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LLM(Large Language Model)Advent Calendar 2024

Day 7

Small-scale proxies for large-scale Transformer training instabilities LLM AI(7)

Last updated at Posted at 2024-11-10

LLM(Large Language Model) Advent Calendar 2024

Small-scale proxies for large-scale Transformer training instabilities
Mitchell Wortsman, Peter J. Liu, Lechao Xiao, Katie Everett, Alex Alemi, Ben Adlam, John D. Co-Reyes, Izzeddin Gur, Abhishek Kumar, Roman Novak, Jeffrey Pennington, Jascha Sohl-dickstein, Kelvin Xu, Jaehoon Lee, Justin Gilmer, Simon Kornblith

This article is not completed. I will add some words and/or centences in order.


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term list

no. term count
1 the 471
2 e 231
3 and 225
4 of 204
5 in 180
6 to 151
7 we 142
8 lr 129
9 learning 117
10 for 115
11 a 110
12 loss 106
13 is 101
14 n 99
15 rate 88
16 this 88
17 with 83
18 figure 75
19 that 68
20 at 67
21 sensitivity 67
22 as 64
23 scaling 64
24 model 61
25 arxiv 59
26 on 59
27 when 57
28 attention 55
29 by 54
30 layernorm 53
31 training 48
32 rms 47
33 scale 45
34 instability 43
35 models 43
36 al 42
37 et 41
38 qk 40
39 are 39
40 which 39
41 not 38
42 logit 37
43 section 37
44 decay 36
45 use 35
46 final 34
47 parameters 32
48 growth 31
49 param 31
50 from 30
51 layers 30
52 transformer 30
53 large 29
54 gradient 28
55 number 28
56 an 27
57 preprint 27
58 weight 25
59 eval 24
60 max 24
61 step 24
62 without 24
63 instabilities 23
64 z 23
65 be 22
66 default 22
67 small 22
68 output 21
69 effect 20
70 it 20
71 layer 20
72 or 20
73 our 20
74 have 19
75 logits 19
76 test 19
77 up 19
78 vs 19
79 appendix 18
80 dim 18
81 rates 18
82 where 18
83 across 17
84 also 17
85 head 17
86 num 17
87 size 17
88 b 16
89 can 16
90 grad 16
91 neural 16
92 parameter 16
93 width 16
94 adamw 15
95 depth 15
96 divergence 15
97 first 15
98 has 15
99 more 15
100 params 15
101 scales 15
102 steps 15
103 update 15
104 x 15
105 curves 14
106 does 14
107 experiment 14
108 no 14
109 other 14
110 stability 14
111 transformers 14
112 block 13
113 dh 13
114 optimal 13
115 p 13
116 two 13
117 useful 13
118 warm 13
119 batch 12
120 change 12
121 conference 12
122 high 12
123 i 12
124 interventions 12
125 j 12
126 largest 12
127 m 12
128 optimizer 12
129 refer 12
130 characteristics 11
131 fan 11
132 h 11
133 hyperparameter 11
134 illustrated 11
135 independent 11
136 liu 11
137 magnitude 11
138 mean 11
139 root 11
140 self 11
141 simple 11
142 will 11
143 work 11
144 adaptive 10
145 additional 10
146 before 10
147 changes 10
148 d 10
149 different 10
150 increases 10
151 international 10
152 language 10
153 occurs 10
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156 study 10
157 their 10
158 there 10
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161 using 10
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163 dimension 9
164 do 9
165 https 9
166 if 9
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168 information 9
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170 mlp 9
171 norm 9
172 predict 9
173 so 9
174 square 9
175 url 9
176 value 9
177 was 9
178 while 9
179 yang 9
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182 but 8
183 data 8
184 dehghani 8
185 examine 8
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188 however 8
189 known 8
190 lee 8
191 networks 8
192 observed 8
193 only 8
194 org 8
195 pages 8
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197 range 8
198 such 8
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203 both 7
204 c 7
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207 david 7
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209 edge 7
210 find 7
211 flax 7
212 g 7
213 google 7
214 how 7
215 http 7
216 increase 7
217 infrastructure 7
218 instead 7
219 jax 7
220 justin 7
221 let 7
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223 measuring 7
224 mitchell 7
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226 need 7
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229 paper 7
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238 v 7
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242 zhai 7
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248 contributed 6
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252 diverged 6
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255 hutter 6
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257 instance 6
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263 meaning 6
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266 now 6
267 over 6
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273 question 6
274 relationship 6
275 required 6
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279 sharpening 6
280 shazeer 6
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283 softmax 6
284 stabilization 6
285 standard 6
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288 too 6
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290 zero 6
291 become 5
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294 best 5
295 chowdhery 5
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299 curvature 5
300 details 5
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304 factor 5
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308 github 5
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310 initialization 5
311 intervention 5
312 jaehoon 5
313 key 5
314 keys 5
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323 probabilities 5
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353 discussed 4
354 due 4
355 each 4
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373 jeffrey 4
374 john 4
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380 narang 4
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398 show 4
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403 throughout 4
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423 applying 3
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462 grain 3
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464 he 3
465 here 3
466 iccv 3
467 iclr 3
468 igor 3
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471 improvement 3
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477 investigation 3
478 issues 3
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480 jeremy 3
481 jmlr 3
482 jonathan 3
483 k 3
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485 kornblith 3
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488 left 3
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490 lrs 3
491 maximum 3
492 meaningfully 3
493 measures 3
494 michael 3
495 most 3
496 naman 3
497 next 3
498 nm 3
499 noah 3
500 normalization 3
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503 optimizers 3
504 orbax 3
505 papers 3
506 particular 3
507 phenomenon 3
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509 pmlr 3
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518 raffel 3
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521 reducing 3
522 regularization 3
523 remainder 3
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526 researchers 3
527 resource 3
528 respectively 3
529 right 3
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531 roman 3
532 run 3
533 sequences 3
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535 slightly 3
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538 studying 3
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544 tensor 3
545 therefore 3
546 though 3
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548 tom 3
549 top 3
550 total 3
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552 trevor 3
553 typically 3
554 u 3
555 understanding 3
556 variation 3
557 vaswani 3
558 w 3
559 xw 3
560 y 3
561 zachary 3
562 zhou 3
563 zj 3
564 aaron 2
565 abhishek 2
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567 adafactor 2
568 adlam 2
569 advice 2
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572 alemi 2
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574 allows 2
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578 annual 2
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588 babuschkin 2
589 baseline 2
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592 below 2
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597 bottom 2
598 bradbury 2
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604 clark 2
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607 co 2
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644 epsilon 2
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652 explanation 2
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662 found 2
663 francisco 2
664 frank 2
665 further 2
666 gao 2
667 gaurav 2
668 ghorbani 2
669 goyal 2
670 gradients 2
671 greg 2
672 grow 2
673 gur 2
674 had 2
675 heads 2
676 heek 2
677 helpful 2
678 highlight 2
679 html 2
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681 identify 2
682 ieee 2
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694 investigations 2
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696 iv 2
697 ivgi 2
698 izzeddin 2
699 jake 2
700 jakob 2
701 jascha 2
702 jason 2
703 jianfeng 2
704 joint 2
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707 journal 2
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712 katie 2
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714 kevin 2
715 kolesnikov 2
716 kumar 2
717 kxk 2
718 latter 2
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732 lukasz 2
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735 mainly 2
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743 method 2
744 middle 2
745 min 2
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747 mitigations 2
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750 moya 2
751 much 2
752 multiple 2
753 muparam 2
754 mustafa 2
755 nado 2
756 nanodo 2
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758 neurips 2
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761 novak 2
762 obtained 2
763 occur 2
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765 offers 2
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767 oliver 2
768 openreview 2
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770 optax 2
771 order 2
772 otherwise 2
773 overall 2
774 packed 2
775 padding 2
776 parameterizations 2
777 parameterizing 2
778 paszke 2
779 pennington 2
780 performs 2
781 periodic 2
782 perspective 2
783 pi 2
784 play 2
785 pointwise 2
786 possible 2
787 precision 2
788 preconditioned 2
789 predicts 2
790 produces 2
791 provides 2
792 qi 2
793 qklayernorm 2
794 quadratically 2
795 radford 2
796 raises 2
797 random 2
798 recall 2
799 received 2
800 regardless 2
801 reliable 2
802 relu 2
803 repeats 2
804 report 2
805 reporting 2
806 residual 2
807 resolve 2
808 resolves 2
809 resources 2
810 rewon 2
811 reyes 2
812 rmsn 2
813 role 2
814 rotary 2
815 row 2
816 roy 2
817 runs 2
818 ryan 2
819 sam 2
820 scientific 2
821 sebastian 2
822 sections 2
823 sensitivityscaling 2
824 sensitivitystandardmuparam 2
825 sentencepiece 2
826 setting 2
827 sgd 2
828 sharpness 2
829 sho 2
830 shows 2
831 shuangfei 2
832 singh 2
833 smallest 2
834 sohl 2
835 some 2
836 sometimes 2
837 sources 2
838 specify 2
839 standardmuparam 2
840 state 2
841 steiner 2
842 stephen 2
843 stern 2
844 still 2
845 succeeds 2
846 summary 2
847 support 2
848 susan 2
849 susskind 2
850 sweep 2
851 th 2
852 thank 2
853 theory 2
854 thilak 2
855 thomas 2
856 through 2
857 tim 2
858 tokenizer 2
859 tool 2
860 towards 2
861 tpus 2
862 unified 2
863 unit 2
864 unless 2
865 usenix 2
866 uszkoreit 2
867 varying 2
868 very 2
869 ways 2
870 wei 2
871 weizhu 2
872 were 2
873 works 2
874 wu 2
875 xi 2
876 xiao 2
877 xiaodong 2
878 xiaohua 2
879 xu 2
880 yaida 2
881 yanqi 2
882 zeros 2
883 zettlemoyer 2
884 TRUE 2
合計 1,882 9,477



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