen, Shuohui Chen, Christopher Dewan, Mona Diab, Xian Li, Xi Victoria Lin, et al. Opt: Open pre-trained transformer language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.01068, 2022.
term list
no. | term | count |
1 | the | 471 |
2 | e | 231 |
3 | and | 225 |
4 | of | 204 |
5 | in | 180 |
6 | to | 151 |
7 | we | 142 |
8 | lr | 129 |
9 | learning | 117 |
10 | for | 115 |
11 | a | 110 |
12 | loss | 106 |
13 | is | 101 |
14 | n | 99 |
15 | rate | 88 |
16 | this | 88 |
17 | with | 83 |
18 | figure | 75 |
19 | that | 68 |
20 | at | 67 |
21 | sensitivity | 67 |
22 | as | 64 |
23 | scaling | 64 |
24 | model | 61 |
25 | arxiv | 59 |
26 | on | 59 |
27 | when | 57 |
28 | attention | 55 |
29 | by | 54 |
30 | layernorm | 53 |
31 | training | 48 |
32 | rms | 47 |
33 | scale | 45 |
34 | instability | 43 |
35 | models | 43 |
36 | al | 42 |
37 | et | 41 |
38 | qk | 40 |
39 | are | 39 |
40 | which | 39 |
41 | not | 38 |
42 | logit | 37 |
43 | section | 37 |
44 | decay | 36 |
45 | use | 35 |
46 | final | 34 |
47 | parameters | 32 |
48 | growth | 31 |
49 | param | 31 |
50 | from | 30 |
51 | layers | 30 |
52 | transformer | 30 |
53 | large | 29 |
54 | gradient | 28 |
55 | number | 28 |
56 | an | 27 |
57 | preprint | 27 |
58 | weight | 25 |
59 | eval | 24 |
60 | max | 24 |
61 | step | 24 |
62 | without | 24 |
63 | instabilities | 23 |
64 | z | 23 |
65 | be | 22 |
66 | default | 22 |
67 | small | 22 |
68 | output | 21 |
69 | effect | 20 |
70 | it | 20 |
71 | layer | 20 |
72 | or | 20 |
73 | our | 20 |
74 | have | 19 |
75 | logits | 19 |
76 | test | 19 |
77 | up | 19 |
78 | vs | 19 |
79 | appendix | 18 |
80 | dim | 18 |
81 | rates | 18 |
82 | where | 18 |
83 | across | 17 |
84 | also | 17 |
85 | head | 17 |
86 | num | 17 |
87 | size | 17 |
88 | b | 16 |
89 | can | 16 |
90 | grad | 16 |
91 | neural | 16 |
92 | parameter | 16 |
93 | width | 16 |
94 | adamw | 15 |
95 | depth | 15 |
96 | divergence | 15 |
97 | first | 15 |
98 | has | 15 |
99 | more | 15 |
100 | params | 15 |
101 | scales | 15 |
102 | steps | 15 |
103 | update | 15 |
104 | x | 15 |
105 | curves | 14 |
106 | does | 14 |
107 | experiment | 14 |
108 | no | 14 |
109 | other | 14 |
110 | stability | 14 |
111 | transformers | 14 |
112 | block | 13 |
113 | dh | 13 |
114 | optimal | 13 |
115 | p | 13 |
116 | two | 13 |
117 | useful | 13 |
118 | warm | 13 |
119 | batch | 12 |
120 | change | 12 |
121 | conference | 12 |
122 | high | 12 |
123 | i | 12 |
124 | interventions | 12 |
125 | j | 12 |
126 | largest | 12 |
127 | m | 12 |
128 | optimizer | 12 |
129 | refer | 12 |
130 | characteristics | 11 |
131 | fan | 11 |
132 | h | 11 |
133 | hyperparameter | 11 |
134 | illustrated | 11 |
135 | independent | 11 |
136 | liu | 11 |
137 | magnitude | 11 |
138 | mean | 11 |
139 | root | 11 |
140 | self | 11 |
141 | simple | 11 |
142 | will | 11 |
143 | work | 11 |
144 | adaptive | 10 |
145 | additional | 10 |
146 | before | 10 |
147 | changes | 10 |
148 | d | 10 |
149 | different | 10 |
150 | increases | 10 |
151 | international | 10 |
152 | language | 10 |
153 | occurs | 10 |
154 | results | 10 |
155 | spikes | 10 |
156 | study | 10 |
157 | their | 10 |
158 | there | 10 |
159 | these | 10 |
160 | trends | 10 |
161 | using | 10 |
162 | behavior | 9 |
163 | dimension | 9 |
164 | do | 9 |
165 | https | 9 |
166 | if | 9 |
167 | increasing | 9 |
168 | information | 9 |
169 | larger | 9 |
170 | mlp | 9 |
171 | norm | 9 |
172 | predict | 9 |
173 | so | 9 |
174 | square | 9 |
175 | url | 9 |
176 | value | 9 |
177 | was | 9 |
178 | while | 9 |
179 | yang | 9 |
180 | adam | 8 |
181 | between | 8 |
182 | but | 8 |
183 | data | 8 |
184 | dehghani | 8 |
185 | examine | 8 |
186 | experiments | 8 |
187 | gilmer | 8 |
188 | however | 8 |
189 | known | 8 |
190 | lee | 8 |
191 | networks | 8 |
192 | observed | 8 |
193 | only | 8 |
194 | org | 8 |
195 | pages | 8 |
196 | peter | 8 |
197 | range | 8 |
198 | such | 8 |
199 | then | 8 |
200 | via | 8 |
201 | warmup | 8 |
202 | because | 7 |
203 | both | 7 |
204 | c | 7 |
205 | cases | 7 |
206 | cohen | 7 |
207 | david | 7 |
208 | deviation | 7 |
209 | edge | 7 |
210 | find | 7 |
211 | flax | 7 |
212 | g | 7 |
213 | 7 | |
214 | how | 7 |
215 | http | 7 |
216 | increase | 7 |
217 | infrastructure | 7 |
218 | instead | 7 |
219 | jax | 7 |
220 | justin | 7 |
221 | let | 7 |
222 | linear | 7 |
223 | measuring | 7 |
224 | mitchell | 7 |
225 | mitigation | 7 |
226 | need | 7 |
227 | network | 7 |
228 | orders | 7 |
229 | paper | 7 |
230 | per | 7 |
231 | previously | 7 |
232 | reduces | 7 |
233 | related | 7 |
234 | reported | 7 |
235 | than | 7 |
236 | three | 7 |
237 | trained | 7 |
238 | v | 7 |
239 | values | 7 |
240 | weights | 7 |
241 | whether | 7 |
242 | zhai | 7 |
243 | base | 6 |
244 | believe | 6 |
245 | changing | 6 |
246 | chen | 6 |
247 | com | 6 |
248 | contributed | 6 |
249 | denote | 6 |
250 | descent | 6 |
251 | described | 6 |
252 | diverged | 6 |
253 | during | 6 |
254 | embedding | 6 |
255 | hutter | 6 |
256 | ii | 6 |
257 | instance | 6 |
258 | issue | 6 |
259 | li | 6 |
260 | log | 6 |
261 | loshchilov | 6 |
262 | machine | 6 |
263 | meaning | 6 |
264 | new | 6 |
265 | norms | 6 |
266 | now | 6 |
267 | over | 6 |
268 | predicted | 6 |
269 | prediction | 6 |
270 | previous | 6 |
271 | process | 6 |
272 | progressive | 6 |
273 | question | 6 |
274 | relationship | 6 |
275 | required | 6 |
276 | research | 6 |
277 | result | 6 |
278 | set | 6 |
279 | sharpening | 6 |
280 | shazeer | 6 |
281 | shown | 6 |
282 | similar | 6 |
283 | softmax | 6 |
284 | stabilization | 6 |
285 | standard | 6 |
286 | text | 6 |
287 | they | 6 |
288 | too | 6 |
289 | train | 6 |
290 | zero | 6 |
291 | become | 5 |
292 | becomes | 5 |
293 | been | 5 |
294 | best | 5 |
295 | chowdhery | 5 |
296 | coefficient | 5 |
297 | collapse | 5 |
298 | compute | 5 |
299 | curvature | 5 |
300 | details | 5 |
301 | ei | 5 |
302 | empirical | 5 |
303 | experimental | 5 |
304 | factor | 5 |
305 | figures | 5 |
306 | full | 5 |
307 | george | 5 |
308 | github | 5 |
309 | independently | 5 |
310 | initialization | 5 |
311 | intervention | 5 |
312 | jaehoon | 5 |
313 | key | 5 |
314 | keys | 5 |
315 | longer | 5 |
316 | lower | 5 |
317 | may | 5 |
318 | measure | 5 |
319 | metric | 5 |
320 | noam | 5 |
321 | performance | 5 |
322 | plot | 5 |
323 | probabilities | 5 |
324 | processing | 5 |
325 | proposed | 5 |
326 | query | 5 |
327 | recommended | 5 |
328 | s | 5 |
329 | schedule | 5 |
330 | sequence | 5 |
331 | shrink | 5 |
332 | smaller | 5 |
333 | stable | 5 |
334 | studied | 5 |
335 | technical | 5 |
336 | unscaled | 5 |
337 | used | 5 |
338 | variant | 5 |
339 | vision | 5 |
340 | widthscaling | 5 |
341 | writing | 5 |
342 | zhang | 5 |
343 | abs | 4 |
344 | alex | 4 |
345 | all | 4 |
346 | analysis | 4 |
347 | appear | 4 |
348 | based | 4 |
349 | better | 4 |
350 | case | 4 |
351 | constant | 4 |
352 | deepmind | 4 |
353 | discussed | 4 |
354 | due | 4 |
355 | each | 4 |
356 | effective | 4 |
357 | employed | 4 |
358 | examining | 4 |
359 | example | 4 |
360 | fast | 4 |
361 | finally | 4 |
362 | fit | 4 |
363 | focus | 4 |
364 | function | 4 |
365 | hu | 4 |
366 | hyperparameters | 4 |
367 | iii | 4 |
368 | image | 4 |
369 | important | 4 |
370 | initialize | 4 |
371 | input | 4 |
372 | james | 4 |
373 | jeffrey | 4 |
374 | john | 4 |
375 | led | 4 |
376 | length | 4 |
377 | methods | 4 |
378 | minimum | 4 |
379 | moreover | 4 |
380 | narang | 4 |
381 | one | 4 |
382 | practice | 4 |
383 | pre | 4 |
384 | predicting | 4 |
385 | primarily | 4 |
386 | proceedings | 4 |
387 | project | 4 |
388 | queries | 4 |
389 | regime | 4 |
390 | representations | 4 |
391 | reproduce | 4 |
392 | same | 4 |
393 | scaled | 4 |
394 | see | 4 |
395 | shape | 4 |
396 | sharan | 4 |
397 | shift | 4 |
398 | show | 4 |
399 | simon | 4 |
400 | sizes | 4 |
401 | stabilizing | 4 |
402 | techniques | 4 |
403 | throughout | 4 |
404 | tokens | 4 |
405 | trueqk | 4 |
406 | unstable | 4 |
407 | validation | 4 |
408 | wortsman | 4 |
409 | would | 4 |
410 | xj | 4 |
411 | zk | 4 |
412 | above | 3 |
413 | access | 3 |
414 | activation | 3 |
415 | add | 3 |
416 | advances | 3 |
417 | affect | 3 |
418 | aidan | 3 |
419 | aims | 3 |
420 | alleviate | 3 |
421 | although | 3 |
422 | appears | 3 |
423 | applying | 3 |
424 | around | 3 |
425 | averaged | 3 |
426 | ben | 3 |
427 | bias | 3 |
428 | billion | 3 |
429 | causes | 3 |
430 | colin | 3 |
431 | common | 3 |
432 | computer | 3 |
433 | computing | 3 |
434 | conducted | 3 |
435 | connections | 3 |
436 | consistent | 3 |
437 | contains | 3 |
438 | contrast | 3 |
439 | cosine | 3 |
440 | could | 3 |
441 | dahl | 3 |
442 | decrease | 3 |
443 | decreasing | 3 |
444 | deep | 3 |
445 | depthdim | 3 |
446 | dettmers | 3 |
447 | direction | 3 |
448 | discussion | 3 |
449 | dynamics | 3 |
450 | element | 3 |
451 | end | 3 |
452 | exceeds | 3 |
453 | experimentation | 3 |
454 | far | 3 |
455 | faster | 3 |
456 | feature | 3 |
457 | features | 3 |
458 | following | 3 |
459 | framing | 3 |
460 | free | 3 |
461 | gradually | 3 |
462 | grain | 3 |
463 | hand | 3 |
464 | he | 3 |
465 | here | 3 |
466 | iccv | 3 |
467 | iclr | 3 |
468 | igor | 3 |
469 | ilya | 3 |
470 | improve | 3 |
471 | improvement | 3 |
472 | indicate | 3 |
473 | intermediate | 3 |
474 | into | 3 |
475 | inverse | 3 |
476 | investigate | 3 |
477 | investigation | 3 |
478 | issues | 3 |
479 | its | 3 |
480 | jeremy | 3 |
481 | jmlr | 3 |
482 | jonathan | 3 |
483 | k | 3 |
484 | kernel | 3 |
485 | kornblith | 3 |
486 | last | 3 |
487 | lead | 3 |
488 | left | 3 |
489 | long | 3 |
490 | lrs | 3 |
491 | maximum | 3 |
492 | meaningfully | 3 |
493 | measures | 3 |
494 | michael | 3 |
495 | most | 3 |
496 | naman | 3 |
497 | next | 3 |
498 | nm | 3 |
499 | noah | 3 |
500 | normalization | 3 |
501 | observation | 3 |
502 | observe | 3 |
503 | optimizers | 3 |
504 | orbax | 3 |
505 | papers | 3 |
506 | particular | 3 |
507 | phenomenon | 3 |
508 | plots | 3 |
509 | pmlr | 3 |
510 | points | 3 |
511 | pools | 3 |
512 | presents | 3 |
513 | programs | 3 |
514 | projection | 3 |
515 | provided | 3 |
516 | pytorch | 3 |
517 | quadratic | 3 |
518 | raffel | 3 |
519 | recommend | 3 |
520 | reduce | 3 |
521 | reducing | 3 |
522 | regularization | 3 |
523 | remainder | 3 |
524 | remains | 3 |
525 | reproduced | 3 |
526 | researchers | 3 |
527 | resource | 3 |
528 | respectively | 3 |
529 | right | 3 |
530 | roberts | 3 |
531 | roman | 3 |
532 | run | 3 |
533 | sequences | 3 |
534 | shifting | 3 |
535 | slightly | 3 |
536 | slow | 3 |
537 | st | 3 |
538 | studying | 3 |
539 | substantially | 3 |
540 | successful | 3 |
541 | summarize | 3 |
542 | systems | 3 |
543 | tends | 3 |
544 | tensor | 3 |
545 | therefore | 3 |
546 | though | 3 |
547 | threshold | 3 |
548 | tom | 3 |
549 | top | 3 |
550 | total | 3 |
551 | transfer | 3 |
552 | trevor | 3 |
553 | typically | 3 |
554 | u | 3 |
555 | understanding | 3 |
556 | variation | 3 |
557 | vaswani | 3 |
558 | w | 3 |
559 | xw | 3 |
560 | y | 3 |
561 | zachary | 3 |
562 | zhou | 3 |
563 | zj | 3 |
564 | aaron | 2 |
565 | abhishek | 2 |
566 | achieve | 2 |
567 | adafactor | 2 |
568 | adlam | 2 |
569 | advice | 2 |
570 | aeos | 2 |
571 | alec | 2 |
572 | alemi | 2 |
573 | alexander | 2 |
574 | allows | 2 |
575 | amodei | 2 |
576 | amount | 2 |
577 | andreas | 2 |
578 | annual | 2 |
579 | another | 2 |
580 | answer | 2 |
581 | any | 2 |
582 | applies | 2 |
583 | architecture | 2 |
584 | areas | 2 |
585 | arthur | 2 |
586 | association | 2 |
587 | auxiliary | 2 |
588 | babuschkin | 2 |
589 | baseline | 2 |
590 | basil | 2 |
591 | behrooz | 2 |
592 | below | 2 |
593 | beyer | 2 |
594 | biases | 2 |
595 | big | 2 |
596 | blocks | 2 |
597 | bottom | 2 |
598 | bradbury | 2 |
599 | cai | 2 |
600 | cause | 2 |
601 | characterized | 2 |
602 | child | 2 |
603 | chris | 2 |
604 | clark | 2 |
605 | clear | 2 |
606 | closely | 2 |
607 | co | 2 |
608 | combine | 2 |
609 | comparing | 2 |
610 | computational | 2 |
611 | conclude | 2 |
612 | confirm | 2 |
613 | consider | 2 |
614 | consistently | 2 |
615 | context | 2 |
616 | corresponding | 2 |
617 | cossim | 2 |
618 | currently | 2 |
619 | curve | 2 |
620 | damian | 2 |
621 | dan | 2 |
622 | daniel | 2 |
623 | dario | 2 |
624 | decoupled | 2 |
625 | decreases | 2 |
626 | defined | 2 |
627 | demonstrating | 2 |
628 | depends | 2 |
629 | detailed | 2 |
630 | dickstein | 2 |
631 | displays | 2 |
632 | diverge | 2 |
633 | documented | 2 |
634 | doi | 2 |
635 | ecosystem | 2 |
636 | edward | 2 |
637 | emerge | 2 |
638 | emerges | 2 |
639 | enable | 2 |
640 | enables | 2 |
641 | entropy | 2 |
642 | eos | 2 |
643 | eps | 2 |
644 | epsilon | 2 |
645 | equally | 2 |
646 | etai | 2 |
647 | everett | 2 |
648 | evidence | 2 |
649 | examines | 2 |
650 | exhibit | 2 |
651 | explain | 2 |
652 | explanation | 2 |
653 | exploring | 2 |
654 | extrapolating | 2 |
655 | fails | 2 |
656 | falsen | 2 |
657 | finding | 2 |
658 | fixed | 2 |
659 | focuses | 2 |
660 | followed | 2 |
661 | forum | 2 |
662 | found | 2 |
663 | francisco | 2 |
664 | frank | 2 |
665 | further | 2 |
666 | gao | 2 |
667 | gaurav | 2 |
668 | ghorbani | 2 |
669 | goyal | 2 |
670 | gradients | 2 |
671 | greg | 2 |
672 | grow | 2 |
673 | gur | 2 |
674 | had | 2 |
675 | heads | 2 |
676 | heek | 2 |
677 | helpful | 2 |
678 | highlight | 2 |
679 | html | 2 |
680 | id | 2 |
681 | identify | 2 |
682 | ieee | 2 |
683 | impact | 2 |
684 | implementations | 2 |
685 | improves | 2 |
686 | index | 2 |
687 | individually | 2 |
688 | initial | 2 |
689 | insight | 2 |
690 | insights | 2 |
691 | interaction | 2 |
692 | interesting | 2 |
693 | invariant | 2 |
694 | investigations | 2 |
695 | isolation | 2 |
696 | iv | 2 |
697 | ivgi | 2 |
698 | izzeddin | 2 |
699 | jake | 2 |
700 | jakob | 2 |
701 | jascha | 2 |
702 | jason | 2 |
703 | jianfeng | 2 |
704 | joint | 2 |
705 | jointly | 2 |
706 | jones | 2 |
707 | journal | 2 |
708 | just | 2 |
709 | kaiser | 2 |
710 | kaplan | 2 |
711 | katherine | 2 |
712 | katie | 2 |
713 | kelvin | 2 |
714 | kevin | 2 |
715 | kolesnikov | 2 |
716 | kumar | 2 |
717 | kxk | 2 |
718 | latter | 2 |
719 | leads | 2 |
720 | lechao | 2 |
721 | less | 2 |
722 | library | 2 |
723 | limits | 2 |
724 | lin | 2 |
725 | linguistics | 2 |
726 | littwin | 2 |
727 | loading | 2 |
728 | losseps | 2 |
729 | lossweight | 2 |
730 | low | 2 |
731 | lucas | 2 |
732 | lukasz | 2 |
733 | luke | 2 |
734 | main | 2 |
735 | mainly | 2 |
736 | many | 2 |
737 | matena | 2 |
738 | matrix | 2 |
739 | meaningful | 2 |
740 | measurable | 2 |
741 | mechanism | 2 |
742 | merrill | 2 |
743 | method | 2 |
744 | middle | 2 |
745 | min | 2 |
746 | mitigates | 2 |
747 | mitigations | 2 |
748 | modification | 2 |
749 | mostafa | 2 |
750 | moya | 2 |
751 | much | 2 |
752 | multiple | 2 |
753 | muparam | 2 |
754 | mustafa | 2 |
755 | nado | 2 |
756 | nanodo | 2 |
757 | net | 2 |
758 | neurips | 2 |
759 | norman | 2 |
760 | note | 2 |
761 | novak | 2 |
762 | obtained | 2 |
763 | occur | 2 |
764 | oct | 2 |
765 | offers | 2 |
766 | often | 2 |
767 | oliver | 2 |
768 | openreview | 2 |
769 | opportunities | 2 |
770 | optax | 2 |
771 | order | 2 |
772 | otherwise | 2 |
773 | overall | 2 |
774 | packed | 2 |
775 | padding | 2 |
776 | parameterizations | 2 |
777 | parameterizing | 2 |
778 | paszke | 2 |
779 | pennington | 2 |
780 | performs | 2 |
781 | periodic | 2 |
782 | perspective | 2 |
783 | pi | 2 |
784 | play | 2 |
785 | pointwise | 2 |
786 | possible | 2 |
787 | precision | 2 |
788 | preconditioned | 2 |
789 | predicts | 2 |
790 | produces | 2 |
791 | provides | 2 |
792 | qi | 2 |
793 | qklayernorm | 2 |
794 | quadratically | 2 |
795 | radford | 2 |
796 | raises | 2 |
797 | random | 2 |
798 | recall | 2 |
799 | received | 2 |
800 | regardless | 2 |
801 | reliable | 2 |
802 | relu | 2 |
803 | repeats | 2 |
804 | report | 2 |
805 | reporting | 2 |
806 | residual | 2 |
807 | resolve | 2 |
808 | resolves | 2 |
809 | resources | 2 |
810 | rewon | 2 |
811 | reyes | 2 |
812 | rmsn | 2 |
813 | role | 2 |
814 | rotary | 2 |
815 | row | 2 |
816 | roy | 2 |
817 | runs | 2 |
818 | ryan | 2 |
819 | sam | 2 |
820 | scientific | 2 |
821 | sebastian | 2 |
822 | sections | 2 |
823 | sensitivityscaling | 2 |
824 | sensitivitystandardmuparam | 2 |
825 | sentencepiece | 2 |
826 | setting | 2 |
827 | sgd | 2 |
828 | sharpness | 2 |
829 | sho | 2 |
830 | shows | 2 |
831 | shuangfei | 2 |
832 | singh | 2 |
833 | smallest | 2 |
834 | sohl | 2 |
835 | some | 2 |
836 | sometimes | 2 |
837 | sources | 2 |
838 | specify | 2 |
839 | standardmuparam | 2 |
840 | state | 2 |
841 | steiner | 2 |
842 | stephen | 2 |
843 | stern | 2 |
844 | still | 2 |
845 | succeeds | 2 |
846 | summary | 2 |
847 | support | 2 |
848 | susan | 2 |
849 | susskind | 2 |
850 | sweep | 2 |
851 | th | 2 |
852 | thank | 2 |
853 | theory | 2 |
854 | thilak | 2 |
855 | thomas | 2 |
856 | through | 2 |
857 | tim | 2 |
858 | tokenizer | 2 |
859 | tool | 2 |
860 | towards | 2 |
861 | tpus | 2 |
862 | unified | 2 |
863 | unit | 2 |
864 | unless | 2 |
865 | usenix | 2 |
866 | uszkoreit | 2 |
867 | varying | 2 |
868 | very | 2 |
869 | ways | 2 |
870 | wei | 2 |
871 | weizhu | 2 |
872 | were | 2 |
873 | works | 2 |
874 | wu | 2 |
875 | xi | 2 |
876 | xiao | 2 |
877 | xiaodong | 2 |
878 | xiaohua | 2 |
879 | xu | 2 |
880 | yaida | 2 |
881 | yanqi | 2 |
882 | zeros | 2 |
883 | zettlemoyer | 2 |
884 | TRUE | 2 |
合計 | 1,882 | 9,477 |